X the Elf

Chapter 13: 13 – Night

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X sudden malaise kept everyone on edge this day.

Ruianne and High Mountain’s nerves cracked under the possibility of their plan failing. House Liame Lords feared social shame if the elf didn’t make it to the duel. They decided to let him rest until the end of his miserable days, there was no point to have him continue with his duties.

Although he no longer had any duties, but to wait patiently for death, he spent his remaining time busy all day long. Lord Derreick and his wife spoke to him on several occasions, their concerns decreased, X had every intention to make it to his duel. His fellow slaves sneaked in his cell, X assured them their plan would continue without hiccups.

Ruianne confirmed X that an allied kinn’haya army laid hidden northeast of Saint Jaulea outskirts. A vanguard squad, composed of their fastest units, awaited ready to deploy inside the city on command. Both understood getting inside was the easy part, the challenge laid on getting out. Ruianne asked him again about the signal to which he answered it’d be something out of the ordinary, to be observant and prepared to act. She pressed no further, she already had a backup plan. He returned her one portend and held on to the other saying that one would seal their deal. “Like if I would dare lie.” Ruianne scorned his suspicions.

Their scheming time had come to an end, there would be no more conversations between them. By this time tomorrow they’d either walk free or be death in a mass grave somewhere around Saint Jaulea, if lucky. She bid him farewell and good luck. Ruianne told him she’d pray for him and for a bloodless deliverance of all slaves in this city.

Back to her duties Ruianne harbored conflicting feelings. She confided in X because she needed him to believe he could escape and fanned his flame of hope long enough for the slaves to have a chance. Ruianne consciousness admonished her. ‘He’s crazy as they come, but he’s helping everyone free themselves from their shackles and, after all, he is a fellow elf.’ The well-endowed female elf wanted him to survive, escape as he so desired, as everyone did. “But some fates are not to be.” She told herself. “I’ll be sure to remember his sacrifice and speak of it after we return to the Elven Kingdom.”

X endured a crushing pressure while talking to Lord Derreick. The Lord himself carried a heavy weight on his shoulders, an unbecoming anxiety ate at him since yesterday and his stern semblance couldn’t hold him together. To X’s dutiful eyes, details in his demeanor, made it crystal clear, Lord Derreick understood the stakes involved; not only from the duel’s outcome but the grand objectives awaiting him and House Liame. Tomorrow a new beginning would dawn for his family. The weak and tricky elf, who limped its misfortune throughout his mansion since day one, would be death before tomorrow’s midday and House Liame, with him at its helm, would proceed towards loftier accomplishments.

Leandro also came to see him. Brooding and choking on his own words, X’s promptly demise promised to tear him. He had just met the elf mere days before but found in him a kindred soul, one also sickened and beaten up by life’s injustices. The young Lord wanted to act as a witness to the elf’s ending, to drive away his own recurring nightmares, X’s certain future scared him because he saw himself in him, because X demise could be his, where his fate crashed against forces beyond his power to change. Leandro found him in good spirits, joking and strolling inside his cell with his head high. He thought he’d like to face whatever life held for him as X did. He bid him his farewell, inspired to fight and keep walking straight ahead.

Saint Jaulea slept an uneasy night. Every slave in House Liame already knew the updated escape plan by heart, their freedom hanged on it. Tomorrow morning they would play a key part by helping every Saint Jaulea slave they should come across. And amongst the city slaves only the most trusted ones knew of their plan. Their angst rocked against their excitement blurring those feelings inside. Morale spiked unrestrained amidst them, a restless night awaited their locked spirits. By night, gossip exploded between city slaves, word of an ominous day ran loose. With freedom at hand, those slaves who knew, dreamed of family and home for the first time in years.

Late after midnight while everyone in the mansion slept under a dense twilight counting down to zero, last night before ignition, an imperceptible quiver rattled X.

[You can still repent your ways, fear will subside.]

Wrong again... it’s excitement.”

[Is it?]

X’s thoughts wandered around tomorrow morning’s duel, either he’d be free or a mangled body on the streets.

I’ve always lived for these... fleeting moments...”

[You’ll never change... won’t you?]

Some way or another it’d all end in several hours.

And here I thought you knew me.”

Thrice! And you’re fucked up in here,” a known voice interrupted his monologue. X sight dropped sideways and glanced at the young Lady pointing to her head. “You like?” She bowed, bent her knees and lifted her skirt, showing off her academy uniform.

I give you a point for your dress... and another point for your ladylike entrance.”

She giggled and strolled towards his cell.

You became popular all of a sudden. I heard you had several visitors.”

Boring talk after boring talk. Can a slave no longer be at his last, unbothered?”

Being property of House Liame means you have obligations... and the duel it’s kinda a big deal. While I expect great things from you on tomorrow’s... cruel and inhuman show... right now I’m here... for something excitingly different, something that only belongs to me.”

And here I thought you were only a tease.”

As much as I like to tease... I can’t let this opportunity pass me by.”

You’re a certain kind of crazy. I certify it.”

She grinned. “You don’t like crazy.”

Never said that.”

The young Lady pressed herself against his cell’s door and toyed with its key, she stole glances at X before unlocking it and stepping inside.

Regardless, it doesn’t bother me. You have a promise to fulfill and to be sure you don’t break it I came prepared.”


I brought the scroll I told you about...”

Yeah... well, we won’t need it. You can come check yourself.”

You are reading story X the Elf at novel35.com

She bit her lower lip. “You’re afraid? I haven’t made that many eunuchs.”

She walked and stood over X, her legs flanked him on each side.

Will you keep your mask on?”

I’d strongly recommend it. There are reasons for things.”

I already saw it. Who do you think bought that mask for you? Not me of course, but my father wouldn’t buy you otherwise.”

If you say so...”

X removed the clothing hiding his half monstrous nature.

So much... better...”

She lowered herself over him, their real game began in earnest. Long into the night, inside a bustling cell, two souls enjoyed each other, each one for their own twisted reasons. X knew his body would struggle to keep up, it worked against his own merriment but he had a plan, a way of being that he had employed since a girl once had told him women relied more on sex’s mental aspects than its physical ones. He didn’t care if she was right or wrong but doing the less for the most out of something like sex sounded right with him and became his second nature, a lifestyle that would finally pay him off a fat check.

A lengthy and slippery foreplay, fingers flying along with words, expanded her already voracious appetite. Like master to student, he guided her with a compliment, “Uff... perfect,” or an encouragement, “Now show me what you can do with those...” And the rebellious student took full advantage of her teacher, she used him for her own enjoyment while dissolving in bliss. Friction and sweat increased proportionally to pleasure.

X used his reserves sparingly, only when the situation needed it, and even then he stuck to the easiest poses, barely moving but prodding her along, biting her ears while whispering hair-rising innuendos directed at her most basic instincts. “I’m dying soon, a sword might pierce my head, or cut me in half...” She trembled. “But with my last breath, tomorrow morning, I’ll say your name.” The shivers down her spine propelled her to higher highs.

A cascading effect, like dominoes falling one by one, manifested through a blunt assertion that exploded inside her. “Enough...! We should use the magik you brought on you! Maybe that can fix your-” She bit his lip, interrupting his pronouncement and picking up the pace. He whispered whatever came to his mind in an effort to keep her head spinning, working for him. And she answered in soft currency.

Minutes became hours of both bodies colliding against each other and when she thought they were done for the night he brought her back for more. “Is this all the young Lady of the House has to offer? You promised me pure, undiluted ecstasy, a tight heaven melting over me... and I’ll hold you to it.” He dared her. An easy feat to achieve thanks to her temperament.

Whether she took the bait or she hooked him in didn’t matter. He’d burn himself out to complete and utter exhaustion luring her to continue until early morning, making her grind his member to dust, using it however she saw fit those last hours before sunrise. While he provided his body she brought her lusting self.

Minutes before the crack of dawn both bodies dropped exhausted laying side by side. It had been a good act where the young Lady tired herself out and where X skillfully navigated her body and desires.

Ahhh...” She beamed. “I can’t... go on.” An overpowering feeling made her glow thanks to the glee of expectations not only met but ran over. Her mind receded into a transient state of consciousness. “... busy day... tomorrow?”

I’ve heard.”

She tried to continue their small talk before departure but her eyes closed on their own, exhaustion and relief won over. She could no longer keep herself awake.

Even doing the less he could had pushed X’s weak body to its limits which ached and laid limp, and unresponsive besides hers. He looked straight up at the barely visible ceiling, breathing slow and deep.

[Happy now?]

Not my type... but beggars can’t be choosers.

[At least she does seem satisfied.]

Seem? The hell you watched?

His fated day’s first light cut through his cell’s perpetual darkness. Time stretched out longer in this autumn morning. He resisted a creeping urge to rest and forget about himself. After several minutes noise came from upstairs, Head Slave-Butler Gnome had come to get him.

Ekk’s it’s-”

Before High Mountain could finish X hushed and signaled him to come close.

Shhhh... don’t talk, just get me out of here.” X whispered.



High Mountain didn’t understand X’s crazy shenanigans but it didn’t matter, his time had come and the elf’s day in the limelight had begun. Head Slave-Butler Gnome unlocked his cell which X closed carefully after stepping out. Under heavy darkness High Mountain didn’t notice her body laying inside. High Mountain walked upstairs, followed by the elf. Before leaving, X bent down and left her key to his cell on the stairs. Key he stole from the young Lady several minutes ago.

The one who slept over quieted passions, hidden under a veneer of frailty and a thin blanket.

Rest well... crazy one.

X smiled as he walked towards destiny.

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