Yamcha RPG

Chapter 25: Chapter 25 – The Fate of The Weak

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Yamcha watched from the sidelines as the doctors carried Nam on a stretcher. He used Observe on the man and saw his emotional state was listed as absolute despair. Is the damage so bad that the doctors might struggle to stop the bleeding? Even if the doctors stopped the bleeding, he would live as a cripple for the rest of his life. Possibly a fate crueler than death, as Nam’s village would be powerless to help him, only able to offer small comfort and assurances.


This was the fate of the weak in this world where might made right. Yamcha felt a chill go down his spine just at the thought of himself at the receiving end. As much as Frieza was a mook compared to Goku’s later enemies, he was still a planet-busting galactic conqueror. As he was now, if Earth was to fall into Frieza’s sights, there was almost nothing Yamcha could do about it. There was a whole galaxy out there with mooks who were hundreds of times stronger than him. He clenched his fists; Yamcha wasn’t satisfied with this measly power. After getting everything he can from Earth, it would be a good idea to go around and explore space a bit.


‘If I was in his place, how would I have acted? These injuries are something that will limit Nam for the rest of his life. Don’t worry, Nam. Tao won’t do anything to your family. I can promise you that. Also, I will make sure to become stronger so I and those I care about won’t suffer your fate.’


Yamcha considered giving Nam a Senzu Bean. Would a bean even be able to help him in the state he was in? While he couldn’t recall anyone in the anime having problems with Senzu Beans healing bones crooked, he had no way of knowing for sure. It was probably best to wait for the doctors to put together Nam’s broken body before Yamcha tried anything. 


There was still some time before Yamcha’s fight with Goku began, due to cleaners having to get the blood off the arena, so he decided to watch Nam as the doctors fussed around with his arms and legs, arranging him into what was presumably a medically safe position to wheel him to wherever they were going to treat him. The dull echo of the announcer’s words managed to pierce through the layers of stone, seats and people between the arena and the outer section, though Yamcha paid no attention to the announcer speaking about the brutality of the fight. 


Flicking a Senzu bean into Nam’s mouth, Yamcha ignored the doctors as he held Nam’s body upright and forced him to swallow down the bean.


“It’s you again!” One of the doctors pointed at him. “We don’t have time for your shenanigans this time! Or the man might die!”


Yamcha was freed from any more yelling on the doctor’s part as they were stunned speechless at the sight of Nam’s body knitting itself together before their eyes, the Senzu Bean beginning to take effect. Immediately, wounds all over Nam’s body began to close themselves and all of his injuries disappeared. "Set up his broken arm, and after my fight, I will come and give him one of those beans again."


"You sure it's a smart thing to do that?" Suddenly a voice from behind interrupted him.


Yamcha turned around, and a smirking Tao was there to greet him. The assassin had his hand behind his back and seemed very calm. "I have never seen such magical beans before. How many of those have you got? One? Two more?"


'He probably thinks since their effect is so miraculous, there wouldn't be too many, or he would have heard of them in his long life. That's a safe and logical assumption to make.' Yamcha reasoned. 

However, a logical assumption wasn't always the right one. 

"Does it matter?"


"Of course it does. It would be a shame if you died too soon during my fight." Tao mocked him. 


"Oh, is that so?" Yamcha gave a smile of polite disdain, honed to perfection from having to work in customer service. 


He started walking toward Tao. The assassin held his ground and smiled back. 


"No fights between contestants are allowed outside of the ring!" One of the preliminary judges tried to stop them. But neither Yamcha nor Tao stopped. 


"Yamcha and Goku, come to the ring!" But the announcer’s voice rang out as soon as they were about to get within arm's length.


"Seems you got saved from the timer," Yamcha stated, with a smile still on his face, as if this was a talk between old friends. He turned around and was about to go toward the ring when a thought struck him.


‘Leaving now could mean Tao might go after Nam while he’s down to kill him for good this time.’ Tao.


"I heard you have a brother. His name is Shen, right?" Yamcha suddenly asked, a plan brewing in his mind. "He must be weaker than you. By quite a bit, I would guess."


Yamcha turned around and saw that Tao didn't have a smirk on his face for the first time since their confrontation. Maybe the relationship between Tao and Shen wasn't public knowledge. If that's the case, then the assassin must be pretty confused about how he knew that.


Summoning a cruel smirk to his face, Yamcha continued. "I wonder, how much pain can he take? You sure had fun against Nam. So I am sure your brother can handle a lot more than that. Will Shen scream like a chicken when I shatter his bones? Will he cry when I rip out his teeth? Will he beg when his eyes are just empty sockets?"


By the end of his speech, veins popped on Tao's forehead, and he looked furious. In contrast, Yamcha’s cruel smirk remained the same. "I am quite the curious man too. Would someone feel more pain from cold wind blowing at them when they have been skinned alive? Well, I am sure these questions will be answered quite soon."


That said, Yamcha walked off toward the ring as his name was called out again. Leaving behind, Tao, shaking in anger and gritting his teeth. Yamcha commended the assassin on his emotional control. He was sure Tao would have attacked him by now. 


"Now, dear audience! Yamcha finally arrived in the ring!" The announcer stated while looking at Yamcha pointedly. As if saying: Why were you so late? After such a brutal fight, the people need some casual ones. 


Yamcha ignored him and instead turned toward his excited opponent. "It's been quite a while since we fought each other, hasn't it, Goku?"


The Saiyan smiled brightly. "Yep!" Then he tilted his head in confusion. "But you look kinda angry. Did something happen?"


"Ah, I thought I was good at hiding things like that at my age. But no, I’m not mad at you," Yamcha waved off his friend's concerns. "Though it seems like I will have to end this fight fast."


"Heh, come and try it if you can!" Goku took his turtle martial arts stance. Yamcha was pleasantly surprised by this, as it seemed like Roshi had taught Goku much more than in the original. 


He contemplated taking off his weights but decided against it. “Try and keep up, Goku.”


Though he was still wearing his weighted vest, this was the first time Yamcha decided to go all out and hold nothing back. He noticed that an afterimage of himself had formed behind him.

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'That's cool as hell!'


Being distracted by the afterimage, Yamcha accidentally punched Goku with all his power. The Saiyan seemed not to have noticed Yamcha move and was still staring at his afterimage. 


Goku coughed out as all the air in his lungs was expelled, and he flew off the arena. But just as he was about to land outside of bounds, he called out. "Flying Nimbus!"


The yellow cloud came down as fast as lightning, stopped him from falling out of bounds, and brought him back to the arena. "Thanks, Nimbus."

"Is that allowed?" Yamcha raised a questioning brow at the announcer. 


"Uhh, we never had flying clouds, so I don’t know. Does that qualify as a weapon?" the announcer shrugged and was a little absentminded after seeing a flying cloud. He pulled out a small rule book. 


"I dunno. Do I look like the guy in charge of this tournament?" Yamcha answered with another question. 


But as a professional, the announcer quickly came to his senses and said. "Okay, since this was a first-time offense, it isn't against the rules. But flying clouds aren't allowed anymore."


"But my opponent flew too!" Krillin yelled from the sidelines. 


"If it's a natural part of your body, like wings. Then they can be used." Johnny clarified. "Anyways, continue the fight!"


Yamcha shrugged. Flashing towards Goku, he threw out another punch only for it to completely pass through Goku’s body. This time, it was Goku who was an afterimage. Yamcha looked around and didn't see the young Saiyan. 


Appearing from above, Goku tried to bring down an axe kick onto Yamcha’s head, only for it to hit nothing but the floor. This Yamcha was also an afterimage.


"Above you," Yamcha called out, and Goku looked up only to be met with a fist.


The Saiyan slammed into the ground, cracks spider-webbing out over the stone floor from the point of impact. Dust was kicked up into the air, enough to obscure Yamcha’s vision. Yamcha stood still and waited for his friend to get up. Though he was more powerful than Goku for now, it didn't mean he would always be. 


There might come a time one day when Goku will surpass him, and he will be the one chasing.


'Though it won't be for long. No matter how high he goes, I will always be one step above him. Goku, I won't let you surpass me!'


As the dust cloud began to settle down, Yamcha saw that Goku’s silhouette was standing up again, so he charged forward, unleashing his Ki. The slight gust of wind that burst out from him blew away the remaining dust, revealing Goku, who had gotten up and was standing in a familiar stance, with a smile on his face.


"I knew you wouldn't attack me when I was down. So I prepared this for you. Kamehame-HAAAAA!!"


A chuckle escaped Yamcha's lips. He couldn't help it. This was the fight he had always wanted, a Dragon Ball battle with beams and everything else to accompany it. He momentarily forgot the anger he had toward Tao.


"That's a good beam right there,” Yamcha yelled in excitement as he gathered Ki into his hands. Since the Kamehameha was coming straight at him, he didn't have the time to charge one up himself. “This is it, Goku! Give me your best!"


For a split second, Yamcha enhances himself with Ki Enhancement and other skills, raising his level to the maximum he currently can.


[Power Level: 188 -> 260]


Yamcha shot down a fully powered beam at Goku's Kamehameha. It obliterated the latter, and the attack went straight for Goku. But the Saiyan was fast on his feet and dodged to the side. 


"Smart, but you forgot one thing," Yamcha tugs at his beam, and then it changes course and heads for Goku. With his Ki Control Skill approaching thirty levels, this was like child’s play to him. 


But Goku wasn't the kind of fighter who gave up, even at a young age. So he turned around and clasped his hands together. 


Seeing this, Yamcha sighed. As far as he knew, Goku wouldn't be able to stop such an attack and would die. But even if he could stop it due to some Deus Ex Machina protagonist thing, the blast could still rip off his arms.


Yamcha was a selfish man who liked to win, and he would be the first to admit that. But that didn't mean he would cripple his friend just because of a tournament. So he weakened the beam just enough to be strong enough to push Goku off the platform. 


"Haaaa!!" Goku's palms started burning as he tried to hold on to the beam stubbornly. But despite his efforts and being the main character, Yamcha ensured he threw Goku off the stage.


After that, Yamcha landed on the ring. Was he using flight tactics when Goku couldn't fly? Yes… he didn't want to take his chances. It wasn't like Goku hadn't defeated people stronger than him before. Most of the people Goku defeats were stronger than him initially. 


"Ladies and Gentlemen! Yamcha is the winner!"

Just as he was about to bask in victory, the sound of something swinging through the air came in. Yamcha turned toward Goku and… "Fuck, you have to be kidding me. That's complete bullshit!"

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