Yamcha RPG

Chapter 52: Chapter 52 – King Squardo

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{Requirements: 5000+ Power Level}

{Reward: 230,000,000 Credits}


That reward was a lot of money from what Yamcha understood of space currency. With two hundred million credits, you could almost buy a small planet.


"Is that thing really safe?" Bulma pointed at the attack pod-looking spaceship. It was a bit bigger than the normal attack pod.


"Yeah, it's faster than our spaceship. You just need to wait here for me, and I will be back in a jiffy," Yamcha had already sold the spaceship that he and Bulma had built. 


He had no space currency, and no matter how rich Bulma was on earth, it didn't matter around here. Even gold wasn't that special around these parts. 


He wasn't too worried about himself since he didn't need more money than just buying this small spaceship. Also, taking Bulma on a mission was dangerous. While he could, to some degree ensure his own safety, the same couldn't be said for Bulma.


"I feel useless," she said just as Yamcha was about to get in the pod. 


He turned to her one last, and shook his head. "Just remember what I told you. Read some info about alien technology. We both have different strengths."


Getting in the pod, he touched some buttons and selected the destination. It would take around one month to reach the destination, and he will be put into hibernation until then. Those were the systems he had deactivated immediately.


Hibernation was put in place, so the person in the pod consumed less energy. But he could train during that time. Yamcha didn't care about energy consumption, as his body didn't need to eat either way. 


"See you later!" Bulma waved at him with teary eyes.


Yamcha thought she was slightly over dramatic, but he waved back and set off. 

One month of traveling in endless space passed, and Yamcha finally caught sight of his destination. Even from such great distances, he could see the people down on land fighting with laser guns; some were even shooting beams.


From what was said in the Mercenary Report, at most he had to battle against some middle-classed warriors. The person who had issued the mission was the planet's ruler, who refused to submit to Frieza. Yamcha would have praised the man's spirit if it wasn't for the naivety involved. 


Also, while in Yamcha's eyes people with a power level of 5000 were chumps, they were actually rare in most of the galaxy. People who dominated their home planets.


As his ship got closer, it landed on the edge of the battlefield. Thousands of eyes turned toward him, both friendly and hostile. "Huh, I thought there would still be talks around."


Getting out, Yamcha took a whiff of fresh air, and he felt his lungs filled with clean oxygen, not recycled air. 


There were two forces fighting, different races using battle armor, while the other was a strange race of one-horned and a minority of other alien races. Most of them didn't even have Ki, and the frog-tongued people had an average power level of 90. 


"Which side are you on?!" Yelled out one of the Frieza soldiers. 


Everyone seemed ready to attack him. Yamcha's heart beat like a drum. Excitement mixed in with adrenaline. 


Before anyone could listen to what he said, a Frieza soldier that looked like a humanoid frog charged up and shot a beam at him. The resulting explosion engulfed Yamcha.


"What was that for?!" Asked one of the other Frieza soldiers.


"Look at his attack pod. It isn't one made by our scientists; it looks weird," answered the humanoid frog. "Also, his Power Level was only five. There's no way trash like that is in Lord Frieza's Army. Even our scientists are stronger."


A strong wind blew away the dust around Yamcha. He stood there unharmed, staring into the frogman's eyes as if peering into his soul. "It would be more efficient if you had laser guns instead of shooting weak Ki attacks like that and wasting your energy needlessly."


Veins popped into the frogman's forehead. "What did you say?! You think I'm some lowest-class warrior-"


His words got caught in his throat when his scooter beeped and showed Yamcha's power level rising. "F -Five thousand!"


Yamcha charged at the army, and no one was strong enough to see him move. Karate chopping the frogman's neck, the flesh gave away like butter to a hot knife, decapitating him in one move. 


All Frieza soldiers backed off when they saw that and yelled at each other. 


“Shoot at him!”


“Kill him!”


“Destroy his body!”


They shot beams down at Yamcha. Engulfing him in another explosion.

"Seems like you forgot about us!" One of the Resistance Force members shot a laser beam, and soon they shot at many Frieza soldiers from the sky.


The battle had paused due to Yamcha's landing, as the soldiers on both sides had been afraid of who had come here. But as if someone had pressed the un-pause button, the fighting continued. 


Yamcha stood in the middle of that charm of dying aliens, with purple, red, yellow, and many other colors of blood spilling on the battlefield. It was true carnage as both sides fought. 


Most resistance force fighters looked humanoid but had a horn coming from their forehead. Yamcha used Observe and saw they were the native inhabitants of the planet.


He powered up to 6000 and went causing chaos in the Frieza Forces. He was killing them like tofu and discovered that most of them had no martial arts training and just knew how to throw beams around. 


There were some amongst them who had power levels of 2000 and 3000 but Yamcha ended them with punches through their chests and blasting them apart easily. 


'If I were fighting someone like Goku, or Master Roshi with that Power Level, while mine was 5000 or 6000, they would be able to hold me back for quite a bit.' Yamcha thought. He sensed someone coming from underground. 


He jumped up, and two claw hands popped up where his feet would have been. 

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The alien's hands looked like they belonged to a human-sized mole species. 


Yamcha shoots a Ki blast at the ground, creating a huge explosion, which left only a chunk of the mole person's leg behind. 


Ki beams rained down on Yamcha, with hundreds of them. If his Power Level had been only 6000, he might have been overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of enemies. 


Or maybe not. He had Senzu Beans and Gamer's Body, so he wouldn't get tired any time soon. 


Yamcha's mind wandered as he killed enemies left and right. They were much lower level than him, so he couldn't get a lot of Exp from them.


The fighting continued for hours, and the smell of blood permeated from the ground where they had fought. Frieza's Fighters ended up battling almost to their last breath, but in the end, some of them escaped.


After the battle, Yamcha calmly observed the corpses and carnage he had caused. None of the other Resistance Fighters approached him. Their eyes were filled with apprehension and reverence. 


Yamcha didn't blame them, and he didn't necessarily care. He was more curious about something else. 


The smell of blood was different from what he had experienced before. Usually, the blood smells coppery, but the aliens here had different blood colors that created a different odor.


'Can these different-colored blood creatures survive in empty space? Frieza has red blood, so he should be a creature that survives by breathing oxygen. But why can his body survive in space?' Yamcha wondered. It was small things like this that made the world amazing. No matter how long he lived or how hard he explored, Yamcha doubted he could see the whole universe.


"Lord Yamcha!" Someone from below called out to him. They were a Dumbledore-looking man with a horn like the natives, but his horn was bigger and golden colored. "You must be the mercenary that recently accepted our request. We are eternally grateful. I am the King of this planet. You can call me Squardo."


"Don't worry, there's no need to be so thankful to me," Yamcha waved off his gratitude. "Our goals coincide together, and I have decided to help your people regain their freedom."


The King smiled, and Yamcha read the old man's intentions like an open book. 


"Then there will be a feast thrown in your honor! You have become our hero!" Yelled out King Squardo.


Yamcha smiled at the humble King and offered his hand. Squardo looked confused at first before Yamcha explained. "In my home planet, we shake hands as a sign of agreeing to work together and friendship."


The king smiled, and they shook hands. "That I can agree with!"

Two weeks passed, and another battle was over. 


Yamcha stood in the middle of the battlefield, with Frieza Soldiers' corpses all around him. But not even a speck of blood was on him.


Some had already started running away. He made a finger gun and pointed it at their retreating backs. Gathering the Ki inside his body, Yamcha used his Ki Control to create a Ki Blast the size of a bullet and shot it out. 


Like a machine gun, he headshot hundreds of retreating soldiers in less than a second. Normally Yamcha wouldn't have bothered going this far, but today's survivors would return as tomorrow's enemies. 


Frieza Soldiers were a weird bunch. They would cry and beg for life but then try to backstab their savior when they got the chance. Maybe working for a galactic dictator made them see the crudity of being weak.


"Frieza's forces have been decimated for the twelfth time since you arrived here," King Squardo flew toward Yamcha. The latter had taught the King how to fly during these last couple of weeks.


In this last battle, the resistance had not suffered any casualties. So Squardo was in a good mood. 


"But Frieza's Soldiers always like cockroaches," Yamcha stared intently at the sky. "Even now, hundreds of spaceships filled with millions of Power Levels in their early thousands are approaching."


He left unsaid that it would be only a matter of time before Frieza sent one of his main men here. 


The King sighed. "True, we both know this won't end anytime soon. Yamcha, we have known each other for two weeks, but I would like to think that we are friends and what you've done for my people is something I will be eternally grateful for. But do you think we stand a chance against this enemy?"


"No. Even if you had a hundred people at my level," Yamcha answered truthfully. Frieza had monsters in his army, and even if all failed, Frieza could come here himself and destroy the whole planet just to make an example out of it. 


King Squardo looked down and sighed before his eyes became resolute.


Yamcha felt his Mercenary badge shake, and he took it out. There was one message in there. 


{Payment Received: 200,000,000 Credits}

{Mercenary Mission Completed}


"This… are you sure?" Yamcha asked. With his payment and mission complete, he could leave at any time.


"I and my people will die in our lands," Squardo smiled, but there was sadness in his eyes. "But taking an outsider with us wouldn't be right. Don't worry, it wasn't because of our friendship that you received the payment. Every other hired mercenary received theirs too."


"You really are something," Yamcha didn't know what to say. How could he console someone like this?


Suddenly, an angry howl rang through the air, and Yamcha's body tensed as he sensed an enormous power level approaching the planet. “Are you expecting someone?”




A bead of sweat rolled down Yamcha’s face. "Then who is that?"


"Who's what?" Squardo asked, confused.


Yamcha pointed at the falling attack pod. Who even the king could see now. 



A/N: Now I have a Patreon, with some chapters in advance and more coming.

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