Yamcha RPG

Chapter 65: Chapter 65 – Final Boss

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(A/N: If you wanna read 10 chapters in advance, check out my Patreon. )


Slug had always killed the people he hated. It was one of the perks that came with being one of the strongest people around. 


Yet, his anger wasn't quelled even as he destroyed the planet below him. It only grew stronger. Once again, his enemy had escaped like a rat. Running off in a spaceship. 


Though Slug would never admit it, he also felt a trace of fear within his heart. They only were separated for two months, but that same youngster he could bully around had now become almost half as strong as him. What if he trained for a year? Would he be able to catch up?


Also, there was that ferocity of the attacks. When fighting against someone stronger, you had to be cautious when clashing, or your limps could pop like balloons. Yet the kid didn’t have that fear. He seemed willing to sacrifice any limbs, and that was dangerous. As a Namekian, Lord Slug also had the ability to regenerate, but doing that would damage him. The kid’s regeneration was so absurd.


‘Maybe that’s what he used the dragon balls for? To wish for regeneration. But something doesn't add up. His regeneration is inconsistent. Maybe he doesn't need to become as strong as me to-’


Slug dismissed such thoughts as soon as they came. There's no way someone could catch up to him so easily. 


Many species out there had fast initial growth in power level before maxing out and being unable to push any further power-wise. Maybe the black-haired man had the same growth type? Fast initially, which would slow down later. It wasn't easy to catch up to someone whose power level was in the millions. There had to be some drawbacks!


Personally, Slug never took power levels into account. Why should he trust some technology created by a species that was eradicated by monkeys? He had his senses, could tell how strong someone was and trusted his abilities more than some scouter. 


"Chase after them!" Slug shouted, roaring orders at his new subordinates. 


""Yes, Lord Slug!""


During their last encounter two months ago, Slug had barely survived. But he had luckily stumbled on a planet with a degree of civilization. It had taken him the whole two months until he could set off to space and find Yamcha. 


With some information from listening around and using his dragon ball energy around him, Slug had been the first to pinpoint where Yamcha had been.


His spaceship also started traveling at fast speeds and chased after Yamcha like a mad dog. 


'I am going to catch Yamcha! I will wring the life out of him with my own hands and get the dragon balls!' Slug thought. The resolution in his mind was 100% concentrated on defeating Yamcha and getting what he needed from the black-haired man.

"Sir, there's a new spaceship intercepting ours," said one of his subordinates, waking up Slug from his hateful thoughts. 


"Destroy it," Slug said without an ounce of hesitation.


"But Lord Slug, it is a spaceship from the Frieza Force." 


At that, Slug froze as a bead of sweat rolled down his brow. 'What's King Cold's son doing all the way here?'


Slug had never met Frieza before, but he had encountered King Cold. A ruthless tyrant many feared. Even Slug wasn't any different; the Cold family was all monsters. There weren’t many people in the world the old Super Namekian feared, but King Cold was one of them. "Stop the spaceship, let's meet these… guests."

"{Hello, this is Apple from Lord Frieza's army. Lord Frieza has required Slug to come and orders your presence.}" A voice came over the intercom. "{Follow us.}"


The message was short and sounded like an order. Slug was tempted to blow them up to smithereens but held back his temper. He wouldn’t have lived so long if he didn’t know who he shouldn’t mess with.


"Should we follow them, Lord Slug?" 


'What choice do we have?' Slug thought regretfully in his heart. Yamcha would escape, but he couldn't make an enemy of the Cold Family. 


It didn't take long for them to arrive at a ship that was floating above a certain red planet. 


Slug sensed a strong power inside the ship, but it was smaller than he had thought it would be. Was King Cold's son weaker than him?


As they closed up on Frieza's ship, the area around it was enveloped in an oxygen bubble. Slug flew out alone and entered Frieza's ship. 


Once inside, he was greeted by a smaller Frieza with two weak subordinates, one with light green skin and green hair. The other had pink skin, pink spikes on his head, and purple lips. 

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"Welcome, Lord Slug. That's what they call you, right?" Frieza chuckled. "Slug, that's quite a derogatory name. Don't you think so, Zarbon?" 


"That's quite so, Lord Frieza," the light green-skinned man answered. 


Slug clenched his fist. If this were anyone else, he would have mangled them to bits. 


'For a weakling, he is less than 1/4th my power and yet speaks so daringly!' 


"So, Slug man, why did you blow up the planet where a couple of my spies were residing? I also liked the chocolate ice cream that the place made. I have to also add that Ginyu will be devastated when he hears of this." Frieza shook his head, tutting in disappointment.


"Do I have to ask for permission from you?" Slug asked in a mocking voice and showed Frieza a toothless smile. "The weak should not question the strong."


You could cut the tension with a knife, but Slug wasn't going to back off and allow some weakling squirt to belittle him. While he knew when not to pick a fight, he also learned when to hold his ground. 


"How dare you!" One of Frieza's subordinates yelled out. 


"Calm down, Dedoria," Frieza spoke, his voice so cold it felt like a chill in the air. But Slug wasn't intimidated. 


"So, Slug man. It seems like no one has taught you the pyramid of power in this world." Frieza floats out of his chair and stands in front of Slug. "Also, you were going after my prey."

'He is after Yamcha too? Does King Cold know about the dragon balls?! I must eliminate everyone who knows right here and now! Killing the little squirt in front of him and everyone else on the ship is for the best.' Slug came to a quick decision. 

Slug was confident in winning. He never thought Frieza Force's leader, someone who was close to being regarded as the emperor of the universe, to be so weak. If he had known the Overlord was so weak, Slug wouldn't have bothered evading their territories or planets they were after as much as possible. 


Maybe King Cold had grown old too? So his weak son was going to take over? Slug didn't know how King Cold's people aged and how weak they would grow after that. Not every race out there was like the Namekians, who Slug considered to age quite well, and their power wouldn't deteriorate too much.


Slug pulled back his fist, gathering Ki and getting ready to shoot them all to smithereens.


"Hehehe," Frieza chuckled and gathered power, transforming into a bald alien with only his bio-gems on him. Everything happened so fast. He had also grown tall, but not a lot. "So, how does my final form test up with you?"


Slug's body froze. As a man who trusted his senses, he knew such a power shouldn't exist in this world! How could Frieza be so strong?!


"Bow down, slug man, before I rip your head out," Frieza ordered. 


The Ki he had started gathering disappeared, and Frieza's smirk only widened as Slug felt a pressure on his shoulders heavy enough to make him kneel.

Such power that was almost 30x stronger than him. Thirty times stronger than the power he had built through hundreds of years. 


Slug knew he stood no chance and took his losses. He bowed down, his forehead touching the ground. "I apologize, Lord Frieza."


"Good, good, that's how a slug should act," Frieza reverted back to his first form. 


Slug immediately got thoughts of betrayal and contemplated attacking Frieza from behind. But such things quickly disappeared from his mind, knowing he wouldn't be able to finish Frieza in one hit. 


Though he was bowing, Slug wasn't the kind of man who gave up so easily. 


'After getting my hands on some dragon balls. I will get immortality, and then Frieza and King Cold will understand they should have feared me!'



A/N: What’s going on in Frieza’s head? What will Lord slug do next? Why was Frieza so conveniently close? Find out, in the next Ep- *cough* Chapter of Yamcha RPG!


P.S: Anyone curious about the power levels. 


Slug: 2,200,000

Frieza (first form): 500,000

Frieza (final form, 50%): 60,000,000

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