Yandere mors proelium

Chapter 1: [S1] Ch1: I love you

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A normal day observing senpai through a camera I installed in his room. He looks lovely today, as usual. Senpai was popular. Senpai was strong. Senpai was the best when it comes to kendo. And most of all, senpai was the kindest person I've met. We had so many similarities that I feel like we're destined to each other. 

Yeah, he was like that before. Now, he's different. You see, I didn't like how he received confessions from other girls for almost every single day. Though, he rejected them all, which made me a bit glad. Still, I didn't like how he's getting flocked by them. To solve that, I killed every single girl that confessed to senpai. 

Since then, no one dared to confess to senpai anymore. My plan was successful. However, rumors like senpai is cursed or senpai was a serial killer started appearing because of that. With the rumors, senpai was treated like an outcast by everyone. Except for me, of course. I'll love senpai, nevertheless. 

I feel a bit guilty about it. Though, if it's the only way I can shoo everyone away from him, I'll do it no matter what. I alone am more than enough for him. 

"... Hmm, was senpai looking at the camera just now?" I asked myself. I saw it. He glanced at the camera, but it was only for a second. He then headed out of his room. I shrugged. "Oh well, there's no way that's the case. Senpai is kinda naive, after all."

Anyways, today will be one of my happiest day in my life. Senpai called me earlier through his phone and invited me to school. It's sunday so no one will be there. He didn't really tell me the details, but I guess it's a date. It's been a while since we met in person. 

I left my computer. I then took a nice and long bath. I made sure to pick my cutest skirt for my meet up with senpai. Of course, I shouldn't forget to make up. After all, I don't want to disappoint my beloved senpai. Boys love skirts because they can see the girl's bare legs, and that's a fact. Hehe. 

"I'm excited!" I shouted. I looked myself at the mirror. I'm so beautiful. Very beautiful. I checked the time. It was 4:57 pm already. "I need to get going. I shouldn't make senpai wait any longer." 

I go out of the house. I happily walked to the school. I reached the school. There was no one. I go inside the school. I headed to our old classroom. I opened the door. I saw senpai, his face reflecting the sunlight. Oh, that kinda sounds wrong.

"Senpai! Long time no see! How have you been?" I asked. He looked at me. He smiled, unexpectedly. I found it a bit weird. He's supposed to be depressed. He's supposed to be a sad boy. Now, he's making a smile. Though, it's not bad. Guess he's just too happy to see me. 

"I've been living fine, thanks to you." He replies. He slowly walked towards me. He then hugged me tightly. I was surprised. It was unexpected. I was very flustered. I wanna explode. 

"It's you, right?" Senpai whispered with his soothing, addicting, and seductive voice. Suddenly, I felt something on my back. Senpai stepped back. He was smiling weirdly. He was sneering. I slowly dropped to the floor. I was laying down. I stared at senpai, he was holding a knife. I was laying on my own blood.

"... Sen... Pai?" My voice was weak. I was confused onto what's happening. "... Why?" 

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"You started everything, right?" 

"... What do you mean?" 

"Don't play dumb with me!" He shouted. It hurted my feelings. 

".... How did you know?" I asked. I smiled. I was sneering. I was confused. I was amazed. 

"You b*tch..." He looked mad. He slowly sat down in front of me. He raised his hands. I watched his hands holding a knife that was painted with red. He stabbed me again.

"HeUK!!! SeNPai PleaSe StOP—I—IM GOing To diE!" I begged. Senpai was stabbing me again and again and again. It hurted so much. I didn't like it. I don't like it at all. It hurts. 

"Just die! Just die! Just die! Just die! Just die! Just die! Just die!!!" Senpai was screaming like crazy. It was my first time seeing this side of him. I cried. I didn't want everything to end yet. I still haven't shown how much I love him. The time we spent wasn't enough. Why can't senpai just accept me? 

I did everything for him. Why can't he notice it? Why can't he just appreciate it? I wondered why. Despite all my efforts, just why? 

Still, this isn't that bad actually. Seeing senpai do such an act to me is attractive. It was turning me on. How he looks furious. How he was putting attention to me. How he was looking regretful. 

... Hehe....

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. 

"... I love you, senpai." I said. It feels cold. It feels comfortable. I can feel senpai's love for me. Senpai was watching me. He's handsome, as always. Senpai also look tired. Very tired. I wanted to comfort him. Though, I can't move, unfortunately. I was just staring at senpai. It then slowly became dark. A black angel took me away. 

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