Yandere secret society

Chapter 11: Commemorative Chapter – Little Red Riding Hood

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3rd Pov.


Little Riding Hood lived with her father and his wives in a small town, she wore a hood given to her by her stepmother that made her look like a girl, all the boys kept wooing her, until they decided to send her to her grandmother's house,

"fufu, come on girl, go soon," said the youngest wife (Alice)

"Don't come back so soon" said the middle wife, the least trustworthy (Belatriz).

"Love ❤understand that your mother needs some time with your father❤❤," said her blood mother and oldest wife (Yuri).

"Sorry love, but you need to know the world, but don't go the way of the forest," said his father as he handed him a basket and a map.

Edward POV


Fuck those two bizarre, the gym addict, but it wouldn't help at all, to make matters worse they made me a map that has unnecessary paths, I'm going to the forest path to get in the way of the honeymoon, even my mother played me one of those.
While walking through the forest, I noticed the presence of a wolf.

"Hello beautiful lady, how can I help you," said the gallant wolf. (Makoto)

"I'm a man".
I have to cut it off before this pervert tries something else, damn pervert tries something weird.

"Tsk, then go away".

Damn wolf, pervert.

"Boy, are you going to your grandpa's house... COF COF grandma?" a woman who appeared out of nowhere asked, she was wearing an ax and had an excellent physique that matched her white skin and blonde hair, probably a lumberjack.


"Did you say grandma?" asked the wolf all excited.

"Yes, sir wolf".

"Take me," they both said at the same time.

"Lady, I'm suspicious of this wolf" I whispered to the woman since she seemed to be the most trustworthy.

"I'll protect you until you take me to my beloved" the woodcutter drooled as she spoke.

The more I walked through the forest, the more my view of who was dangerous changed, the soon was hitting on all the females, even the woodcutter, but she cut off his tail.

"If you touch me with those hands be to intoxicate me before my beloved touches me, I will run you to pieces".

It was obvious she is crazy, look she said, my grandma or grandpa who I have never seen is in danger,
"Little hat, let me see what's in the basket," asked the woodcutter.

Not, but I can't say that. "Yes, you can".

She gripped the basket tightly, then took out a piece of cloth

Snif snif

"Goodbye, now I can go after him" the woodcutter ran as far as she could.

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"Help me wolf, she will hurt my grandma or grandpa".

"Never, she is extremely dangerous, I have never seen anyone crazier than her".

"I'll give you the contact information of some of my friends" he lied, he would never expose them to this danger.

"Deal then," the wolf said as he picked me up and ran after her, unfortunately, the woodcutter was too fast, so I had to help the wolf.
When we were blinded we could witness a terrifying scene.

"Why are those eyes so small and beautiful, my Adriel," said the woodcutter as she photographed the sleeping young man "don't answer, it's for me to appreciate you, so with that mouth, it's for me to kiss you, and that nose to caress you".

What a mushy dialogue mm lass, lucky I'm not my grandfather. la is absurdly crazy, poor thing, what have you gotten yourself into, but wait, she is him and quite young, who said to be handsome.

"Grandma, what a beautiful lady you are," said the wolf mistaking the boy for a woman and going up.

"Get lost wolf, don't you have something in a skirt that moves for you to go after?" said the woodcutter as she shooed the wolf away.

"Psycho, can't you see you're scaring the pretty lady" retorted the wolf.

"After finishing her threat, she immediately threw him away. "You're all mine" sighed the psychotic woman. "And you, you've already given up, so get out!

Ah, I have been kicked out again.

"Who woke me up?" the boy who was resting woke up. "Liz, where have you been all these years?"

"Taking care of certain things".

This is not good, this girl is psychotic.

"I came all this way because of you, I suffered because of you damn boy" wolf attacked the boy who had just woken up, but only managed to scratch his face before the woodcutter stopped him.

"Baby, wait a minute," said the girl as she walked away with the wolf, screams could be heard from outside.
My condolences, wolf.

"We have meat today, love" the woodcutter was showing freshly cut meat.

A/N {What can I say, even inside stories Makoto never learns}

Mommy, stepmothers never send me here again.



Adriel and Elizabeth lived happily ever after alone until the other 3 girls discovered the location of the house and took a harem.

Makoto became a barbecue.

Eduardo returned home to find his mother and stepmother pregnant.

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