Yandere secret society

Chapter 17: First date.

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Leo PoV.



The meeting was scheduled for today and I did not know what to wear, it was my first date with the girl that until recently I saw as a sister I admit that she was extremely beautiful.

The marked location was a movie theater near my house at night at a time when we were all free, including Elizabeth, the person I fear most.

I got the best I could, I got a blue blouse I got from Adriel as a gift that was next to the collar that Elizabeth gave me to make fun of me and serve as a warning if I let any woman date Adriel, that woman scares me, why did I have to make friends with her?

I still remember the day Adriel confused her threats as flirting, it was the worst thing of my life, I had to explain myself immediately, but he didn't understand and kept trying to unite us for a month until I convinced him that we had nothing, to make matters worse that's why he met Daki and almost dated her, Since then she's always played these games with me.


I arrived half an hour early to make a good impression and what I saw was Elizabeth and Alice fighting as usual.

"Controlling bitch"

That's what all my girlfriends almost called her.

"Cowardly bitch, everything you did wait until other girls took your man."

It would surprise me if I knew I didn't know everything, now that Alice has declared herself and judged Elizabeth's possessiveness, it was a little off that she would criticize her.

A/N {she would not be wrong, however, her possessiveness is something to consider, but since this work is pure escapism of reality, let's forget reality and continue the fun}.

"Girls, let's calm down, Elizabeth, Adriel is coming, you don't want him to see you in this state, do you?"

The only way to calm her down is by using Adriel or something related to him, she was scared to death of him hating her, so she created a perfect world for them both to live in, where she is his extremely trusted friend who would one day become his wife and mother of his children.


"Please, Alice, don't tease her"

We all knew that Elizabeth hated that someone other than Adriel called her Liz, it was a nickname she considered unique to him.

A/N {a good dynamic I'll make is to use Liz only in Adriel's POV, to be as if neither the author (in my case) nor the narrator was allowed to call her Liz).

A/N {there's belatriz's reason to call her Liz, just to tease her in case anyone hasn't noticed}.

"Scream again that I tell you what you keep in a certain safe in a certain room"

I wonder what Elizabeth means by that. Well, you better not think about it, the important thing is that they were quiet.

Five minutes passed before Adriel arrived.

"Hi, Mini-me! Hey, Leo! Hello, Liz.

It's amazing the change of posture when Adriel is close and no, now little by little she had a menacing aura, now she has a reliable and with her face all lit up, especially after he called her "Liz".

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I said, "Hello!"

We all did.

"Let's go to the meeting"

Elizabeth said only to hasten her meeting, it was obvious that she ignored anything else.

Before we could get in, two figures showed up and passed me out.

Elizabeth POV.



Where is he?

I found, he is not very fast, since he did not run very far, all separated what kidnapped my beloved went to the right while the other to the left, this being who kidnapped my love so hard face will suffer a lot, I will make him regret being born.

I gave Leo's location to Alice and went to the rescue, as soon as I saw him, I set his feet so he wouldn't run, obviously worrying about Adriel's well-being.

"Crazy bitch"

The boy tried to fight back with what looked like a knife, if I was an amateur I could fall for it, but before he tried anything funny, I cut off the hand he used to wield the sword.

"We'll start with torture, but not here in front of my love, he can't witness this scene, hand can get dirty with something unclean, he's perfect"

If I let such a scene traumatize, my love, I would never forgive myself, so I took him into an alley and tortured him.

"Bitch, my boss is going to kill this piece of shit you call a boyfrie..."

Before he could finish such blasphemy, I killed him.

After this happened, I returned to where I left my dear Adriel, a safe environment filled with my magic.

"What happened, where's Leo?"

Ah, Adriel, until you're hurt, you care about your friends, so I love you, so I don't want you to get involved in this dirty world, nothing and no one will corrupt you.

"He was kidnapped, but they left you here thrown, I believe their goal was Leo"

I can't tell you the truth.

"It must be someone with envy, I pray for their soul, those crazy people have not forgiven you"

Even I wouldn't forgive if they did something bad to you.


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