Yandere secret society

Chapter 24: Everyone Against Everyone

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Elizabeth POV.


Adriel finished organizing the competition, at first, he wanted something bigger, but the director didn't allow it to avoid confusion, he got upset, which broke my heart, but I can't do anything about it and I don't want to, since the competition decided to give me enough advantage.

With a little help, I decided that the competition would consist of a race, which would give me quite an advantage.

"You know the scheme❤❤"

Belatriz said

"Tsk, yes, I know it very well"

"Good to know, I don't want any accidents along the way"

"Least of all me, my dear"

The first chance I get, I'll get rid of them all hehe

"First we will get rid of the muscle and lastly Alice, she doesn't represent a real danger, at least at the beginning"

"A bit cruel to talk like that about one's own sister, but I can't disagree

This competition is won, I have everything in the palm of my hand since the beginning, now it's just waiting to start and get rid of these girls that have a crush on Adriel as soon as possible, I don't want any more of them showing up and taking him as a boyfriend, those three are enough already.


announced Adriel.

Soon after the announcement, Adriel came to wish me good luck, unfortunately not only for me, what to do? These girls got in my way again grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Calm down Liz, don't lose your temper, not in front of him, that would just ruin my image.

One, two, three... I calmed down, much better.

"If I win, I want a date with just us"

Daki said.

"Ok, but only if you win hehe"

"Answered Adriel"

"I and you in a room, who knows something else may come up"

If she says anything else, I won't answer for myself.

"hmm hmm"

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Isabela interrupted the conversation.

At last, this girl did something worthwhile, another minute and I would forget all about killing her without Adriel noticing.

"Well, now it's up to you girls, I wish you all good luck"


Adriel patted my head before leaving.

Now I'm ready.


The race proceeded perfectly well with absurd synchronization between me and crazy Belatriz.

With her help I was able to eliminate all the hurdles, now only seven to go.

The first one I eliminated was the one with glasses, then the muscle girl, all I needed was a distraction, in this case, a picture of Leo that I got from Adriel that he would use to sell.

"Good partner"

I said from here.

For now, I will play in all teams, this will give me a greater advantage.

The closer I got to the end of the race, the clearer the attempt at sabotage became, but I managed to finish first.

When I went to get my prize, Adriel was not there, he had disappeared.

I looked for him with the other girls, but couldn't find him, even my satellite didn't notice anything.

"If someone has done harm to my boyfriend, I will go to the ends of the world to kill him.

Isabella shouted.

I share that sentiment, but now is not the time for exaltation.

"I'm sorry"

Said Leo as he walked towards me with a crying face.

"Adriel was kidnapped trying to save me, I'm sorry"

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