Yang’s Support

Chapter 11: Ch.11

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"Hey, Yang?" Ruby asked. 

The sisters sat across from one another during the group study session. The usual people were around the table. Jaune & Pyrrha were sharing a book. Ren & Nora had their own textbooks. However, Ren was actually reading his. Nora was making doodle notes in hers. The only new addition was Blake, who was only there because her girlfriend was.

"Yeah?" Yang said, taking notes.

"How're things with you and Weiss?" she asked. Blake looked up from her novel wondering the same thing.

"Okay," Yang answered. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, as her former dorm buddy," Ruby bragged, "I was wondering how you got her to warm up to you so quickly."

"Rubes?" Yang chuckled. "We've been roommates for a few months now. That's not exactly 'quick'."

Jaune spoke up, "I've known her since high school. Trust me, the way you two are after a few months is 'quick'."

Yang was dumbfounded. Yes, Weiss wasn't enthusiastic about meeting her for the first time. Nor was she the one to initiate their interactions when they became 'dorm buddies'. But unlike Blake & Ruby, talking to Weiss was never a challenge.

"Really?" she asked. "A few months?"

"Yeah. About the same amount of time it'll take my hair to grow back." Pyrrha gently nudged her boyfriend's arm. "I liked my hair," he brooded, feeling the buzz cut on his left side.

Yang was trying and failing not to laugh.

"I said 'I was sorry', god damn it."

Yang felt a light disciplinary tap on the top of her head. It was definitely a book given how hard the item was as well as where they were. The person behind the hit was arguably one of the few people who could get away with doing so to Yang.

"Stop cursing in the library," Weiss instructed.

Yang gave her the most enthusiastic yet sarcastic tone possible.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good," Weiss said, matching her sarcasm. She handed Yang the book she had used to tap her with, "Now, here's that reference you said you needed for the history paper."

Long dramatically batted her eyelashes at Schnee, "Aw! You're so sweet!"

Whipping her hair back, "Yes, I am."

The two continued to talk as if there wasn't a table of people watching them. Well, talk might not be the best word. Nora & Ren were curious as to why these women were flirting with one another. Nikos & Arc sat there completely slack-jawed at what they were seeing. In her bewilderment, Blake let her glasses slide down her nose. Ruby was the only one at the table relishing the situation.

From Weiss' comment about Yang's cute top to Yang's pun about Weiss' 'cool' white hair, the two had done everything but flat-out say they were a couple. Well, if they weren't going to say it, Nora was.

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"So," Valkyrie cut them off, "How long have you two been dating?"

The duo looked at each other more worried than anything else.

"We're not dating." Yang began.

Weiss stammered, "I'm not into girls!"

In their haste, the roommates talked over one another giving different reasons as to why that was the case. Weiss went on about how she was a gay ally but wasn't gay herself. Yang noted how sleazy it would be to go after her, as Ruby put it, 'dorm buddy'. No one was buying it but knew better than to push the issue.

Ruby seemed disappointed. Blake hid her smile behind her book. Nora leaned back in her seat. Jaune scratched his head. Pyrrha looked around to see everyone else's reactions. Finally, there was Ren who couldn't be bothered and had gone right back to studying.

"Okay, okay," Pyrrha said. She didn't want them gathering the attention of anyone else in the library. All seven people, including the staff. "We believe you. Weiss, would you like to join us?"

"No thanks," Weiss answered. Her fight or flight response was in full effect after Nora's accusation. Now she just needed an excuse for the flight. "I do better studying by myself."

"She does," Yang added. However, she wasn't exactly trying to leave her seat subtly. Yang had a reason though. "So, I'm just gonna walk her back to the dorm. I hear there's a frat party going on close by and you know how drunk jackasses can get."

"Wait," Jaune said confused, "Weiss just got here. So why is—"

Pyrrha and Ren nudged his respective arms, halting the question.

"Okay then," Ren called. "Have a good night." 

Everyone at the table waved the two off as they headed out of the library. Smiles ranging from passive to forced were seen. The minute Weiss & Yang were out of the building however, Nora, like before, said what everyone was thinking.

"So, until they actually admit it, we're going to act like we haven't figured out that Yang is leading Weiss out of the closet?" 

Everyone nodded in agreement. 


Jaune sighed and slouched forward, eyeing his textbook.

"Well," he exhaled, "I guess that explains why Weiss always turned me down in high school."

Blake, a bisexual, didn't even look up from her book.

"Yeah, that's definitely the reason."


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