Yes, It's Me. Sub Yandere

Chapter 1: 1

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“You punk.”

Wow. Was that a word to be said so politely? It was a low and light voice as if the company owner was calling ‘Manager Kim’. The corners of his lips slowly rose at his gentle voice.

It was fortunate that the dignified man with a proud face who seemed to be my father, did not look very angry. If he was angry, he would have made a deafening noise, not the voice that I heard now. The people of the chaebol family, who were usually seen in dramas, always looked hysterical. Well, this much swearing was a better reaction than what I expected.

[T/N: Chaebol- (in South Korea) A large family-owned business conglomerate.]

“Do you think it’s fun to live like that? I can’t even walk anywhere without hearing news of any trouble caused by you, b*stard.”

He spoke harshly, but to me, he looked like an executive of a company that is introducing new products. I just smiled at the new discipline that hit me hard with a soft and gentle tone. Looking at it, it was a little unfair to hear that from his father. Because I wasn’t the one he was referred to.

“What does my son carry around in his head? Will you tell me when I have to cut it apart and open it?”

Even the harshest words are spoken gently, so there is no damage.

I listened to him while maintaining an attentive position. Was he even impressed by my upright posture? The corners of the father’s lips were twitching several times.

“You punk. I told you not to beat people up. That’s the hardest thing to deal with.”

I should have said ‘I didn’t hit anyone’, but the blood on my fist hasn’t dried up yet, so I decided to put it aside for a while. It was obvious that my fist had properly beaten someone.

“Your company’s legal team is exclusive to you, right? Do you think talented people should be used for violent incidents?”

Now I couldn’t just listen to what I did but didn’t do. When I tried to open my mouth to protest, I closed my eyes reflexively due to something flying towards me. Immediately, I felt extreme pain on my forehead.


A painful moan came out of my mouth. When I looked at the carpeted floor, a clear glass ashtray had fallen. In this situation, that’s probably what hit my forehead. Not surprisingly, there was red blood on the tip of the ashtray.

I had seen this scene a lot in dramas. In-person, it looks brutal. Surprised by the father’s gentle tone and violence, I looked at him. Was there ever a time when this punk was hit? It was a little different from what I knew. A crazy guy who only seeks pleasure with his disrupted personality. I wondered why he was like that. Now that I see him, it’s exactly like his father.

“It hurts? You shouldn’t feel pain. You shouldn’t just be hurt after killing a person.”

Seeing that throwing an ashtray could not relieve his anger, he approached and kicked me in the shin with his shoe nose.


A terrifying scream erupted.

‘It f*cking hurts so much. Do all luxury shoes have metal on their shoe noses?’

If I knew this would happen, I would have gone home. Then at least I wouldn’t be getting hit by his shoe, would I? I was dragged in for no reason. I should have rebelled and asked him to go home. I raised my shin and wrapped it with both hands in a crane-like pose. Even if you press it with your hands to see how strong the pain is, the pain that keeps poking your bone does not go away. In that state, my father reached out his big hand to me.

“Give me your card.”


‘What card?’

When I looked away, my father called in Secretary Kim. I didn’t even know he was in this space until now. Come to think of it, he was the person who brought me in front of my father. I’m right, but he’s just watching! During the first meeting, he stopped me but he didn’t even seem to think about stopping my father.

“Hold this punk. I’ll confiscate the car keys.”

“Okay, sir.”

“If you make a mistake again, I know how to send you to the military.”


Except for the painful groan, the first word I said was only a stupid counter-question, ‘What?’ But I was terrified by the word military and so I asked.

“Military service?”

‘Why me? Why the military? Military? No. F*ck. I finished my military service.’

Why is the military story coming up here? Re-enlisting is a thing that I won’t do again even if someone gave me 1 billion won.

“Secretary Kim, get him out of my sight right now.”

The father, who issued the congratulatory order, was adamant. While being dragged away by Secretary Kim, I tried to rebel but it was useless. It didn’t look like Secretary Kim was so strong.

I was dragged by him into an elevator connecting to the CEO’s office. I asked him about the unfairness of the situation as soon as I got on.

“Did I do something wrong enough to get hit?”

Secretary Kim didn’t seem to be interested in my injustice at all. I just looked straight at the face of an office worker suffering from work pressure. Still, as I kept looking at him, Secretary Kim opened his mouth as if it was a bit annoying.

“At least you shouldn’t have caused any more trouble. The incident that caused the controversy has not been cleared up yet. If we get caught up in any more than this, it will be very difficult for us to handle.”

‘What are you saying, he caused more trouble here? Wow, you’re such a jerk.’

[T/N: Here “you” is referred to the person’s body he is in as that person is the one who caused the trouble.]

“Oh f*ck.”

He was a character that could not survive without swearing. How much of a piece of garbage were you to hear this from Secretary Kim? Come to think of it, I think the name ‘b*stard’ suits him very well, which has always emerged as a related search term with his name.

Secretary Kim was a bit more sympathetic towards me.

“I have no choice but to suspend your card. Don’t you know the CEO’s personality? He’ll probably double-check to see if the card has been suspended.”

“Then what about that money?”

Secretary Kim shrugged only once and fixed his gaze on the screen where the number of floors changed. As if he had nothing more to say, he put one hand on his forehead and the other on his shin.

“Seeing you in pain doesn’t seem like a dream….”

Just because this situation was not a dream does not mean that it’s real. Usually, when it comes to possessing, you wake up and look at your awkward body and say,

“Argh! No, I’m XX in the novel?”‘

Isn’t it the right way to do it? I didn’t become possessed in my sleep, nor did I get hit and killed by a truck and then went straight to possessing someone. In addition, the moment of immersion was not in the middle of beating the person who started this scandal, but in a situation when Secretary Kim stopped him after he beat up everyone.

“This is kind of unfair.”

I possessed a chaebol character, but my cards and car were taken away immediately. This is unfair. Isn’t it unfair? In addition, if I make another mistake, I will be sent to the military. It’s only been two months since I was discharged from the military.

“This doesn’t make sense.”

Secretary Kim glanced at me talking to myself and added a word sympathetically.

“If you stay quiet for about a month, the CEO will release you, Young Master Ha-jin.”

He’s the young master. It’s not my name, but Secretary Kim calls me that. However, it was a familiar name. How can I not know it?

It’s famous, Yoo Ha-jin. A webtoon character that looks exactly like me.

Yes, it’s me. Sub Yandere.


T/N: This chapter is about the MC’s life, before he became a webtoon character. (Those who haven’t read the description, I would recommend you to read the description first to understand this story better.)




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Is there anyone whose life is as hard as mine? As soon as I arrived at the university, my classmates started to tease me.

“Did you watch the news today? You were on the public TV news.”

“What? What else happened, Yoo Ha-jin?”

For your information, my name is not Yoo Ha-jin. So even though I am not Yoo Ha-jin, people compare me to him. Why? Because it’s a webtoon character that looks exactly like me.

Being curious, Jimin snatched Min-woo’s cell phone immediately. After confirming the contents, Jimin couldn’t help being surprised. Yeah, I was surprised, too. Yoo Ha-jin even appeared on the public TV news!

“Wow, that’s true. The real Yoo Ha-jin was on the news! Is the world going crazy?”

“It’s crazy, it’s crazy. Are they using webtoon characters because they have nothing else to show on the news?”

Whether my classmates were trying to amaze me with this situation or were just teasing me, I wish they only did one of them.

“Will you, Yoo Ha-jin,  the representative of overusing power, be overusing power too?”

At Jimin’s question, Min-woo condescended as if he knew the situation very well.

“He will definitely overuse his power. He’s a total jerk who does everything bad in the world. How famous is he? When it comes to Yoo Ha-jin, he’s a complete b*stard. Didn’t you learn any formalities?”

“I don’t read webtoons.”

I didn’t like the two of them looking at the cell phone and saying useless things, so I took it from Jimin’s hand.

On the screen, the anchor was sitting at the desk, and the title said, [How far will the chaebol’s power trip be tolerated?] On the data screen floating in the upper right corner, Yoo Ha-jin, a character from a webtoon, was embedded like a wanted criminal.

Yeah, everyone says that it is a popular webtoon and now Yoo Ha-jin was used and broadcasted as a news material. When I watched this scene on TV while preparing to leave for university in the morning, I stopped in my tracks and blinked several times. I screamed inside saying, “This can’t be real.”

“Look at the comments. You’ll be out of breath, laughing.”

At Min-woo’s words, I scrolled down and looked at the comment window.

⟨Comment Section⟩

– ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋ Why is our son of a b*tch here?

– Ha Jin? Why did you overuse your power? Did you get caught on the news because of violence and promiscuous privacy?

– It’s Ha Jin-ah. You can’t use him.

– Ha Jin appeared on the public TV network. Saving it as an anniversary on xxxx year xx month xx day.

– If you don’t get sick of subs after seeing Ha-Jin, you’re not a human.

– Yoo Ha-jin. It makes me glad to see your face on the news in the morning. Son of b*tch.

– What is it? Which manhwa?

ᄂIt’s our Ha-jin!

ㄴHa-jin? Who is that? Why did they draw montages like a cartoon?

ㄴㄴ Ack ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’m crying.

ㄴㄴ Are you crazy? Montage.

ㄴㄴ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Montage ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ㄴㄴ ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋ Can someone explain to “Fan ID”? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ㄴㄴ It’s a webtoon called [The Circumstances Of The Golden Spooners]. It’s Sub-Yandere Ha Jin who appears there. He’s also known as “B*stard”. Very handsome, very cool, very handsome, very handsome, very hot, but he is…


ㄴㄴㄴ ᄏᄏ This person doesn’t understand!!!

ㄴㄴㄴ The explanation is very simple. That’s amazingly summarised. Minimum bel 1 type reader.

[T/N: Bel- a unit used for the comparison of power levels in electrical communication or of intensities of sound, corresponding to an intensity level of 10 to 1.

Here “bel” is probably used to mean that the understanding capability of the reader is of type 1 which is very low.]

– Did you take any drugs before making the news? How did you get past the data screen? That’s an R-rated BL webtoon!

– The writer is trying to drop Ha-jin’s stock like crazy, but we’re the ones who volley on it. Whether it’s a joke or a bad taste, I’m proud. Our little b*stard Ha-jin was recognized by the news.

– (This comment is deleted.)

ㄴ “Fan ID”, delete it. If you become famous by commenting a lot, you may go down to webtoons. The parties said they hated it.

ㄴㄴ What is it?

ㄴㄴ Someone in the comments said that there are people who look like Yoo Hajin.

ㄴㄴㄴAre you crazy? Twin? Someone who looks like our Ha-jin? Our Ha Jin is there in reality? Give me some hints.

ㄴㄴㄴ In the university that is shown in the webtoon.

ㄴㄴㄴAre you crazy? University A? You must be good at studying. I gave up in junior year.

ㄴㄴㄴ  Feng Ye, a senior in our department ㅋㅋㅋ. He is a very smart student. As soon as he enters the university, all the students go crazy. Because of him [The Circumstances Of The Golden Spooners] became a must-read webtoon. Thank you for being Yoo Ha-jin in person.

Without reading further, I threw the cell phone at Minwoo.

“As expected, chaebols are different. Throwing the phone away? Huh?”

When I saw Min-woo jokingly saying that he got another one, I couldn’t let it go quietly. My head was hurting at the thought of how much people would gossip.

“It’s because the writer was a student at our university. The background is also the same as this university. Isn’t Yoo Ha Jin’s face the same as yours? If they used a person’s face, they should have paid him a fee.”

“Minwoo, have you read it?”

“Ofcourse, I have read it but shouldn’t you all read it too?”

“You need an ID and stuff. It’s R-rated, so it’s charged.”

“I have already paid for it. Yoo Hajin, have you read it?”

I couldn’t stand the jokes of my classmates any longer and got up from my seat. When I packed my bag, Min-woo grabbed me as if he was sorry, but I shook it off.

“You are so cold. Isn’t it just a joke? Do you want to borrow a cap? I brought it.”

“Oh, Min Woo. Why did you bring a cap? You don’t even wear them. Are you going to give it to Yoo Hajin?

“He’s my friend so I must take care of him.”

“It’s fine.”

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But before I knew it, I took the cap from his hand and left. On the way to the classroom, the gazes of the people following me were several times worse than usual. Now that there’s a public news, even the people who didn’t know about it have come to know. I have truly become a celebrity.

‘Oh, damn that webtoon! Damn Yoo Hajin!’

My normal life was completely ruined by it.


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