Yet Another One

Chapter 11: Chapter 4 : Mistakes To Learn (Pt.3/3)

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*muffled sprinkling water*

Avoiding the living room and dining room since the elders are busy doing their things, i showed Rex the way to the bathroom. (The mood is just not right for us- No, for Rex to comprehend it)


Waiting for him, i stand behind the exit. (Quiet the mass, taking a whole minute by the sound of it)

*door closes*

Looking at Rex, his belly got swallowed by a thin margin. "Hmmph.Come on, i'll walk you through the house". I strat on the front first.

Annoyingly, he goes on the front after me, Yet Again in a place he doesn't know off. "So what's for dinner?". Rex in front is inspecting the doors, ceilings and the floor just because.

"Why do you think i know of Elena's dishes? I've only known her for a year, and there's still too many that she cooks just for my appetite alone, not including the others"


"Uh... right...?". He scratch his head, tilting to the left.

The night is a little more lively now that there are guests staying over for a night.

Before dinner, i showed Rex my room but i continued towards Father's and Mother's room to check if i could 'recharge' the tablet.

Having Father's room in my sight, i stand before it and i faces Rex. "And here we are, can you wait for me outside just for a while?"

"OK". He plays with his fingers and his eyes looks at the door from time to time, wanting to go with me inside.

I open the door and peak if there were to be a presence in it, thankfully none. (I did knew that Father and Uncle Carmine are discussing over something in the living room right now, maybe about the Rogue War and their history? Mans' Talk)

As i enter the room, i notices that Father put his tablet at the desk on top of some glowing lines.

I put the bag just below the desk and took out the tablet.

Wanting to see it more to check if the one i found is compatible with, i grab a chair, put it beside the table and climb it. (*grunts* Sure is hard with these tiny, mingly hands)

Looking at it, a circle with symbols, lines and other inscriptions i don't know of yet is 'Charging' Father's tablet with the image of an hourglass is near-full, approximately 80 to 90%. (Wasn't used if it's not electricity or battery but, it works. Even though i find it confusing)

I replaced Father's with the one i'm carrying and successfully it is displaying the 'battery' bar. (That took little to no effort in searching)

*Dead Battery Clicks*

Seeing that it's at the absolute bottom, i drop down and plan to head out to my room, dropping my bag a quickie one.

*door closes*

"So, is it working?". Rexar knowing that i'm recharging the tablet.

"Yep, and let's put this bag in my room before we eat, yeah?". I walk on to my room before him.


He later lay down in my room, while i chill and read.

. . .

At the dining room, i saw that mother is back to her usual self!

With Elena standing besides her, the tables still have 4 more seats and so Me and Rex have ourselves to eat. (Can't look at her without a fake smile because of my 'doing' )

Mother thankfully forgave me, thinking that i was scared too but, i felt bad knowing that mother is the one suffering the most.

(I'll ask father about the things i carried in my room tonight after dinner)

Me and Rex both told our parents about playing at each others' house on a day-to-day basis when either of our parents are present.

They agreed, with the condition that either parents are escorting one for the other until they pick us up before night falls. (They shy away for a moment... Reason is known that i'm lonely... Goddamnit)

Rex mentioned my sister at one point, and so i try to ask him about here but were interrupted by our parents saying to me that 'You can ask her when she is here again'. (What a bummer, what's so wrong with asking for her identity?

Maybe it's some kind of rules that is only available after i'm 14? What else can it be?)

Elena is acting like her usual self, not showing any kind of 'big sister' activity and serving the family like a normal maid, thankfully... though her eyes constantly glances at me like she wants to pamper me again, and in result i got shivers from that.

Since there's instances of kids raised by their maids are then married in most of the stories i were read, i can't sleep well with her hectic breathing last night. (Honestly, if she plants to raise me as her 'Lover', I Swear, that i'll run away from home.

Best thing i can do is to either be her : Love cupid, whoever her partner could be; or be confined within her views, seeing as how Possessive she is of me. And i Definitely prefer the Former/1st over the Latter/2nd)

Anyways, dinner's over and i'm here, carrying the ragged bag with Rexar, waiting in front of the living room wanting to talk with Father who's having a conversation with everyone. (*Inhales, Exhales* Here goes nothing)

*door creaks*. As i peak the inside of the room, there Father is sitting with all the elders, with Elena on the way back.

All of them are at a couch, near the seat where i was interrogated by Father just then.

At each opposites of the couches are Father and Mother, Uncle Carmine and Aunt Raisya respectively.

"Oh? What're you two doing standing there?". Unbeknownst to me, he stares at me straight in the eyes, not giving me a chance to fall back.

(Welp, Father noticed us so might as well tell him with the others.

I don't know about Rexar hearing this, though)

Opening it the whole way, we expose ourselves to their view. "Well um... Dad, i'm bringing you something". I tap Rex's shoulder, and he gives me the bag.

He squints his eyes, then shrugs off like he's not taking it seriously. "What is it? A book?"

"No dad, it's um..." . I glanced at Raisya with a straight face, signaling her to get Rex away from the room by switching eyes on Rex to the edge of my eyes directing the exit.

She got the gist by the looks of her nodding once. "Rex?"

"What is it, mom?". Without a care of what's really happening, he sincerely just asked of it.

"Can you go back with Elena to stay at Arlan's room? We want to have a conversation with Arlan here"

He looks on the faces of them all, and notices the mood. "... *Gasp* Arl? He won't be detentioned, won't he?". He's worried for me, even though it's not even a day we've met.

"It's okay. I'll be fine, so just play with Elena for a while, okay?". She waves off her hands to Elena who's waiting besides the door.

"Hmm, okay...". There he goes with his shoulder hanging, Elena walks with her just outside the room.

*door closes*

(*breathes out* Now, i guess this is it)

I walk to them, dragging the bag down. "Yesterday, i just had a thought to go read outside because of how noisy Elena is while mother and father is still in the academy.

After a while i got bored, so i had another thought to walk alongside the rivers, until i found an abandoned cave"

Putting it in front of my parents, i open it. "There's not much left aside from these two.

A letter that has some scribbles, and this old tablet". Presenting to Father, the tablet; and Mother, the letter.

Father lifts his eyebrows. "Ah! Elena did say that you are given punishment for leaving without asking, but to think that you've gone down the river?

Thank God the area around here is guarded and patrolled thoroughly.

Well, let me see it, Arl". He reaches out his hands.

I bring it with me to him. "Here Father. I'll guide you through it"

" *chuckles* Guide me, huh? I'll appreciate that". He laxes himself, seeing that it's basically the same as his.

I don't dare to do it with my hands since that'll be too rude for the inspector, Father.

He starts up the tablet like his own, i tell him the password, and the tablet displays the screen properly.

When i think of it, Father's is pretty much similar to this. (... I think it's a product of the same.

I guess i did right by charging it first before dinner)

He puts it down, pinching his nose. "Tch. So, how does this 'Connects' with you having 'That' dream?"

"Yeah kid, 'less this relic's cursed ya when it's found?". Unvle Carmine stares at it with such curiosity.

Aunt Raisya goes in deep thinking. "Hun', are you saying that he could be..."

Mother silents her with a gesture to 'Shut It'. "It's okay, i've checked him with my skill 'Appraisal' and he's clear from any such thing.

Now tell us Arl, how does it goes?"

I froze, shocked that there's no word needed to cast her spell. (Wait, she checked me like, just now? Silent Incantation or whatever it was? I should be more careful around Mother)

I ready myself mentally, and take a deeo breath. "Actually, when i found it i had no idea it was near depleted and the screen doesn't appear after inserting the pins.

But i did feel some weird feelings on my whole body after that. It goes on like this. . ."

As i describe what happened with minor details thst might add up to why i occured upon a 'Dream'.

Mother sighed, like she realized something awfully troublesome. "Hmm, if that's how you describe it, might i say you might be 'Bestowed' with some kind of 'Gift', i suppose"

Hearing the word 'Bestowed' and 'Gift' in one sentence, i start to remember something from the outside world. (Coming from Alfy, miraculous bastard, was an implementation on statuses of a 'Mentor' to a 'Pupil'.

Pretty sure you do that to people you 'Acknowledge' as your 'Successor', but i don't get to know of why i was one.

And i was 'Bestowed', by an Object/Dead thing, and not Subject/Living being.

And it's just a memory of someone, one where i'm not sure what use is for me right now, at least give me some items!

Won't hurt to ask them of this one)

"Bestowed? How?". I ask with the intent of seeking the truth about 'Bestowal'.

Aunt Raisya goes up from her mind. "From what i heard, is that the Aeon Tablets could be enchanted with some specific properties, and coincidentally the one you found is old and after inputting the passwords i guess the rest of the battery that could be for reserving the gift are directed into you. Not so sure about the other Aeon made products, so be sure to keep that in mind"

"Miss Raisya, that... makes sense"

(Ah, how much of a sneak really is the other Writer to implement stuffs i don't know about?)

I switch glances to Mother, who have the skill 'Appraisal' and it's function came to mind :

It shows from Personal I.D like Name, Gender and Age, useful for knowing Half-lings and Elves if one were not to be sure of their looks that might deceive them; Skills, Combative Arts and other Abillities other than some ??? or ≠ for the most part; and Inner prowess from Mana, Vitality, Agility and the likes

(I don't know the difference between ??? and ≠, and what's there to be differentiated in the first place?)

"Mother, what is the 'Gift' that i got?"

"When i 'Appraised' you, there are some statistics showing 'Hidden' ". She points her eyes and then showing 2 fingers crossed, imaging a Not Equal ≠.

She shrugs off her shoulder like she doesn't know what to answer. "How many there are, i don't know.

Since you don't have Mana or Magic Power imbued within you until you're 7, i guess it's useless for now... unless... ". Mother looks at Father with a look questioning about something.

I look at them both, observing their behaviour i can take notes off. "Unless?"

"Hmm, what do you think, Fiona? Should we?". Father lifts an eyebrow.

"Ah, maybe next week would be good". Mother lift hers, following suit.

I now know they're talking with their minds when i look at them nodding one by another. "Then we'll do that"

(Huh? Do what?! I'm not fond of these Being Left In The Dark kind of situations)

Not knowing the context in the slightest, i approach them. "Uh... Father? Mother? What will you do?"

Father lets out a big breath. "Son, we'll go to the city to have you checked out on your body.

Maybe we'll have you bought the needs for preparations but for now, we'll have to inspect the contents of this relic for a couple of days.

And so, you'll have to wait until it's done before you can play with Rex.

That's all now, you're free to go". He shooes me to get out of here, waving his hand.

I clap my hand and bows down a little, showing my gratitude for having the matter at hand to be no further than what it already is. "Yes, Thank You Father, Mother, Miss Raisya and Uncle Carmine.

I will be playing with Rex and Miss Elena before bed.

Now, if you'll excuse me". Heading out towards the exit, feeling like my shoulders gotten a less stiff.

Advancing to the dining room to quench my fatigue off the body, i ponder about the one thing that made me standing by to check since my Dive, Skills. (Mother 'Appraised' me, so it's actually a Skill she uses when i entered the room? I didn't heard her saying that before i come in.

So maybe the Skill's activation came from her mind?

Could it be that her eyes have interfaces like 'HUD' ?

Maybe just by having Mana and/or Nano i could access 'HUD' ?)

Arriving, i take a see-through, plastic-like (?) cup and close in to a glassy water jug which is light enough with how less water it used to be.

Pouring with both hands shaking by the sheer weight, i then put it down before raising my cup of water.

Chugging down, my throat is now thirst-free and my body shivers a bit from the coldness.

Putting the cup back, i walk on to my room accompanied with the sound of my footsteps and the cicadas from the outside.

(But then again, i maybe won't have any kind of interface like i used to work on the outside for Black Archer, Void Assassin, Sky Runner and Taskmaster)

Back at my work desk, i have each one Job i've worked on and i now remember their description from back then :

Black Archer, having 'Evil', 'Wicked' or 'Dark' spirits assist your Archeries from helping it Pierce concretes, up to increase your Resistance from 'Holy' or 'Divine' magics and attributes and the likes.

Void Assassin, utilizing 'Void' or 'Space' magic to Diminish your Presence fully from your target's Senses, up to Shift inbetween Dimensions just to Dodge incoming attacks in close combat and the likes.

Sky Runner, having 'Light', 'Divine' or 'Wind' spirits assist your Traversal from Shielding your body from the static or incoming Breeze that'll slow you down, up to making High Jumps and subtle movements Mid-Air.

(I could search for it, but Father is using the tablet in the living room alongside the one i found, so i'll just play with Rex and Elena for tonight.

You are reading story Yet Another One at

Hopefully Rex isn't in danger of Elena... in some way or another). Standing in front of my room, i anticipate to have Elena spring jump to me when i open the door normally, so i close in with precaution and look through the keyhole.

To my surprise, she looks like she's having a fun conversation with Rexar. (If he were to know of her possessive personality, would he zip out of there?)

With how tempting their laughter is heard beyond the room, i have my ears closing in on the keyhole, and i can make out what they're saying even with how faint their voice is.

". . . but again, most of the time she helps Father in his craft-smithing.

That's why i'm always curious whenever she comes out dirty and if i ask 'What are you two making again?', she just says 'Not something a kid like you should know~'.

I know that i'm not old enough to understand how they work, but i'm still frustrated from the secret they're hiding!"

"Mmhm, i get what you're saying, honestly"

(Who's the woman they're talking about?). With the intention of finding out their topic of choosing, i twist the handle to open the door.

"Rex, Elena. I'm here~". I peak inside, and see that the both of them are sitting in each bedside.

In the spur of the moment, he drops off and run towards me. "Hey! You're here! Are you okay? You're not being grounded, are you?". Checking my spots, up to the armpits and bottom.

I push him, feeling anxious with how much is touched by him and i shi. "Whoa there, speedster, Slow Do~wn. Why're you so worried about me?"

While Rex pouts right after, Elena drops from hers, creeping towards me with her having her fingers on the ready, and  her face is Beaming Bright. "He's right to worry about you, Young Master Arlan.

He did say you're his precious friend.

The others didn't get mad at you, aren't they?

You're scared, aren't you? Here, let me-".

Knowing what she'll do is Definitely, 200% Plus more outrageous, i bolt backwards and take cover behind the door. "I'm Fine, I'm Fine! Sheesh, i just wanna say that the situation has been cleared out... For Now"

Rexar grabs the door, making me quit covering behind. "Arl? What do you mean by that?"

I enter the room, and closes the door after checking no one's around aside from us three. "Well ... i can't go play at your house before they checked the contents of the things we carried.

Until then, i'm to stay near home as always. *sighs* "

Hearing this, Rexar drops his shoulders, jaws and eyes. "Aww~, But i have so many things to show you around! "

I shy away from his sad look. (Better this than them having the suspicion of me being a Demon Lord candidate)

Elena pats Rexar on the shoulders, comforting him of this information that was a given. "Well, it does comes from his parents after all so be patient until then, you two.

Now Rex, tell us about your big sister again, she's 'Quite' a person i'd like to know about".

With how she put a lot of emphasis on the word 'Quite', i can only think of a thing or two she might be having in mind. (Why so bold with the word? And why do i feel that she just want to find out more about the person rather than getting to know her?)

Following them to the bedsides, i headdive first on top of mine lay down. *poof* "Oh yeah, i heard a little when i entered. Tell us about her!"

Rexar is now sitting on the bedside and Elena on the other. "Hmm, okay. But i can't tell much if she's not here"

"That's fine, go ahead". As i hug my pillows and faces Elena and Rexar heads up.

He rambles alot about his sister, from her personality, status, prowess and minor details that eases my curiosity, but here's the summary :

Ishka, only daughter of Uncle Carmine and Aunt Raisya.

As of this year, She's 18. (Why do i feel a little empathetic with how far the age gap is between siblings?)

After 2 years from her journey, she finally came home with her friends around the city.

She's a little tough to handle because of her liking for tough guys.

Sometimes she's clumsy whenever her friends are nearby and she's average at her study but most of the time she's pretty normal. (Reminds me of Sara in terms of personality, which is Exactly My Type)

She still haven't graduated from Knight Academy, she's still at her 3rd grade class in Shieldsmanship.

Aside from Carmine's Craftsmiths and Raisya's Breweries, Ishka's Jobs are kept a secret from me.

Elena sighed when i asked her that, like it's such a bummer. (Is it really that bad? To the point where i first seen her sigh is this very person? At least i get to know that Elena's an accomplice of this person like she knows of her real well)

Yawning with mouth covered, seeing that Elena's here, i'm getting drowsier by the minute.

"And that's why i'm always curious what she's doing with Dad whenever i see her off from the workshop

It also sucks that we have to wait out before you can go play to my house, because i'd like to introduce you to her so you can help us learn how to increase whatever you called it for Dad's Craftsmith you talked about!"

I scratch my eyes, keeping it hard to stay awake. "Ngh. Yeah yeah, i know.

From the sound of it, your sister goes out pretty often, huh?

Someday when we're allowed to, i want to go sightseeing around the city.

But for now, i'm tired after all that"

" *yawns*. Me too, even though i want to talk more". He looks at Elena, asking her something i don't get from here with how my eyes are the edge of shutting down.

Elena goes off from the bed. "Ah~ Young Master Arlan, you can go to sleep with Rex.

I'll be in my room for tonight". Exiting the room, she turns off the light.

"Yes, Good Night Miss Elena". I say with less enthusiasm, knowing that she might pounce on me for being a cute, adorable pup.

"Good Night and Sleep Tight, you two~". Waving behind the door, she then closes the room from the seeping lights.

Leaving behind the two of us in my bed, Rex looks at me. (... Don't tell me i'm his first friend... Fine, i'll let him be by my side)

Snickering with how childish he is compared to me, i left open his share of the blanket i'm in. "Hmmph. Today was fun for me, thanks Rex"

Grabbing a pillow from the opposite bed, he crawls inside, before popping his spiky hairs on the pillow. " *yawns* Me too, Arl. Me ... too . . .". His innocent looks and cute demeanor makes me grin.

I faces up towards the ceiling, devoid of the crib toys i used to stare at the last 3 years.

(Sure is a little chaotic this year, but it's not bad.

I'm sure there's plenty more to come, i hope you hang on whenever you are Sara, because a

Promise is a Promise.

Sure hope You're not that Damned kind of a Tease when i get to meet you). Stars inside my views, and the fatigue gets my body heavier is the clear sign for me to rest for the day.

(*yawns*. Well, it's time then.

Tomorrow won't go anywhere, because there's always Something New to See Everyday)

. . . 

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