Yet Another One

Chapter 18: Chapter 6 : Civilization At It’s Finest (Pt.4/4)

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(Ishka's Point of View)


"(?) Cough 'em up, scaly~!"


(*groans* Ugh, what happened? I'm hungry, didn't i just ordered... Ordered...? Bugger, i remembered now). On my way to ask scaly Qaiz, some hooligans drugged us to sleep.


" *spits* Try me harder". I hear Qaiz trying to act tough, with his highly armoured scales that might be a little bit true, but i don't know for how long we've been here so he may be in more pain than i do.


"(?) ... Suit yourself, scaly. Ugh!" *Punches*. The torture session for us is nigh unlimited so long as w stay here and keep still until we both vanish from this world, or think of something to break out of here.


(Where are we now? My body's aching but, why?).

As i regain my body's senses, i feel myself hanging up with some metallic chains as the ones holding my arm in place. (But shouldn't i be able to cast some magic? What's happening?)


"Ghh, let me go, damned thugs!". I hardly hear Qaiz screaming in pain, and also is the reason why i woke up.


"(?) Shut your damned mouth, scaly!

'Less you wanna end up with your Giantess friend, don't make this harder for us". The captor is roughing us up for their unknown demands, and i have a rough estimate of what it is.


When i try to cast a Fire spell as to make it possible for my arms to try and bend the chains, albeit difficult, it doesn't do anything even when i whisper0l chant. These chains are definitely magic-blocking chains, and i am contemplating on what should we do to get out of this situation right now. (Ngh, i can see why i can't move my body freely. Another one of those kidnapping, huh?

They never know when to gave up). My eyes are too blurry to see clearly where we are and who they are, but i can identify them temporarily.


On the ground, his hands tied to his back and neck collared to the wall behind him, kneeling to the captor as he glare a hateful one to his face. " ... What do you want?"


This chump, he looks slightly obese and muscled at the same time and i can't make out his identity when he faces to the opposite of me and dim light doesn't help. (Musta been a muscle-gains eater)


"(1?) The schematics, all we need is Carmine's schematics". He lift Qaiz's head that is teardropping blood from his bruised mouth and nose.


But more so after seeing his teeth on the ground and in such rough condition, infuriates me a little as i examine the surrounding. (Dang meaters...! Ya gon' pay for this...)


*door opens*


As lights coming out of an opened metal door comes in, my eyes begins to clear up a bit and sees the identities of our captors.

We're in some kind of basement, at least there's some tech behind us that i might just be able to tinker with, i think.

The lighting in the room is pretty dim, i can't make out of what kind of equipment they're holding.

It won't be easy breaking out of here.


A goatee-haired man with a trucker's hat and green coats over their shirts are coming inside the room as i come to realize we're somewhere underground. "(2?) Brother, i think we have something more easy to take".


A baldie with rough shears on his beard, wearing black jackets and jeans with equipments similar to the guards of the city. (No way it can be that someone's from the higher up wanted them, right? ... I should've guessed it with how they're treating our family differently than the other passerbys)


"(1?) Oh yeah? What's it, then?". He cleans his hand as he flails it to dry up the bloods and sweats sticking on the skin.


"(2?) The grey-haired kid just then? He's from the Gritt family, especially the teacher of both Knight and Magic's academy. We can make a pretty penny out of him and his family". Gesturing with a maniacal facial complexity, he has plans for us if his plans were to be done right.


"(1?) Orders are orders, and we follow only 'their' orders.

Now speak, scaly!". To my dismay, he still keep his client's name as anonymous beings.


My naivety thinks that we'd get to hear at least a glints of who's doing the biddings, to no avail. (Ah crap, didn't think that first before coming to pick him up because of Momma's order.

What such bad luck i had for an entire day? Is it Karma for going hard at a little kid that reminds me of a past? ... Maybe.

Those two are left alone not knowing what happened to us, but i'm sure Rex can go and take care of little Arlan in my stead)


" *giggles* Why do you think i know of it?". Qaiz looks at them with his mighty, still unwavering confidence.


"(2?) We always saw you hanging out with their family every day, now Spit It Out!"


"SOD OFF, TWATS". With a blunt refusal, he already know what's going to happen to him.


(Ugh, acting heroic in these situations can only mean one thing...

At least he stalled them long enough for me to take a clear look at who these guys are)


"(2?) ...Brother, leave this one to me and you go over to that woman". As soon as i heard that, i relaxes my body in anticipation of what's to come.


The meaty is now walking slowly to me, with a devious intent. "(1?) Rough him up Real Good for me, brother.

It's time for you to wake up again, lady~"


Feeling of disgust fills me as i think of a way to pay them back. (*grunts* Maybe i can choke 'im up real good with my legs were he to come clos-)


*Steels falling*


(Huh?). When i hear something metallic outside like it's been shred to pieces, i am bewildered and can only guess what is happening.


"(1?) Tch, guess we have some company. Those guys really are done for.

Get ready for a fight!". He sways to the right to grab something to fend off to himself, a big hunk of shield.


The other grabs the batons that is definitely overridden of their locks, since only the personnels can access them with their ID prints. "(2?) Wait, let's take these guys as hostages! They won't dare to touch us with them, am i right or am i right?"


Each of them look to us with the eyes of both confusion and disgust, and he nods to his offer. "(1?) ... *sighs* , even though this is pretty messy of us to do so, we've got no choice for it. Bring them with the chains". He proceeds to take something from the corner, bolt cutters.


*Metal breaks*


The other one grabs a spare as he cuts mine with the cuff still locked. "(2?) Already done, brother. Now let's see who our guest is"


When he activates the short end of the weapon, sparks of fast blue electricity goes in and out of it. (Aah, this'll hurt... Hope you two make it home...)


"(2?) Get up, hun~! We'll be sightseeing outwards, so try to keep your head up front!". As my back is being hold by his chunky hands and held hostage by the baton, i comply as i walk towards the exit.


*Slow claps*


I turn to see where the sound of someone's clapping, and there's a little dark figure standing behind a wall covered with the shadows. "(Kid?) Ahaha, Cute REAL~, Cute"


(What the-? Who could that be?

I don't remember everyone else that i said a thing of...)


"(1?) Hey, Who Are You?! Show Yourself And Stop Hiding In The Dark!". Qaiz's captor is standing behind him as he hold him at chokepoint, and Qaiz's eye shows signs of tiredness and exhaustion.


*Electric Hisses*


I left my eyes widened as when he steps out of the shadows, i see both of his hands emitting red electricity current and they're not vanishing away. "(Arl?) ... Me? *chuckles* I, Sir Am Just An, 'Extraordinare'~!"


Remembering that he said the word 'extraordinaire', my mind simply put the image of the guest we're supposed to be escorting. (It's the kid, isn't it? Hmm, pretty shameful of me to be rescued by a kid, a 'jobless' kid.

I get that he caused some trouble from what my parents said but, what part of him being 'Awakened' is the problem? And i wonder how he found out where we are, though?)


. . . Meanwhile an hour ago . . .


(Rexar's Point of View)


As Arlan said, the van's empty and all the other customers are leaving. Now, here i am following behind him to find Qaiz and Sister Ishka.

We're getting pretty far from the van, entering alleyways after alleyways and finally into a big empty warehouse and i'm getting pretty uncomfortable with the sunlight getting dimmer in here. (How does Arl even know that we're on the right track? This is getting creepy!)


Standing in the middle of the cold, empty ground with loads of boxes here that might be older than us is not helping me be at ease. "Arlan! Do you really think we should be in here?"


Arlan crouches as he looks like he's seeing the trails of a prey down the door of a slightly opened garage door. "(Arl) ... No mistaking it. We need to go deeper"


(... He's joking, right?). Seconds after i though of that, he stands as he watch me with clarity on his hate-fuelled eyes. (... He's being serious...)


"Wha?! Deeper?! No way, No Way!

Let's go call the police and let them handle this, Arl!

I did say that i can handle a few weak goblins, but we can't do anything against some thugs.

We don't even know where they are!"


He crawls inside and in fear of being left behind, i follow him and see more and more all kinds of containers in different shapes and sizes. "(Arl) Do trust i won't let us be handled easily.

Besides, we're already surrounded from both sides". He then turn his head up, looking at the dark ceiling that is barely lit aside from the few holes that lets lights in.


I follow my sight after him, and don't see any point in doing so. (Eh? I don't hear anything else aside from us... but we did echoed throughout the way that we didn't hear anything else. Ugh...)


My thoughts of being beaten up by the people in these places isn't leaving me, and i pull his cloth demanding for an answer. "Surrounded?! H-how do you even know-"


He grabs my shoulder as he goes behind me, and shows his finger on each hands. "(Arl) 2 skinny guys from the right and 1 big guy on the left, you choose which and i'll deal with the others"


Baffled by how he's making things up, i shake his body as i don't understand what is he planning right now. "Wait, WHAT?! Arlan! You are 'jobless', what do you mean by dealing them yourselves?! We should run away"


"(Arl) Then go, call for help and grieve over the fact you didn't do anything aside from waiting". He looks at me with the looks of pity, and dissapointment.


His face reminded me the look of my elders that is not happy with what i and my sister am, and i loathed them everyday for it.


Still behind me, he leans closer as to whisper something. " (low-voice) Here they come, i hope you took your picking!". He pats me on the back as he nods confidently that he can face head on with some bad guy.


(He looked so serious... I'm lost.

This is hard, but as the one with magical powers, i'll be taking the one with the most numbers)


"(low-voice) Ugh, Fine! I'll take the right, and are you sure you can handle it?"


*Electric Hiss*


When i hear something zapping behind me, i got alerted but Arlan instead puts his hand on the front as they show sparks of red electricity. "(Arl) You have no idea how much i've been waiting for this.

Come Out, Ya Snizzlebags~!"


I got scared by why he's screaming in such a desolate place. "Wha-?! Arlan! Why did you screamed?!"


"(Arl) To get them out of hiding in the shadows and, by the way, there's one more guy up above .

You Up There, Too! Get Down, Ya Sneak!"


I see some scraps drops down when he talked big just now, and something is there as it flinches a little. (... Who is he, really?)


"(low-voice) OK, Arl. If we're dealing with 4 bad guys, that is if they were to be true, no way we can deal any damage to any of them.

If only Big Sis and Qaiz is here, maybe we three can do something but now... Best i can do is to create a diversion and make a run for it"


"(Arl) (low-voice) Too late"


*Pistol slides*




Guys with many sharp weapons and black blocky things in black jackets all show up as they step closer to us, and one of them sticks out as it has the biggest size from all of them. "(Bad Guy 1) ... You got us good, kid. Now Give Up, There's 4 of us and 2 of you, and you're all still a kid. Don't even think about running or i'll blow one of your limbs with my gun". He points us with a black glistening block that has a hole on it's front.


*drops down*


A guy, almost the same clothing as the others, drops down from one of the high places littered with containers holding a very glistening knife, and i still don't get how Arl know of his hiding place. "(Bad Guy 2) Tch, how did he know i hid up on the shelves? We should just take them, and fast! I have a bad feeling about this"


Another one that only difference is him wearing some earrings and some eyeglass, faces the other bad guys and not being concerned of us. "(Bad Guy 3) Whatcha worrying about? They're not even a full-fledged teenage yet, why'd you fear over a kid? Ain't that right, tough guy?"


A guy in a hood comes from behind them, with his body the most big and intimidating as he have something like a rectangular shaped clock on his left arm. "(Bad Guy 4) *grunts* Just be quick about it, i got a deadline on the schedule"


"(Arl) (low-voice) Ehe... Ahahaha... Got, You, Now~!"


(... What does he mean by that?)


" (Bad Guy 4) Sorry kids, but can you just buzz out of here? This here ain't exactly a child's crib". Unexpectedly, the most fearsome looking of them is kind of a nice guy, and i definitely want to get out of here now that he offers us to be left alone.


"Ah! Yeah! We were just about to get out of- Mmm?". My mouth is being muted by Arl's left hand, as the other is covering my ears. "(low-voice) Umm? Arl? Why're you covering my ears?"


"(Arl) (low-voice) Trust Me On This! After i screamed, Launch Any Water magic you can!". After instructing me to do his commands, he sucks in a rather long breath, one that not even my sister can pull off, i think.


The big one approaches us as he just wants us to be out. "(Bad Guy 4) Hey kids, i'm warning you, Get out of... What the-?". The big guy reacted instinctively as he pulls out the thing he's holding and it expands into a shield. "(4?) SHIT! Everyone, Get Behind Me Befor-"




I put my hands on my head and ears as i can feel my eardrums banging with pain. (OWW! My ears hurts, what was that just now?!)

You are reading story Yet Another One at


"(Arl) -EX! REX!!! Cast some Water Magic, NOW!!! ". He stares at me as he have his red sparked hands in the ready.


"Eh? A-ah Yes, 'Water Cannon' !". *splashes* I throw away most of the waters to the bad guys and hitting them with it, believing in Arl on what he's planning.




As Arlan runs towards them instead of from them, i am bickering on the one obvious thing he shouldn't do. (...Wait, WAIT WAIT WAIT Why's He Running Towards Them Instead?!)


"Arlan!!!, What Are You Doing?! Let's Get Out Of Here!". I emptied my lungs at him, but he just ignores it and only strives to them closer.


*Electric Hiss*


"(Ar;) EMPTY OUT YOUR LUNGS!!!". With it, he touches the parts of their clothes that is now sopping wet, and jolts of reds spreads.



"(All 4 bad guys) KHH, AAAHH...!". Whatever Arlan did just now, it is very good at making them stop in their tracks, and they tumble down as they are forcefully put to sleep with the electricity still shocking them.


(W-wha-what is this?! Did he hid some taser for this? But i didn't hear any shots, so... no way, even though he's Jobless?!

I can ask that later, but how is he?)


I jog to him as i check his body from a short distance, in fear of being zapped myself as his hands is still circuiting red electricity. "Arlan! Are you okay?"


The reds in his hands dies down, and he faces me with a look of relief. "(Arl) Phew, we did it.

Rex, go grab some rope and the likes, we're gonna be waiting until the electricity dies out, and i know just the right way to get them to spit out their mouth". He swipes his hand as he is mimicking a scene of villains planning something hideous.


This act of his somewhat off-puts me and i step back a little. "What do you mean by that?"


In a thinking pose, he circle them as he now looks down on them with him coming out on top. "(Arl) *giggles* You'll See , and we'll get them for this, Rex.

Let's try our hardest to get your sister and Qaiz back alive, else we might won't be seeing them for... ever, again.

And i'll be sure to have some enjoyment from it~ *snickers* ". His rest his chin in between his middle and index finger, looking pretty mischievous for a kid younger than me.


I shiver as i am now remembering something i don't want to see ever again, and it haunts me in the shape of my new friend. (I knew it. The way he acts, it reminds me of some kind of monster.

Especially those eyes, like back while we're waiting for sister to come back.

He's like a raptor, no, an Apex Mandrake Dragon playing with it's preys before they gave in... Who Is He?)


I proceed to grab some rope that he points me the direction for, nearby the boxes that is quite dimly lit.

Naively, i only think that he'd just have us be on our way out as the bad guys is asleep after we both tied them with the ropes here, but we stayed for far longer than i's like to believe as he asks them questions after question with some rather villainous aura and acting he puts as a front.


. . . An hour later . . .

*Tapping screens*


Waiting in front of a big door that is quite shabby, Arlan uncovers some wood blocks that conceals some keypads for opening it.


[3334. Pin Inserted, Door Is Unlocked]


*door slides open*


"(Arl) Aha! Thanks, guys!

I'll be sure to savor your boss some ~". He walks right in, acting as if it's just another walk in the park.


Behind us is the barely naked bad guys in a tight circling rope on one of the pillars here as their clothes is quite drenched with water, and he also tells me to watch the exit if there could be more of the bad guys waiting outside. (Uwaah, that was pretty easy.

I am thankful that they just gave in and answered his questions the very instant he asked one, they really are scared of him and so do i for a moment)


Arlan said that he got informed by these guys that there's only two more people inside the door, and he left me as i am supposed to keep watch and take care of their temporary needs, like foods and blankets if there is any.


"(Bad Guy 3) Ugh, we underestimated them. Guess Karma's a bitch, ah?"

"(Bad Guy 2) Pretty much, for letting a half-ling got through us"

"(Bad Guy 4) ... So uh, how do you all think will boss handle this problem?"

"(Bad Guy 1) I'm sure he'll be having a hard time, but again he's beside someone powerful himself, so he won't be taken down that easily... right?"

"(Bad Guy 2) I told you to quickly subdue him, now he's taken our gears and it's getting pretty cold, now"


I who is just fidgeting my fingers around the walls as i think how they may just be more nice than i thouht, got my back patted. "(Arl) Hey Rex"


Arl is beside me, even though he was just going inside a few moments ago to check things out. "Arl? Why are you here? I thought you-"


He turn my head to them who is somehow moving their bodies, doing something. "(Arl) Notice how they're acting pretty laxed? They got something hidden as to break their hands out, and i don't want them to gang up on us so, do you know of a spell that'd make water float?"


I don't know why he's opting for having basic spells of floating water that i mostly used for making bubbles, rather than using his Electricity magic again which is more superior and effective. "No, but there is a 'Combination' spell that may be like what you said. Why not just electrocute them again?"


"(Arl) I'm saving it for their bosses, remember?". He looks at me with a reassuring smirk, which is the Arl that i know and most fond off.


Since he's not being his scary self from an hour ago, i decide to just roll with what he wants. "Oh... right. OK then, i'll do just that"


"(Arl) Thanks, Then let's give it to them and Make. Them. Drown". He lets go of his hand before giving me a smile, one that turns into a big unsettling grin.


(Uwaah~, why do you have to give me that)


*cold footsteps*


"(Bad Guy 2) *gasps* Wait, is it just me or are they coming back? What more do they want~?"


"(Arl) Yo! Sorry for breaking your peaceful time but, you'll have to drown for me, yeah? And don't worry about it, you won't die from it... YET.

Do it, Rex"


"Uh ah, okay. Combine 'Water Cannon' and 'Still Wind' !". *bubbly water*. Exactly one for each was made in front of them.


They all look at each other, and rest their head in unison to their back. "(1,2,3,4 simultaneosly) ... We Give Up"


When he tells me what to do, i did not know that they can be made to suffocate people if trained hard enough, as he points out that you can just make them drown inside of them if you enlarge them so that they can't escape at least for the next 10 to 30 seconds if they're still holding their breath. (I'm terrified of him, what more does he hide?!)


. . . Back to the present . . .

Watching the scene unfolds, i have to admit that he looks a little goofy yet menacing when you think of how we came all the way through and is now having the high ground.


" (Arl) ... Me? I'm just, An 'Extraordinare'~.

Go For It, REX!"


I run out of the wall i'm cowering behind as i aim a little higher to make sure they are all hit by my spell. " 'Water Cannon' !". *Splashes*


"(Bad Guy 5) Pfft, what's this supposed to mean? Are they really defeated by thi-"


"(Bad guy 6) Wait... Think about it big bro, Electricity and Wat-"


*Sprints*. Without further ado, he bolts to their direction with his hands ready in the red. "(Arl) Sorry for this, you two"


*Electric Circuit*. He electrocutes them with his hands as they spazzes, even Qaiz who is revealed to me by Arl as a Dragonkin. "(Bad Guy 5 and 6, Qaiz and Sis Ishka) AGH, KUAAK...!"


I look at my sister and Qaiz who's down on the floor with the hands of the bad guys still holding onto them as they have a seizure from the shock still going. "(Arl) *grunts* Welp, that went well, guess it'll take a while before they faints.

So, what do you think?". He approaches me as he hide his now normal hands inside his pants' pockets.


I feel little lost on what he's questioning. "About what?"


"(Arl) Me having powers while being a 'Jobless' ?". He let out his left hand as he shows his power, Electricity.


I who think that's cool and why not me who instead have that, gets jealous. "... I think that's cheating. You're not even 7 years old yet!". I let out my envy to him as i hit him on the shoulder.


"(Arl) Ahah! It sure is, but even i'm not so sure of it myself". He shrugs the hit and just laughs it off, like it only tickles him more so than actually hurting.


While waiting for the shock to fizzle out, i remembered a thing that the bad guys from above is talking about their stuff being taken. "By the way, what do the guys from the upper floors mean when their stuff is being taken by you?

Where is all the stuff you took from them?"


He puts his index finger on his mouth with a mischievous smile. "(Arl) *chuckles* That's, A Secret~"


After some minutes passed, we woke Qaiz and Sis to help us drag the two bad guys to the others as we bunch them together and Arlan calls the 'Policemen', the guards of the city after asking Sis and Qaiz the correct numbers to call them.

With Qaiz and Ishka being drenched in water, they changed clothes with the spares coming from her ring inside the room they were caged in. (I still don't get how is he able to use those, and i'm older than him! I'll make sure to beat him in something or another, i won't lose that easily!)


. . .

[ Time    : 17.24

Date      : Friday 35th of September 1441

Season  : Summer

Weather : Cloudy ]


*police sirens*


We all stand outside of the warehouse as some of the guys in blue and white uniforms interrogates us, while the others barricade the entrance to the warehouse with police lines of yellows.


And after we are done with the questions, they hand us some warm milk to drink as we are now free to go. What bothers me is that they still glanced at my hair with some pitying looks, but changed into a look of content with smiles on their faces. Apparently they're the response team and is different to the securities that guards the gates, so that might be the reason why.


(Nice treatment, even though i'm supposed to be weird in their eyes?)


I drink my cup of warm milk before they get cold. "Aah~. They sure came quick, huh? Those thugs won't be seeing the streets for awhile, if they don't find any help from the inside". Feeling guilty about having to struck these two with quite the long period of time that my electricity still has going for, i lower my head down as i can't look them in the eyes. "Sorry for having you two zapped along the way, but it's necessary to make sure we finish the job quickly, and i'm almost at my limit by that point"


My head feels a warm hand caressing the hair as it comforts my feeling. "(Ishka) Uhuh. At least you're brave enough to go toe to toe with big guys, that's admirable enough.

I thank you three, from the bottom of my heart, for real". She shows her sincere smile to me for the first time, which warms my heart and makes me smile to her in response.


(I guess i've forgiven her of this morning rude act with just this, damn)


"(Qaiz) Umu, praise me more, please!". The dragon is banging his chest as he feels proud being of help of just roping the thugs on the inside and not spilling out Carmine's schematics to them, whatever they are.


(I saw like some pincher, wrench and gasoline drenched cloth, of course he deserves it)


"(Rex) You sure are smug as always, Qaiz.

So, what do we do now, Arl? *sips*"


I have an idea of what i should get for my 'Achievement' of rescuing these two, as i want to have a longer look at their house as they may possibly hold some interesting stuff for me to learn, like magic and sword notes or clues on ruins of this world. "... Would you call my parents for me, Miss?"


*warps*. She calls upon my tablet as she hands it out to me. "(Ishka) You know the phone numbers?"


I got silent as i lift my shoulder as i am unaware of knowing the very important thing she just said, my parents' numbers. "No, sorry". I open the lock as i direct the tablet to the [Contact].


After giving her it, she scrolls a bit before adding the phone numbers that maybe my parents'. "(Ishka) It's Okay, but what do you have in plan, kid?"


I check the screen as sees that she adds their numbers as 'Fiona Gritt' and 'Garvin Gritt', just the way i like it. "... *sighs* Another meeting with both our parents, well, might as well have everyone included in it now that you two and Qaiz know about it.

Also, please don't tell anyone about this, will you Qaiz?"


He gives me a thumbs up while smiling with his sharp teeth sparkling as he stands up and walk on the way back to his van. "(Qaiz) I'll, try my best not to, little fella~"


That weird look on his face puts me in a nice mood, and i stand up as i slowly cackle. " *laughs* Alright, my stomach aches for awhile, now.

Thankfully, we already put off the fires already otherwise your business might go down to the ground. Cook us three something special, or we won't be coming back for another day or two.

Right, guys?". I follow them, slowly walking with the sight of the night lights obstructing us.


"(Ishka) Rightio, so make sure ya make it be a Little. Bit. Spicy~"


"(Rex) ... I'm fine with just the usual"


"(Qaiz) The usual won't do for today, Rex, so let's go back and enjoy ourselves until then!"


(*sighs* My day is bothered, sure, but at least i tested out my powers and it went well.

But from here on and out, i will definitely gather many attentions from all sides both good, bad and ugly

I will definitely request my parents for some session in the 3 sparring days for educating myself and experiments to ward off troubles along the way.

This world has some common sense i can't pick up yet, so having power to protect oneself is absolutely justified. My hair, there's something about it i don't understand yet, could it be connected to the Negativity Factor popping up from earlier on?

I will find clues about myself then this world and the others, definitely, and i hope we'll be able to get out of here without a single casualty.

Wherever you all are, i hope you're all alive and living life enough to find each other)


We all walk out with idiotic smiles as we chat until we arrive to the place we're waiting for, and changes to inside his van instead.

. . .

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