Yggdrasil’s Knowledge Seekers

Chapter 1: Prologue

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The sky was red as pillars of smoke rose, and the stench of blood permeated the city. The proud capital city of Orneal once had the image of joy and happiness spread throughout the city but now succumbed to the hellscape of war. Numerous buildings have fallen, and even the glorified statues of gods and goddesses collapsed from the attrition. Even the Royal Castle was not left untouched.

The cries of the children and the roars of the people,  their voices seemed to echo in the distance.  

However - 

"You bastards! Release me at once!"

At the Grand Yola Plaza, the captured rebels were gathered and pinned down by deformed creatures. Creatures that would raise the question of their monstrosity and the appearance they took. The unique monster that differed from others, one that took attention the most, was the monster with nine large human legs protruding from hundreds of human limbs. Another creature had half of the human's formed body, but the other half was a skeleton. 

The soldiers of the capital city surrounded the plaza's perimeter, shaking in fear as they watched the abnormalities dominating the central plaza. The players, or to be precise, the seekers, observed the situation from the rooftops and inside the building. One of which, the ruler of the kingdom, King Ethan, looks down from the veranda with a dubious expression.

"So… These are the army of the Netherworld, your royal majesty?" questioned King Ethan as he averted his gaze to the woman beside him.

"Yes, indeed, King Ethan." The woman nonchalantly expressed while observing the rebels. "Also, I am not here as the ruler of the netherworld, but an arbiter, so you may address me as 'your excellency', King Ethan."

"My apologies, your excellency." King Ethan lamented.

"No offense taken." The arbiter advised, "Simply think of it as a reminder if you ever summon another arbiter with a status."

"I will remember that advice, your excellency." King Ethan says, lowering his head towards the arbiter.

The arbiter nodded joyfully and took out a bell hanging from her belt. 

"It seems that all of the remaining rebels are here." She declared with a loud voice.

Every individual present within the central plaza placed their attention on the arbiter.

 "As the arbiter sent by the Goddess Alzepta, I judge these people as rebellions of the Will of the Goddess Alzepta, and I declare the death of the rebellions. Let us meet once again in the netherworld!"

The arbiter chimed the bell.

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