YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 118: Chapter 117: Smithing and Alchemy (pt. I)

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Darkness as far as the eyes can see. All were asleep but the moon and stars in the sky, showering down gentle light across the lands. Birds of all kinds and critters of all shapes and sizes roamed the sky and forests as if they were kings. It was a deep and silent night.

The colors of crimson and amber emanated as the fires crackled. They could be seen like tiny grains of sand in a desert, far and few in between, yet illuminating each home and providing each family with warmth.

"Are you sure you won't be staying over for the night? It's already quite late, you know?" [Klaus]

"No, we can't impose on you any further, Chief. Besides, there are some people waiting for us. They might get worried." [Grey]

"Well... I suppose that's true..." [Klaus]

A few hours have passed since the little feast Grey and Yuna attended at the Feros village and they have now returned back to the Balta village. With it, their escort quest has finally been completed.

Due to the unforeseen events Grey and Yuna attended, a lot of time had passed and it was almost midnight. While legal curfews don't exist in Galderia, it was still very late. Especially with the presence of beasts and monsters. It was very dangerous.

"Then I hope you can drop by for some tea next time. I'll make sure to brew you another good one." [Klaus]

"Hahaha, then we'll be looking forward to it." [Grey]

"Goodbye, Chief~! And goodnight!" [Yuna]

"Yes, yes, good night as well." [Klaus]

The Chief waved his hand slowly as he saw off Grey and Yuna. It didn't take too long before their silhouettes slowly faded into the darkness. Once again, silence has returned to the night.

With no peering eyes, Grey and Yuna didn't mind the surroundings too much and ran at high speeds. The cold and gentle night breeze caressed their skins as they went about their ways.

"By the way, Yuna... When I was smithing, how did I look like?" [Grey]

On the middle of their journey, Grey asked a strange question with a conflicted expression on his face. While he wasn't exactly gloomy, his expressions weren't bright either, as if he was in deep thought.

"How did you look like...? Do you mean your expressions?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, that." [Grey]

"Well... You looked serious and focused... That and... you looked like you were enjoying yourself." [Yuna]

Yuna's words rang clearly inside Grey's ears. The latter already knew the answer deep inside yet wanted to ask Yuna what she really thought. The conflicting emotions he once had were now gone.

While he was smithing, an overwhelming joy surged inside Grey's heart. He was like a child who had just found his passion. With each strike, the happiness inside his heart only bloomed larger. Just like Yuna said, he was enjoying it.

Although Grey enjoys adventuring, it has become repetitive after months of doing it. It was the reason why he loves cooking. It was a hobby which breaks his daily routine of adventuring. Now, he found yet another hobby to spice up his way of life.

"Yuna, I've thought about it... About adventuring... Will you hear me out?" [Grey]

"Un! I'm all ears!" [Yuna]

An energetic reply came out of Yuna's mouth as she beamed a bright smile towards Grey. It was only at this moment that he once again realized how fortunate he was to have such a considerate and thoughtful partner and girlfriend.

Carefully, Grey explained to Yuna his thoughts. Rather than adventuring most of the time, about 6 times a day, he wanted to reduce it to only about 3 or 4 times. For the remaining days, he wanted to spend time on their hobbies and enjoy their time together.

"What do you think?" [Grey]

"Mnm... I like it! Now I can spend more time with you!" [Yuna]

A smile quickly bloomed on Yuna's face as she heard Grey's words. She has been wanting to spend more leisure time with Grey but didn't want to sound selfish. She was happy that Grey had brought it up first.

Coincidentally, by the time they finished their talk, they had arrived at the gates. After a short inspection of IDs, they were able to get inside Galderia. They quickly went straight to the "Rabbit's Den" and retired for the day, sleeping soundly in each other's warm embrace.

A new morning quickly arrived soon after, but unlike their usual days, Grey and Yuna didn't get up early. Brought about by their late sleep, they slept soundly, tucked in their beds until the second bell rang.

The breakfast they had was good as usual. It filled their empty stomachs with warmth as they enjoyed it together. Of course, it went without saying that they ate quite a lot. They are Grey and Yuna after all.

After their breakfast, the two shortly headed to the Adventurers' Guild to quickly process the escort quest they had the day before. They didn't take any new quests and just went about their day.

It was neither the market nor the "Rabbit's Den". Grey and Yuna's destination was a place they have never set foot to before. It was in a district far away from the residential district because of the noises that it makes day and night.

"What's wrong?" [Grey]

"No, it's just... It's much larger than I thought... It's amazing..." [Yuna]

Commented Yuna as she gazed upon the building in front of her. While it bore resemblance to the Adventurers' Guild, it has a much more intimidating atmosphere around it. A place where countless hammering strikes echo throughout the day and flames burn endlessly. The Blacksmiths' Guild!

One of the five major guilds, the Blacksmiths' Guild deals with all sorts of items and equipment not only from minerals, but also from monster drops, mana crystals, leather, fiber, wood, and many more. Another name for it is the Craftsmen's Guild.

Surrounding the Blacksmiths' Guild building were dozens of smithies, each producing intense heat and deafening sounds all the time. They are the busiest district in the city which works night and day.

Full of curiosity, Grey and Yuna entered the guild. Contrary to its outer appearance, the inside was much cooler and welcoming. Just like the Adventurers' Guild, there are also reception desks and request boards where blacksmiths can take requests and create the customers' needs.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" [Receptionist 1]

A professional smile bloomed on the receptionist's face as she welcomed Grey and Yuna. It was a smile the two were all too familiar with. It reminded them of Tilda the very first day they entered the Adventurers' Guild.

"Are you here to order equipment?" [Receptionist 1]

Asked the receptionist as she looked at Grey and Yuna's attires, all the while maintaining her professional smile. With her experience, it only took a single glance to tell the two youths in front of her were adventurers.

While adventurers mostly buy their equipment and items in stores, some head to the Blacksmiths' Guild, either for referral to a reputed smithy or place an order for a custom-made item. It was a very common practice.

"Ah, no... I'm here to take a registration exam." [Grey]

"Then please head to the counter on the right. There, you will be given a registration form to fill up. Your exam will commence once an examiner is free." [Receptionist 1]

The receptionist gently pointed to another counter just a few meters away. There was no shock in her face even when such a young man wished to take the exam. After all, young blacksmith apprentices aren't uncommon.

"Oh, thank you." [Grey]

"I'm glad to help." [Receptionist 1]

After bowing their heads slightly to the receptionist, Grey and Yuna then headed to the registration counter. On the other hand, the receptionist just went on with her work and entertained yet another customer.

"Good morning, I'm here to take the registration exam." [Grey]

"Good morning as well. Please fill this form up with the necessary details marked with red dots on the right and pay the examination fee of 100 kiels. Will the Young Miss be taking up the exam as well?" [Receptionist 2]

"A-Ah, n-no... I'm just here to accompany him. A... Am I not allowed to?" [Yuna]

Panicky, Yuna tried to explain herself to the receptionist. She didn't know what the right processes are in taking up the registration exam and was a little nervous if she was breaking any rules.

"Not at all. As long as you don't cause issues during the exam, you are allowed to spectate." [Receptionist 2]

"O-Okay... Thank you..." [Yuna]

With the receptionist' reassurance, Yuna quickly settled down. Meanwhile, Grey who was filling up the registration form couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, thinking how cute Yuna was.

The registration form requires two types of information to be filled up. One were the required information like name, sex, and etc., marked by a red dot on the side. The second type was the optional information which the registrant could just leave blank. Of course, Grey only placed the necessary amount of information.

"Here you go. I'm finished. And here's the examination fee." [Grey]

"Thank you... Mmm... Everything seems to be filled up correctly. Can I have a verified ID for confirmation of your identity, please." [Receptionist 2]

"Ah..." [Grey]

Grey froze on the spot as soon as the receptionist asked such a question. After all, every reaction of those who saw his guild card had always been the same. It was one of great shock. One which is usually eye-catching.

While Grey is still in possession of the temporary IDs Dale issued them on their arrival in Galderia, it was only useful for 2 weeks. In other words, it had already expired long ago.

"Is something the matter...?" [Receptionist 2]

"Ah, no... You see... Please don't get too surprised..." [Grey]

Timidly, Grey showed his guild card to the receptionist. And like what he expected, traces of shock quickly showed up on the receptionist's face. The latter quickly verified the legitimacy of the guild card, becoming even more shocked after realizing it was indeed a real one.

"P-Please wait a moment, You Excellency! I-I'll go get the Guildmaster!" [Receptionist 2]

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The receptionist tried to act as polite as possible, bowing her head before leaving for the Guildmaster's office. It was a reaction Grey and Yuna knew all too well. One which easily caught the attention of many curious eyes.

Thankfully, it was only Grey who had shown his guild card. If Yuna had done the same, it would have caused an even bigger commotion. As for their privilege cards... it was better not to talk about what effects they could have.

Not long after, a man of similar size to Gaston came out alongside the receptionist from before. If Grey didn't use his appraisal and confirm he was human, he would have thought he was just an oversized dwarf because of his thick and bushy beard.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Excellency. I am called Chiron, Blacksmiths' Guild, Galderia branch Guildmaster. I welcome you." [Chiron]

As one would expect from such a large man, his voice was very deep and husky. Thankfully, he wasn't a bad person or it would have been troublesome. Though his formality was enough to make Grey and Yuna's heads ache.

"Please raise your head, Guildmaster. I'm here to take the exam so please feel free to treat me like you would any other examinee. No need to be so formal." [Grey]

"A-As you wishー Ah, I mean, sure!" [Chiron]

It was only after he raised his head that the Guildmaster noticed how many people were gazing at them with puzzled eyes. After all, he was the highest ranked person inside the guild, and for such a person to bow his head to a youngster, it was natural that it aroused the others' interest.

"It seems that... we've garnered quite the attention, haven't we...? Should we continue our talk somewhere else, Lad?" [Chiron]

"That would be most welcome." [Grey]

A wry smile over Grey's face, he and Yuna followed the Guildmaster to the employee-only section. On the way to their destination, the two couldn't help but hear clanging sounds of metals hitting one another.

While many blacksmiths are affiliated to a smithy, there are also others who work solo, unaffiliated to any. The guild also contains rentable workshops which these blacksmiths could use, hence the echoing sounds Grey and Yuna could hear.

Such an issue wasn't a problem for Grey. While he doesn't have his own workshop, he could use "Sanctuary" and perform his forgings. Yuna could also use it to perform her alchemy rather than renting a laboratory from the Alchemists' Guild.

After all, today, it won't only be Grey who will be taking a registration exam. After the blacksmith registration exam, they are planning to head to the Alchemist Guild for Yuna to take her Alchemist registration exam. As for the Enchanters' Guild, Grey decided he would take it at a later date.

"Here we are." [Chiron]

The sound of footsteps stopped echoing the hallway as the three of them halted in front of a certain room. Inside was a large open area filled with state of the art facilities and tools to be used in forging. It was one of the many examination rooms there are.

In the center of the room was a large table with a variety of low-grade metals on the top, and a couple of middle-grade metals. In the far back was a large furnace with an anvil, a grindstone, a water tank, and other work tables. There were also a good variety of tools present.

While not as advanced as Grey's "Divine Blacksmith Toolset" which has been granted by God, the equipment present in the room were all of high-quality. It was of much better quality than those found on Earth during medieval times.

"What do you think, Lad? Pretty sweet, isn't it?" [Chiron]

"Yeah. There isn't a single piece of equipment missing. I'm sure it costs quite a lot to make." [Grey]

"Hehe, seems like you have a good eye, Lad." [Chiron]

Led by the Guildmaster, Grey and Yuna toured the room with their eyes, inspecting the equipment and materials present. Slowly, they approached the anvil where Grey would be performing his forging.

"Now, since we're already here... I guess I'll be acting as your examiner. Well... I should probably explain the rules first before we start." [Chiron]

Concisely, the Guildmaster explained what the contents of the exam will be. It was quite simple. The examinee only needs to create the best piece of equipment they can within 8 hours' time.

As the exam was quite long and there are multiple examinees in a single day, the examiners are allowed to exit the examination room while the examinees do their best and continue forging.

It was an exam impossible to cheat as newly forged items have traces which are not easy to replicate. One could not just bring equipment from outside and claim it as their own. There was also the option of using a modified heartstone which can detect lies instead of criminal records.

"Hmm... Looks like the exams will take long. Yuna, sorry... I don't think I can accompany you in your exam." [Grey]

An apologetic face loomed over Grey as he faced Yuna. They have forgotten to take into account the contents of the test and because of it, their plans for the day have been somewhat ruined.

"No, it's alright... I can go on my own." [Yuna]

"Sorry, really... Here, take this with you. It contains all the ingredients and materials you need." [Grey]

Said Grey as he handed a storage ring to Yuna. It was the same storage ring Yuna used when Grey was away. Inside of it were a lot of herbs and materials which are all useful in creating potions and the sort.

"Hey, Grey..." [Yuna]

"Hm?" [Grey]

"When you're done, fetch me, okay? I'll be waiting for you." [Yuna]

Slightly embarrassed, Yuna asked for such a request from Grey. A sweet and sappy atmosphere had enveloped the room as the two showed their affection for one another. They have completely forgotten the Guildmaster was still there.

"Sure, I'll get you as soon as the exam is over." [Grey]

Grey replied, patting Yuna's head and cheering her up. With the atmosphere of the room getting sweeter, the presence of the Guildmaster only became thinner. He felt like he had become like air, present yet unnoticed.

With Grey's words, Yuna waved her hand goodbye to Grey before exiting the room. On one of her fingers was the ring Grey had just given her.

"You two... You sure are bold to flirt in front of me, huh..." [Chiron]

"Ahahaha..." [Grey]

Awkwardly, Grey responded to the Guildmaster's comment with a dry laugh. It was only after the latter talked that the former remembered that he was still present. It made the atmosphere feel a little weird.

"Well, no matter... Why don't we start the exam now? Lad, show me what you got." [Chiron]

A large smile appeared on the Guildmaster's face as he lit on the flames on the furnace ablaze. On one of his hands was a heavy hammer which he swiftly threw to Grey, the latter catching it without any problem.

"Yes." [Grey]

Following the Guildmaster's words, Grey stepped up to the front and once again inspected the equipment present. This time, he used his "Divine Eyes" to see the range of capacity they could perform.

After the equipment, Grey then headed to the table where the materials are located. A concerned expression was plastered on his face as he did so. Unlike the equipment, he did not find the materials satisfactory.

"Guildmaster, can I use my own materials?" [Grey]

"Hm...? Sure. Do whatever you want." [Chiron]

The Guildmaster's permission acquired, Grey quickly took out a small pitch black ingot from his "Inventory". The moment the Guildmaster's eyes saw the ingot, his eyes widened in surprise. The ingot Grey took out was made of Noirite, the highest quality metal within the "High-grade" minerals.

While there have been a lot of examinees who took out high-quality ingots before, they only did so so that they could get a higher grade equipment even if they are bad at forging. But somehow, the Guildmaster knew that that wasn't the case for Grey.

The Guildmaster's intuition was proven right the moment Grey delivered the first strike. The moment Grey's hammer connected to the ingot, a loud bellow echoed all over the room as the ingot was subjected to raw force and mana.

Each of Grey's strikes produced an ear-deafening sound, yet there was no discomfort to the Guildmaster who listened to it. Rather, he found it relaxing to hear the rhythm Grey made with the strikes that he made.

In, out, in, out. The ingot has been continuously taken out of the furnace to be hammered again, only put back in when it has cooled down. There were no gaps. Grey was consistent in heating and hammering the metal.

With the sparks produced by Grey's strike, the raging heat of the furnace flames, and the burst of wind after each impact, the room seemed like it had been devoured by a grueling firestorm. Yet in such a chaotic environment, Grey remained calm as he continued striking the metal.

The Guildmaster, who had initially planned to leave and come back when the exam was over, was now frozen as he watched such a mesmerizing scenery unfold. He couldn't stop grinning from excitement.

As a Tier-6 blacksmith himself, the Guildmaster could tell Grey's skill was on par, if not above his. The blacksmith blood inside of him couldn't stop boiling in excitement from seeing such a talented young blacksmith.

Time passed by quickly and six hours had elapsed. After Grey was done with hammering, he then proceeded to the next steps. The product was a beautiful pitch black knife. Grey had even done the courtesy in engraving golden patterns on it for aesthetic purposes.

"Phew... Guildmaster, I'm finisheー Woah!" [Grey]

Grey was very caught up with forging that he didn't even realize the Guildmaster had already approached him. The moment he turned his head, he was greeted by the latter's face, very close to his. Grey almost had a heart attack.

"Lad..." [Chiron]

A stern and dark expression was painted over the Guildmaster's face. He only said one word, yet it was enough to scare the living daylights out of a normal person. Grey did not know what he was thinking of.

"Where did you learn such skills?! Don't tell me... are you an apprentice of a Legendary Blacksmith?! No, are you perhaps Lord Flavio's descendant? Come on, don't just stay quiet! Let's talk more about smithing!" [Chiron]

An unexpected outburst. That was what the Guildmaster did. His facial expression has completely turned 180 as he interrogated Grey for every single detail whilst grabbing his shoulders. He has become a total smithing fanatic.

No choices left, Grey answered the overexcited Guildmaster's questions, untruthfully of course. After all, who would believe the real story which involved God and reincarnation. In the end, Grey managed to acquire a Tier-6 Blacksmith guild card. It was a tiring day, in ways more than one.


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