YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 120: Chapter 119: Consequences of Fame

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Cafes, stores, eateries, stalls, pubs, residences... A myriad of buildings with different purposes and personalities are lined up neatly along the streets. No matter where one looks, it would always be full of color. Such was the city of Galderia.

Across such a large city, there was a certain inn, its signboard engraved with a little rabbit's figure. Inside, merry chatters and laughter echoed as the people interacted with one another, smiles blooming on their faces.

It was already evening, and as such, the time for dinner had arrived. People occupied the seats and filled the dining hall. Along with their companions, they enjoyed their dinner whilst having a hearty chat. It was a very lively scenery.


The door opened and entered was a man wearing a brown jacket and a hat covering his bald head. He was a little on the stubby side with a large mustache on his face, humming to himself cheerfully as he headed to the counter.

The man was a merchant who was from another town, arriving at Galderia on his way back from the royal capital. After arriving late in the afternoon, he immediately headed to the "Rabbit's Den", the place he always stays at on such travels.

"Good evening, how maー Oh, Mister Beklaim! It's been some time! Are you staying for the night again?" [Helen]

"Ohohoho! A long time it was, and looks like our little Helen has grown up prettier again." [Beklaim]

"Hehe, it's been almost a year, after all. Should I call Dad over?" [Helen]

"Hohoho, there's no need, there's no need. I'm sure he's still busy cooking right now. Instead, could I get the usual room again, and oh! I'll also have dinner and breakfast along it." [Beklaim]

"Yeah, got it!" [Helen]

With his name written on the register, Beklaim paid the cost upfront before heading to the dining hall. A smile was afloat his face as he did so, placing his jacket and hat on top of the table as he sat on his chair.

Beklaim was an old friend of Gerd back when they were still in their teenage years, and even though they barely have any contact anymore, they still remained in one another's good graces and chatted when they could. It was also the reason why Helen was familiar with him. He was like an uncle to her.

It didn't take too long before dinner was served. One could easily infer that it had just been cooked from the steam coming out of it. It was the "Rabbit's Den's" specially, the "Gold-spotted Boar Stew" which all customers love and enjoy.

"Ohohoho! It's been a long time since I've tasted this!" [Beklaim]

"Oi, Beklaim, aren't you forgetting something." [Gerd]

Commented Gerd as he brought over the meal to Beklaim. An arched brow could be seen on his face as he asked such a question, clearly trying to intimidate Beklaim a little bit.

"Hohoho, glad to see you again, Gerd. Looks like you've grown older again. How have you been, my friend." [Beklaim]

"Ha, speak for yourself! Haven't you gotten fatter again? And I've been well, thanks for asking." [Gerd]

"Well, well, it's a product of living a good life. By the way, how are things going for the inn? It seems like it has become livelier than before." [Beklaim]

"Fortunately, yeah. Business has been going well lately. Customers have been coming here and there and we are earning quite a good amount." [Gerd]

Gerd responded as he pulled the chair parallel to Beklaim, seating himself on it. He was already done cooking in the kitchen and it was time for him to rest before eating dinner with his family.

"Anyway, how was the royal capital? I heard things went crazy this year." [Gerd]

"Hohoho, crazy it was. There were a lot of unexpected things that happened. So far, it was the most interesting time of my life." [Beklaim]

"Interesting, you say... I heard there was a terrorist attack and you could still smile like that, huh... Really, what a crazy guy you are." [Gerd]

"Well, we do need excitement from time to time. And it wasn't really that dangerous. With the heroes present, the enemies stood no chance at all! Hohoho!" [Beklaim]

Beklaim continued soft and hearty laughter as he took another bite of his dinner. Meanwhile, Gerd was in serious thought about what Beklaim said, trying to understand what the former was trying to convey.

For the past week, Gerd has heard countless rumors regarding what happened at the royal capital. From an unexpected awarding ceremony, to a terrorist attack, a beasts horde, and much more. So many things happened over such a short amount of time that he found it hard to believe it all.

Perhaps what was most surprising was that even with how severe the attacks were, there was not a single person who died. It was nothing short of a miracle which just couldn't be explained with the presence of some heroes.

"Hey, Beklaim, these... uhh... heroes... Have you met them?" [Gerd]

"Hohoho, what are you talking about? They are like stars in the sky! While you can watch them from afar, it's nigh impossible to approach them." [Beklaim]

"Then, what do you know about them?" [Gerd]

"Hmm... Let's see..." [Beklaim]

Short and simple, Beklaim told Gerd about the public information about the heroes. While he was doing some he looked very enthusiastic and cheerful just like a fanboy talking about his idols.

First, he described two of Alfrione's highest-ranking military officers. It was Vanessa and Kurt who were well-known high-rankers despite their young age. They were already famous in the kingdom and became even more so after the incident.

Next was another pair. It was the adventurers Kris and Aria who were based at the city of Galderia. Being in the same city as them, Gerd was easily interested in them as he had also seen them before.

"Ohh... Lord Kris and Lady Aria, huh... It does seem possible when you think about it. To think Galderia is now home to two of those heroes... It feels a little strange..." [Gerd]

"Well, well, I could say the same. I was actually hoping to meet them today, but sadly, I've arrived too late, I probably won't have another chance." [Beklaim]

"That's true... Hm? Wait, wasn't there supposed to be six heroes? Who are the last two?" [Gerd]

A large smile quickly appeared on Beklaim's round face, spanning ear to ear as Gerd asked the question. He looked even happier than when he told stories about the other four. He couldn't even stop himself from laughing softly.

"Hey, what's with that annoying laugh?" [Gerd]

"Hohoho, you wouldn't understand my friend. You see... I had the honor of seeing the two of them up close! They were like pieces of art I couldn't help but admire. To top it all off, they were S-rankers as well! They were truly figures of beauty and power! True masterpieces!" [Beklaim]

An excessive praise came running out of Beklaim's mouth as he described what he saw of the two remaining heroes. Rather than heroes, it was obvious that he was revering them heavily. A true fanboy!

Gerd couldn't help but feel conflicted about his friend's current actions. While he was happy for him that he found people to admire, he couldn't help but feel the second hand embarrassment as he sang praises for them. He was garnering the attention of everyone in the dining hall.

"And one more thing, my friend! I heard they are residing in Galderia as well!" [Beklaim]

"Oh! Really?!" [Gerd]

"Yes, yes, from what I know, their names wereー" [Beklaim]

"Mister Gerd, we're back." [Grey]

Beklaim was about to reveal the names of the heroes when suddenly, Grey and Yuna suddenly stepped foot into the dining hall. Seeing their faces, Beklaim couldn't help but be frozen in place. He was petrified.

As for Grey and Yuna, both were looking a little tired. They had just come back from their respective guilds after delivering the orders they took and were wanting to have a warm and delicious meal.

It has been a few days since Grey and Yuna registered as a blacksmith and alchemist respectively, and in the past few days, they have completed quite the hefty amount of orders. They have already started to build reputations in their guilds.

Of course, they also took up adventurer quests and spent time with one another every time possible. In fact, since the requests are usually quick to make, Grey and Yuna had been having lots of picnics inside the "Sanctuary". They have spent their times with them being lovey-dovey with each other.

"Oh, welcome back, you two. Are you having dinner now?" [Gerd]

"Un! We'd love to!" [Yuna]

"Alright... Just wait a little moment. We'd also be joining you." [Gerd]

"Then, we'll also help take out the meals." [Grey]

"Oh, thanks." [Gerd]

Leaving behind the frozen Beklaim, Gerd, along with Grey and Yuna, headed to the kitchen to retrieve quite a number of dishes. As Grey and Yuna were known big eaters, there were a lot of plates present, full of delicious dishes.

Amongst the bowls present, the most eye-catching one was the one containing rice. Having eaten together for months already, it has already become a habit to eat with it. No meal was complete without it.

Sadly, there wasn't enough rice to serve it on the menu. Only Gerd and his family had the pleasure to eat rice on a daily basis. Although the other customers were also curious about it, they didn't ask any questions.

"Hey, Beklaim, we'll be joining you on the table. Is that alright with you?" [Gerd]

"Ah, ye-yesー No, wait! That isn't it!" [Beklaim]

All of a sudden, Beklaim slammed his hands on the table and quickly stood up without warning. His sudden outburst shocked Gerd and company, as well as gathered the attention of the other customers.

Following his outburst, with heavy steps, he approached Grey and Yuna, making the two more than confused about what was happening. Shortly after, he bowed his head in a 90 degree position as if he was apologizing to someone.

"I-It's a pleasure to finally meet you up close, Your Highnesses, Archduke Grey, Archduchess Yuna. I am called Beklaim. P-Please let me have the pleasure of shaking your hands!" [Beklaim]

Yelled Beklaim as he extended one of his hands to the two youths in front of him. It was only then that Grey and Yuna understood what was happening. They then started sweating as they both felt a bad premonition.

Meanwhile, Gerd and his family, along with the other customers, fell into confusion with what was happening. All the customers' have stopped eating their dinner as their eyes were fixated to the three.

"N... No... You got the wrong people..." [Grey]

"There is no way I would've gotten it wrong! I could still remember Their Highnesses' figure aiding people on the carnival as clear as day! The heroes of Alfrione, there is no way I could forget!" [Beklaim]

"N... No... That... That could have been anyone. Black hair isn't uncommon, after all..." [Grey]

"That may be so, but I wouldn't forget the glint in your amethyst-colored eyes! The way they gleamed as you looked at the horizon, they are even brighter than jewels themselves!" [Beklaim]

Grey tried to deny Beklaim's claims, but Beklaim was too stubborn. Yuna even helped out but it only made things worse. Every time they tried to deny things, Beklaim always had a comeback.

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"Grey, Yuna... Don't tell me... The reason why you went to the royal capital... Was it for the awarding ceremony...?" [Gerd]

To Gerd's question, neither Grey nor Yuna could answer. Their eyes only swam in different directions as they tried to escape Gerd's piercing gaze. It only made the two of them look even more guilty.

"Wait! Are you really the heroes Beklaim has been talking about?!" [Gerd]

"Hohoho, I've told you my friend, my eyes are never wrong!" [Beklaim]

"Grey, Yuna, we need explanations!" [Helen]

Chaos quickly descended in the dining hall as Beklaim's claims were proven true. As people matched Grey and Yuna's description to rumors they have heard, they only became more convinced.

In the end, Grey and Yuna were interrogated a lot by Gerd and company, squeezing them dry of every single detail. They once again tried to deny some things but they were easily caught. There was no escaping.

Beklaim also managed to get himself a handshake and autographs from Grey and Yuna. Following him, the other customers also politely asked about the same thing from them. Needless to say, it was a very tiring day. They were very tired; they didn't even change clothes when they went to bed.


Donggg Donggg Donggg

The first bell's resonant sound has once again covered the entire city. A new morning has arrived and with it, the busy days of the city folk have started once again. It was yet another lovely day.

Chatter Chatter Chatter

Rather than the bustling sound of a busy city, what greeted Grey and Yuna in the morning was the indistinct chattering of people. Although it was still very early in the morning, the loud noises were already loud enough to compare to the market at its busy hours.

"Hm? What's happening?" [Grey]

Curious about the cause of such a commotion, Grey slowly stood up and left the bed, not even stretching his hands out. Yuna was still half asleep, also woken up by the same noise just like Grey was.

Slowly, Grey approached the window to see where the noise was coming from. The very moment he moved away the curtains and watched outside, a surprising scene greeted him, surprising enough to wake him up.

Hundreds of people crowded the streets outside, waiting for the "Rabbits's Den's" opening. While Grey didn't want to admit it, he already had a hunch what happened. It was something he didn't want to think about.

"Hm...? Grey, whash happeningh..." [Yuna]

Yuna, still half-asleep, followed behind Grey and then hugged the latter from behind. Shortly after, she peeked outside the window, her head barely visible from outside, and just like Grey, she was quickly surprised by the commotion.

"G-Grey... Don't tell me..." [Yuna]

"Nah, there's no wayー" [Grey]

"Ah! It's Their Highnesses!"

"Huh?! Where?! Where?!"

"Look! There they are!"

Grey couldn't even finish his words. The moment a person spotted them peeking from the window, the others quickly followed and called out to them. With it, their suspicions were confirmed. They quickly closed the curtains in reflex.

After yesterday night's commotion, rumors have quickly spread throughout the city, and with Grey and Yuna being known high-rankers in the Adventurers' Guild, the people became inclined to believe it.

It was like a wildfire. In just a single night, thousands upon thousands of people have already heard word of it. Thousands more are also hearing the rumors which are spreading faster and faster, hence the current situation.

Knock Knock Knock

While they were still baffled about the current situation, a sudden knocking came resounding from the door. When Grey opened it, Beklaim greeted them with a troubled expression on his face.

"Your Highnesses... I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday! Because of my carelessness, rumors have already spread throughout the city! Truly, I'm really, really sorry!" [Beklaim]

Just like how he bowed to greet Grey and Yuna the day before, now, Beklaim once again bowed his head in a 90 degree position. But rather than greeting, this time, it was for an apology over his blunder.

All there was was sincerity when Beklaim spoke his words. He really didn't mean any harm to befall Grey and Yuna. He had already reflected on his actions and knew where he went wrong.

"No, it's alright, Mister Beklaim. Please raise your head." [Grey]

"B-But... Because of meー" [Beklaim]

"Mister Beklaim, we don't blame you. This was bound to happen anyway. It's just that it was earlier than we had expected." [Grey]

Grey reassured Beklaim as he once again looked at the window. Even when he had already closed the curtains, he could still hear the loud chattering of the curious people. In fact, it seemed to have gotten louder.

"Hm? Mister Beklaim, are you leaving already?" [Yuna]

"Ah, yes... Though it's a shame, I need to take my leave today. I would have loved it if I could spend more time here though." [Beklaim]

A lonely smile was about Beklaim's face as he said those words. It wasn't only Grey and Yuna, he also wanted to spend more time with Gerd and his family. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the luxury to.

"Ah, right. Mister Beklaim, when you head down, can you tell Mister Gerd that we won't be having breakfast for today. And also, please tell him we're sorry for causing a commotion so early in the morning." [Grey]

"Oh, that would be very simple. But how about Your Highnesses, won't you be having a hard time?" [Beklaim]

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out. Right, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Un! It will be a piece of cake!" [Yuna]

Seeing the smile of reassurance on Yuna's face, Beklaim felt comforted and more confident they would be able to get through it. After all, they were heroes who could crush a very large horde of beasts in an instant. There was nothing they couldn't do.

"Hohoho, then I'll be heading out now, Your Highness. Please have a wonderful day." [Beklaim]

"Yeah, we sure will." [Grey]

"Un! Bye~!" [Yuna]

Waving his hand goodbye, Beklaim slowly walked away and descended down the stairs. Grey and Yuna were left behind their own room to figure things out.

"Grey, what should we do?" [Yuna]

"Hmm... I don't know either. Well, it'll probably die down in a few days or so... Why don't we have breakfast first before we worry about it?" [Grey]

"Un! Sure!" [Yuna]

With nothing else to do, Grey took out a number of dishes from his "Inventory" for him and Yuna to eat. Meanwhile, Yuna utilized plant magic to create a simple table and chairs for them to dine on.

Unfortunately for Grey, his predictions were far from true. A few days have already passed yet the crowd of people outside showed no signs of dying down, rather, they even increased in numbers.

Grey and Yuna had tried sneaking out into the market once, with their cloaks on, but it only caused a commotion once one of the vendors noticed their identities. With how many people there were, it would just be an understatement to say they were swarmed, they were swallowed by a flood of people.

Of course, some soldiers and knights tried to stop the commotion, but after finding out Grey and Yuna were there, they also joined in, making things more chaotic. Ever since then, neither Grey nor Yuna had come out of the inn.

Even inside the "Rabbit's Den", people were waiting for them. Some people were even looking at the stairs, waiting for Grey and Yuna to come down. It has come to the point that it affected the nearby establishments.

Thankfully, Gerd was considerate enough to not let any new customers rent the inn. After all, from the people eating alone, they were already busy enough and also earned a lot of money.

"Grey, how does it look?" [Yuna]

"No luck at all. They're still there, waiting." [Grey]

"I see..." [Yuna]

Following his previous mistake of opening the curtains, Grey has been using his "Divine Eyes" to peek outside the window. Just like the days before, there were still tons upon tons of people waiting outside.

"Haah... I feel sorry for Mister Gerd and everyone..." [Grey]

"Un... If only we could take their attention somewhere else..." [Yuna]

"Right, if only weー" [Grey]

Grey fell into deep thought upon realizing Yuna's words. A sudden idea popped inside his head. An idea which might not resolve the problem, but will at least lessen the burden on the affected people.

Sooner or later, it was already meant to happen. It was only now that Grey realized how important such an asset was. Endless ideas flooded Grey's mind as he thought of the things he could do with it.

He could have his own kitchen, a larger bedroom, a relaxing living room, and even a bathtub. There were endless possibilities. More importantly, he could act more lovey-dovey with Yuna! There was no better option.

"Yuna... Why don't we buy a house?" [Grey]

".... Eh?" [Yuna]


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