YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 136: Chapter 135: Monster Flood

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Entities of molten rock and fire, eyes glowing red and orange, with bodies emanating immense heat towards the surroundings. Such beings were marching towards the city, albeit slowly, steadily and decisively.

The only thing between the city and the flood was a wall, a few thousand people, their weapons out and ready, prepared to fight until the very bitter end. Their hearts pumping wildly like a stallion galloping across a vast meadow.

Well, them, and six more figures. Four were the massive and magnificent High Dragons which had just flown by, and the remaining two were two unassuming youths which are the closest to the horde, standing still, looking towards the distance.

Seeing the two figures, faces covered in masks, the spectators couldn't help but tilt their heads in confusion. They had no idea why they were there nor who sent him, but they knew of one thing. It was that it would be dangerous any second now.

"H-Hey, you two! What are you standing there for? Come back here before things get dangerous!"

A man in the frontline shouted towards the two figures, but the latter didn't listen. Rather, they just continued scrutinizing the enemies in front of them, turning their heads minimally as if ascertaining their positions.

Of course, these two figures were none other than Grey and Yuna. They had just finished negotiating with the Lord, and now that everything was settled, they are both ready to fight and wipe out the threats before them. Their eyes were shimmering a dangerous glint, ready to destroy the enemies at a given moment.

The man didn't know what kinds of tricks the two pulled off, riding dragons and whatnots, but he knew of one thing. It was that it was his responsibility as an adult to take care of the youngsters and stop them when they are being reckless.

"Hey, you two, are you listeningー"

The man tried to grab Grey's shoulders, but before the man could even touch him, he suddenly vanished into thin air. The very next moment he appeared, he was already in front of the enemies, just a couple meters away.


Up close with the enemies, Grey could clearly feel the rumbling of the ground, even fiercer, even more violent, and even more dangerous. Even then, he didn't budge an inch from his spot and firmly stood his ground.

"Haap!" [Grey]

Without any warning, Grey raised one of his feet to the air. Not even a second later, he quickly planted them back to the ground. Following such sudden actions, the ground trembled even more like a wild sea during a stormy day.

Along the quaking ground, a large wall appeared before Grey, rising as fast as lightning and creating a massive barricade all around the city. It was like a second wall, but much sturdier and much more powerful. All eyes were wide open as they witnessed such a spectacle unfold.

But the show didn't stop there. Yuna wasn't just standing still either. Just like Grey, she suddenly vanished from thin air, appearing in front of the enemies in just a fraction of a second. With an effortless leap, She landed atop the newly created walls, her eyes glimmering coldly, unfazed by the heat.

With a wave of her hand, dozens of large icicles appeared in front of her, floating in the air freely and sharpened like that of real lances, ready to pierce and annihilate any obstacles on their paths, emanating coldness which could freeze anything at the lightest contact.

⟨⟨Winter Gale's Parade!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Yuna waved her hands once more and the icicles shot out at speeds the naked eye couldn't follow. As the icicles flew, silhouettes of horsemen bearing lances appeared out of thin air, frozen knights whose eyes were colder than ice.

A large band of horsemen charged towards the enemies, unfazed by the heat and unbothered by the number of enemies before them. They didn't care what obstacles were in front of them, all they knew was that they must destroy.

Their lances, sharp as once could be, pierced through the enemies without much resistance, destroying everything in their paths and leaving the ground frozen, covered in a thin yet resistant layer of ice.

Every time the lances pierced the enemies, their coldness invaded their bodies and devoured their flames like a starving predator. At the same time, a large hole was drilled through their torsos, spreading cracks all over as they froze into ice statues, destroying them into smithereens at the next moment.

The battlefield which looked like a living, boiling hell was turned into a cold, frozen wasteland in just a matter of seconds. The enemies which were ones marching were now nothing but fragments of their former selves, slowly fading away from existence as they dissipated into the air.

It was only a few seconds yet the scene seemed like it had been going on for a long time. The spectators couldn't believe their eyes even when they themselves witnessed the scene unfold. It was frightening, too frightening, in fact.

In just a single moment, thousands of enemies were erased from the surface of the world. Their eyes were fixated at a single figure, all thinking of the same thing. "The Goddess of Ice has descended".

"Yuna, you went a little overboard there." [Grey]

Grey's voice echoed in the cold air as he leaped atop the walls he created, standing beside Yuna whose eyes were like glowing a freezing glint. Even he, who had been Yuna for three years, was a little surprised with her power. She had clearly grown.

"Really? I just thought of matching your performance. You know, building a massive wall and all that." [Yuna]

"Ah... So it's my fault, huh..." [Grey]

"Fufufu! You're the one who said that, not me." [Yuna]

Despite how precarious the situation was, Grey and Yuna were still able to have a casual conversation atop the walls. There wasn't a trace of worry to be noticed on their movements, even their expressions behind the masks were calm as one can be.

"Well, anyway, since the battle had already started... should we have a little friendly competition?" [Grey]

"Oh? Are we competing with how many monsters we defeat again?" [Yuna]

"You got it. As for the prize, the loser has to do the winner a favor." [Grey]

Things had just started to heat up yet the stakes were already high. Since a favor could mean from a simple treat, to something more devious and daring. It was not something one could take lightly.

Even then, Yuna's heart did not waver at Grey's declaration. Rather, she only felt even more fired up now that she has a reason to fight. She was very optimistic that she could win the competition.

Well, rather than optimistic, Yuna just wanted to get back at Grey for all the losses she incurred during their card and board games. Her eyes were flaming with resolve and determination to win no matter what.

"Oh, and just a reminder, the ones who just finished off just now don't count. We'll have a reset." [Grey]

"Ehh?! Why?!" [Yuna]

"Well, that's because it'd just be unfair. I could have also defeated the same number if I didn't erect the wall, you know?" [Grey]

"Uuu... But that's that, this is this!" [Yuna]

Yuna tried to rebel against Grey, but her efforts were fruitless and all for naught. In the end, everything was settled the way Grey wanted it to, much to Yuna's immediate dissatisfaction.

Grey couldn't see her face due to the mask, but he could tell that she was puffing her cheeks, pouting a little bit. His girlfriend was so adorable that before he even noticed it, his hand already moved on its own and patted her head to cheer her up. A super effective move!

"Alright, should we get started?" [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

"Then at the count of three..." [Grey]

Preparing a little, Yuna stretched her arms towards the sky and shook her hips left and right for a bit of warm up. Grey also did the same as he rotated his shoulders and cracked his knuckles.

"Three...! Two...! One...! And... Go!" [Grey]

The very moment Grey's "Go!" resounded throughout the air, a burst of wind came bursting towards the battlefield, left by Grey and Yuna at their wake as they dashed towards the enemies at breakneck speed.

Not wanting to interfere with one another's business, Grey headed left whilst Yuna headed towards the right, breaking the enemies' bodies the very second they tried to get in their way.

⟨⟨Megaton Shotgun!⟩⟩ [Grey]

With a blast of Grey's fist, the wind howled as great force reverberated violently and fists of mana formed in the air, flying towards the enemies and destroying their bodies to smithereens, sending them into the dark and empty oblivion.

In just a single punch, Grey cleared out a couple dozen enemies in front of him, turning their bodies of rock and fire into fine dust and ash which scattered through the air, not leaving a single speck of their being behind.

⟨⟨Fatal Stream!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Yuna wasn't being complacent either. At the same time Grey's punch connected to the enemies, her torrent of slashes and cuts came biting down towards the enemies, mercilessly dicing them into small pieces and destroying their cores.

Rather than power, Yuna relied on her speed to finish hundreds of her enemies as she dashed through them and not leaving a single one behind. Every time she brandished her daggers in the air, another enemy was cut down, forced to kneel towards the cold ground.

Grey and Yuna's attacks were so fierce and quick that, forget attacking, the enemies couldn't even defend themselves. In a single second, they were far away, at the very next one, they were already past them and their bodies had already been destroyed. Such was what the enemies witnessed before their flames were extinguished.

Grey suddenly stopped in his tracks. He was now in the middle of the left side, all the enemies' eyes fixated on him, ready to attack him despite knowing the difference in power. It was one situation others would call a predicament.

But despite being in such a dire situation, a smile formed beneath Grey's mask. Soon after, the air started to tremble violently and the winds became more aggressive, ready to bring down judgement and cleanse the world.

⟨⟨Tornado!⟩⟩ [Grey]

The wind soon converged into a single entity. Like a large whirlpool swallowing ships whole, the tornado became a vortex which drew everything towards it, uprooting trees, boulders, and enemies alike. All were equal in the face of true power.

It didn't just end there. After being lifted up in the air and experiencing a couple dizzying swirls, those who were caught by the tornado were slowly ripped to shreds until there was nothing left. It was a disaster, one more frightening than monsters.

Soon enough, the tornado disappeared. But it wasn't the only one. The enemies, the features in the terrain, and everything within range had also disappeared. They have been swallowed by the vortex known as oblivion.

"With that, I should be at 1,932." [Grey]

Yet despite how chaotic the scene was, Grey didn't forget to count the number of enemies he has defeated. It was more than impressive he could even count how much debris was flying during the tornado.

Well, since it was Grey we're talking about, an oddity or two should be expected. After all, he doesn't wield Divine abilities just for nothing. He should at least be this capable to prove his worth.

You are reading story YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia at novel35.com

"And, you'll be the 1,933rd!" [Grey]

Disappearing where he was previously from, Grey appeared in front of the enemies once again. With a quick jab, his fist connected towards the enemies, breaking their bodies without much problem and blasting its remains towards its kin. Grey has started to brawl yet again.

Meanwhile, in a place not too far away, another battle was unfolding, not any less fierce than Grey's. While the place might look calmer and less disturbed, one couldn't ignore the number of frozen statues around. They were all enemies who had been defeated by a single touch.

⟨⟨Permafrost!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

At Yuna's command, the air became frozen and the temperature dropped to the negatives. Even the enemies whose bodies were literally lit ablaze couldn't help but shiver at the sheer power of the coldness Yuna brought.


Soon after, the ground shook violently and cracks appeared all over the place. But what emerged wasn't rocks nor boulders but a large layer of ice, devouring the enemies whole and sending the others flying.

Everything in front of Yuna has now been buried under a thick layer of unmelting ice. There wasn't a single movement to be seen as the coldness slowly pierced the enemies' bodies and leaving them to freeze entirely. It was a death sentence.

Now, all that was left were the higher variants which were far behind the flood. There were still a couple Vulcans here and there but the lesser Vulcans have now been thoroughly wiped out without mercy.

Some were able to escape Grey and Yuna's grasps, but with the familiars standing guard behind them, not a single one was spared. It was not a battle, but rather, a very one-sided massacre. One which will be engraved in history.

"Looks like you're finished on your side. So, what's your score at?" [Grey]

"Nothing much, just a couple thousand." [Yuna]

"Oh, what a coincidence. I'm at a couple thousand, too." [Grey]

With most of the enemies cleared out, Grey and Yuna have started teasing one another. Even though they were in the middle of the battlefield, they couldn't stop themselves from flirting with one another. They really were what many would call an idiot couple.

Thud Thud Thud

Their bickering was only stopped when they felt the ground quake time and time again. The cause was none other than the Vulcan King who stood more than 20 meters in height. A true giant which was as powerful as its name suggested.

With every step it took, the ground trembled in fear. With every swing of its arms, the surrounding air burns up from the intense heat. If there are beings which could be called the incarnations of hell, the Vulcan King was one of them.

The ice which once covered the ground was slowly being melted. Soon enough, the ground was ravaged in flames as the Vulcan King drew closer and closer. With it we're the Greater Vulcans who looked just as terrifying.

"I guess it's time for the finale, huh..." [Grey]

"Grey, see you when I win!" [Yuna]

"Ah, Hey! Yuna!" [Grey]

Whilst Grey stood still, admiring the titan of flames before him, Yuna already went on ahead and headed towards the enemies, a smile on her face as she thought up of what favor she should ask for.


Seeing Grey and Yuna draw closer, the Vulcan King opened its massive maws, and in the fraction of a second, a beam of fire and lava came pouring out, disintegrating everything they were to disintegrate.

With how hot the beam was, even the solid ground was melted and also turned into lava itself. The battlefield was soon painted with patches of red and orange as the Vulcan King continued to blast the surroundings.

The Greater Vulcans weren't sitting still either. Following the boss' lead, they also opened their mouths and shot beams towards Grey and Yuna who were approaching them. Albeit theirs were smaller, it didn't make them any less destructive.

"Woah...! That was close!" [Grey]

"Grey, I'm leaving you behind~!" [Yuna]

"Oi, Yuna!" [Grey]

Well, even with how dangerous it might look, to Grey and Yuna, who were S-rankers, everything just looked like a simple game to them. No matter how many beams there were, they managed to dodge them without much effort.

Kicking up their speeds even faster, Grey and Yuna left clouds of dust in their wake as they headed straight towards their enemies. Their weapons were ready to be swung again, thirsty for more destruction.

⟨⟨Dice!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

⟨⟨Magnum Caliber!⟩⟩ [Grey]

One after another, Grey and Yuan's torrent of attacks rained down upon their enemies once again. With every hit connecting, a large gashing wound or a hole in the body was left. A couple more and the enemy was down.

The enemies flailed around their arms in an attempt to hit Grey and Yuna, but their movements were much too slow for the both of them. Even when they shot a volley of fireballs with their hands, Grey and Yuna simply deflected them with the use of their daggers and gauntlets.

The Vulcan King also tried to stomp on them but they simply dodged such an attack with minimal movements. The ground quaked with the Vulcan King's heavy step, but Grey and Yuna were still unfazed, still wearing the same expressions.

"It's not your turn yet. Stay still!" [Grey]

Fast as lightning, Grey delivered an uppercut to the Vulcan King's face. Grey didn't even jump or anything of the sort. He simply stayed still and delivered a punch towards the sky. Just the shockwave from the punch was enough to deal a huge blow to the Vulcan King, making it fall to its back, helplessly.


A large quake resounded through the solid ground the moment the Vulcan King fell, making the other enemies' and the people back in the city to feel the shock and lose their balance for a quick moment.

Grey and Yuna didn't waste such an opportunity and delivered the finishing blows to their enemies. The Vulcans and the Greater Vulcans, all were finished off in just a few seconds. The two didn't even break a sweat while doing so.


In a final effort to defeat the enemies, the Vulcan King, still sprawling on the ground, amassed large amounts of heat and mana from the surroundings into a large mass over the empty and unassuming air.

The spherical mass grew larger and larger with each passing moment and soon enough, it grew to a diameter spanning several dozen meters, even larger than the Vulcan King itself. It was like there was a second sun on the horizon.

The people atop the ramparts and inside the city felt fear creep inside their hearts as they saw such a scene unfold. It was as if they were the end of the world. Their reactions were completely different from Grey and Yuna.

"Waah~! So bright~!" [Yuna]

"Hey, Yuna, don't stare too much! You'll hurt your eyes!" [Grey]

"But it's just so beautiful!" [Yuna]

"Haah... This girl, what I am going to do with you..." [Grey]

There wasn't a trace of worry in their minds. While Grey might have some concerns, it was for an entirely different reason. One far more trivial and unconcerning than the former.


A loud explosion resounded the air and the sphere of plasma bursted into thousands upon thousands of fireballs, raining down to the ground from all sorts of directions. It was as if a myriad of meteors were heading towards the area.

One could only feel frightened at such a horrifying sight. But soon enough, that fear vanished, replaced by shock and disbelief from the scene which unfolded after it.

⟨⟨Frost Field⟩⟩ [Yuna]

As Yuna's gentle voice resounded towards the sky, everything in sight turned blue and time seemed to stop. The only things which remained shining weren't the fireballs nor the sun above, but Yuna's deep blue eyes.

The next moment, no one knew what happened, but everything had already turned to ice when they noticed. Even the fireballs which were hotter than regular flames weren't spared and were also frozen. The impossible has become possible.

Crack Crack Shatter

Soon, the sounds of glass breaking filled the air as all pieces of ice shattered into smithereens, turning into snow in just mere fragments of a second. There was no more left to be said.

"And this… is… goodbye!" [Grey]

Following such a mystical scene, a loud scream filled the air as Grey jumped towards the air, locking his eyes towards the Vulcan King which was still lying on the ground helplessly, ready to land the finishing blow.

⟨⟨Howling Thunder!⟩⟩ [Grey]

The very moment Grey's punch struck the Vulcan King, cracks appeared immediately, spreading further throughout its whole body, accompanied by the shock and brute force of Grey's attack. Soon enough, its body gave in, broken into pieces. The mighty looking King was now reduced to a state resembling a pile of rubble.

Silence returned to the fields, only the sound of the gentle wind to be heard. A large figure took a final glance at the man who finished him off, its eyes full of rage and hatred as it lost its glow. Everything was over.


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