YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 146: Chapter 145: Four Guardians

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Clack Clack Clack

One monotonous sound echoed throughout the house. There were no words to be heard, only the clacking of spoon and fork as they hit the plates. The usual smiles were nowhere to be seen. It was a depressing atmosphere.

After yesterday's events, the atmosphere in the village became heavier and darker. People have become more anxious and worried about their tomorrows, unsure whether the Tree of Life would still stand another day. All were worried if the village they call home would still exist,

The mood was especially heavy for the Chief's household. Ever since yesterday, neither one of them has shown a single smile. Especially Aria, she didn't even utter a single word, only nodding and shaking her head when someone talks to her. Even when it was Kris, the treatment was still the same.

The wedding she has been looking forward to for months was now at risk of being canceled. Of course, any bride who was in her position would feel dejected. It was already admirable that she didn't even cry. She was keeping everything to herself.

"Here, Zeke, eat some more. You won't grow if you only eat that little." [Falroe]

"Yes..." [Zeke]

"Dear, can you pass me the water?" [Valka]

"Oh, sure..." [Falroe]

Even the conversations at the dining table were dry. So dry that one might need a few glasses of water to quench the dryness. It was so depressing that even the food didn't taste of anything. It was as if they were just munching on air, flavorless and unappetizing as one could be.

The one who was in the worst position was none other than the timid Reina. Even when she wasn't present at the scene nor was she the one whose wedding was getting canceled, she still felt like crying. The atmosphere was just too heavy for her to bear.

Clink Creak

The utensils jumped as Kris lightly slammed his hand, abruptly standing all of a sudden. What followed was the sound of a chair sliding as he moved away from the table, his eyes closed, clearly not wanting to look at Aria for a moment.

"Please excuse me, there's somewhere I need to go to." [Kris]

"Kris, where are you going?" [Aria]

Finally, words came out of Aria's mouth. While Kris was a little delighted that she had finally talked again, his heart was still aching a little at the crestfallen expression painted on the beautiful face of his fiancée.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon." [Kris]

Receiving Kris' answer, Aria stared at him for a little bit before looking back at her food, playing with it using her for. The dark expression on her face still remained. Even she was uncertain of her own emotions.

The door creaked and Kris came out of the house. He looked at the sky, one of his hands providing shade for his face from the light from the sun. Now that he was out of the house, his heart felt light, free from the burden of the heavy atmosphere.

Feeling the fresh air for a couple of seconds, Kris then started walking once again. His destination was not too far away, just a couple minutes of walk, to a house which is normally unoccupied throughout the year. It was the very house Grey and Yuna were staying at.

Knock Knock Knock

After the knocking, there was silence. Soon after, the sound of footsteps filled the air, getting louder and louder as its owner came closer and closer to the door. Soon, a creak followed as the door was opened.

"Oh! Good morning, Mister Kris!" [Yuna]

"Yeah, good morning. Uhh... Is Grey here?" [Kris]

"Un! He's currently at the dining room, serving breakfastー Ah, how silly of me! Please come in, Mister Kris." [Yuna]

"Ah, thanks..." [Kris]

Being welcomed to Grey and Yuna's temporary home, Kris politely headed inside. The very moment he stepped foot, there was a certain feeling he felt which was much different from the Chief's residence. It was especially evident in the dining room.

The atmosphere was much lighter, one filled with welcoming warmth and comfort. It was one where one could easily feel the charm of a home. Kris felt much more at ease in such a house. He never knew two dining rooms could be so different.

"Oh, Mister Kris, what brings you here? No, actually, before that, have you already had breakfast." [Grey]

"Breakfast, huh... Well, it's a little complicated. To tell you the truth, I couldn't really taste anything back there. The mood was just too heavy." [Kris]

"I see... So everyone's still affected by yesterday's events, huh..." [Grey]

"That's right. Especially Aria. She's barely even talking. Frankly, I'm getting a little worried about her." [Kris]

Said Kris as he scratched his head. He was trying to play it cool, but deep inside, the word "worry" couldn't even begin to describe what he feels for Aria. The concern he felt was enough to beat her family's worry many times over. After all, when it comes to her, he was a worrywart.

Even back when they were at the dining table, Kris could barely keep his calm and stop himself from talking to her. He wanted to comfort Aria over and over again but managed to hold himself back just barely. After all, there are times when someone needs to be alone.

"That does sound problematic... Ah! Why don't you have a seat first and join us for breakfast? [Grey]

"Are you sure about that? I already feel terrible intruding so early. You can just be frank if you feel comfortable." [Kris]

"No, not at all. Right, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Un! There's a lot of food for everyone! The more the merrier!" [Yuna]

For the first time today, a genuine smile finally sprouted on Kris' face as he took his seat. It wasn't only because he knew the food was going to be delicious, but because of a much deeper reason, something only he knew of.

Following him, Grey and Yuna also took their seats and breakfast immediately commenced, smiles sprouting on each of their faces as they chatted lightly and heartily with one another just like how a loving family would.

'I wonder if Aria would like these?' [Kris]

Such a thought entered Kris' mind as he fed himself. The more dishes he ate, the more he wanted to share them with Aria, anticipating what reactions she would give when she gets a taste of them and wondering if such dishes would cheer her up. She was all there is in his thoughts.

Breakfast continued and soon the food atop the table disappeared one after another. For a short while, Kris forgot what he was worried about and mingled genuinely with the two youths before him. It wasn't too long before breakfast finished.

"Then, I'll do the dishes." [Yuna]

"Ah, no, let me do itー" [Kris]

"No can do! We can't have our guests do that now, can we? Also, don't you still have something to talk about with Grey?" [Yuna]

"Ah, right... Thank you..." [Kris]

Yuna simply smiled in response to Kris' gratitude as she turned around and headed to the sink. Soon, the sound of water streaming down and splashing filled the kitchen, accompanied by Yuna's hums.

"So, Mister Kris, why brought you here?" [Grey]

"Grey, I'll get straight to the point... I want you to summon familiars for me." [Kris]

Silence soon swallowed the room as Grey and Kris looked one another in the eyes. While Grey was a little shocked, he quickly recovered his calm in an instant as a certain thought entered his mind, one which didn't really matter but bothered him.

Grey titled his head left and right but he couldn't find any answer. He searched his memory all over again and again but he couldn't remember a single thing. It only made him more puzzled as time passed.

"Hmm... Mister Kris, did I tell you that I know summoning?" [Grey]

Such a trivial thought was bothering Grey. He just couldn't remember talking about such a topic with either him or Aria. While it would be found out sooner or later since their familiars weren't a secret, Yuna could have been the one who did the summoning. He found it strange that Kris immediately went to look for him.

"Ah, that... I heard Vanessa talking about it back when we were still at the capital. She was talking very proudly about it, too." [Kris]

"Big Sis Vanessa..." [Grey]

Well, it wasn't too long before his question was answered. The reason was none other than the ever so energetic and mischievous Vanessa. The same person who wanted to have a brawl with Yuna despite her being pregnant and the same person who spread exaggerated fears about Grey and Yuna. That Vanessa.

Grey had already predicted either Kris, Aria, or Falroe would ask him and Yuna for their help, but he didn't expect it to be the way Kris asks him of. He wasn't against it, but he was still surprised nonetheless.

"Sorry, Grey. I know I'm being overbearing and unreasonable. But with the way things are going right now, it might really affect the wedding. Don't worry, I'll compensate you as much as I can." [Kris]

Or so Kris said, but Grey knew full well that the wedding wasn't his top priority. He didn't say anything about her, but it was obvious that he was doing it for the sake of Aria's happiness. After all, he was just another fool in love.

"Mister Kris, There's no need to worry about the payment. Also... you're surprisingly soft when it comes to Miss Aira, aren't you?" [Grey]

"Shut up, I don't want to hear that from you," [Kris]

Well, Grey could relate very well with what Kris felt. He was also one who would do anything for the sake of his most precious person. His gaze falling towards a certain elf who was currently washing the dishes whilst humming happily.

"Grey, I'm done with the dishes!" [Yuna]

"Oh, just in time!" [Grey]

Yuna drying her hands with a towel, approaching the two of them, Grey slowly stood up from his seat as he readied himself a little, stretching his arms and hands towards the ceiling just how he greets his morning.

"Then, how about the three of us head out a little? I feel like exploring the village a little bit." [Grey]

With Grey in the lead, the three of them headed outside of the house. While Grey phrased his words like that, what he really meant was to head towards the Chief's residence, feeling the fresh air and the gentle sunlight on the way there.

A few minutes of walking later, the three of them finally arrived at the house. It was as silent as the dead, barely any sound to be heard. It was just like how it was when Kris left it. There was still a depressing atmosphere about it.

"Yo everyone, I'm back! And I've brought some guests!" [Kris]

You are reading story YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia at novel35.com

Still, Kris didn't let the moody atmosphere bother him anymore. He just simply waltzed in as if he owned the house with a cheerful smile on his face. Such actions quickly gathered the attention of everyone.

Such was especially true for Aria. On her face the very phrase "What are you doing?" was written. There were no words needed to be said, her expressions made her thoughts as clear as day. After all, she was the one who knew Kris the most. She wouldn't be surprised if it was another one of Kris' shenanigans.

"Good morning Miss Aria, we've come to get you." [Grey]

Aria was more than shocked after hearing Grey's words. She didn't say anything, only pointing her index finger towards herself with a bewildered face, as if ascertaining whether Grey really was talking about her.

"Oh, and Mister Falroe, too. We'll be needing the both of you." [Grey]

Grey's smile only widened as he continued his statement. On the other hand, Falroe and Aria whose names were mentioned only became more puzzled. No matter how much they worked their brains, they couldn't figure out what was going on in Grey's mind, or the three of them for that matter.

Still full of confusion, Aria and Falroe, led by the three, headed towards a certain direction. They were heading towards the location of the Tree of Life, passing a lot of guards and villagers on the way.

As for the beast crystals to be used, it was inside Kris and Aria's shared storage ring. They bought one just a couple of months ago and it has been useful ever since. Now, everything was set and ready.

"Alright, this place should be perfect." [Grey]

As soon as they arrived, all eyes were on them. Just like Falroe and Aria, the guards' faces were full of worry as they continued their duty. The memory of the night before was still fresh in their mind, most notably the pain they felt during such a fierce battle.

Even then, the guards continued their duties. They have already experienced many difficulties in their lives as guards. An injury or two isn't enough for them to give up on their duties. They still have their pride and dignity as warriors.

"Grey, Yuna, Kris, what are we doing here?" [Falroe]

"Well, for that, you'll have to wait and see." [Grey]

Grey didn't say any more explanations and simply started what he ought to do. Soon enough, Incomprehensible words came out of Grey's mouth, mana gathering from the surroundings and concentrating in front of him as if a vortex was sucking them.

What followed after was a mystical scene. Slowly but surely, the surroundings started to shine, a magic circle forming from thin air and gathering more and more mana as time passed like a whale with a voracious appetite.

The chanting continued and runes soon revealed themselves to everyone present, gathering the attention of more and more people as more and more of them were engraved in the magic circle which only grew bigger with the passing of time.

Just like the times Grey did summoning before, the outer layers of the magic circle started turning one after another. The more mana was sucked in, the more circles turned until only the innermost layers were left. The magic circle was completed.

"Then, Mister Kris, Miss Aria, if you would do me the pleasure." [Grey]

"H-Huh? What are you talking about? Can someone please explain the situation first? I'm still confused as to what is happening." [Aria]

"Ah, right... I suppose I do owe you an explanation, huh..." [Grey]

It was only when Aria started chattering in her confusion that Grey realized he had still not said anything to her and Falroe. He was too caught up with playing mysterious that he completely forgot. It was a silly mistake.

"Umm... Simply put, we're doing a little bit of summoning. I've already briefed Mister Kris about it, so Miss Aria, all you have to do is follow his lead." [Grey]

"Don't worry too much about it, just put your trust in us, kay?" [Kris]

There were still traces of hesitation in Aria's eyes, but fortunately, her trust in Kris and the others was much stronger. Such hesitation was soon replaced with determination as she followed Kris' lead, her hands linking with his as they approached the magic circle before Grey.

On their way towards the Chief's residence, Grey had already talked with Kris about what kinds of summoning were possible. What the latter picked was similar to Grey and Yuna's in where he and Aria would be the masters of the familiars.

While there was a risk of compatibility and such, with Kris and Aria being a couple, and an engaged one at that, there was bound to be little to no problems. After all, they have already become one in both heart and body more times than one. Their connection with one another should be a rather strong one.

"Mister Kris, you still remember the chant, right?" [Grey]

"Yeah. Who do you think I am?" [Kris]

A smile on his face, Kris stepped forward on the magic circle and placed a beast crystal at the center of the summoning circle. It was the same kind of crystal Grey and Yuna used. One which would summon a B-rank beast at the very least.

Quickly after he placed the beast crystal in the middle, Kris carefully backed off and headed back to where Aria was. He then took the lead and made a shallow cut on his finger, just enough for a few drops of blood to drop on the magic circle.

As soon as Kris' blood touched the magic circle, the innermost layers started turning fast like a cog, rotating even faster when Aria followed suit and dropped her blood in the magic circle too. All that was left were the final touches.

"Oh Great Beast who once walked the lands of Merusia, I hereby call you forth! Throughout the sky, the lands, and the seas, let your brilliance be known!" [Kris]

At Kris' words, the surrounding mana started to tremble violently as if a storm was coming. It was a scene which shook everyone present, making their jaws hang wide open in agape. Everyone but Grey and Yunaー or so how it should have been, but even Grey was shocked.

It was faint, but Grey could clearly feel the Tree of Life was reacting to the summoning. Whilst the crystal was breaking, it started proving some of its vitality towards the magic circle, drawing in more and more mana.

It was out of expectations. The reason why he chose the Tree of Life's vicinity for a summoning was simply because it was a wide area. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine the tree would have a special effect on summoning. He was stunned.

The storm of mana continued and as more mana was pulled in, the brighter the summoning became. The lights only started to dim as a figure started to form, one whose size and power cannot be underestimated. The summoning was completel

A serpentine body stretching almost a hundred meters long, four intricate horns displayed atop its massive head, scales which shone brilliantly like jewels, and eyes which could peer deep into one's soul. Such a creature stood before everyone as soon as the lights dissipated.

What Kris and Aria summoned was a Naga, a B-rank beast of the plant-attribute whose power was equal to its marvelous size. But the one before them was even more special. It has broken the limits of its species and has reached A-rank. A truly magnificent creature.

"Master, Mistress, this humble servant of yours greets thine." [???]

Yet that magnificent creature lowered its head towards Kris and Aria with respect higher than any other. Its eyes were looking at its masters, full of admiration and ready to serve them at any given moment.

"Y-Yeah... It's also a pleasure to meet you..." [Kris]

Even Kris, who was the one who requested Grey's aid, was stunned at such a display. He had expected that a powerful familiar would appear but he didn't think it would be one which would be on par with him.

"Master, Mistress, if I may... I would like for thine to grant this one a name." [???]

Well, Kris' surprise quickly turned to panic as soon as the Naga asked them of such. Preparedness was not in his book this time around. In the first place, he only sought out Grey's help on a whim. There wasn't much of a plan at all.

Kris' eyes swam towards Aria for help but the latter also didn't know what to do. After all, she just recently learned about the summoning. She was even more clueless than him. And so, Kris was left on his own to think about the familiar's name.

"Th-Then how about 'Dianthus'?" [Kris]

Silence fell on the vicinity as soon as Kris voiced out his statement. His eyes locked with the familiar's in a seemingly endless staring showdown. It was a name he picked simply because it sounded fancy.

"Dianthus... I see... This one is honored to receive thy grace. From this moment forth, this one shall be called 'Dianthus'!" [Dianthus]

Thankfully, the familiar was very grateful at receiving such a name. It raised its head proudly as it declared its name throughout the whole world, its heart welling up with happiness as it treasured its name.

Following Dianthus, three more familiars were summoned with the weaker beast crystals. Nevertheless, they were still at the higher end of B-rank, all taking the forms of Nagas and all capable of bringing ruin if ordered to.

In order the succeeding three beasts were granted the name of Primula, Armaryll, and Bellis. As for their mission, they were tasked to guard the Tree of Life if any danger was to befall on it.

"Fret not, Master, Mistress. These ones shall devote our lives to our duties until our very last breath." [Dianthus]

The other familiars nodded in agreement at Dianthus' words. Now, everyone could rest assured that the Tree of Life would be safe. After all, there are only a few who are capable of going against a high-rank beast, much less four of them.

"Then I guess the wedding can proceed now, huh..." [Grey]

"Hm? What do you mean, Grey?" [Aria]

"Ah? Haven't I told you? Mister Kris asked for our help so that the wedding could continue. He just couldn't bear seeing you sad, you see." [Grey]

At Grey's words, silence fell once again as different expressions and reactions bloomed here and there. There were some who were surprised, some who were feeling fluffy, and some who were embarrassed.

"Oi, you brat! I don't remember ever saying that!" [Kris]

"You didn't, but it was written all over your face. Right, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Un! Mister Kris looked so sad back then!" [Yuna]

"You brats...! You're really getting it now!" [Kris]

Kris and Aria were especially affected. While the former was fuming in anger, the other found her heart racing wildly as her cheeks started to turn red. Finally, a bright smile bloomed on her face.

『Kris, thank you.』 [Aria]

Utilizing their newfound connection, Aria gave her gratitude to Kris. The latter, upon receiving such a sudden and dangerous attack, stumbled whilst chasing Grey and Yuna. It was safe to say that he was more than flustered.

While it was embarrassing that he tripped and fell to the ground, standing up and showing his now beet red face would be even more embarrassing. He decided that it was better for him to lay low.

『Aria, that was unfair of you...』 [Kris]

『Fufufu!』 [Aria]


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