YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 152: Chapter 151: Heart and Souls

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"Mister Kris, you alright?" [Grey]

"A-Ah, y-yeah... I-I'm fine..." [Kris]

Or so he said, but from head to toe, every inch and fiber of his body was trembling uncontrollably. Was he nervous? No, not at all. Calling it "nervous" would just be an extreme understatement. His anxiety levels were so high, he felt like dying.

Tomorrow has arrived and the afternoon sun has once again graced the world with its light and warmth. With it was the long awaited day where Kris and Aria's souls will finally become one. It was the day of their wedding.

While Kris was extremely happy, he was just as nervous as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest at any given moment. His expressions getting paler and paler by the moment, making Grey and Zeke who were with him to be extremely worried.

Since it was the day of the wedding, it was only Grey and Zeke with Kris at the moment. The ladies were with the bride, Aria, whilst Falroe, being the Chief, was already on the altar. Needless to say, it was quite the task for the two to calm down the groom before them.

"Mister Kris, do you need some water?" [Grey]

"Y-Yeah, that w-would be great. Th-Thanks..." [Kris]

While it was Grey who offered it, seeing how much Kris' hands were trembling, he couldn't help but rethink his decisions. After all, it would be a waste if Kris' clothes got ruined because of a small mistake. His worries only grew with time.


A snappy sound echoed in everyone's ears all of a sudden. Because they were too focused on Kris, they didn't notice Rozelia approaching them. They only noticed when Rozelia's hands already left a mark on Kris' back. It was quite an amazing slap.

"Agh! What the f*ck?!" [Kris]

Cursed Kris with a loud voice as he received the sudden slap. It was not that he was hurt, no, not at all. It would even barely qualify as a sting. He was just so surprised that he subconsciously cursed without meaning to.

In the first place, Rozelia was supposed to be with Aria, but for reasons unknown to those present, she was now there with them. There was no way they wouldn't be surprised at her sudden arrival.

"Kris, watch your language. There are kids listening." [Rozelia]

"S-Sorry, Missus Rozelia. It's just that I'm so nervous right now..." [Kris]

"Nervous? Who is?" [Rozelia]

"Me... Look, even my hands are... trem... bling..." [Kris]

Kris raised his hand to show Rozleia, but there wasn't any shaking to be seen. He was so surprised from Rozelia's sudden slap that his nervousness was gone before he even noticed it. It was an eccentric but effective remedy.

With a hint of puzzlement on his face, Kris looked at Rozelia for an answer, but the latter only smiled in response. There were no more words needed to be said. It was only natural for her to help him out. After all, he was going to be her nephew-in-law.

"Hohoho, looks like you're all ready. Why don't we head to the wedding now? I'm sure everybody's waiting." [Rozelia]

As casual as ever, Rozelia invited the three to the wedding venue whilst laughing ever so enthusiastically. The first one to head out was Zeke, followed by Grey, and lastly, the groom, Kris.

"Missus Rozelia, thank you..." [Kris]

"Hohoho, I don't know what you're talking about. But what I do know is that you should be calling me 'Aunt Lia' next time. Good luck, Kris!" [Rozelia]

"Hahaha, thanks!" [Kris]

Their little chat ended and Kris followed behind Grey and Kris. They walked for a short while before arriving at the venue. Kris' heart was still pounding wildly, but rather than anxiety or nervousness, it was now pounding with excitement.

"The groom has entered!"

As soon as Kris stepped foot in the venue, an announcement echoed towards the forest around and the sky above as people looked at the entrance. All eyes were on Kris as he walked down the aisle towards the altar.

A beautiful sight greeted the three as they walked inside. Flowers of all shades and colors filled the sides and corners. Vines hanging down from the open arches as if nature was invading, but not too long to bother people. The venue shined like a jewel as it basked under the skylight.

No matter which corner one looked at, the natural beauty of nature and the artistic designs of people combined harmoniously with one another, giving a clean yet natural look. There were even butterflies hanging around here and there. A beautiful and breathtaking scene.

There were only more than a hundred people present in the venue itself, but the whole village was watching from places they could. For those who couldn't attend because of their duties, they were all there in spirit.

The people couldn't help but gawk with their mouths wide open as Kris continued to walk down the aisle. Not only was he one of the stars of the day, he was also very good-looking and had a desirable body. Topping it with his attire, he looked perfect.

"You look astounding, Master." [Dianthus]

"Master, congratulations!" [Amaryll]

"Thank you, everyone." [Kris]

The very first to give him their regards were none other than his own familiars. While they couldn't get inside the venue due to their sizes, they could watch from outside and that was enough for them. Kris also couldn't be any happier hearing their cheers.

The closer Kris drew to the altar, the more wildly his heart pounded as any minute now, the ceremony would commence. Once again, Kris recalled all the events which happened in their journey together. He still can't believe they are going to be wed now. It was as if everything was just a passing dream.

"Kris, are you ready?" [Falroe]

"I'm more than ready, Sirー No, Chief." [Kris]

"Huhuhu, 'Chief', huh... Then you should also be ready to call me 'Father' once this is over. Let's have a nice chat later, shall we? Huhuhu!" [Falroe]

"Sure, anytime." [Kris]

Cheerful laughter echoed near the altar as Kris and Falroe chatted with one another. Grey and Zeke then excused themselves as they headed to their seats. Zeke headed left where the bride's family was, whilst Grey headed right to the groom's side.

Just like Kris, Falroe also couldn't believe how much time had passed. He couldn't believe that the child which was just barely walking just a while ago was now going to get married. While he was a little lonely, he was also happy for the both of them.

Although he wasn't the one getting married, Grey was also feeling a little nervous. He has attended the weddings of his friends and colleagues in his past life, but it was the first time he attended as a family member. It was a novel experience

"Grey, are you alright?" [Yuna]

Just as he calmed himself down, a gentle voice echoed inside his ears as a familiar figure drew close to him, taking her seat beside him. Though she usually calms him down, now, all Yuna did was make his heart shake for an entirely different reason.

Long and pure white dress, subtle flower embroideries running along the skirt and sleeves and a simple flower crown on her head, Yuna may not be the star of the day, but in Grey's eyes, she shone the brightest.

"No, I'm just a little excited and nervous at the same time. I never thought a wedding would be this nerve-wracking. How about you?" [Grey]

"Fufufu, I feel the same. For some reason, I just couldn't calm down." [Yuna]

"Haha, then that makes the two of us... Also..." [Grey]

Grey cut his words short, making Yuna look at him with puzzled eyes. He then leaned close to her, bringing his mouth near her pointy elven ears to the point his breath could be heard loud and clear, and then he whispered...

"You look stunning, my love." [Grey]

Yuna's eyes opened wide in surprise as her face grew redder all the way to the tip of her ears. She wasn't expecting a surprise attack at such a time. It was a critical hit! Super effective!

Meanwhile, Kris could only look at them with a little bit of annoyance in his eyes. He couldn't believe the audacity of the two to flirt so openly in someone else's wedding. He regretted inviting them to their wedding a little.

"The bride has entered!"

A few more seconds passed and another announcement resounded like a clear morning bell. Everyone quickly stopped talking as their eyes shifted towards the entrance and bride below the arch.

As the bells rang, flowers were scattered left and right as the flower girls walked the aisle. One of them was Ruru whose face couldn't be any happier as she threw petals the color of the rainbow. What followed after them was the entrance of the bride.

Silky, white dress flowing like the summer breeze, patterns of gold and silver running along the dress like vines on am olden tree, a thin veil covering her face, giving off an aura of mystery and beauty, and a bouquet of flowers on her hand, filled with vibrant colors like that of a rainbow.

Aria was already beautiful, but with the dress she was wearing, she looked even more eye-catching that people wouldn't be able to take her eyes off her, only frozen in place as they watched her walk down the aisle.

Accompanying Aria's entrance was her mother Valka, in a similarly beautiful dress. It was only then that Grey and Yuna once again realized how excellent of a designer Reina was. Both her mother and older sister looked stunning in her works like pieces of art which came to life.


"Miss Aria looks amazing..."


All sorts of reactions were gathered during Aria's entrance, all were positive, praising her beauty and grace. But the one whose heart was touched the most was none other than the groom. In his eyes, a goddess has descended.

With each step Aria took, Kris' heart raced more madly and crazier, his face turning hot as if his body was on fire. He couldn't contain the emotions in his heart as he gazed upon his bride.

"Aria...! Aria...! My little girl! You... You've grown up so much!" [Falroe]

Well, no matter how much emotions Kris felt, he couldn't beat the bride's father who was beside him. Even though he already promised himself to not cry at the wedding, he still did so in the end. It was quite an interesting sight.

"Dad..." [Aria]

"Fufufu!" [Valka]

It was a good thing that Aria was wearing a veil to cover her face, otherwise, people would have seen how red her face was from embarrassment. No one could see, but under her veil, she was pouting because of Falroe's actions.

"Then, I leave my daughter in your care, Kris." [Valka]

Kris nodded at Valka's words as he received his bride's hands. They were as soft and warm as he remembered, his heart beating with joy and excitement as they faced the altar together, hands linked with one another.

The wedding has now started and with it, everyone's eyes and focus were drawn to the altar upfront. The mood couldn't have been any more peaceful as Falroe initiated the start of the ceremony.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, and Beasts alike. The friends and family of Kris and Aria, welcome and thank you for being here on this sacred and important day. We are gathered here at this moment to witness the unification of these two lovely souls before us as the Great God joins their hands in marriage..." [Falroe]

You are reading story YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia at novel35.com

A long but heartfelt opening speech resounded in the venue as Falroe opened his mouth. He who was usually carefree and cheerful was now stern and serious as he conducted the wedding ceremony not only as a Chief, but also as a Father.

Everyone's eyes and ears were on the altar as Falroe continued his words. It was deathly quiet but rather than an eerie vibe, all it gave off was a sense of peace and tranquility as if everyone was one with the gentle forest.

"If anyone present here is against this union of souls, speak now or forever hold your peace until the ends of time." [Falroe]

The surrounding remained quiet. There was no one who voiced out their opposition towards the wedding. There were only gentle and warm smiles to be seen on the participants' faces as the wedding continued to commence.

What came after was the readings of those who were chosen as representatives for the bride and groom's families. The first who came up was Aria's mother, Valka, speaking from her own experience with Falroe. For the groom's side...

"Grey, it's your turn. Good luck." [Yuna]

"Yeah, thanks." [Grey]

Grey took it upon himself to take the role. If it was before, he would not do such a thing as he doesn't think he is qualified. But now, with a certain special someone, he could proudly give a reading, one missed with his philosophy and experiences.

"Love is like a winding river. There are times when the river is calm, flowing naturally towards the sea, still and quiet. But in times of chaos, turbulence could flood the river aggressively, washing away everything which has been built and destroying what has been founded.

Sometimes, the river may overflow. Sometimes, the river may dry up. Sometimes, the river may be polluted, poisoned by those around it. But no matter what happens, it will always leave its mark in the vast lands, a memory deeply engraved in our hearts.

Like a winding river changing and gushing ever so frequently, love also changes with time, but no matter what, a river is still a river, and love is still love. There is no need for needless doubts and worries. That is just how love is.

Like a river flowing endlessly until its time is up... Mister Kris, Miss Aria, I hope your love will be filled with waves of joy and happiness, continuing to flow eternally until the ends of time." [Grey]

Silence, there was only silence at first, but that silence was soon broken as claps echoed one after another, louder and louder. Some were crying, while some were smiling, but all of them felt a certain warmth and certainty bloom in their hearts.

"That was quite the speech, Grey." [Kris]

"Well, I did try my best... Good luck, Mister Kris, Miss Aria." [Grey]

"Fufufu, thank you..." [Aria]

Grey returned back to his seat and the wedding continued. As soon as he took his seat, a comforting warmth engulfed his hands as a certain blushing elf held it rightly. There were no words needed to be said.

After the readings of the representative, Falroe shared his own. He then addressed the bride and groom about the importance and responsibilities of marriage and the weight of the vows they are about to say.

"Your golden hair which flowed like silk dancing in the wind, your eyes like the blue sky, ever so bright and lovely. The very first moment I laid my eyes on you, my heart started racing wildly. Standing here before you, I don't know if it is a dream, but if it is, I don't want to wake up anymore. Aria, I love you and I always will." [Kris]

The first to say their vows was Kris. His eyes were full of sincerity as each word carried his genuine and true feelings. He looked at Aria like she was a precious and invaluable treasure, ending his words with a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Kris, the first time I saw you, I honestly thought you were just some troublesome thug in the guild..." [Aria]

Everybody giggled and chuckled at Aria's words. Kris was the one most affected as he flinched whilst recalling his dark past. Their first impressions couldn't be any more different than it already is.

"But then... I don't know what happened to me, but before I knew it, I already found myself searching and thinking of you every passing minute. It was then that I knew it was love. I was in love.

From then, my love only grew stronger. Even at this moment, I feel like my heart is about to burst. Just looking at you, my heart starts to burn fiercely. If you think this is a dream, then I want to dream it with you. Kris, I love you too." [Aria]

Hidden by her veil, little tears trickled down her beautiful face, glimmering a little as the gentle sunlight reflected from it. She was happy, very happy. It was the happiest day of her life.

The vows were sealed, and now, there was one thing which needed to be done. The rings were brought towards the altar by the ring bearer, Zeke, their golden brilliance gleaming brighter than the sun.

"Aria, do you take Kris as your husband, promising to love him until the end of time til death do you apart?" [Falroe]

"I do." [Aria]

"Kris, do you take Aria as your wife, promising to love her until the end of time til death do you apart? Promising to sing you lullabies every night before she goes to sleep? Promising to spoil her like a baby..," [Falroe]

"Yes...?" [Kris]

Kris' turn came, but it was somewhat different from Aria's part. It was much longer, and also had strange, questionable parts added in it. Parts which were mixed with Falroe's feeling as a father.

"Do you promise to give us a grandchild next yearー" [Falroe]

"Dad!" [Aria]

It was only when Aria scolded him that Falroe stopped. Even when Aria's face was covered with a veil, it was obvious that she was really embarrassed. One could only imagine how red she already was.

"Hahaha, I do. If she needs lullabies, I will sing it. If she wants to be spoiled, I will do so. If she wants a dragon's heart, I will slay it. I am hers to command." [Kris]

Even then, Kris played along with Falroe's jokes, his emotions as sincere as one could be. A gentle smile formed on Falroe's face as he watched the two exchanged their rings with one another.

"I now pronounce these two before me, Husband and Wife!" [Falroe]

Falroe's declaration echoed, the bells rang one after another, and cheers filled the air as Kris lifted Aria's veil and they shared a kiss with one another, sealing their fates and lives together and journeying through life in each other's arms.

Yet in such a joyous celebration, Yuna couldn't help but look at Grey who has been using a peculiar object throughout the wedding. She didn't know what the object was, but she knew it was another one of Grey's inventions.

"Grey, what's that?" [Yuna]

"Well, you'll find out later. But for now, let's keep it a secret, alright?" [Grey]

"Un, sure..." [Yuna]

Responded Yuna but her eyes were attached to the strange object in Grey's hands. It was only after several seconds passed that she decided to ignore it and focus her attention back to Kris and Aria.

"Congratulations, Miss Aria! Mister Kris!"

"I can't believe it... Our little Aria's married now..."

"You look perfect together!"

Cheers, cries, and wishes echoed from the crowd as Kris and Aria walked down the aisle once again for the recession. The only difference was that now, they were holding each other's hands.

After them, their respective families followed behind them, but during the whole time, Aria couldn't ignore a certain pair of eyes looking at her, or rather, looking at what she was holding onto.

"Umm... Grey, is something wrong...? You've been looking at the bouquet this entire time..." [Aria]

"A-Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to do that. It's just that I remembered a custom from where I came from after seeing it." [Grey]

"A custom...?" [Aria]

"Yes, you see..." [Grey]

Slowly but surely, Grey explained the custom of throwing the bouquet to Aria. Not only her, the others were also drawn to Grey's explanation as they gathered around him to listen to what he was talking about.

"I see... What an interesting custom..." [Aria]

"Hmm... Should we try it then? Throwing the bouquet?" [Valka]

"Me! Me! I want to try!"

"I also want to participate!"

At Valka's suggestion, the attention of all single ladies was quickly garnered. While there wasn't any proof it was true, there wasn't anything wrong in trying it. Since it was novel, a lot of them were excited by the thought of it.

With everyone's excitement peaking, Aria couldn't do much but agree to it. She headed to the front, facing the altar whilst the ladies gathered at the back, waiting for the bouquet to be tossed.

"Yuna, you won't be participating?" [Valka]

"Ah, no... It's too early for me, anyways..." [Yuna]

"Fufufu, I see..." [Valka]

Yuna only seated herself just a few distance away from the others, showing no signs of wanting to participate. While she was interested, she still thinks marriage is still too early for her. She could only watch them nearby.

"Then, I'm tossing it now!" [Aria]

A soon as Aria tossed the bouquet, a fierce competition broke out between the ladies. The men were terrified at the sight. It was a gathering of ladies but a pack of starving predators ready to rip each other apart.

"Eh?" [Yuna]

"Oh?" [Valka]

But as playful fate would have it, none of the ladies managed to catch the bouquet. As it bounced back and forth between their hands, it flew quite far away and Yuna managed to catch it by reflex. All eyes were on her at that moment.

"Fufufu, looks like our dear Yuna is getting married next!" [Valka]

As fast as lightning, Yuna's face was quickly painted red as she realized what it meant. She then looked at Grey in a panic, but after seeing his face which was similarly beet red, she only became more flustered.

Even when he was the very one who introduced such a custom to them, never in his wildest imagination did Grey think it would lead to self-destruction, their faces both red as one can be. Oh, how cruel fate can be.


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