YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 158: Chapter 157: A Troublesome Day (pt. II)

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Discomfort, chaos, and suffocation. Such a heavy atmosphere was about the guild as two opposing parties went against one another. All eyes were on them. Some tried to look away but their curiosity still got the better of them.

The one causing trouble was a group of muscle-headed and rough looking men who were adorned with scars all over their bodies. And as one would expect, Grey's "eyes" judged them as "red". There was no need for further discussion. It was clear who were the offenders and who were the victims.

The group of offenders were people Grey and Yuna were unfamiliar with. They were a C-rank party composed of 5 members, their leader being C-rank, and the others at D-rank. It was the reason the other adventurers could do as much as go against them.

"Huh? Aren't those..." [Yuna]

"Yuna, do you know them?" [Grey]

"Un... They're Larren and Nonna. Remember the people I told you about when you were away for an investigation? It's been some time since I've seen them." [Yuna]

Surely enough, Grey didn't recognize the two of them, but all he knew was that they were "green". No matter where one looked at it, it was clear that the ones who started the trouble were a bunch of shameless middle-aged offenders.

"Grey, I'll go help them out for a moment. I'll be back soon." [Yuna]

"Alright, just make sure to be careful, okay?" [Grey]

"Fufufu, of course. Who do you think I am?" [Yuna]

It was needless worry. Even if Yuna were to just use a hundredth of her power, she could still easily beat up those men without breaking a sweat. If there were people Grey was worried about, it would be the two youths being scared.

Yuna's facade was perfect. On the outside, she looked more calm than anyone else, but deep inside, her rage was starting to boil. It was not only because it was unjust, but also because she can't stand it when those she considers as friends are being treated in such a way.

"Excuse me, Mister. Is there a problem here?" [Yuna]

"Ha?! Where did this b*tch come from?!"

"Oi! Who does that wh*re think she is?"

At Yuna's intervention, negative feedback from the offending adventurers were garnered one after another. But rather than Yuna, Grey was the one most angered by their words. He was smiling, but it was a smile hiding an ocean-deep killing intent. Those who saw it felt cold chills run down their spines.

The silver lining was that the ruffians were only aggressive lowlives. If they tried to sexualize Yuna, there would be no telling what Grey would be doing. The next spot they might be found is six feet under the ground.

"Listen here you little b*tch, even if something is wrong, it's none of your business! Get lost before I snap that neck of yours into two." [Boss]

"Sorry, but you see, it is my business. Larren and Nonna are my friends. Whatever happens to them, it is of my concern." [Yuna]

"You must think you're oh, so smart, aren't you? Do you know what happens to those who try to cross us?" [Boss]

The leader of the ruffians said as he tried to poke Yuna's shoulder, trying to make her falter. But her attempt was useless. No matter how much force he exerted, Yuna didn't budge a single inch. She was as firm as an immovable mountain.

Some adventurers were about to talk about Yuna, but when they saw Grey placing his index finger in front of his lips, they stopped. After all, it was better to subdue them thoroughly rather than just using mere aura. It was an effective countermeasure.

"Would you mind not touching me so lightly? Also, your breath stinks. When was the last time you brushed your teeth?" [Yuna]

"What did you say?!" [Boss]

"Looks like you're also deaf. I said your breath stinks!" [Yuna]

Irked veins popped out on the ruffian's leader's head and neck as rage filled his head. It was only a simple provocation from Yuna, but it was very effective. The man's eyes were bloodshot with intense rage.

Meanwhile, Grey who was once filled with boiling anger was now filled with confusion instead. He was puzzled when Yuna learned such a manner of speaking. It was only when he remembered that they have been with Kris for a month that he realized just exactly who influenced her.

The way Yuna provoked the ruffian adventurers was so resemblant to how Kris would provoke Grey when they are bantering back at the village. The pure and childish Yuna was now gone. It was a sad sight.

"You b*tch... You're courting death!" [Boss]

"Heh. If you're so annoyed, why don't we settle our differences at the training grounds behind the guild... Or, are you perhaps chickening out?" [Yuna]

"Damn b*tch! I'll make you regret being born!" [Boss]

As easy as taking candy from a child, Yuna easily provoked the leader of the ruffians. There wasn't even much to think about. All she had to do was poke fun at his pride and he quickly took the bait. It was a walk in the park.

Well, the ruffian adventurers weren't the only one who received damage. Grey also felt depressed by Yuna's change. While she was still cute, it was just not the same anymore. Well, she was still cute. It was so important it needed to be said twice.

Incited by Yuna, many of the adventurers headed towards the training ground. Some were worried, some were excited, and some just went with the flow. The lobby was almost emptied as the crown headed out like a flock of sheep herded by a shepherd.

Some of the newer adventurers tried to propose a bet, and the older adventurers quickly agreed. After all, the result was already decided. Not only will they see an interesting sight, they will also earn some cash while at it. A profitable deal.

"W-Wh-What are we going to do?!" [Nonna]

"Wait, we should calm down a little first. I'm sure Miss Yuna has a plan." [Larren]

Meanwhile, Larren and Nonna, who were the reason why Yuna got in a fight, were left behind, terrified and worried for Yuna's safety. The reason was simple. It was because neither of them knew of Yuna's true identity.

For the past few months, they have been in other towns and villages doing quests and it hasn't been long since they've returned. While they have heard rumors about the new heroes, there was no possible way they would expect that one of them would be the young lady they met before.

The two only knew that Yuna was a C-rank adventurer, the same as the leader of the ruffians. Still, judging by their ages, it was only natural that one would expect the latter was stronger. It was the reason for their worries.

"You're Larren and Nonna, right?" [Grey]

"A-Ah, yes..." [Nonna]

"Yuna has told me some things about you. I'm Grey, Yuna's partner. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." [Grey]

It was a warm greeting, but rather than a similarly warm response, the two's faces were painted white, pale as if they had just seen a ghost. A quick moment later, they then bowed their heads, their bodies trembling a little.

"So-Sorry for the trouble. Because of us, Miss Yuna got into trouble! We're really, really sorry!" [Larren]

"Ah, no. That'sー" [Grey]

"I-If Miss Yuna gets hurt, we'll p-pay the costs. We might not be rich, b-but we'll help as much as we can!" [Nonna]

"No, like I saidー" [Grey]

"Please don't hesitate to ask us! Even if we have to do quests for a whole month. We wouldn't mind. As long as we can help Miss Yuna." [Larren]

Grey couldn't even say much. Every time he tried to explain things, he would always get cut off. While he could understand where the two of them were coming from, it was honestly too much. If things continue in such a way, the conversation wouldn't progress any further.

"Then, how about we head towards the training ground. I'm sure your worries will disappear once you see Yuna fight." [Grey]

It was the only solution Grey could think of. If words couldn't get through them, then showing Yuna's capabilities would do the trick. Grey couldn't wait to see their reactions after seeing how powerful Yuna was.

Slowly but surely, Grey, along with Larren and Nonna headed towards the training grounds. The closer they came, the louder the noises became, most of the voices cheering on the people who were about to fight.

"By the way, why did you get in trouble in the first place? Did you do something to them? Like provoking them or something?" [Grey]

"N-No, not at all! They just suddenly approached as saying we were looking at them funny and started yelling at us." [Larren]

Grey was dumbfounded at Larren's answer. He already expected a stupid reason, but what Larren said was beyond his expectations. They reminded him of the addicts in his neighborhood back on Earth who would pick a fight for no legitimate reason.

"Missy, go get them!"

"Oi! Gerod, I bet my money on you! Don't you dare lose!"

"Hahaha, you're going down, you bastards."

What was a simple training ground has now become a gambling den in just a matter of seconds. Strictly speaking, there aren't any rules prohibiting betting over sparring matches. After all, it was only simple entertainment between adventurers.

Just in time when the three arrived at the training grounds, the fight was about to start. Both Yuna and the leader of the ruffians, Gerod, was already on the training ground itself, the spectators watching on the seats by the side.

"Take out your weapons already. Don't tell you're getting scared now? Well, it's already too late! I'm going to snap those thin arms of yours." [Gerod]

"Fufufu, scared? Why would I be? It's just that weapons are too much of a luxury to waste on you. My fists would be enough for the likes of you." [Yuna]

"You b*tch...!" [Gerod]

Gerod tried to provoke Yuna, but Yuna's provocation was even stronger. While she was not lying, to those who don't know her, it would simply sound like baseless arrogance. Anyone would be pissed at such a statement.

"How about it? Should I give you the first strike?" [Yuna]

"Don't underestimate me, you f*cking b*tch!" [Gerod]

With another provocation from Yuna, Gerod quickly jumped at her, raising his large great sword towards the delicate-looking girl. It packed enough force to blast a large boulder into smithereens. Of course, to a normal person, such a powerful punch was very dangerous, life-threatening even.

Unfortunately for Gerod, his serious strike didn't even do so much as to leave even a single scratch to Yuna. Without much effort, she skillfully caught it with her delicate hands. Gerod tried to push stronger, but it was all in vain. Yuna didn't budge an inch.

Crack Shatter

Cracks soon appeared on the sword, and a few moments after, it shattered into hundreds of small pieces, destroyed to oblivion. Such a show only served to shock Gerod and the spectators alike, leaving them all in shock


A loud boom echoed in the air as Yuna struck a swift kick towards Gerod's solar plexus, blasting him towards the walls and leaving a crater behind. Yuna made sure to hold back, but it was still enough to render the man immobile.

"Seriously. You're this weak and you dare to mess with me? Tell me the truth, you're just a bunch of thugs, aren't you?" [Yuna]

"You b*tch... Don't get conceited!"

You are reading story YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia at novel35.com

"You're f*cking dead!"

Not even thinking after seeing their boss get blasted, the four minions followed suit and charged recklessly towards Yuna, their eyes filled with anger. And as one would expect, they were sent flying one after another with a single strike.

Unlike Gerod, the minions were quickly out cold after crashing towards the wall, their eyes white and their mouths frothing with bubbles. With it, the match was concluded. It was as one-sided as one can be.

The old adventurers quickly celebrated as they won the bet, whilst the newer ones were just in plain shock, still not understanding what just happened. Larren and Nonna were also in such a state.

"You damned b*tch... Do you know who we are?!" [Gerod]

"No, I don't. And I have no interest in knowing." [Yuna]

"Listen here, you little b*tch. We are the 'Blood Wolves'! You hear me, the 'Blood Wolves'!. We have connections with the Jade Ribbon Merchants!" [Gerod]

Like a crazy dog, Gerod kept barking aggressively towards Yuna. Now that he knew he couldn't win with strength, he started using his connections to threaten Yuna. Of course, Yuna just ignored him, not paying him any heed.

The surrounding adventurers became worried the more Gerod mentioned their connections. Of course, they were all a lie. Even their party name was something they only made up just for the sole purpose of intimidating people.

"Are you finished barking? Then, let me ask you the same question... Do you know who I am?" [Yuna]

"Ha! Who cares about who you are?! All that matters is that you're all going to be f*cked up for messing with usー" [Gerod]

"Ugh... Can you quiet down? Your breath really stinks...!" [Yuna]

Gerod was giving his all to intimidate the young lady before him, but Yuna quickly dismissed his threats, not even remotely giving him attention. It only served to anger Gerod even more. A deep, boiling rage was inside him.

"Well, since you're already done introducing yourselves, I might as well do so. It wouldn't be polite otherwise." [Yuna]

Said Yuna as she looked around the training ground. Now that she looked again, there sure were a lot of adventurers gathered nearby. Her head only stopped turning when she stopped a random adventurer in front of the seats.

"You, over there." [Yuna]


"Do you know who I am?" [Yuna]

"Y-Yes, I do!"

"Then, would you be so kind as to enlighten this rude adventurer over here? I'm a little scared of his connections, you see." [Yuna]

A smile afloat Yuna's face, she softly requested the said adventurer to introduce her in her stead. The adventurer looked around for help, but everyone quickly averted their eyes from him. He has no other choice left.

"Y-You are H-Her Highness, Lady Yuna, Hero of Alrfione!"

A short introduction. But that introduction was all that was needed to clear everyone's minds. Her strength, her absolute authority, and everything about her. A "Hero of Alrione", there was no way people still haven't figured out her identity.

Of course, it went without saying that Gerod was shocked, terrified even. His face was now pale and his heart swallowed by fear. He challenged a person he shouldn't have. In front of him was a domineering mountain he could never cross. A dominator who is amongst the strongest powerhouses there is.

"Oh my! It seems I'm quite the famous one, aren't I? Isn't that right, Mister Rude Adventurer?" [Yuna]

That was the finisher. As those words rang inside Gerod's ears, a deep, freezing fear swallowed him whole. Even though Yuna was smiling, he only saw doom in front of him. T wasn't long before he fainted.

After the show, everyone quickly went out of the training grounds. Some had faces of satisfaction while some were the opposite. Of course, those who were satisfied were the bunch who won the bets.

The only ones who remained were Grey, Yuna, Larren, Nonna, and the unconscious bunch of ruffians. The former two repairing the walls they have just broken, not wanting to get another earful from the Guildmaster.

"Your Highnesses, thank you very much for saving us. We will never forget this debt." [Larren]

"I-If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask us! We will do our best to fulfill your wishes!" [Nonna]

While it was only like they expected, it was still uncomfortable hearing people be formal with them. Especially when those people were acquaintances whom they already considered as friends. Yuna was a little sad.

"Then... How about this, why don't you just call me Yuna, just Yuna. As for the debt... Don't worry about it. After all, we're friends, aren't we?" [Yuna]

Larren and Nonna's hearts were moved with Yuna's words, a warm feeling surging in their hearts. It was just plain and simple happiness. The pure happiness of being accepted as a friend by someone they look up to.

"In that case, just call me Grey, too." [Grey]

"Th-Then thank you, Grey, Yuna..." [Nonna]

"Yeah... Thanks..." [Larren]

It was a little embarrassing, but their happiness was even higher. Their faces showed a reddish tint as they headed back to the lobby, smiles plastered on their faces as they chatted about a couple trivial topics.

After dealing with the ruffian adventurers, Grey and Yuna then picked five C-rank quests from the request boards and processed them in the reception desks. It was just the usual plowing through the high-ranking quests for a couple of days.

With their business in the Adventurers' Guild done, Grey and Yuna quickly headed out of the city after saying their goodbyes. Their first destination was a meadow a couple dozen kilometers away, a distance they easily closed with the help of Sirius.

One after another, the two cleared the quests in rapid succession. Since the quests were usually about monster and beast subjugation, it only takes them a couple minutes to clear one. After all, a single strike is all it takes to defeat the monsters and beasts in the quests.

The only time Grey and Yuna stopped was for a lunch break. It was the only part of the day that went according to their plans, and needless to say, they enjoyed it until the very end. It was a time of comfort and relaxation.

After lunch, it was time for quests once again. Due to their insane clearing speed, there was only one quest left. The destination was a forest a little away from the Aldridge territory. Dense and lush, reminding them of their previous home.

Hiiisssss Crash

Without any warning, a large serpent lunged itself towards Grey and Yuna. Its body reaching over 30 meters, breaking a couple of large trees along the way. It was like it was just breaking a couple of twigs.

Grey and Yuna didn't even budge from their portions. Grey simply caught the snake's large body without much effort and threw it back to where it came from with force so great, it broke a couple dozen more trees which happened to be in the way. The way Grey did it, it seemed like he was simply throwing a ball.


The snake stood up, eyes red with rage as it lashed around its massive tail left and right, breaking trees and boulders alike. It was now attacking blindly, hoping to get the two with its reckless rampage.

⟨⟨Swift Guillotine!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Unfortunately for it, before it could even do so much as to hurt the two of them, a large blade of mana came towards its neck, lopping its head off. A fountain of blood gushed out from its body as it squired around, soon falling helplessly to the ground with a loud thud.

"Good job,Yuna... Now, let's dismantle it, shall we?" [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

The killing was the easy part, but the same couldn't be said with dismantling. While fighting it only took a quick moment, it took them almost an hour to dismantle the whole snake. Needless to say, they were covered in blood after the task.

Why are they doing something as annoying as dismantling, one might ask? It was because they needed proof of subjugation. Not only that, the meat of strong beasts was also quite tasty. It was what Grey and Yuna looked forward to.

"Grey, I'm going to go wash up." [Yuna]

"Sure... Ah, by the way, there's a creek just a couple hundred meters to your right. Just saying if you ever want to go there." [Grey]

"Un, thank you!" [Yuna]

Leaving Grey to store the snake's materials, Yuna headed to the creek first to wash up. While she could just do the same with magic, she preferred using creeks, rivers, and natural bodies of water. It was more refreshing that way.

The sound of water trickling down the creek and hitting the rocks resounded the air, echoing clearer and clearer as Yuna drew near. She then bent down as she dipped her hands into the water, washing away the blood stains.

Grey soon followed after and joined her in washing up. In just a couple minutes, and using magic to clean the hard to reach spots, they quickly became sparkly clean as if they didn't even become dirty to begin with.

"Ahh~! That was refreshing!" [Yuna]

"Yep. Fresh spring water really is the best!" [Grey]

"Fufufu, it makes me want to eat something sweetー" [Yuna]

"Wait, Yuna, be carefulー" [Grey]

"Kyaaa!!" [Yuna]

Grey couldn't even warn her properly. Yuna tried to seat herself down a rock by the creek, but unfortunately for her, it was just too slippery. The very moment she sat, she quickly slipped off, falling towards the creek. A splash resounded in the air.

"Hahaha, that's why I told you to be careー" [Grey]


Another splash resounded, but this time it wasn't because the creek was distrurbed. Rather, Yuna fired a little bit of water magic towards Grey, soaking him wet. It was her little revenge for him chuckling at her.

"Hehehe, now there's two of us!" [Yuna]

"Alright... Now you've done it!" [Grey]

Along with his words, balls of water manifested afloat Grey's hands, ready to soak a certain silver-haired elf. In response to it, a mischievous smile bloomed on Yuna's face as she once again shot a stream of water towards the former.

The sound of giggles and laughter filled the air along with the splashing of water and the rustling of the leaves. In the peaceful and viridescent forest, two figures danced around as they splashed water everywhere.


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