YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 178: Chapter 177: The City of Kosalvier (pt. I)

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The sky was blue and white, patches of black to be seen as birds of all colors flew along the sky's vastness. The ground which would normally be brown and green was now all white, thick layers of snow to be seen all over the place as the cold breeze howled relentlessly.

Yet in such cold weather, hundreds upon hundreds of people huddled up, or rather, lined up, creating a slithering band which stretched a couple hundred meters. All the carriages, horses, and people waiting to get inside the city in front of them.

"Wow... It could even rival the capital's..." [Julius]

"Not to mention the snow too... I must be difficult for them..." [Amelia]

Comments came flying left and right from Julius and Amelia as they watched the long line before them. They had just exited a nearby forest and dismounted the familiars. Now, they would also be lining up along the people in front.

"Alright, let's get going thー Waah!" [Julius]

Julius was about to head straight towards the city when a certain hand grabbed the collar of his coat from behind, making him slip and fall. The owner of the hand was none other than Grey who was now looking at the former with contempt in his eyes.

"Oi, you bastard! What was that for?!" [Julius]

"I should be the one asking you that? What do you think you're doing when we agreed on using our alternate identities?" [Grey]

"Ah, right... I completely forgot..." [Julius]

A punch-worthy expression plastered on his face, Julius was basically asking to get hurt. The group had already reviewed their plans just recently and he already forgot them. If it weren't for the fact that he was a prince and they were friends, Grey would have given him a serious beating already.

Like a robot performing its tasks, Julius simply stood up, patted away the snow on his clothes, and lined up property after everyone else. It was as if nothing just happened. He was completely back to his thoughtless, easy-going self.

The plan was simple. It was just to use their alternate identities to enter the city, not stand out, participate in the Labyrinth of Flames, and go home. With those four things in mind, they lined up peacefully, chatting merrily amongst themselves.

Time passed and more snow gathered in the vicinity. If it weren't for the workers sweeping the snow constantly, even the highway would have been buried in thick, white snow. Such scenes continued to pass as people moved along slowly.

"Dammit... I really miss the royal carriage..." [Julius]

"Stop whining. You sound like a spoiled child." [Grey]

"Shut up..." [Julius]

Julius grumbling about the long line, time continued to flow and more and more people entered the city. Strangely enough, even when a lot of people have gone in, the length of the line still stayed the same. It really was worth being called the queen city of the north.

"Your ID cards, please."

After more than half an hour of waiting, it was finally their turn. It was nothing too complicated. They simply handed their cards, the guards inspected it, and they were given entry to the city.

No matter how much they've seen it, it really was amazing. Not only do their alternate cards protect their identities, it also works internationally. They don't even need to have them reissued for each and every country, only one is enough. Magic is amazing!

"Welcome to the city of Kosalvier!"

"Dear customers, would you like to buy some bread?"

"We have hot coffee here! Hot coffee for cheap!

The very moment they passed through the gates, a cacophony of noises welcomed them warmly, filling their ears with festivities they have never heard before. Sweets, fliers, crafts, and all sorts of things were sold left and right at the very entrance.

And be it red, brown, yellow, or blue, all sorts of colored houses filled the streets left and right. Some made of wood, some made of stone, some with bricks, but all were topped with a roof filled with snow. A glorious sight was served before their eyes.

The streets, despite receiving the same amount of snowfall, weren't as buried, only thin layers of snow to be seen. Not only do workers clean them up regularly, each stone brick was also enchanted with warmth to melt the cold, preventing the slipping and falling of the passersby.

Street lamps, pine trees, street stalls, and children running all around. Despite the coldness of the climate, the city was as lively as any before it. No matter where one looks, each side and corner is full of life and happiness.

"Waah~! Look, Grey, a snowman!" [Yuna]

"H-Hey, Yuna, be careful!" [Grey]

Of course, it was only proper to repay such a warm welcome with a bright smile. Such was worn on Yuna's face as she went around the city, snowflakes falling on her head as she pranced around the place, eyes filled to the brim with excitement.

After her, Grey, Juliis, and Amelia also went ahead and explored the city with her. Without any real direction in mind, they just went where their feet took them and feasted with a variety of sceneries served to them.

The city founder's statue, the winter park, the central palace, the cathedral, there were a lot to be seen. It was still early noon so they still had a lot of time to spare and look around. They arrived at the best time.

"Oh, I heard they also have snow flower gardens here." [Julius]

"Really?! Then, let's goー" [Yuna]


Yuna punched her hands towards the sky, but rather than an excited squeal, a low grumble was what resounded in the air. The source was none other than the silver-haired elf's stomach, her face now slowly turning red from embarrassment.

One couldn't really blame her. It was already noon, after all. They were all just too excited that they completely forgot they hadn't had lunch yet. Still, the timing of the growl was just too much. Who wouldn't be embarrassed?

"Pfft.. Uhh, how about weー Pfft... Have lunch first? Pfft..." [Grey]

"Grey, stop laughing!" [Yuna]

"I'm not... Pft... Laughingー Pfft." [Grey]

"You clearly are! You meanie, I said stop laughing!" [Yuna]

Yuna pounding lightly on Grey's shoulder and Julius and Amelia looking at the two with warm eyes, everyone looked around the streets for a good restaurant to have their lunch. It didn't take them too long to search as there were quite a lot of wonderful restaurants to choose from.

Through a process of voting, what everyone ended up choosing was a restaurant complete with a drink bar and a cafe by the side. It wasn't too crowded so they were able to pick a table for four quickly and had their seats. It was a lucky pick.

Atop the table, there were a couple of menus displayed at the table rack, and as one would expect from a high-end establishment, the number of dishes to pick from was mind-boggling. Just the number of pages alone was astounding.

"Good day, dear customers. What would be your orders?" [Waiter]

It hasn't even been long since they had their seats and a waiter already approached their table to serve them. He was polite and attentive, greeting the four of them with a professional smile which wouldn't lose out to anyone.

"Then, we'll be having..." [Grey]

One after another, dishes came out of Grey's mouth. After him, Julius, Amelia, and Yuna also had their picks. While they'd like to sample every single dish they haven't tasted yet, there were just too many dishes on the menu. They would surely not all fit on the table.

Well, that and the fact that Julius and Amelia were with them. Grey and Yuna could still remember the founding festival where they still ate even though they were full just so that food wouldn't be wasted. They don't want a repeat of such a bitter memory.

A few minutes passed and dish after dish, the dining table was filled with colors. Some were steaming hot stews, some were freshly grilled steaks, and others were soft white bread. All in all, what was atop the table was no less than a feast.

"Waah~! So this is what they call 'bleeding bear stew'... It's so viscous! And the meat is tender too! I never knew bear meat would be so soft..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha, that's because there isn't any bear meat in there to begin with." [Grey]

"Eh? Really?!" [Yuna]

"Of course. What use would lying be to you? It's actually made of venison and a couple northern spices. I hear it's quite delicious." [Grey]

It was just like Grey said. The restaurant's signature dish, "Bleeding Bear Stew", is a venison dish which is popular everywhere in the north. It got its name from a certain folk tale wherein a bear was hunted after getting attracted to the smell of the stew.

Other than the Bleeding Bear Stew, there were also a number of peculiarly named dishes in front of everyone, ranging from "Crying Silver Rabbits" to "Dead Wolf's Wish". Needless to say, each was unique and best of all, they were also exquisite delicacies throughout the north.

""""Thank you for the meal!!""""

Glee and excitement plastered on their faces, everyone dug to their meals, and their faces grew brighter when they did. The dishes' names may be peculiar, but the taste and texture were the real deal. They were all top-notch.

Plates piled up higher and higher and the number of glasses only increased. It was the first lunch they had in the north, but a deep impression was also engraved in their hearts and tongues, the taste of the lands covered in snow.

After lunch, their next destination was near the central district of the city. It was still early in the afternoon but the group decided to search for an inn they'll be staying at. They wouldn't want to spend the night outside, after all.

"Is this the place?" [Julius]

"Hm... It looks quite fancy, doesn't it?" [Amelia]

After a couple minutes of walking, everyone finally stopped. In front of them was a pure-white building, larger than mansions with four storeys. On its signboard was engraved a white lily with leaves green as the forest canopies, a blue butterfly resting atop the flower. It was a hard sign to miss.

The inn is called "Emerald Lily". It was recommended by the waiter of the previous restaurant, saying it is a good place with exemplary service. Not only that, it has a hot bath service as well. There wasn't anything to lose in checking such a famous place.

Cling Cling Cing

Chimes resounded the air as soon as they opened the doors, a large hall greeting them as soon as they stepped foot inside. Just as one would expect, the interior was even more gaudy than what was outside. There was even a chandelier in the lobby.

Of course, what kind of inn would be complete without a receptionist. Up in front, a beautiful lady in her early twenties greeted everyone with a smile. She was a rabbit therianthrope, soft looking and adorned with white, fluffy ears.

"Good day, how may I help you?" [Receptionist]

And there it was, the signature line of every receptionist. They haven't even headed to the counter yet but they were already asked such a question. With such a bright smile on the receptionist's face, they have no other choice but to head there and check in already.

"Excuse me, how much is a room here?" [Grey]

"That would depend on what kind of room you'll have. We have singles, doubles, triples, and large rooms available. It would be an additional fee for the hot bath and for every meal." [Receptionist]

"Hmm... Then two large rooms please, breakfast, dinner, and bath included. We'll be staying for 10 days." [Grey]

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There wasn't too much to think about. There were four of them so two large rooms were needed. As for the breakfast and hot baths, they were necessities. It was just like when they check in in other cities, only that there are more of them now.

After Grey's statement, the receptionist quickly totaled the amount, and while she was doing so, Grey wrote down their (alternate) names in the register. It wasn't long before the total came out, and needless to say, it was quite high.

"The total is 12,800 kiels!" [Receptionist]

"A-Ah, yes..." [Grey]

The sound of a shattered heart echoed at the mention of the total. Grey had already expected it, but it still hurts hearing it first hand. Not only was it a high-class inn, there was also a hot bath. It was only to be expected.

Compared to the Rabbit's Den, the prices were more than four times higher. It was, without a doubt, the most expensive inn he has stayed at, both past and present lives. The more he thought about it, the more his heart ached.

"Then, we'd also be having two large rooms pleaseー" [Julius]

"Hey, what are you doing?" [Grey]

"Availing a room. What else?" [Julius]

"But I already got rooms for all of us, though." [Grey]

"Eh?" [Julius]

"Huh?" [Grey]

Question marks floated in the air as Grey and Julius stared each other in the eye, silence and awkwardness looming over them. Even then, the receptionist in the middle didn't forget to smile. She was also just as confused.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on! What do you mean you already got a room for us?! Didn't you only get two?! One for Elena and one for you!" [Julius]

"Hah?! Are you stupid? Me and Elena will be sharing a room. That means you and Lia would be sharing the other one! That's obvious!" [Grey]

"Ehh?! M-Me and J-Jules?! Sh-Sharing a room?!" [Amelia]

Chaos descended upon the lobby the very next moment. Grey and Julius were arguing, Amelia was getting more and more flustered, Yuna was minding her own business, and the receptionist couldn't help but just smile despite the chaos.

Yet despite their harsh remarks and the chaotic atmosphere, everyone was able to use their alternate names flawlessly in front of the receptionist. Even Julius, who was usually thoughtless, managed to do well. It was the product of many days of practice.

"You bastard, don't just decide for yourself that we'll be sharing a room!" [Julius]

"What's wrong with that?! Aren't you two engaged?! It's not strange to share a room then! Don't be such a wussy!" [Grey]

"Who're you calling a wussy, you bastard?!" [Julius]

"Who else?! Wouldn't it be the spoiled brat who couldn't even man up and share a room with his fiancée?!" [Grey]

The argument only grew fiercer by the second, curse words flying here and there as they reached the climax. The most pitiful one was the receptionist who was still smiling despite the chaos. She wasn't paid enough for it.

In the end, it was settled that Julius and Amelia would be sharing a room. Not only was the rooms already paid, Grey's arguments about them being engaged also went through them. The engaged couple headed to their rooms, faces flustered.

"Haah... That was tiring..." [Grey]

Said Grey as he opened the door, a click, clack, and creak resounding in the air soon after. Another click echoed as he flicked the light switch, illuminating the room and serving them a wonderful sight.

A large, white bed in the middle, intricate cabinets and drawers by the side, high-quality furniture and appliances. Heck, there was even a dining table and a small kitchen set for their personal use. It was practically a small high-class condominium.

"Waah~! The bed is so fluffy!" [Yuna]

Of course, the very first thing Yuna did was launch herself towards the bed. She then rolled, squirmed, and flapped around as she experienced the warmth and comfort all for herself. She was like a little puppy who just got loose.

"Hey, Yuna, don't be too rough." [Grey]

"I can't help it! We've been camping for a week, you know? I miss being able to lay down comfortably like this!" [Yuna]

"Well, I suppose that's true..." [Grey]

Said Grey as he placed down their belongings and closed the door. He then loosened his outfit, letting him breathe more comfortably as he sat down the bedside beside Yuna, missing the comfort of a proper bed as much as the latter.

While the sleeping bags weren't bad, they weren't as good as beds. The warmth, the softness, the comfort, and everything a bed could offer is just on another level. Oh, how Grey wished he could experience it in their travels.

'Hm? Couldn't we just do that?' [Grey]

Then it hit him. There was nothing stopping them from doing so. They have both "Inventory" and "Sanctuary". The only problem was where to put the bed itself, but such isn't something too hard to solve. It was actually very possible.

"Grey, are you thinking of something naughty again?" [Yuna]

"Nah, not at all... Yuna, how would you like being able to sleep on beds while camping? Wouldn't that be nice?" [Grey]

Yuna's ears perked at the very mention of the words "sleep on beds while camping". She was surprised to the point she subconsciously sat up, surprise traced on her face as she looked at Grey in the eyes. She was interested.

Well, one couldn't really blame her. No matter which adventurer or traveler hears Grey's statement, they would be having the same reaction. Though in their case, they would be looking at Grey with disbelief rather than surprise.

"Grey, please tell me!" [Yuna]

"Well, I was just thinkingー No, on second thought, I think I'll just be keeping it to myself, after all..." [Grey]

"Eh?!!" [Yuna]

"I mean, not even my girlfriend trusts me. I'm just thinking of something naughty, after all... Yeah, it's just a silly plan..." [Grey]

"N-No, th-that's..." [Yuna]

Of course, Grey wasn't going to tell Yuna without teasing her first. Now, the cute silver-haired elf was flustered, trying to find excuses for her previous statement. She was panicking all the while stuttering on her words. Grey never knew she would be so adorable.

"I-I mean, th-that's, you knowー" [Yuna]

"Pfft." [Grey]

"..." [Yuna]

"..." [Grey]

There was silence, silence like that of a graveyard in the dead of the night, not a single soul to be seen. Such silence loomed over the room as Yuna looked at Grey with lifeless eyes full of disbelief.

"Grey, did you just laugh?" [Yuna]

"No... pfft... I wasn't... pfft..." [Grey]

"Mou! You're teasing me again, aren't you?!" [Yuna]

Well, it wasn't long before she figured out Grey was just poking fun at her. Now, her face was red from embarrassment as she pounded Grey's chest, the latter just laughing uncontrollably all the while such a thing was happening.

After the shenanigans were over, Grey finally discussed his ideas with Yuna and they were able to create a master plan. It was pretty simple. They only needed to build a house on the "Sanctuary" and use it for traveling. It's as simple as that.

'Well, it shouldn't be too hard, right?' [Grey]

Such a thought entered Grey's mind as they finished their plans, but in fact, it was very hard. Though, for now, Grey and Yuna are still enjoying their time, unaware of the difficulties which lay ahead of them.

After making their plans, Grey and Yuna then headed out of the room and met up with Julius and Amelia. It was still early afternoon and so they decided to spend the day exploring the city until the last bell of the day rings.

It was already expected, but when they met the two outside, there was only silence and awkwardness looming over them. Their faces were red, unable to look each other in the eyes, clearly embarrassed about sharing a room.

"Oh, Julius, your face is red... Are you having a fever?" [Grey]

"Shut up. Who do you think is the reason for this?" [Julius]

"Huh~? I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, my friend~. Well, we could always go back to our rooms if you're not feeling well." [Grey]

"You bastard...!" [Julius]

Well it didn't matter what kind of embarrassment he was in, Grey would be more than happy to poke fun at him. Not that Julius would just back down either. Yuna and Amelia could only sigh as they watched the two.

"Alright, let's go to the snow flower gardens!" [Grey]

"You bastard, don't change the topic!" [Julius]

"Hmm... I wonder what those flowers look like..." [Grey]

"Oi, stop pretending you don't hear me!" [Julius]

Julius barking like an angry wild dog, Grey maintaining his calm facade despite wanting to laugh out loud, and the two girls only showing traces of concern for the two in front of them. Such a scene continued as they walked down the streets.

The snow continued to fall and the chatter and clatter of the streets filled the whole city. A world of white and frost was all there is, but despite the freezing wind, the city couldn't be any warmer. A paradise covered in snow.


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