YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 181: Chapter 180: Winter Festival (pt. I)

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Nervousness and bewilderment. Such emotions swirled inside his heart like a raging storm. His hands are trembling, not from the cold but from the anxiety boiling in his puzzled heart, cold chills running down his spines.

Grey wasn't wearing a coat nor a jacket. There was only a suit to be seen, decorated with laces and embroidery, his hair fixed and proper. He was sitting down a certain seat, his eyes looking at a distance, deeply regretting his life choices.

"Mister Shin, good luck. The competition will be starting soon."

"A-Ah, yeah... Thank you..." [Grey]

Anxiety only growing as Grey heard the woman's voice. Although he was responding politely, he couldn't be any more nervous, wanting to escape his current situation. But such was just wishful thinking. There was nothing he could do about it.

"Yo, Grey. Looking good, seems like you're almost ready." [Julius]

A cheerful greeting came from Julius as he deftly entered the scene, dressed just as properly as Grey, a dry smile on his face. Inside his heart, the very same emotions of nervousness and anxiety swirled and surged, flooding it entirely.

"Shut up. Whose fault do you think it is that I'm here?" [Grey]

"Oi, I'm not the only one to blame. You were also part of it." [Julius]

"Haah... I can't argue with that... We really are idiots..." [Grey]

"Yeah... Idiots are what we are..." [Julius]

There was a snappy greeting, but no bickering followed. Julius simply sat beside Grey as he clenched his hands. The two of them breathe out a sigh of resignation, wondering where everything went wrong.

Where might Grey and Julius be, one might ask? They are both backstage, wearing proper attires as they await their turns to go up the stage. They are currently two of the participants of the most awaited event of the festival, the "Snowflake of the Night".

The "Snowflake of the Night", as beautiful as the name suggests, is a contest held in the winter festival of Kosalvier each year where participants, pairs of men and women, showcase their beauty and talents to the crowd and judges, aiming to gain their favor and admiration. In simpler terms, it's a beauty pageant.

"Hey, Grey, do you have something sweet to eat?" [Julius]

"Haha, you can still say such things in this situation? I'm barely even able to feel my legs, let alone taste something. And you want to eat sweets?" [Grey]

"Well, yeah... Just give me some, alright?" [Julius]

"Haah... Suit yourself." [Grey]

There isn't much to talk about. Grey didn't argue with Julius anymore and simply handed him some candies they bought previously and the latter simply accepted. Silence then took over as they both reexamined the initial flow of events.

Now, one might be confused... Just how did Grey and Julius get themselves involved in the "Snowflake of the night"? To answer such a question, one needs to look at the beginning, when the sun had just risen and the first bell was just rung. Everything happened early in the morning.

"Winter candies! Winter candies for cheap!"

"Buy your tickets here! Special discount just for today!"

"Mama, look, so beautiful!"

The sun had just risen but the city was already very lively. The hustle and bustle of the crowd was even more intense as the stall owners advertised their products and the ever so energetic children ran and pranced around the open streets, smiles blooming on their faces.

It was the middle of winter, yet the cold seemed like it was but all a fleeting lie. The smiles of the people were full of warmth, no gloom nor melancholy to be seen, only the bustling festivities all over the place. It was the Winter Festival!

Banners and garlands of all colors and sheen fluttered in the wind as they hung about the streets, stalls could be seen left and right anywhere one looked, and entertainment was everywhere. From street dancers, to games, to open theaters, there was a lot to be seen. It was a full-on festival!

"Waah~! Look, Grey, there's so many people!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha, that's only to be expected. It's a festival, after all... So, where do you want to go first?" [Grey]

"Hmm... It's hard to choose... There's just so many..." [Yuna]

Of course, neither Grey nor Yuna would be missing such a grand festival. They were now in their casual winter clothes, holding each other's hands as they walked down the streets, Yuna's sparkling, excited eyes swimming left and right and Grey watching over her warmly.

"Oi, you two... Stop acting like you're the only ones here. Save the intimate acts for later, alright?" [Julius]

"Fufufu, that's right, Grey, Yuna. We're still out in the open, after all." [Amelia]

Well, it wasn't only Grey and Yuna who were going around the festival. Julius and Amelia were also with them, also wearing casual clothing, their hands interlocking with each other's. It was a double date!

Initially, they were supposed to have their own dates with their significant others, but after careful consideration, it was decided that they would be going together instead. It was all because of a certain person, who shall not be named. They were all afraid what kind of troubles he would cause if left alone.

And so, the double date commenced without further ado. As the two pairs walked around the festival, their heads turned left and right, stopping from time to time as they bought snacks and sweets from the nearby stalls.

None of them really had any plans in mind. They all simply went where their feet took them and enjoyed the winter festival to the fullest, not worrying about a single thing. They didn't need to wear hoods nor act carefully. It was the best festival ever!

"Lads, Lasses, would you like some of these meat buns? Only 5 kiels each!"

"Waah~! Meat buns! Grey, let's buy some!" [Yuna]

"Yuna... We just ate, you know?" [Grey]

"Please~?" [Yuna]

It was no use rejecting her. The very moment Yuna asked with such innocent eyes, Grey knew everything was over. It was the very same technique Eliza and the little princess used on him before. The technique not even him could win against.

"Haah... Really, what am I gonna do with you...? Mister, we'll be buying some. Ten of them, please." [Grey]

"Yaay~! Thank you, Grey~!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha, looks like you're weak against your girlfriend, Lad."

A hearty laugh resounding in the air, the vendor then held his tongs and packed ten pieces of meat buns for the youths before him to enjoy. They were still steaming hot, an appetizing smell wafting through the air as soon as the vendor opened the lids.

One, two, three, four, and five. Five nickel pieces were taken out of Grey's pocket, a clink and clack echoing one after another. He received the bag of meat buns and the vendor received the money. It was a fair trade just like any other.

"Thank you very muー" [Grey]

"Hurry up, they're almost starting!"

Grey couldn't even finish his words when the cries of excited children resounded in the air. Well, it wasn't only children. Teens, adults, and even the elderly. People of all ages headed towards a certain direction, excitement painted all over their faces.

Well, not only them, the vendor they just bought meat buns from also had a certain look on his face. There was a little bit of gloom and longing as he watched them run. He wanted to go watch too, but couldn't do so. It was truly a shame.

"Ah! Wait for me!"

"Woohoo! The Blue Ferrets are surely going to win again!"

"No! The Red Foxes will win this year!"

Such cries echoed once more all over the streets. It was all so sudden that everyone couldn't help but be curious about what the children were talking about. Their eyes were filled with questions as they watched them slowly vanish from their sights.

"Are you curious about what they're talking about?"

"A-Ah, yeah..." [Grey]

"Hahaha, then as a bonus for buying so many, allow me to tell you about it!"

Thankfully, there just so happens a knowledgeable person near them. With much glee on his face, he explained to the youths before them what everyone was so excited about, traces of pride and joy to be seen as he opened his mouth.

Apparently, during the winter festival, certain sports are played all over the city, and amongst these sports, the one called "Hoyler's Ring" is the most famous, invented more than a century ago by a man named Hoyler, spreading influence throughout the vast north.

Annually, eight teams play against one another in bracket format, where two teams are pitted against one another, the winner moving up the next round. It's a game all people in the city look forward to. One of the best events in the north.

Of course, what kind of sports wouldn't have favorite teams? There are the Blue Ferrets and the Red Foxes which always go head to head against each other every year. Last year's champions were the Blue Ferrets, but with new players on the Red Foxes, things are getting heated.

"Hoyler's ring... This is the first I've heard of such a thing... I wonder how it's played..." [Amelia]

"I'm also curious! Everyone, let's head to the arena, quick!" [Yuna]

"Hey, Yuna, slow down." [Grey]

There wasn't any need to think too much. As soon as they heard about the event, it was already decided that they would also be watching over it. Yuna was especially excited since it was a "game". Other than food, it was her next addiction.

While Grey isn't really into sports, as proven with his previous performance during the founding festival, he also looked forward to watching such an event live. Though he already knows of the sport from the "Knowledge" god gave him, he still wanted to see it first hand.

Step after step, everyone drew closer to the venue, and as they did, the cheers only got louder and louder. They have still yet to enter yet they could already feel the booming excitement in the air. Cheers which could rival the loudness of fireworks.

Thankfully, the event was free to watch. There was no need to buy tickets to see the famous event, all they needed to look out for is where they could watch. It was a race against time as the seats only filled up more and more with each passing second.

"Oh! Looks like there's still some seats available." [Grey]

"Yaay~! Lucky!" [Yuna]

It wasn't a premium spot, only a few seats further up on the venue. Still, seats were seats. With their sharp eyes, it wasn't a big problem watching the event up top. They could still enjoy the event like any other.

The venue was very lively, the seats were almost full and the people brimming with excitement as they watched over the gates, waiting for the teams to make their entrance. There were also commentators seating themselves at the upper seats, also talking amongst themselves.

"Kyaa~! They're here!"

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"Blue Ferrets! Blue Ferrets for the win!"

"Go! Go! Go Red foxes! Go Red foxes!"

Cheers and cries echoed in the air as soon as the teams made their entrance, getting even louder the moment the players waved their hands towards the spectators, their killer smiles landing a critical strike on their fans' hearts.

Red, blue, green, white, black. All sorts of colors entered the field with the teams. It wasn't only their uniforms, their banners were also color-coded, different animals embroidered on them, such as ferrets, owls, foxes, and bears. Animals which could be found all over the north.

After their explosive entrance, the teams then went back out one after another, only two teams left behind. They were the Blue Ferrets and the Black Bears, two amazing and formidable teams which are both skilled and famous.


The trumpets blew loudly and the crowd's cheers boomed, with it, the game had finally started. The players zoomed throughout the fields, dashing past each other and maneuvering themselves skillfully. It was a speedy exchange.

The game's goal was simple. It was all to shoot a ball through a horizontal ring, their goals located opposite of one another. Be it kicks, throws, or head butts, everything is allowed as long as the ball doesn't go out of bounds and no physical assault happens on purpose.

Just like basketball, there are only 5 players per team and the number of points per shot depends on the distance. One point inside the marked line and two if it was shot beyond it. There was also a special five points for a full court shot.

Other than that, the game lasts half an hour each. After the first half, the teams would have to switch courts. Of course, there were also a pair of referees both left and right to ensure that everything plays out fair and square.

"Hey, who do you think will win the event?" [Julius]

"Julius, don't you dare." [Grey]

"I haven't even said anything yet. Why are you so against me?" [Julius]

"I don't care about what you say. Just keep your mouth shut." [Grey]

Grey was ruthless. He only paid attention to the match and didn't gige Julius a single bit of heed. He doesn't even need to lsten to what Julius wanted to say, it was sure to be stupid. It was Julius we're talking about, after all.

"I mean... How about we have a little contest. Whoever guesses the most wins, wins. Simple, right?" [Julius]

Well, not that Grey's objections would stop Julius anyway. Even when they didn't pay him any necessary attention, he still felt the need to share his silly idea, and it was another contest nonetheless. A contest like what he proposed the other day.

At Julius' words, everyone looked at him with empty eyes. Even Amelia, his fiancée, couldn't help but heave a sigh of resignation as she gave up on correcting him. He is far too gone. There was no use in talking some sense into him.

"Hey, what's with those looks? Come on, let's have some fun, shall we? The loser has to do whatever the winner wants!" [Julius]

It was yet another risky bet which could totally backfire on him, just like how it did when he had to pay for Yuna's snacks. Thankfully, it was reduced to three days after his persistence. Still, it seemed that he had not learnt his lesson that day.

"Haah... Alright, we have nothing else to do anyways. I'll join." [Grey]

"Now that's the spirit! How about you, Amelia, Yuna?" [Julius]

"Well... Since you're already playing, I guess I'll partake as well." [Amelia]

"Un! I'll join too! Prepare the snacks, okay?" [Yuna]

With it, the contest has been decided, Yuna brimming with confidence that she'll be winning again. Well, it wasn't only her. Julius was also overconfident, just like he was a couple days ago. Yep, he was yet again full of baseless confidence.

Time passed and the teams clashed against one another time after time again. It was a fierce competition, not one of the teams wanting to lose, sending out their substitutes and making use of everything they had. It was not only a game of skills, but of mind as well.

One, two, three, and so on and so forth. Rounds started and ended one after another as the sun climbed the sky. Everything continued until only two teams were left on the playing field, playing against one another with their exhausted bodies.

The time ticked and the sands of time finally ran out, but everything has yet to be settled. Just in the nick of time, one of the players kicked the ball towards the goal from beyond the line. The opponent's tried to stop it, but it was already far too late.

A cling echoing in the air, the ball passed through the ring. The scores which were once in the enemies' favor were now reversed, the shooter's team winning by a single point. It was a miracle! A winter miracle!

"Th-They woooon! For the first time in two decades, the White Owls won! This year's Hoyler's Ring Cup goes to the White Owls!"

"Whooo!! White Owls! I love you, White Owls!"

"The new champions! White Owls!"

After the commentator's boisterous and enthusiastic announcement, loud cheers echoed amongst the crowd. At the same time, the players of both teams also shook each other's hands, showing admirable sportsmanship with smiles on their faces.

But despite the cheerful atmosphere, there was a certain person who wasn't happy at all. It was none other than Julius who was now regretting his thoughtless suggestion. He had once again lost the contest he arranged himself.

The only guesses he got right was by betting on the Blue Ferrets and the Red Foxes all the time. With the Blue Ferrets' two wins, and the Red Foxes one win, losing against the White Owls in the semi-finals, he got a total of three points, the lowest of them all.

"Dammit... Why is it always me...?" [Julius]

"Well, just as they say... You reap what you sow." [Grey]

"Shut up..." [Julius]

For Grey and Yuna, they tied at 5 points. And the winner was none other than Amelia who guessed everything right, getting 7 points in total. She didn't even pay that much attention, only picking the teams she fancies. Her luck was through the roof.

"Fufufu, I'll be asking for my favor later, Your Highness." [Amelia]

"Ugh... Dammit..." [Julius]

Julius' face contorting from regret and the event now over, the venue was slowly emptied over time. It wasn't long before everyone also headed outside, satisfied expressions plastered over their smiling faces.

Since the Howler's Ring Cup took over almost five hours, their next destination was the marketplace where a lot of new stalls had popped up. It was almost time for lunch, and so they went around the place again, buying copious amounts of food to enjoy for themselves.

It was a wonderful lunch, each and every dish they bought were delicious in their own rights. Of course, there was still the weird naming sense, but it only made the experience itself more enjoyable. It was very unique.

After lunch, they then went around the city and tried out many entertainments. They played simple carnival games, watched short plays, watched street performances, and ate a number of snacks once again. Such happy scenes continued as the afternoon went by.

"Ugh... I don't think I can eat anymore..." [Julius]

"Haah... That's what you get for eating tooー" [Grey]

"What do you mean they're canceling?! They can't do that! Do you know how much we've spent on this?!" [???]

Along the open streets, panic started echoing as people ran around with worry and anxiety on their faces. Such a scene continued until the lady managing the event spotted four certain figures walking by.

With heavy steps, the lady marched towards Grey and company, and without any warning, she suddenly grabbed Amelia's hands, her eyes sparkling brightly like that of a predator's. She then said...

"Young Lady, please enter the Snowflake of the Night! I beg of you!" [???]

"P-Pardon...?" [Amelia]

It was all too sudden. Neither one of them expected such a sudden proposal out of the blue. Not to mention that they don't even know the person. They were all puzzled, bewildered even.

"Ah! Sorry for the rudeness. My name is Nida Taylor, organizer for the Snowflake of the Night event in Kosalvier. It's a pleasure to meet you." [Nida]

"A-Ah, yes... It's our pleasure too..." [Amelia]

"Nice to meet you too, Miss Nida." [Yuna]

"Oh, please. I'm already married, but thank you for the compliment! To think I still look young to your eyes, gosh~! That's embarrassing~!" [Nida]

Not one of them could understand what was going on. Yuna simply addressed the lady "Miss" out of respect, but she completely took it as a compliment. She was now squiggling and twirling happily as he placed her hands on her cheeks.

Not even Vanessa nor Kris could compete with her enthusiasm as he continued to squirm around. While it wasn't uncomfortable, such acts only made the four youths more puzzled with the passing of time.

"Umm... Missus Nida..." [Grey]

"Ah, sorry! I zoned out again! Oh, how silly of me!" [Nida]

"N-No, it's okay... Umm... About your proposal earlier..." [Grey]

"Ah, that's right! There's still that!" [Nida]

It was unbelievable, simply unbelievable. Not only was she way too enthusiastic, she was also too clumsy for her own good. It was a mystery how a lady like her ended up becoming the organizer of such a large event.

With a smile on her face, Nida explained their circumstances to the four. She talked about many things with a machine gun-like mouth, but the gist of it was that a pair of their participants backed out and now, the event is missing a pair.

"I see... That does seem problematic..." [Grey]

"I know, right? I mean, how could they? On the day of the event as well. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." [Nida]

Nida clicked her tongue multiple times over as she shook her head left and right. It was truly a big problem, one which could ruin the whole festival. Everyone easily understood how grave the problem was.

"And with that in mind... Please join the Snowflake of the Night!" [Nida]

Yet another loud declaration echoed in the streets as Nida spread out her hands towards Grey and company, a confident smile blooming on her face. It was a smile Grey and Yuna knew all too well. A smile which only brings trouble.


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