Yomei Ichinen no Kimi ga Boku ni Nokoshite Kureta Mono

Chapter 3: 2

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Chapter 2 Your Allies

A few days later Mizuki and Misaki formed an alliance in the form of a temporary contract. July is over, and we are into a typical early August afternoon.

"Hee~, this is Mizuki-san's house. As the house of two men living with your uncle, isn't it quite clean!"

In front of the entrance of Mizuki's house, Misaki's excited voice resounded. Her curious eyes looked inside Mizuki's house curiously. Even though when she was watching a movie, she was dressed like a young woman in a summer resort, but today she was wearing denim shorts and a short-sleeved sweater, which looked quite comfortable for activities.

By the way, Mizuki's clothes have barely changed since he went to the movies. Due to the experience of being alone for too long, he barely had any personal clothes in sight.

For Mizuki, who had lived with his uncle since the sixth grade of elementary school, it was always strange to hear a girl's voice in his own house. It would be better to say that in the past, just staying at home with girls of the same age would make Mizuki very nervous and feel unable to calm down.

However, to calm himself down, Mizuki took a deep breath.

Mizuki took a deep breath to catch his breath so as not to be caught by Misaki. As oxygen swirled in his brain, he gradually regained his composure. If so, there must always be a way to survive.

"I'm sorry Misaki-san. Anyway, come to this living room first—"

Mizuki, who turned to Misaki again, pointed to the room.

However, his voice stopped halfway. The reason was because Misaki, who was supposed to be there earlier, had suddenly disappeared.

Mizuki looked around suspiciously, and finally found Misaki at the front of the room at the end of the corridor.

"Misaki-san, what's wrong?"

"Ah, Mizuki-san. Sorry, but I went inside of my own accord."

"It's okay, I don't mind this.... Ah, if you want to go to the bathroom, turn a little to the right."

"…Mizuki-san, suddenly said something like that to a girl a bit. And it's not like that."

To Mizuki's slightly too inconsiderate comment, Misaki sighed.

"I caught a glimpse of this altar at the entrance, so I went in. I always feel a little worried."

"Ah, this. These are my grandparents and...my mother"

Mizuki stared at the Buddhist altar Misaki pointed at with serious eyes.

So, Misaki also looked at the altar with great emotion.

"This is Mizuki-kun's mother…Is that so?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, don't worry. Compared to this, Mizuki-san, can I visit this altar for a bit?"

"Eh? Well, it's not impossible..."

Facing Misaki's sudden request, Mizuki nodded in confusion and agreed. When high school students go to a friend's house, is it ethical to visit a Buddhist altar? Mizuki really wasn't sure.

And just when Mizuki was feeling great, Misaki came into the room and sat in front of the Buddhist altar, quietly clasping her hands together. In Mizuki's eyes, Misaki looked seriously visiting.

After visiting the altar for a while, Misaki sighed and prepared to stand in front of the altar.

So, at this moment, Misaki's body suddenly started shaking.


Mizuki sensed the abnormality early, and supported Misaki who was about to fall. Ever since he found out that Misaki was seriously ill, he always kept an eye on Misaki when the two were together, and that helped.

"Thank you, Mizuki-san. I'm fine now. I was just a little dizzy because I suddenly stood up."

"Yes. But don't push yourself."


Nodding at Mizuki who looked worried, Misaki leaned on her feet and stood firm. And this time there was no more shaking.

"Ah, thank you for allowing me to visit your Buddhist altar. Sorry for making such a strange request all of a sudden."

"It does not matter. I prefer to say thank you. My grandparents and mother, I think they will be very happy…"

"Would you be happy? If only that were true. Alright, let's go over here."

Walk out of the room where the Buddhist altar is placed and walk towards the living room.

Mizuki walked in front of Misaki, and as expected, he still found it very inconceivable that she would appear at his house.

Then, why did Misaki come to the house?

The answer goes back to yesterday afternoon——


"Mizuki-san. May I come to your house tomorrow?"


Misaki said this suddenly. It happened during a break between behind-the-scenes work and the two of them having lunch together.

Hearing Misaki enter such a sentence in the same tone as usual, Mizuki was stunned for a while, and finally tilted his head in confusion.

"Ah? Sorry, didn't you hear? I asked if I could come over to your house tomorrow..."

Seeing Mizuki's silence, Misaki said again.

So it seems that what she said just now wasn't Mizuki's misunderstanding. After confirming that his ears and brain were in normal condition, Mizuki heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

However, now was not the time to calm down. Because it's not that I heard wrong, then this is also a problem.

Mizuki looked at Misaki, who was casually stuffing Tamagoyaki into her mouth, with eyes mixed with reproach.

"No, this kind of thing doesn't work in general. What do you think about a pretty girl running into the house of an unknown man like me? Misaki-san, you idiot. If there was an emergency, what would you do? Please think before you speak."

"...Well, I really didn't expect you to have such a strong reaction. You're so humble that I don't want to tease you with "Are you trying to do something?" Mizuki-san, if you're like this, you'll never marry."

"I still know that. It's clearer. Everything will be fine. Compared to this, what was your intention when you said you wanted to come to my house?"

"I didn't plan anything. I just wanted to try it out as a temporary alliance activity… Could there be something else?”

Misaki, who was stunned, asked back, Mizuki's aura disappeared in an instant.

Mizuki thought with a calm mind as if cold water had been poured on him.

Even so, the reason why Misaki wanted to come to Mizuki's house could only be based on an alliance. "May I go to your house?" Shocked by the power of those words, Mizuki had completely lost himself.

"...Sorry. The impact was a bit too strong and I messed up."

"Well, you better be honest. Well, I was a little too abrupt, so this time it'll be balanced."

Seeing Mizuki express his feelings after contemplating, Misaki said "I'm sorry" in a relaxed tone.

Starting with this, Misaki spoke again.

"I want to go to Mizuki-san's house because I want to say something that I don't want to talk about outside. Although it's fine to come to my house, but my mother is there, Mizuki-san, it's hard for you to come. So even though I'm shy, I just want to use your house. Come on, didn't you say that you basically live alone?"

"Well, my uncle is still overseas right now, so it's fine to provide you with somewhere... ...But, "what do you not want to say outside", what exactly do you want to say?"

Mizuki asked Misaki with questioning eyes.

As for the alliance, Misaki took him at the cafe on the street. He didn't want to say it outside, what kind of thing was that?

"Even though we've become a temporary alliance, we still don't know anything about each other, right? So, I want Mizuki-san to hear about my personal business. What did I do before I transferred to this high school."


"Then, this is the end of my request before I leave. But, isn't it embarrassing to talk about my privacy? So I don't want others to hear about it."

"I totally understand your thoughts."

It's scary just thinking about talking about your privacy without knowing who's listening. Mizuki also agreed from the bottom of his heart, this was indeed something she didn't want to say on the outside.

"Ah? But, may I say no here? No one will ever come to this library, and it can basically be considered a private space."

"In that case, I think I'm very interested in Mizuki-san's house,"

said Misaki excitedly for some reason.

Mizuki didn't know exactly what had driven Misaki's interest to that point.

"Even if you say you're interested, it's just an ordinary family with a few years of age? Well, like I said before, it's fine if it's provided as an event venue for you."

"Thank you. Then, the place has been decided to be Mizuki-san's home. Also, if possible, if Mizuki can share your privacy with me, I would be very happy. I also want to know more about Mizuki-san."

"My personal business? My past isn't interesting even if you hear about it."

"Even if it's boring, it's fine. As long as I know Mizuki-kun's past, I'm already very satisfied!"

Misaki pointed at the tip of Mizuki's nose with her index finger, as if to say "This is important here".

"Would you like to try the alliance testing activity?"

Misaki asked Mizuki and looked into his eyes.

Misaki's past before coming to this high school. It would be a lie to say that there is no interest. And if it was for Misaki, Mizuki didn't refuse to tell his past. From the content point of view, testing activities as an alliance are also perfect.

"I agree with your proposal. Let's do it."

"Really! This is good. Since it seems like Mizuki-san has a lot of dark history, I'm afraid you'll reject it."

"…You, I always have to talk like that. This is not black history. However, as I said earlier, it's not an interesting story."

Mizuki looked helplessly at Misaki, who was relieved.

However, there was no anger in his eyes. It was normal for Misaki to behave a little out of line, but Mizuki himself wasn't much better, so it was a counterbalance. Not something to be angry about.

And more than that, for Mizuki, it made him happier because Misaki could feel at ease.

Although there were some twists and turns, the content of the temporary alliance's water testing activities was decided this way.


"I'll make you a cup of tea, you can sit down."

"Mmm. Thank you."

Mizuki led Misaki into the living room and headed straight for the kitchen. Since Misaki came as a guest, she prepared some expensive tea leaves beforehand.

After Mizuki made tea and returned to the living room, Misaki looked at the glass cabinet near the wall with interest.

"Hey, Mizuki-san. It's a harmonica, right? It's yours? Can you play it?"

Misaki asked hopefully.

Misaki refers to the harmonica box that is kept in the cupboard. It seemed to have been discovered when Mizuki went to make tea.

"Yes. It's mine. I know how to play. Don't look at me like this. I've been training for almost ten years."

Mizuki took out a box from the cupboard and opened it for Misaki. The harmonica lying inside shimmered in the sunlight that was pouring into the room.

So, Misaki made an even more excited voice, "Amazing! This is my first time seeing a real harmonica".

You can play it. Flowing from the harmonica is a melody woven by a very clear sound. This pleasant tone is definitely not something that can be produced with a little practice. Ten years of not exploding. After Mizuki finished playing a song, this time it was Misaki's turn to fill the room with selfless applause.

"Awesome, so amazing! Mizuki-san, you really know how to play. I don't know much about music, so I can't really put it into words, but the voice is really good!"

"If it makes you feel good, I'm very happy too."

Facing Misaki who was full of praise, Mizuki timidly thanked her, and carefully put the harmonica back into the cupboard. Perhaps because of Misaki's unabashed praise, his face turned red.

"However, I'm still surprised. After all, Mizuki-san, you seem to have completely lost touch with the instrument. Why did you start playing the harmonica?"

"This was taught by my dead mother."

Mizuki said with a hint of emotion in the past.

At that moment, Misaki's expression turned gloomy, but Mizuki, who was staring blankly into the distance, didn't notice.

This was the only thing that tender mother left for Mizuki. That's the harmonica.

When Mizuki was an elementary school student, having his mother teach him how to play the harmonica was a great joy every day. For Mizuki, playing the harmonica with his mother was something special.

Mizuki looked at the harmonica in the cupboard again.

This harmonica was bought by his mother when he was ten years old. Mizuki's name is also engraved on the metal case, which is a specially customized item. To Mizuki, it was also an important treasure that connected him and his mother to this day.

"Then let's stop talking about harmonica. It's almost time to get to the point. If it continues like this, it will be dark."

"Come on!"

Urged by Mizuki, Misaki nodded with a relaxed expression.

Sitting on the chair that Mizuki had prepared, Misaki took out two A4 sized notebooks from her bag and placed one of them in front.

Mizuki, who was sitting opposite Misaki as usual, stared at the notebook on the table in disbelief.

"Misaki-san, what notebook is this?"

"Didn't I say it yesterday? I want to talk about the past and fulfill a wish before leaving. I want to write my history as a 'dying diary'. Despite everything until now, I still want to live my life. Each day is well preserved in its original form... Today, I think it is enough to lay the foundation for a diary."

"I see, 'dying diary'..."

"So, this notebook is used as a diary. Since I only bought a set of five copies, I also gave one to Mizuki-san. I'll be using it instead of a notebook."

After hearing Misaki's words, Mizuki held the notebook in his hand and stared intently.

A dying diary is a "living diary" that describes one's hopes for those left behind. There are no specific rules for its form, except for what Misaki says about her own history, usually there are written wishes for medicine, funerals, etc.

No wonder Misaki, who had been told by the doctor that her time was running out, wanted to write this. Today, I must recount my past while summarizing the main points of my history.

Mizuki, who already understood the meaning of the notebook, lowered his head towards Misaki.

"Since you prepared it for me, it would be rude of me to refuse, so let me use it. Thank you, Misaki-san."

"Okay. After all, I think it's good that the notebook I bought wasn't wasted.”

Misaki showed an expression that saw through the red dust.

Facing Misaki's smile, Mizuki felt a pain like a small thorn root in his heart.

Mizuki had seen such a smile in the past.

But the owner of that smile disappeared in front of his eyes two years ago. And Misaki will also disappear in front of his eyes one day.

But Mizuki spoke quickly so as not to relive the pain he felt personally.

"So, what should we do next? Talk to each other about your past and write a diary of Misaki-san's death. Which will you do first?"

"I think it's better to write your own history in a notebook first and then talk about it. That way, the content of the conversation can be concluded well. What do you think, Mizuki-san?"

"Okay. I'm not good at improvising, so I want to set the main points first."

"Okay. Summarizing time is um-- until three o'clock. Then let's get started!"

Misaki pointed to the 1:40 clock wall minute clapping as a sign to start.

One hour and twenty minutes. Longer than high school class. And to sum up what you said, it will suffice.

Misaki took out her mechanical pencil from the pencil case, Mizuki took out his mechanical pencil from the bookshelf and started writing in the notebook.

Black pencil lines started crossing the clean notebook, and words appeared one after another.

Mizuki carefully divided the projects according to the students of childhood, elementary school, middle school, and high school, and wrote down the most memorable things in each period's memory one by one.

Before he started writing, Mizuki sensed the danger of the shallowness of his life, and was even worried that he would write everything down in five minutes, but his worries seemed unnecessary. Once I started writing in my notebook, the memories I had accumulated in my life so far, from sad and sad things to happy and joyful memories, came one after another.

I initially thought it was a shallow and boring life, but just a little digging would bring back a lot of memories. In the process of filling the notebook with words, Mizuki actually realized that the person who hated his past the most was himself.

In this way, Mizuki started to worry whether there would be enough time.

Mizuki glanced at the time several times as the pen explored the notebook. From time to time, he suddenly looked at Misaki, who was sitting across from him, and she was also writing fluently in a notebook.

It's been almost a month since I met Misaki. If you think about it again, you will find that I was never heard her talk about her past.

During lunch or chatting between work behind the scenes, Misaki was always asking Mizuki questions, and she was in a position to listen. For Mizuki, who wasn't used to talking to girls, he wasn't calm enough to wonder about it. However, now that I think about it, Misaki must have been deliberately avoiding topics that involve her.

Misaki was like that saying she wanted to tell her past.

What kind of life has she been through?

Even though he felt that she had bad taste, Mizuki couldn't help but be curious.

"What up?"

Seemingly aware that she was being stared at, Misaki's eyes suddenly shifted from the notebook to Mizuki.

The sudden shock and guilt for peeking at other people made Mizuki's heart skip a beat.

"Ah, no… it's fine..."

"Don't tell me, your summary is finished? Mizuki-san is very fast. But sorry, I haven't finished it yet, please wait for me"

"No, I haven't finished writing either, so please don't worry."

"Is that so? It's better to respect than obey."

Misaki smiled, and started writing in the notebook again with a serious face.

I can't bother Misaki anymore. Mizuki also regained his spirits and started the summarizing work.

Mizuki and Misaki enjoyed brewed tea and madeleine during snack time, giving their brains and hands a good rest. (Note: Madeleine cakes are small French desserts, also known as shell cakes).

Madeleine was bought by Misaki as a thank you gift to Mizuki for providing a place for her. As she said, the cake seemed to be the product of a famous shop that was frequently introduced in magazines. It is said that this dessert is made with care by a first-class pastry chef who has studied abroad, and is very different from other Madeleines....

"Sorry Misaki-san. Even though this cake is delicious, I really don't understand how it tastes different from other cakes."

"Don't worry Mizuki-san. Even though I'm telling the truth, I actually don't understand it."

For Mizuki and Misaki who don't have great taste buds, they know nothing but delicious food.

They both felt inexplicably amused, "What exactly are you doing?";"Yes" and laughed together. It was quite a new feeling for Mizuki to be so happy just by eating snacks together like this.

After all, after a break, the two also returned to the main topic. Placing the notebook with each other's history in the center of the table, the foreheads of the two would touch, and they looked at the notebook together.

"...I said it, Mizuki-san"

"...What's wrong, Misaki-san"

"If I finish all this... Maybe tonight"

"Coincidence. I'm thinking the same thing right now."

Both notebooks are filled with pages of their own history. The density of each page is quite high. While it is successful in the sense of writing its own history, it is clearly a failure in the sense of summarizing the main points. Both of them are so addicted to writing their own diaries that they can't stop.

Seeing the masterpieces made by each other, the two laughed in unison again after eating Madeleine's cake.

"There is no point in keeping a diary in the first place."

"Our life is not shallow. Just knowing this means a lot, doesn't it?—Yeah. I was so surprised that there was so much to write about."

Seeing Mizuki shrugging, Misaki agreed "me too".

"However, I have already sorted out what I wrote, so I can only talk about the things that are necessary. How about you, Mizuki-san?"

"I have no problem. Then who will speak first?"

"Then the one who lost in Janken will say it first"

"Okay. Come on then."

The result was Mizuki's defeat. So Mizuki said it first, and then went to Misaki.

"Then, although it may sound relatively simple, I'll start talking about myself."

"Okay, please."

Misaki lowered her head gently in a rare serious tone. That means from now on, let's get serious.

Mizuki felt a little nervous when he saw Misaki straining her ears earnestly to listen.

This was Mizuki's first time telling anyone about his past. He looked at the notebook again, and wet his lips with his tongue as he stared at the article written on it.

Then, Mizuki looked at Misaki, who was waiting for him to speak, and said.

"My earliest memory is of my father's funeral. He died in a traffic accident when I was five years old,"

Mizuki said about his childhood.

Mizuki, who lost his father at a young age, is not good at socializing with his friends. He will hide from the children who are happy to tell funny stories about his time with his father. Now that I think about it, it was probably due to jealousy and jealousy.

"However, my mother used the harmonica to save me from self-isolation."

My mother always played the harmonica for Mizuki who was alone.

It is said that playing the harmonica was originally my father's hobby. Later, under my father's influence, my mother also started playing the harmonica, which my father seemed to have taught me.

"This is my father's tone, and my father lives on this tone."

My mother always smiled and said this to Mizuki when she was playing the harmonica.

So whenever Mizuki heard his mother's harmonica, he could forget the loneliness that his father was no longer in this world.

"My mother started teaching me to play the harmonica when I was in elementary school. She told me, 'Inherit your father's tone'. After that, I still wasn't good at socializing with people, but because I could play the harmonica. I became more active. The relationship with my classmates is gradually becoming harmonious."

Mizuki's world becomes wider under harmonica music. This music is passed down from father to mother, and then from mother to himself.

As the world develops, the once miserable collective life of the school can gradually become more pleasant. After school, I often played out with my friends, and school activities, apart from marathons, no longer made people feel depressed. After advancing to senior year, Mizuki also works hard to participate in club activities, and sings the seemingly short elementary school life but is actually long to his heart's content.

"—Well, because of my mother's support, I also live a normal school life. By the way, the club activity is a music club. Since I can play the harmonica, it's quite popular."

"I see. Mizuki-san, when you were in elementary school..."

"If you say that, it really is.... In a sense, it was probably the most glorious period of my life."

Facing Misaki's accusation, Mizuki nodded with a feeling of reality.

Mizuki felt there was a hierarchy even in elementary school, but for boys who were still mentally young, they didn't really care. So Mizuki could also use his harmonica skill as a weapon to make himself look more or less shiny.

However, the worst turning point in Mizuki's life ruined all those glorious days.

"Then, in the winter of my sixth grade, my mother had a heart attack…. At that moment, I literally felt like the whole world was collapsing from under my feet."

Even though I had tried my best to keep his words from being too heavy, Mizuki still couldn't hide his feelings. When talking about his mother's illness, Mizuki's expression showed helplessness.

The mother who had been his spiritual support suddenly became seriously ill. Mizuki still remembered what the doctor had said, "If you don't do a heart transplant, I can't guarantee that you can survive for five years."

When he heard the news with his uncle back then, Mizuki cursed fate seriously. Why a mother, why do you want to take someone important to me?

This feeling still lingers in Mizuki's heart to this day. Even though he had given up the matter of his mother's death, he still couldn't accept it.

So listening to Mizuki's story, Misaki's expression clouded over. I'm afraid Mizuki's gloomy expression has spread. I'm really sorry for Misaki.

However, since we will be talking about the past, it is inevitable to mention these things.

"After my mother was hospitalized, as the uncle of my mother's younger brother, he adopted me and started living in this family. I lived my life back and forth between school and hospital in middle school for half a year, my uncle often worked because of work. He went overseas, so I'm in the semi-alone state I'm in right now."

Go to school, go to the hospital to take care of my mother after class, repeat every day.

Having no time to care about his interactions with people, Mizuki becomes alone at school again. And staying at home at the moment, he went to a middle school in another school district, which was probably one of the reasons why Mizuki was alone.

However, Mizuki didn't feel lonely because he wasn't alone. Time spent with my mother was more important than making friends and playing with friends at school.

Thinking about it now, Mizuki probably already had an inkling in his heart about the impending separation from his mother.

"Then, about three years after the onset of the illness, in the winter of my third year in middle school, my mother died."

In the end, the mother completely failed to survive for five years, doctors said.

That day - the day his mother left, clearly reappeared in Mizuki's mind.

There is no silent approach, and no signs, such as natural disasters. This is Mizuki's concept of "death".

During lunch break as usual, Mizuki was suddenly called by the homeroom teacher and answered the phone call at the office.

The call was from the hospital, and the hospitalized mother's condition was deteriorating.

After hanging up the phone, Mizuki couldn't remember exactly how he got to the hospital. When he regained consciousness, he and the homeroom looked at the hospital where his mother was hospitalized.

The moment he entered the hospital, Mizuki flew alone.

Mizuki rushed to the ward, where the doctors and nurses who were treating were all surrounded by his mother's bed.

When he finally came to bed, his mother was gone. Mizuki still remembered that the only thing that echoed in the ward was the cold electronic sound of the medical equipment.

Mizuki held his mother's hand blankly, her hands still warm and soft.

However, the warmth and tenderness that gradually disappeared from that body made Mizuki clearly aware of his mother's death. Later, when his mother's temperature disappeared, Mizuki accepted the fact that his mother had died.

The regret of that moment flashed through my mind in an instant. Mizuki couldn't help but lower his head.

So, sitting in front of the hunched Mizuki, Misaki also wet her eyes with sadness and bit her lips tightly.

"-Sorry. I'm depressed myself."

Mizuki raised his head with a forced smile and looked at Misaki.

At this time, Misaki also returned to her usual expression and shook her head "No".

"I just wanted to apologize to you. It reminds you of those painful things."

"There's no need to worry about that. After all, I decided to say it. Besides, it's not all sad. There's also a chance to cheer me up."

"…A chance to cheer up?"

Looking at the confused Misaki, Mizuki smiled and nodded in agreement.

"It was at my mother's funeral"

Mizuki reflected on the important past that made him what he is today.

There were many condolences at my mother's funeral, mourning her untimely death.

Through conversations with many condolences, Mizuki finds out about a mother he doesn't know. And among these things, what surprised Mizuki the most was that in an unknown place, the mother was the one who spoiled his children the most.

"Whenever you get good grades in school, your mother will happily brag about you. Even when I went to see your mother, she still said the same thing, I could hear it in my ears."

"Yes. And Mizuki, haven't you helped a girl at the hospital before? Your mother was so happy that she even sent me an email."

The one who said these words was his mother's friend whom even Mizuki had met several times. And their words also made most of the condolences present show nostalgic smiles.

"That's right"

"Your mother's ability to witness your growth is her greatest survival value."

Everyone agrees.

Mizuki was very surprised, and at the same time he was a little embarrassed. He couldn't help but smile wryly at the acquaintance who had listened to his mother's hilarious anecdote about showing off her son, and then added, "I'm really sorry that my mother gave you trouble." But even so, Mizuki showed a smile for the first time since losing his mother.

The trauma of losing a mother cannot be healed. Sadness overflows in the heart, and flows against the river.

But even so, now there was a person in front of me who was the same as me, crying at the memory of my mother. There was someone who missed the days spent with his mother and told Mizuki his story. Seeing them, Mizuki's heart healed slightly.

Death does not approach quietly, and there is no sign of it, like a natural disaster. Then unplug the important stuff. However, after close relatives were taken away, it wasn't that nothing was left behind, the seeds he sown called "lost" took root in the heart of the bereaved. Of course, Mizuki felt the same way...

His mother's funeral also taught Mizuki these things.

Because of that, Mizuki vowed to cherish the longing for his mother that had taken root in his heart. I vowed to live a life that would make my mother proud.

"—So, with such determination, I found out what I could do and continued on to high school. I started working behind the scenes on the library committee which I occasionally joined. That way, I could also help teachers and other library committees. My mother should be happy too."

"I see. ——Mizuki-san, you really are amazing. It's just a trivial matter, but the Spirit of Heaven will definitely be happy for you."

"Thanks. Well, that's the only thing I still don't have friends with. I'm wondering if it worries my parents in heaven."

"That's right! I think Mizuki-san should be more interested in the people around you."

"Ah… I will work hard in the future."

After being heavily praised and criticized, Mizuki smiled shyly and scratched his face.

"Well, let's put aside the fact that I don't have any friends. When I was busy working behind the scenes like this, I was discovered and captured by you, Misaki-san, that's why I am today. You're like a hunter..."

Mizuki's outrageous statement made Misaki a little embarrassed.

After Mizuki said "Sorry", he continued.

"But, Misaki-san, I'm very lucky that you found me. Otherwise, I might not be able to make friends until I graduate. Thank you Misaki-san for talking to me. Thank you."

Mizuki smiled and thanked her, Misaki blushed and looked away. Maybe she wasn't used to receiving other people's thanks like this. Her movements were very cute, which made Mizuki's heart beat faster. By the way, he also felt a little embarrassed for saying something inappropriate for himself.

"Thank you so much for listening."

Mizuki cleared his throat as if to cover up the past, Mizuki ended the session. Although he felt a little smooth in the end, he was relieved that he had finished his work.

"Then it's your turn, Misaki-san. Can you do it?"

To calm himself, he took a deep breath, then immediately tightened his expression and adjusted his posture.

"Tell me how you got to where I am today."

Misaki's clear voice echoed in the silent room.

"I said before that I didn't go to school because I was sick from my last year of elementary school until I transferred to high school at this time. Otherwise, I can't go to school."

"Can't go to school? It is because......"

Mizuki sensed what Misaki wanted to say, and urged her to continue.

Misaki nodded at Mizuki and continued.

"Well. In the early spring of this year, the doctor told me that my time was running out, and I had been in the hospital until then"

Hospitalized due to illness. Words that didn't fit in with the free-spirited Misaki's daily life dissolved in the air of the room.

"May I ask, what disease is it?"

"Of course. Hmm—"

Mizuki asked, so Misaki told him the exact name of the illness.

However, so far Mizuki had never heard of this disease in his life.

"Since the cases are so few, it's normal that you don't know. Well, roughly speaking, it was heart disease."

"Heart disease…."

"Yeah, and that's pretty serious. I will be hospitalized soon."

Seeing Mizuki react to the word heart disease, Misaki had to smile bitterly. Then she went on to tell the story of her childhood.

Misaki had been hospitalized since the fifth grade of elementary school, and it seemed that she had spent almost six years in the hospital after that. Because they are unable to attend school, compulsory education also ends at the school level, and high school is a high school with a communication system.

"At first, my elementary school friends would visit me, but because my hospitalization became a unit year after year, they really haven't come back... After I was promoted to middle school, I have no friends."

"Like Mizuki-san," Misaki said with a wry smile.

But Mizuki didn't know how to answer that.

Mizuki was left alone because he prioritized his mother over friends. In other words, this was a choice made by Mizuki himself, and it was a choice he made himself.

However, Misaki was different. She was left alone because of her illness, which had nothing to do with her own will. Mizuki couldn't imagine what kind of mood Misaki would feel when she was alone in the ward as she gradually distanced herself from her friends.

However, at the same time, Mizuki didn't want to curse her classmates who had gradually stopped visiting Misaki. Mizuki, who had rushed to the hospital to take care of his mother, knew how heavy a burden it was for elementary and middle school students.

Nothing is wrong. However, because of this, when I think about Misaki's mood, I feel even more uncomfortable.

"It would be great if I could say something clever, but I really don't know what to say."

In the end, Mizuki still couldn't figure out what to say to Misaki, and was full of his own helplessness and lowered his head.

However, Misaki smiled gently at Mizuki who couldn't do anything about it.

"No need to apologize. You don't need to say words of consolation here, but you have a higher rank in my heart. As expected of Mizuki-san."

"...Misaki-san, you are really strong. Even though you have endured the pain and sorrow, you still haven't lost your cheerfulness and tenderness. Really, I really respect you."

Mizuki couldn't help but think that if it was himself, I'm afraid I couldn't become like that. Misaki. You will inevitably lament your sick self, focus all your energy on yourself, and completely forget about caring for others.

But Misaki didn't become like that. There was no doubt that this was Misaki's own strength. Like those words, Mizuki admired her from the bottom of his heart.

However, facing Mizuki who admired her so much, Misaki smiled and shook her head.

"Thank you. But, the reason why I survived without losing my joy wasn't because of how strong I was. It was because there was one person who became my spiritual support, and I am where I am today."

"What kind of person is that person?"

What kind of person could make Misaki praise this.

Mizuki who was a bit worried asked aimlessly.

So, Misaki suddenly took out a notebook from her bag, opened it, and took out the photo inside and handed it to Mizuki.

"The helper who saved me—it was Mizuki-san, your mother."


Facing Misaki's unexpected answer, Mizuki looked at the photo she gave him in surprise. In the photo, Misaki and his mother are indeed a bit younger than they are now.

Mizuki was surprised by the unexpected relationship between his mother and Misaki, Misaki continued.

"After I was admitted to the hospital, my mother, father, doctors and nurses were all very kind to me. They always care about me to make me fight against the disease. Although I was very happy about this incident, I was also quite lonely. I feel like I'm constantly surrounded by a thick barrier..."

I'm sick myself, and it's the people around me who care. Both are located on either side of a clearly demarcated line. To Misaki, it was a thick barrier that couldn't be crossed.

The kindness of the people around her makes Misaki even more lonely.

"So I lost a friend and started to fear relationships. In order not to deepen the thick barrier, I always smile. In order not to make it difficult for my parents and doctors, I tried my best to play as a reasonable person."

"I was actually really scared that everyone would leave me," Misaki said.

While always being cared for, Misaki must constantly care for others in turn. So as not to trouble others. So as not to burden yourself. Perhaps influenced by this thought, Misaki always paid attention to her words.

If Misaki had been more selfish, maybe she wouldn't be bothered by the relationships around her. However, Misaki couldn't do it.

"Back then, I met Mizuki-san's mother, Yoko-san."

After speaking, Misaki's mouth twitched upwards.

Misaki and Mizuki's mother met when she was about thirteen years old. She was sitting on a bench in the hospital atrium, and suddenly, Mizuki's mother came to speak.

"The weather is nice. If the weather is really nice, it should be comfortable for jogging in the park or something. Well, if I did something like that, my heart would probably stop beating."

Mizuki's mother opened it with a joke that made people not laugh at all.

Mother was indeed a rather natural person, but even in places Mizuki didn't know, she seemed to explode for others to see. Mizuki felt a headache from his own ugliness, and lowered his head towards Misaki.

"...I'm really sorry that my mother suddenly said something rude to you."

"No need to apologize. Well, but I was really surprised when she suddenly spoke to me. But, I tried talking to her. After a while, it couldn't be explained in harmony. When I came to my senses, we had been chatting for more than two hours, and I was scolded by the female nurse who came to me."

Misaki said with full of emotion.

"Back then, it really had been a long time since I laughed from my heart."

Taking that day's conversation as an opportunity, the two began to communicate.

"Since Yoko-san and I have the same heart disease, only she doesn't really care about me and treats me naturally. I am very happy. Since I was able to do it in front of Yoko-san too, I was able to return to my true self. Thanks to her, I didn't lose myself either."

Misaki recalled the scene back then, her voice full of excitement.

Seeing her like this, Mizuki thought. The meeting with his mother heals Misaki's heart, who laments her loneliness. The mother saves the lonely girl.

No, I'm afraid that my own mother was saved by Misaki's existence.

The great things a mother has accomplished is something to be proud of. In addition, Mizuki was very relieved to know that the sick mother had someone to share her problems with, and most importantly, Misaki's heart was redeemed, which made Mizuki more than happy.

However, Misaki's expression suddenly darkened.

"So, when Yoko-san left, I was very sad… Maybe a little too sad to be sad in front of Mizuki-san, but Yoko-san was my savior."

The voice just fell, Misaki's tears started to fall.

At this moment, Mizuki finally understood.

Why would Misaki want to pay homage to her mother's altar? Why is Misaki so sad when Mizuki talks about his mother's illness.

It was because Misaki herself had special feelings for his mother.

"Misaki-san, you don't have to worry so much about me. I don't know what's going on, how did that happen?"

Mizuki gave a paper box to Misaki, whose face was filled with tears, and smiled.

Misaki still admires Mizuki's mother and mourns her death. How could it be said that her mood wasn't as good as Mizuki's.

"Perhaps Misaki-san chose this place as her activity site because you thought would my mother's Buddhist altar be here?"

"Yes, I do think so. I'm lucky."

Misaki wiped her tears with a tissue.

Seeing that, Mizuki's heart became hot.

"Misaki-san, you made a special trip to see my mother, she must be very happy too."

Mizuki said his most sincere words of gratitude, and Misaki smiled, "Yes!" and nodded in agreement.

"Besides, Misaki-san, you've been in that hospital the whole time, I didn't even know it. It really surprised me."

"——Ah—hmm. I see. Eh…--As expected, it's like that."

However, the moment Mizuki said that, Misaki's expression suddenly became indescribable. If I had to say it, it was a very "subtle" feeling.

Looks like Mizuki said something inappropriate again. It's a shame, but he has absolutely no idea where he's messing up....

"Ah...that. Could it be that Misaki-san knew me when I was hospitalized?"

"Well, after all, I've seen you often come to visit Yoko-san."

Mizuki asked while thinking about how to change the atmosphere. Misaki answered with a gentle smile.

It was clear that she was smiling, but Misaki was currently having an inexplicable sense of compulsion. Sure enough, he still said something that made Misaki angry. Mizuki felt a chill run down his spine, and unpleasant sweat slowly began to flow out from his forehead.

Seeing this, Misaki burst out laughing.

"Sorry sorry. I just wanted to tease you. I'm joking, don't be afraid,"

Misaki laughed loudly. Looks like he's being duped.

"So now that I say this, the rest is easy to understand. At the end of February this year, after I was told that my time was running out, I was forced to ask the treating doctor to get me out of the hospital. Then I passed the high school transfer exam and managed to enter the school until today. Going to a regular high school was also my wish before I left."

"It's only high school."

What is taken for granted by oneself is not taken for granted by others. Misaki's words made Mizuki know this reality again.

"By the way, I transferred to this high school because Mizuki-san, you're here. I heard from Yoko-san about your entrance exam, so I thought I might be able to meet you."

"In other words, before you transferred to my high school, did you think of me as an ally?"

"Those are two different things. However, whether it's the reason to choose Mizuki-san as an ally, or to transfer to Mizuki-san's school, I can't tell you right now"

Mizuki asked and Misaki just smiled mischievously and deviated from the answer. For some reason, Mizuki felt it was better not to ask anymore, and replied curtly, "I see.".

"Well, let's put the reason for the transfer aside. I'll talk about my past first. So do you have any questions?"

"Well… then it's better to respect than obey. Can I ask you?"

"Okay. Ask a few more questions."

"Misaki-san, what else do you want to do before you leave?"

"First of all, thanks to my parents. Say 'Thank you for always loving me so much.' And the second is travel. But this wish has come true. After I was discharged from the hospital, my family took me for a walk. It was my first time going to a hot spring or something since I got sick. It was really relaxing. ...So I'm naturally grateful to my parents."

"Go for a walk, then thank you. ...Well, I feel it's like Misaki-san."

"Thank you. But the trip was very pleasant. Mizuki-san, you know? The hot springs are completely different from normal baths. They warm the body deep inside. Also, the food at the hotel is delicious. As expected, it's not worth the food at hospital!"

It was the joy of traveling back, Misaki couldn't help but smile.

And I don't know if that's not enough to talk about it, Misaki takes her cell phone out of her things and shows Mizuki the photos of her trip.

"Look at Mizuki-san. Over here! The night view here is so beautiful. It looks like a treasure box. Really, Mizuki-san, you should definitely see it too! The red bean dumplings in the next picture are amazing too. What! I could eat five skewers! And then, this photo is of the aquarium! We left the next day. Why are penguins so cute? I feel so much better just watching them take a walk." (Note: most dumplings in Japan are skewered with bamboo skewers)

Misaki kept scrolling through the photos, happily recounting the memories in each photo. Her emotions seemed to be so high that she wanted to say something but was too impatient to finish it.

So, while listening to Misaki's story, Mizuki made a decision.

Listening to Misaki's past so far, and seeing the smile on Misaki's face, he thought so.

Mizuki knew that Misaki was indeed hiding something from him. But even putting that part aside, he wanted Misaki to smile like that until the end.

Therefore, as long as it was still in his power, he was willing to help. The girl who was in the same situation as his mother and became his mother's redemption. If he could become her backer, there was nothing more satisfying in this world than this.

Because of that, Mizuki said.

"Misaki-san, I've made up my mind."

"Hah? What was decided?”

"I officially accept the alliance you proposed, Misaki-san."

Misaki suddenly raised her head from her cellphone and looked straight at Mizuki.

Receiving his gaze, Mizuki clearly nodded in agreement.

"Misaki-san, you wish to end your wish before you leave, and I will accompany you until the end of time."

"Will you stay with me until the end.... Are you really saying that? After all, I have a lot of things I want to do, so I'm going to make you walk around. After all, one of my wishes is to "have a good time". "

"That suits me. I will accompany you to the end."

To Misaki who spoke provocatively, Mizuki answered with a bold attitude.

Misaki probably didn't expect Mizuki to give such a reliable answer. She put away her courage and widened her eyes in surprise. However, she immediately showed a natural smile and said happily.

"Then I'll let you stay with me for a while."

"Okay. Anything can be discussed. ——Ah, but it's a bit difficult for me to stand in a place where there are too many people, if you can be a little sympathetic about this. I'd be very happy if I saw it.”

"Yes, I see. Leave it to me"

"Thank you. By the way, where does Misaki-san want to go?"

"That… went to a cat cafe, went to a sports game, went to the planetarium at the science museum, and…"

"Isn't this all a bustling place! I beg you to be merciful?"

Mizuki groaned at Misaki, who was counting on her fingers. Just a minute after the alliance was established, Mizuki felt uneasy about the future.

"Ah, there's more. Actually, before I left, there was something else in my wish that was 'to challenge something I never thought of'. Then I'll leave this to Mizuki-san. Think about yourself If there's something you want to try", then take me to do it. I hope you can find something I can't imagine, really unexpected!"

"No, even if you tell me 'I'll leave it to you'…… I'm basically just squatting at home, and I have nothing to do outside……"

Facing Misaki's request, Mizuki answered within two seconds. This is a completely irrelevant answer.

On the other hand, Misaki sighed heavily, "This friendless person is really...".

"Mizuki-san, think of this as practice for dating girls in the future. You make your own plans, and then accompany me, who is the object of the training. That's the kind of practice."

"Wait. This is too difficult for me. Besides, it's impossible for me to date a girl in the future."

"Who knew this kind of thing. Even Mizuki-san might fall in love with someone. After all, someone who fell in love with Mizuki-san might have already appeared!"

No matter what Mizuki said, Misaki just insisted on saying "Do it!"

At a time like that, Misaki would never give up. In other words, Mizuki had no chance of winning. So Mizuki raised his hand in surrender.

"I'll think about it. Please give me some time."

"Yes. Okay! I'm looking forward to it, Mizuki-san!"

After making an appointment with Mizuki, Misaki nodded in satisfaction.


Mizuki had a dream.

It's a ward somewhere. Season - maybe summer.

Mizuki, like last time, was looking out the window from inside this ward through someone's eyes.

It's sunny outside. The midsummer sky was blue everywhere, and white clouds drifted slowly in the sky.

However, the heavy and painful feeling in Mizuki's heart was like rain, befitting that sky.

Even with life-prolonging treatment, his disappearance was bound to come to an end. What's the point of lying in bed like this and waiting to die in vain? You clearly have something you want to do, so why waste this meaningless time?

Despite being eroded by the overwhelming sense of nothingness, this person continued to ask and answer his own questions in a heart that was piling up anxiety.

Mizuki felt this anxiety and thought.

Mizuki didn't know whose consciousness this was. But even so, for some reason he couldn't let go. He wanted to extend his hand to that person——.

However, even the hand he wanted to extend couldn't move, and the sights Mizuki saw and the voices he heard in his mind gradually faded away.



Misaki in yukata sat by the river and shouted happily at the huge fireworks blooming in the night sky.

On the last Saturday of summer vacation, Mizuki and Misaki came to the local fireworks display. And this is also an alliance event held as one of Misaki's wishes.

Since it was a fireworks display after a few years, Misaki was wearing a hydrangea patterned yukata and geta, so she could fully enjoy the fireworks. The Japanese-style dress that debuted was perfect for her slender figure.

On the other hand, Mizuki who didn't have fashionable things like a yukata was wearing a plain T-shirt and jeans.

"Mizuki-san, why don't we shout together too! The fireworks—"

"Oh, fireworks—"

(Note: Two people here call Tamaya and Tamaya, both of which were famous fireworks in the Edo era. Japanese people would shout these two sentences when watching fireworks)

Misaki patted Mizuki shoulder for urging, Mizuki was also half embarrassed, and half shouting with joy.

It was just that his voice was suddenly drowned out by the laughter and laughter of the other guests who were watching the fireworks.

After the last ten bursts of fireworks, loud cheers and applause surrounded the river. Hearing these voices, Mizuki felt the joy of living an extraordinary life.

"Then... It's almost time for us to return. If it's too late, Misaki-san's parents will be worried."


Amidst the flow of people on their way home, Mizuki and the others started their journey home.

I don't know if it's because she's enjoying the fireworks, Misaki smiled. Seeing her bright smile, Mizuki recalled what had happened during the past month.

After talking to each other about the past, Mizuki was taken to various places by Misaki.

To be honest, Misaki is so active that one wonders if she's really running out of time. However, on the other hand, it could be said that she desperately wanted to live a beautiful life.

During the library's opening day, the two will concentrate on behind-the-scenes work at school, and planning their trip. This is a common style.

As Misaki herself said, her wishes were indeed diverse. These were all experiences that Mizuki didn't want to try and wouldn't try if he was alone.

Cat cafe or something that just doesn't suit me. Just watch sports at home. Even if you don't go to the planetarium, if you want to see the stars, just look up. The same goes for all sorts of other things.

Since I was alone, I thought this way.

However, after doing so, I found that these things were unexpectedly happy. Touching an animal can be incredibly healing, and going to a live sporting event can leave your palms sweating with excitement. The planetarium is very touching.

When she was discussing alliances, Misaki said "I don't want an unfair alliance that only benefits me", but that's what she said. Perhaps Misaki was planning to benefit him in other ways, but that was enough for now.

And, after going through a lot, for Mizuki, the time he spent with Misaki was irreplaceable. To allow myself to face a world I've never understood before, it takes time like this——.

As Mizuki was walking on the street looking back on summer vacation, Misaki suddenly stopped.

"Misaki-san, what's wrong?"

"Ah…haha. Sorry, I'm not used to using geta, my feet hurt a little."

Misaki replied with a shy smile. Taking a closer look, her right leg was scratched by the plug and was bleeding a little.

"Ah, but it's okay. If it doesn't work, I'll let go of the geta and walk!"

"If you do, your leg will hurt. Please don't do this."

You are reading story Yomei Ichinen no Kimi ga Boku ni Nokoshite Kureta Mono at novel35.com

Mizuki grabbed Misaki who was about to walk with geta in her hand.

He walked straight towards Misaki, crouched down slowly, and turned his back on Misaki.

"Come on. I'll carry you on my back until I go somewhere with lots of people. When the car can go, let your parents pick you up."

"No, this is not good..."

"If you get injured walking barefoot, it will be more difficult."

Mizuki brushed off Misaki's worries with a sincere argument.

Perhaps she really felt that Mizuki was right this time, and Misaki hesitantly climbed onto Mizuki's back.

After confirming that Misaki was gripped firmly, Mizuki stood up "okay".

However, even though Misaki was indeed slender, it was still heavy. Mizuki couldn't contain his surprise.

"Are you okay?… By the way, if you dare to say that I am heavy, I will be angry."

"I will do the best."

Mizuki replied with a wry smile to Misaki, who expressed concern and restraint at the same time.

He walked with Misaki behind his back. Mizuki couldn't help but think.

This year's summer vacation is like a white horse. Such a satisfying summer vacation was the first time in my life.

"Summer vacation, it's almost over."

"Yes. This year's summer vacation was so much fun that it felt short. It's a shame if it ends."

"Then I don't have to worry anymore."

Mizuki smiled calmly while chatting with Misaki on his back.

Happy days will continue. Mizuki hoped from the bottom of his heart that things would really turn out like this, and left.


After school one day shortly after the start of the second semester.

"Okay, done."

After entering the last article, Mizuki leaned back on the chair and stretched.

Today's work is not the usual behind-the-scenes work, but rather writing a library report issued by the committee. The library committee writes a book recommendation report for the library once a year.

This year it was Mizuki's turn.

Working behind the scenes and writing weekday reports are completely different. Because I was facing the computer in the same position all the time, there was a stiff sound in my joints. However, with just a slight stretch, the excess strength is lost, and the whole body is filled with comfortable fatigue.

It was exactly five in the afternoon. It's just about to end. Come here first today.

"Misaki-san… It's almost time to go back."

Mizuki stared at the empty seat across from him. Misaki, who had just been sitting there, sent the book with the barcode and back label to the library.

Turning off the computer, Mizuki waited anxiously for Misaki to return.

Actually, he had something to report to Misaki today.

After a while, Misaki poked her head out from between the bookshelves.

"The books have all been shipped. Did you get them there?"

"Thanks, I just finished it."

"I see. Let's come here first today."

Now is probably the best opportunity to raise the topic. Thinking so, just as Mizuki was about to speak.

"By the way, Mizuki-san, have you figured out what you want to do yet?"

Misaki suddenly raised her head and asked Mizuki.

On the other hand, Mizuki who was asked was surprised. Because he was planning to report this to Misaki.

"Misaki-san, this is the right time to say it. I just wanted to tell you that."

"Is that so? Then..."

"Well. I was looking for something interesting on the Internet, and I finally found it."

Misaki watched with shining eyes, Mizuki nodded confidently.

So Misaki cheered, "Oh! Good!" She was so happy as if it was her own business.

Seeing Misaki's reaction like this, Mizuki himself was a little embarrassed. As if covering his own thoughts, Mizuki opened the student handbook and continued.

"I checked and found that you can go the day after Sunday. Are you free that day?"

"Well, yes. I didn't have to go to the hospital then, and there was nothing I did."

"Then I'll call. I've made reservations for two."

After receiving Misaki's answer, Mizuki drew a circle in the manual memo and wrote "Reservation by phone".

"Reservation? Mizuki-san, do you need to make an appointment for what you want to do?"

"Yes, yes. Because I want to attend the workshop of the handicraft department."

"Workshops? What are you doing?"

"A secret. Please look forward to that day."

Misaki was probably just worried about what Mizuki found. In the face of her constant questioning, Mizuki was only vague. Since it was a "what I want to do" that I discovered the hard way, I wanted to hide it until that day.

Seeing Mizuki's unintentional childish attitude, Misaki's eyes looked like they were looking at her little brother, and she gave up after saying "Then I'll look forward to it".

"By the way, this workshop needs to bring books and cloth. Misaki-san, can you prepare it in no time?"

"Then it's the same with me. Let's go shopping together before the workshop starts. It's in the event area of ​​the station building, and you can buy cloth downstairs."

"Okay. What books are there? Books okay?"

"Anything is okay. However, please bring a copy that you can make yourself."

"You can make it yourself… Well, I thought about it."

Misaki shrugged, as if to say, "What are you going to do? Wool cloth". Of course, deep in her eyes there is hope that is not hidden. However, if Misaki's expectations are too high, it will be a pressure for....

"Ah, but Misaki-san, you might not be interested in that, so if you look forward to it too much, I'll be a little embarrassed..."

"You don't have to hold me back this early. Mizuki-san, when you went to the cat cafe earlier. Didn't you say 'Even though it's my first time here, it was really fun.' I'm sure I'm the same as you."

"Is that so… Well, then…"

"Stop. Come on! I'm looking forward to Mizuki-san's arrival!"

Misaki completely crushed Mizuki who lacked confidence with a full smile.


One day after an appointment at the library, it was Sunday. In the corner of the event venue that was directly connected from the station to the top floor of the commercial building——


"What's wrong, Misaki-san"

"It turns out that cutting cardboard is a difficult task. ...A great invention..."

"If you use a utility knife while saying weird things, you'll cut your finger. Now is the key time, let's focus on that."

Mizuki accompanied Misaki's bullshit, the blade of the utility knife hanging about two centimeters thick on the cardboard.

Once it was two centimeters thick, the utility knife couldn't cut it all the way through. The two of them repeatedly cut the same spot with utility knives, and a thin layer of sweat trickled down their foreheads.

The crafts workshop the two of them participated in was called "Turn a book into a hardcover". Also known as "handmade book". What they both do now is cut the cardboard as a hard cover material.

This handcrafted book is the "what I want to do" that Mizuki invented.

I came across this workshop when I was looking for an online activity where I could have fun with Misaki.

Create a book that is unique in the world and only yours. The sentence written on this promotion page caught the interest of Mizuki who had been repairing books for a long time.

After the actual experience, I found that learning to make covers by hand was also quite exciting. All of this was knowledge that Mizuki had never tried, and the act of making something yourself was also exciting. Mizuki felt in his heart that it would be fun to come and challenge.

But——in the end, it was only Mizuki's own thoughts.

"…Misaki-san, that's not very interesting, is it?"

Mizuki who had finished cutting the cardboard asked carefully while peeking at Misaki who was still struggling with the utility knife.

From now on, Misaki's face became embarrassed, and she kept saying "woo".

Seeing her like this, Mizuki started to worry whether he was being too paranoid about his own interests.

On the other hand, Misaki, who was asked about it, stopped her hand operating the utility knife and raised her head blankly.

"Eh? Why do you ask?"

"Sorry if this is my imagination. But Misaki-san, you've been talking about something from the start... So I'm just guessing, do you think this is boring or what? That..."

"Ah, sorry! I was so concentrated that I didn't even notice. But, I'm very serious about this! This workshop was so much fun!"

"What are you talking about. …Is it because you're concentrating? Does it seem like I'm thinking too much? That's great..."

Mizuki heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Misaki smiled helplessly at Mizuki who felt relieved.

"Mizuki-san, you're too much trouble for me. Since you have time to care whether I enjoy it, you should enjoy it yourself. Otherwise, I won't be able to enjoy it in peace."

"...Is that so?"

"That's right!"

Misaki seemed to have finished what she wanted to say, and started cutting the cardboard again with a serious expression on her face.

If Mizuki himself didn't enjoy it, Misaki wouldn't be able to enjoy it either. It did make sense. It was great to go out with Misaki because it was the first time I had such an experience, but most importantly I was attracted to Misaki. Mizuki was able to have fun with her only because she was by his side, enjoying himself to the fullest.

Mizuki felt like he had switched roles.

But now that you know this, you can focus on the work in front of you. The reason for this was that in order for Mizuki to enjoy the highest level of enjoyment, it was necessary to devote all his strength to finishing this book.

While listening to the lecturer's explanation, Mizuki continued his manual work.

Mizuki, who was focused on his carton, didn't notice, and Misaki, who was watching him beside him, gave a small smile. She looked at Mizuki with gentle eyes, as if to say, "Mmmm, it's fine.".

Cardboard strips are affixed to washi and wrapped in reinforced fabric to create the hard, thick cover typical of a hardcover book. (note: washi or wagami are paper made by traditional Japanese methods.)

The original cover and the cover of the Bunko Book have been removed and the parts needed to convert it into a hard cover have been installed.

After the hard cover is finished, it is finally finished by combining it with the library book with various parts attached.

The crafting workshop that continued to advance without a break, finally completed the last step within the allotted time.

After the modifications were complete, on the table in front of him was the book he had turned into himself. Mizuki couldn't help but laugh while stroking the cardboard cover covered with rocket and star patterned cloth with his hand.

"Damn! This is good too! Let's take a picture!"

Apart from Misaki, who had also finished retouching her own book, the camera on her cell phone was shooting the book. Judging by the way she happily pressed the shutter, she also really enjoyed the workshop.

By the way, the fabric used by Misaki is a sunflower pattern, and the flowers on the cover are stunning.

"Listen, Mizuki-san. The dimensions of the cover and back are exactly the same. I have great wisdom, right?"

"Don't worry, Misaki-san. Anyone can do well as long as they listen to the lecturer and use the tools properly."

"You should praise me well. Mizuki-san, that's why you can't get a girlfriend."


So Misaki held the book to her chest, her expression changed, and she happily put her hand on Mizuki's shoulder.

"Yes. Sure enough, Mizuki-san, you have an inconsiderate character. I felt a little disgusted one day when you were enlightened. I feel better now."

"You pretended to be praising me, but actually you insulted me, right?"

"There's no such thing. I mean Mizuki-san, you're the best. 'How can I be so gentle with you?' You say so."

Misaki started arguing, blinking. She dodged Mizuki's question without a word. No sign of reflection at all.

As for such Misaki, Mizuki shook his head helplessly with a sigh.

"Well, that's exactly what you said. Misaki-san, you are really gentle, I know this very well. And you are also very good at enlightening others, including you who have helped me now. I am very grateful to you."

"Uh huh? Is that…is that so?”

Mizuki was probably praised from the front and couldn't be more sincere, and by the way, she was both grateful and embarrassed. Misaki blushed, and her tone became a little unclear.

"I didn't expect something like that to come out of Mizuki-san. Could it be raining tomorrow?"

"I won't be leaving anything behind tomorrow. I can only say these things today. ...Because of you, Misaki-san, I'm also enjoying this activity well. What I just said is about this matter. Thank you."

Mizuki's expression was slightly awkward, he looked away from Misaki and turned his head. His face was even redder than Misaki's. Admitting what you really think is more embarrassing than you think.

However, Mizuki turned his back on Misaki who was still smiling broadly.

Even though it was a bit embarrassing, Mizuki had no regrets in his heart, but felt very good to be able to tell it. That's what was written on his face. On the other hand, because of this, he couldn't let Misaki see his expression like that.

"By the way, I modified this book, can you accept it if you don't mind? This book is also mentioned in the recommended books in the library, and it is a novel continuation of the film we will be watching together during summer vacation. So, I also want Misaki-san to read it..."

"I'm happy to have it... But is it really that good? You've worked so hard"

"Well, that's fine. That's what I planned."

"I see.—Thank you!"

Misaki smiled and took the book that was turned over and handed over to Mizuki.

Then, at the same time, she also placed her modified book into Mizuki's hands.

"In that case, I will also give the book I modified to Mizuki-san. As a thank you gift for making me so happy all day today."

"No, no, this is not good! It's fine without returning the gift, Misaki-san, you really liked this book, right?"

"I'm going to die soon, and it's because I liked this book so much that I wanted to give this book, which I put all my energy into, to Mizuki-san."

Misaki's words made Mizuki's heart clench into a ball, and the pain was endless.

Just as Misaki said, she who was smiling in front of him right now would die in the not too distant future.

Well, as proof that Misaki is here today, next to Mizuki.

Mizuki picked up the weight of Misaki's modified library book.

"I will appreciate this book."


Misaki nodded in satisfaction when she saw Mizuki holding the book to his chest.

Mizuki looked at her like this and thought to himself.

It would be nice if the warm and safe days could last forever.

To Mizuki, the time he spent with Misaki had become something he didn't want to lose. Although I don't know what it will be like, Mizuki wants to continue the current relationship until it will end someday. He prayed from the bottom of his heart.

However, in this world there is no permanent relationship. Mizuki's prayers, good or bad, were easily crushed.


The second semester has entered the month of November, and school is full of energy and busyness. After all, the cultural festival is coming soon. This afternoon class is also filled with cultural festival preparations.

Mizuki's class is also busy preparing for the show - Haunted House.

"Can you bring the plywood used as the tombstone?"

"Okay! Wait a moment."

Mizuki, the person in charge of the large props, was also quite busy. However, when everyone did something together, he himself felt very happy.

Picking up the plywood on which the materials were stacked, rushed back to his post.

At this moment, Mizuki saw Misaki talking to her classmates.

Misaki had really been the central figure in the class over the past few months.

Her approachable, bright and cheerful personality makes her very popular with both men and women. There were also many people taking turns looking for her to discuss various things.

By the way, it seems that in order to avoid the drastic change in Mizuki's environment in class, Misaki still basically doesn't come to talk to Mizuki in class.

"I hope Mizuki-san can adapt to class life at her own pace."

Misaki said.

Putting this aside, Mizuki was actually a little worried that Misaki might be too reluctant to prepare for this cultural festival, which would cause her body to crumble. Even when she was just entering her second semester, Misaki's condition only got to the point where she occasionally went to the hospital.

But since early October, the dosage of Misaki's medication has also increased. Her body was being eroded by the disease. Mizuki hoped that she would put her physical condition first.

Even so, but if he worried too much, it would only make Misaki feel bad. Now, to concentrate on his work, Mizuki picked up the plywood and left.

"I brought plywood!"

"Why, thank you! Then paint in one breath."


Mizuki and the boys in the class painted the plywood with gray paint. For some reason, Mizuki remembered the handmade book workshop he attended in September, and was somehow happy.

"By the way, Akiyama, you started this semester a little differently."

"Uh, is that so?"

"Yes, I find it easy to get along."

During the painting process, the boy Mizuki was working with suddenly said this to him.

The change seems bigger than I imagined. Perhaps because of his alliance activities with Misaki, he began to adjust to class life. I can't thank Misaki enough. While thinking about this, the bell rang to announce that the preparations for today's cultural festival had been completed.

The cleaning duties after the class meeting were over, and Mizuki walked along the corridor towards the library as usual.

Looking out the window accidentally, the trees on school are colorful with red leaves, scattered yellow leaves, and autumn is full of beauty.

"This is a rare opportunity. It might be worth asking Misaki-san to appreciate the autumn leaves."

A thought suddenly appeared.

And as soon as he said that, Mizuki felt even more that it was a good idea. Maybe it could be an option to suggest to Misaki later. Take the tram for a short distance, and there are several spots in the area that are arguably good places to see red leaves, so you don't have to worry about going anywhere.

Misaki doesn't need to be on duty to clean up, she's probably already in the library.

How will Misaki react to his proposal? Mizuki thought expectantly, and quickened his pace towards the library.

So, in front of the library, he saw a figure he was used to seeing.


Mizuki wanted to say hello as usual, but he stopped midway shouting, and hastily retreated to the corner he just passed. The reason was because Misaki was talking to someone else.

Mizuki poked his head out from the corner of the corridor and peeked at Misaki. It was the boy in the same class who was talking to her. The name seems... Hirose. Like Misaki, he was also a member of the central figure in the class, and Mizuki had also heard that he was the champ of a certain sports club. In short, he is completely different from Mizuki, a big celebrity with a cheerful personality and a practical way of dealing with people.

Seeing the two of them talking intimately, Mizuki felt numb in his heart.

"This is the first time I know there is a library in a place like this. Fujieda-san, are you here to borrow a book?"


"Eh, is that so? It's amazing that Fujieda-san still does this kind of thing even though she's not a member of the library committee."

"This, this is not something worth mentioning! Nothing special."

Mizuki listened intently to the conversation between the two.

This behavior is eavesdropping. Definitely not something to behold. Even though he thought so in his mind, he still couldn't stop the tapping.

However, Mizuki immediately regretted his judgment.

"Although it's a bit sudden, Fujieda-san, you don't have a boyfriend yet. Well, if you could… could you go out with me?"

Mizuki, who was straining his ears to eavesdrop in anxiety, heard enough to make him fall into despair.


"But I saw Fujieda-san recently, and I always thought you were great."

Facing Misaki, who was taken aback by the sudden confession, Hirose opened his mouth even more recklessly. His voice was too serious to be taken seriously. It was a serious confession for Misaki.

And Misaki seemed quite happy, blushing and smiling shyly, listening to Hirose's words.

So, Mizuki who witnessed all this suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. The pain in the inside of the head and stomach was unbearable, like a tangled brain and internal organs. I don't know if the semicircular channel is paralyzed, Mizuki felt the ground seem to be surging back and forth.


A gush of nausea flowed from his throat, Mizuki covered his mouth and fled from the place.

Mizuki entered the toilet as if running away. However, since it had been quite a while since lunch, no matter how much Mizuki vomited, only gastric juices came out of her mouth.

After a while, his nausea subsided slightly, Mizuki leaned against the wall weakly.

How will Misaki react to Hirose's confession? Could it be that she accepted Hirose's confession when he squatted in the toilet so embarrassingly.

Only this incident made Mizuki unable to let go for a long time.

Compared to Mizuki, Hirose had no idea how cool he was. This too of course. After all, they are big celebrities at the top of the class pyramid. Appearance and behavior are quite uncontrollable, and the attitude of dealing with people is also calm. He has everything that Mizuki doesn't have.

Thinking about it normally, Misaki probably had no reason to reject Hirose's confession. Compared to continuing to play ally games with Mizuki, she would definitely be able to spend a happier time with Hirose. After all, it's strange that Misaki still doesn't have a boyfriend.

Mizuki was well aware of this kind of thing. But...

"No, no..."

Mizuki crouched down and spat out words of resistance. Tears that were different from the physiological phenomenon of choking flowed down his cheeks.

Mizuki accidentally witnessed the moment when Misaki was confessed by someone else. The feelings in his heart were anxiety and fear of losing Misaki.

Mizuki knew in his heart that this was just his own wishful thinking, and at the same time he also knew that he was ugly when he developed these feelings. Misaki doesn't belong to Mizuki. She has her own life, and her life is her own.

Even so... still very resistant. Misaki might just disappear from his side. Thinking of this, Mizuki's chest hurt so much that he wanted to tear his body to pieces.

"...Ah, so I see..."

Mizuki finally realized his feelings and lowered his head helplessly.

His feelings towards Misaki had changed.

At first I just thought it was a great friend. And after listening to Misaki talk about the past, her figure overlaps with his mother, and he becomes someone who wants to happily accompany her until the very last moment.

If you just stop there, there won't be any problems. But his heart sank deeper and deeper into his subconsciously.

"What should I do in the future..."

In the worst situation, he clarified his feelings. And at such a time what to do was the best, Mizuki didn't know.

The restlessness that springs from anxiety makes Mizuki scratch his head, and he gets lost in a maze of unanswered questions.


Mizuki, who returned to class, sat in his chair against the wall and was alone in a daze.

I don't know how much time has passed. By the time he regained consciousness, school time had passed. The sun had set in the west. The classmates who were staying in the class had inadvertently dispersed, leaving Mizuki alone in the dimly lit classroom.

"So you're here!"

Mizuki's body shook at the sudden sound and the flashing lights.

Mizuki turned stiffly, and Misaki stood at the door of the classroom.

"Misaki-san, why are you here?"

Mizuki asked, careful not to see Misaki panicking.

As Mizuki opened his mouth, he kept thinking about the status quo in his mind. There wasn't much reason why Misaki would appear at such a time. And the most probable possibility was that she was here to inform the Alliance would be disbanded, "Because I'm with Hirose, the alliance ends here.". The chances of her making such an announcement were very high.

Mizuki's mind fell into a swamp in seconds.

As for Mizuki, who was full of this worst development, Misaki's tone was extremely helpless.

"No matter how I waited, I didn't see Mizuki-san coming to the library, so I came to see you."

said Misaki, walking to Mizuki's seat and smiling at him.

On the other hand, Mizuki was feeling anxious about Misaki smiling cheerfully.

The calm part of the brain understands that it is a puff. However, his mind was already in a mess, and he didn't know what to do at all.

Enough is enough. Can't survive. Instead of being tormented by such painful thoughts all the time, it's better to reset everything and have fun.

The desire to escape from his closed world dominates the body.

Then, Mizuki who finally couldn't hold on, showed a crooked smile and looked into Misaki's eyes.

"You ask me why I didn't go to the library? I did. But... let me see, what else can I do but run."


"Even though I turned and ran straight away, but now don't talk about friends, you even have a boyfriend."

"Mizuki-san, wait a minute! Calm down. By the way, have you seen it? Someone else. I confess, but——"

"You don't need to explain. Isn't Hirose-san very handsome. You want to end your wish before leaving. Wouldn't it be better to let him do it compared to me, I'm sure you will be happier with him."

Mizuki interrupted Misaki, who was about to say something, and continued.

Every time he uttered a syllable, Mizuki felt his heart slowly break.

Even so, Mizuki said something that went against his heart - something that made the innocent Misaki very confused and unforgettable.

"To Misaki-san, such an alliance is just a hindrance."

"Who knows? I… don't understand anymore."

Misaki's questioning voice was already tinged with despair. Mizuki's answer had also given up on himself.

At the same time, Mizuki felt intense nausea again due to the guilt he felt for hurting Misaki.

Mizuki glanced at Misaki with a pale face, and his expression changed.

Perhaps his patience, with Mizuki's mouth open had reached its limit. When their eyes met, Misaki looked at Mizuki with angry eyes.

"I'm angry. You're almost there. Mizuki-san, don't smile when you see me confess!"

"I know everything, including what you did was just toy with my emotions..."

Mizuki answered weakly in response to Misaki's somewhat angry voice.

Having angered someone important, the desire to run away that had been raging in Mizuki's heart suddenly disappeared without a trace. The rest, only regret and nihilism for their actions.

"Hey, for Mizuki-san, is an alliance with me a barrier? Do you really want to disband immediately?"

Misaki's gaze contained, "If that's really getting in your way, then help now. You are free" means.

Seeing this, Mizuki grimaced like a lost child.

"How did this happen! I want to be with you, Misaki-san, forever. I want to be by your side from now on. But..."

"Why add 'but'? It's fine if you say it honestly!"

"I can't say it! Since Hirose-san suits you better than me… I couldn't take your happiness away from Misaki-san on purpose."

"Don't decide my own happiness. It's me, not you, who can decide if I'm happy or not! Please don't say such cool words!"

Facing Misaki's roar, Mizuki was dumbfounded and took a deep breath.

Misaki's life is her own, Mizuki knows that very well. However, he subconsciously forced his own thoughts on her. Ignoring everything around me, I acted self-righteously towards someone important.

Mizuki finally realized what a stupid thing he had done, and was disappointed.

"...I think Hirose-san is really a nice person. He's more handsome than you, smarter than you, and talks more than you."


Sure enough, no one could compare to Hirose. I don't deserve to be standing next to Misaki. Mizuki was disheartened, and her face became even lower.

"However, I refused. I said 'sorry' and immediately refused."

However, Misaki's words made Mizuki lift his head without hesitation.

"Are you refusing, why..."

"No, why not! Could it be that you really don't understand?"

"Understood, what I understand..."

No, Mizuki really felt something. It was just that he wasn't sure of the answer, so he couldn't say it. So Misaki, who was angry and impatient, looked at Mizuki with tears in her eyes.

"Why are you so slow! The person I like is Mizuki! Compared to Hirose-san, I like Mizuki more! Don't let me clarify things so obvious!!"

"Eh... ...Ah, that..."

The confession mixed with anger and tears made Mizuki stand on the spot and was stunned.

Originally, what he heard were words of joy that would make Mizuki cry, but right now he didn't have the leisure to be happy. Instead, he felt helpless with the current situation.

On the other hand, Misaki couldn't seem to hold herself back, and she continued to speak more and more excitedly as she burst into tears.

"After all, Mizuki-san, you've forgotten everything about being in the hospital two years ago. I was really shocked! Really, no matter how disinterested you are in strangers, you should be there. You haven't fallen in love until second year of high school!"

"Even though you're right, but you haven't fallen in love yet, have you. Misaki-san..."

"Don't get off topic!"

"...Forgive me..."

Even though Mizuki tried to refute, he was still no match for the threatening Misaki.

However, the situation is still not very good. Misaki was crying in anger, and if it continued like this, it might lead to some kind of riot. No, what was more important than this was that Misaki said something that made her care a lot, and above all… Mizuki also wanted to apologize to Misaki for losing her temper.

To do this, first of all, Misaki had to calm down and then listen to her explanation.

So Mizuki said "Sorry" in his heart, and squeezed Misaki's hand.

Facing Mizuki's sudden action, Misaki's crying eyes widened and she held her breath.

"Eh... why? Are you going to give up now? I haven't complained enough."

"No, giving up is really giving up… Just… can we switch places first? If we were here, who would see it. It would be troublesome everywhere."

Misaki looked at Mizuki in dissatisfaction with a flushed face, and Mizuki's face was redder than a tomato, she answered with an uncertain look.

Indeed, now is the stage of preparation for the cultural festival. Even though the school day had passed completely, there were still classes left to prepare for the program. I don't know if anyone will skip this class any time. No, if one heard the commotion just now, it wouldn't be surprising to be run over.


Hearing Mizuki point out, Misaki seems to be aware of this, she frowned sadly and nodded.


It is impossible to have a quiet conversation in class. So Mizuki and Misaki temporarily moved to a room where no one would go - the library.

"Anyway, it's nice that no one sees us like that."


Mizuki showed a pleasant smile and looked to the other side of the table. On the other hand, Misaki sat on the chair with a displeased face.

She might still be in a bad mood, but I need to calm down for now.

Of course, so did Mizuki. He no longer intends to be closed in his own world.

Mizuki circled the table and bowed his head deeply at Misaki pre-emptively.

"Misaki-san, I'm really sorry just now. I didn't listen to your explanation, so I lost my temper and said something I shouldn't have said... It's natural for you to be angry. I'm really sorry."

"Eh... well, I was also a little angry, so I said too much. Sorry."

Accepting Mizuki's apology, Misaki also apologized with a sullen face. After apologizing to each other, Mizuki who was urged by Misaki to "sit down," returned to the other side of the table and sat down.



After sitting opposite each other, a subtle silence descended between the two of them. Misaki was in a bad mood, and Mizuki didn't know what to say.

This subtle atmosphere lasted quite a while. Mizuki who was determined to "act as a boy now," gave a stiff smile and said.

"Didn't you just say that, what happened at the hospital, what was that... what did it mean...?"

Mizuki asked Misaki this question.

However, his voice was anticlimactic. Every time Mizuki said a word, Misaki's mood got worse and worse.

"Well, did I say something that upset you…?"

"…You still don't remember it. Our first meeting."


Seeing Mizuki's head lowered, Misaki sighed in exaggeration.

"I also thought that you were very handsome at that time..."

"Um... if that doesn't disturb your peace, could you give me some hint?"

Mizuki said to Misaki in a tone that could no longer be respected. request.

"...Okay. Then I'll give you a hint, think about it. That was about two years ago. The place we met was in the hospital atrium. Let me say it first, this meeting isn't the passing type."

It seemed like she wanted to remind Mizuki, Misaki didn't answer the question directly, but gave some hints.

About two years ago, it should have been just moments before my mother died. That time in the hospital, his memories relate to a girl his age. And it doesn't just go away...

After adding the search criteria, Mizuki, who searched his memories, finally found a match.

"That, Misaki-san. I dare ask, did you faint in the hospital atrium two years ago... ?"

"…You finally remember? Yes, that's me."

Mizuki asked timidly, while Misaki pointed at herself sadly.

At the same time, the memory of that time clearly appeared in Mizuki's mind.

It was early winter two years ago. When Mizuki was about to take a shortcut through the hospital atrium, he found a girl falling, clutching her chest in the shade of a tree.

Mizuki immediately judged that this was no small matter, he took the girl and asked the nearest nurse for help. The person who came to help was a nurse who Mizuki also knew. The person immediately called someone else to help and picked up the girl on a stretcher and carried her away.

The day after tomorrow, the nurse came to thank Mizuki by saying "She's safe and healthy"... But that girl was actually Misaki or something, it was really unthinkable.

"Sorry. I really didn't have time to remember your face back then... Besides, I'm usually not very good at remembering other people's faces..."


Mizuki was still silent making excuses while apologizing, Misaki looked at him sadly.

Once you realize your heart, the relationship will end. "Now is not the time for stupid excuses like that," Mizuki immediately regretted.

"Well, I was helped by you too. As for the fact that you don't remember my face, I don't plan on making any irresponsible remarks. Mizuki-san, there is nothing wrong with you, it was indeed an emergency at that time. ——However, let me say this last sentence."

Misaki looked at Mizuki with meaningful eyes.

Mizuki was afraid of what she was going to say, and Misaki looked at him with a relaxed expression on her face.

"Thank you so much for saving me."

After saying that, she lowered her head deeply.


"I can't say this yet.... --- Instead, I chose to enter this school just to thank you. That's also a wish I wanted to end before I left."

Misaki said shyly towards Mizuki who tilted his head blankly in disbelief. The "reason for choosing Mizuki-san High School" that I mentioned in the past seems to be this.

"If it wasn't for Mizuki-san, my life might have ended then. So, thank you very much."

"That's all... If you want to thank me, please tell the nurses and doctors who saved you."

Mizuki shook his head in embarrassment.

However, Misaki replied softly, "There's nothing like that."

"Actually that day, I found out that my test results were not optimistic, so I was a little disappointed. Then I ran to the corner of the atrium alone… I didn't expect to suddenly get sick, and I couldn't do anything about it."

Misaki said while looking into the distance, as if remembering what happened back then.

"It hurts, it's uncomfortable. But no one can find me like this... At that time. I really thought, 'Ah, am I going to die here?'."


"But Mizuki-san is the only one. You, even by chance, found me like that. And you held my hand tightly and said, "It's okay!" At that time, Mizuki-san, your voice probably kept me here. In the world. So—thank you."

said Misaki, smiling at Mizuki.

Just then, Mizuki was really trying to cheer the girl up a bit, calling out to her desperately. Maybe it didn't bring her much comfort, even so, Mizuki wanted to do something for her and held her hand tightly.

Therefore, Mizuki's actions were not in vain. The girl he saved——Misaki. So cue her.

"I heard from the nurse that it was you who saved me, so I actually wanted to come quickly and thank you. As I said earlier, I know Mizuki-san. However, because I was just attacked, so I couldn't do it. Then, when I was finally able to leave the ward, I thought, "I can thank you this time!", but at that moment—"

"...My mother died, so I'm not going to the hospital anymore, right?"

Mizuki continued her words, and Misaki nodded silently.

"And then, I changed schools, and now I'm finally in the same class at the same school as you, and I'm still thinking, 'I can do it this time!' ...The first day of my transfer, after school I followed you, Mizuki- san, and greeted you at the library, but I didn't expect you to remember me at all... Thanks to you, I can finally talk about it now."

"No, so, I'm really sorry about this… No, you're not saying it now, since I'm innocent, so you're not going to make any irresponsible comments about this matter?"

"Saying that, but I'm still a little uncomfortable…Yeah! It's Mizuki-san, you're no good!"

"What's this..."

Hearing Misaki's arrogant conclusion, Mizuki looked up at the sky and sighed in confusion.

"Right... Also, um, looks like I just confessed, right..., could it be that you have good intentions for me... since then?"

Mizuki with a bit of courage remaining, he asked the most important question.

Even though Mizuki himself wanted to pretend that nothing happened, he blushed greatly, and his voice was full of nervousness.

"Not. Back then, I only thought of you as a savior."

However, Misaki shook her head and denied it easily.

Mizuki was very sad, and his heart was depressed. "It would be better if I didn't ask.".

"But, come to think of it, I've been in love with Mizuki-san since then. It's just that I'm afraid to admit it myself… That's why I said those words to Yoko-san back then."

"Those words? What happened between you and my mother?”

Mizuki was a little confused by the new words that suddenly appeared.

But Misaki shook her head.

"I won't tell Mizuki-san, who forgot me."

"You are here again. I think you should tell me about everything."

This time, Mizuki turned to look at Misaki with dissatisfied eyes. She still insisted on saying "no".

Mizuki also has indigestion. I was literally toyed with by Misaki in the palm of my hand.


"But now, I'm very grateful for that promise. It was because of that promise that I was able to see Mizuki-san again——I personally said that I like you."

Misaki's cheeks were dyed red, and she said this nervously, her every move and every move was too cute… Mizuki already felt that it was fine if there were still some unsolved mysteries.

And... there are more important things to do now than this trivial mystery!

"Misaki-san, there's something I want to tell you."


Since the person he likes has already shown her love for him, if he can't do anything about it, he's no longer worthy to be called a man.

Mizuki closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then he slowly opened his eyes, straightened his posture, and faced Misaki who was sitting across from him.

"No matter what I say later, please don't be surprised."

"Your own opening statement is so unlucky… Wait a minute? Could it be that I will soon be dumped?"

Misaki, who left the small theater, started to panic.

Mizuki looked at her with a smile, and called out "Misaki-san" gently.

Misaki immediately sat up straight and replied "Hai!". She seemed to have all kinds of imaginations running through her mind, but for now, she returned her consciousness to Mizuki.

"Misaki-san, please prepare yourself mentally."

"Okay, okay. Then, you can come here!"

Mizuki took a deep breath and stuffed all his emotions into his mouth.


"Misaki-san, marry me..."



Mizuki's words melted into the air, replaced by Misaki's trembling voice.

"Sorry, Mizuki-san, I probably heard wrong. - What did you just say?"

"I said 'marry me'. That's what we call a marriage proposal."

"Are you serious."

"I can't take it seriously anymore."

Misaki affirmed repeatedly, while Mizuki covered his embarrassment with full aura, nodding his head without changing his face.

Misaki probably didn't think, let alone in response to his confession, Mizuki actually proposed? Misaki "Ah, um, calm down..." While rubbing her temples, she looked at Mizuki again.

"Then what, Mizuki-san, generally speaking, shouldn't you say 'with me' at times like this?"

"I like Misaki-san so much that I could suddenly propose to you. I just want to be with you, is there a problem?"

"I think this is all a problem. No matter how I put it, I think it's a bit too much. ......But I'm happy."

"If you feel happy, then I have no more problems. - Well, from a practical point of view, I still know very well that we can't legally marry, but you can rest assured about this, after all, this is just my passion."

I actually don't really understand this theory, and every time I say a word, my face burns with embarrassment. But even so, with unwavering sincerity, Mizuki confidently affirmed.

So Misaki laughed happily.

"I see. You like me to the point that you can suddenly propose... Hmm, come to think of it, it seems pretty good. I can fully sense Mizuki-san's seriousness."

"I would be so embarrassed if you whipped the corpse over and over like this…"

This time it was Mizuki's turn, his face turning red.

However, Mizuki's expression softened naturally because he saw Misaki's natural smile for the first time today.

"...Ah, but, is that okay? You really won't regret it? I'll definitely do a lot of things that don't look at the atmosphere subconsciously. Besides, if something goes wrong, I'll get angry right away. That... may not have any fun with me..."

However, Misaki's smile immediately turned cloudy, and she looked at Mizuki with great uneasiness.

Misaki is usually a person who does whatever she wants, but when it comes to a critical moment, she starts to worry about it. Mizuki felt in his heart that she was very cute. Even though his emotions were a little impatient, he would soon show his full weakness.

Putting those things aside, Mizuki slowly shook his head towards Misaki.

"I wouldn't be happy with anything other than Misaki-san. In terms of your skill with people, I don't know how much better you are than me. And regardless of the atmosphere, we belong to each other. I guess I'll give Misaki-san too many problems."

"...That's how it is. That means, we're actually very similar."

With just one word, it was impossible to erase all of Misaki's anxiety.

Mizuki wasn't confident enough that he could do this yet.

However, Mizuki wanted to be arrogant that he could indeed touch Misaki's heart.

Seeing Misaki's expression soften again, Mizuki thought so.

At this moment, Misaki pointed at him with her index finger.

"Then, there's one more thing. - It won't be long before I disappear from your eyes, Mizuki-san. I'll leave you alone and take the first step. Is it alright?"

Misaki said earnestly. No, it had to be said putting reality in front of Mizuki.

It will be gone in no time. One step ahead. Just imagining it was scary.

Mizuki couldn't imagine what it would be like to see Misaki disappear from his side.

However, this is the reality. There is no doubt that it will come, the future is a foregone conclusion.

And, that's when the time came. I might not survive. Maybe it will be defeated by the fact of losing Misaki.

However, even so, Mizuki didn't change his answer.

Mizuki wrapped his arms around Misaki's outstretched hand.

"If you really disappear, I want to be with you even more. If possible, I want to spend a few days with you. I want to be with you until the very last moment."

The voice slowly disappeared in the library.

As soon as I remember what happened after Misaki left, maybe it would be the right answer to start keeping my distance from her now. In this way, the trauma to yourself will not be so great. You could say a wise choice.

However, Mizuki couldn't make that choice right now. Even if he knew that he would be bruised everywhere, he wanted to spend it with Misaki. Only this thought can be learned from heaven and earth.

Mizuki conveyed his intentions, waiting for Misaki's answer like when he proposed to her.

However, Misaki's next reaction was different from before. Water, Big tears started to flow from her eyes.

Mizuki didn't expect that he would make her cry by this scene, and his face suddenly turned blue.

"Did I say something that made you unhappy anymore?"

"No, no. I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm so happy that I can't hold back the tears."

Chaotic situation, Misaki explained why she was crying while crying.

"Ah, really…. Looks like I have one more request before I go."

Misaki said with a sigh, and looked into Mizuki's eyes with a calm face.

"Thank you, Mizuki-san. I am very happy."

"Ah, no, no… That, that means we…"

Mizuki asked vaguely to confirm something.

So Misaki showed an undisguised smile and nodded clearly and firmly.

"Then please take care of me. Even though I will definitely leave you one step ahead of you, my useless boyfriend, please let me snuggle by your side until the last moment."

"—Well, I am very happy."

Mizuki looked at Misaki with a smile, leaned over the table and wiped the tears from his face.

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