Yotogi no Kuni no Gekkouhime

Chapter 6: CH 6

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Translator: Keeez

Chapter 6: Snake in One’s Bosom3

Selene is truly furious. She decided that she must depose that evil, tyrannical prince at all cost. Although she decided so, but actually she’s unable to do anything about it, all she can do is slouching on the bed.

“I don’t even get it anymore.”

Selene muttered to herself so while lying face down in the shape of the letter ‘大’ on the soft, fluffy bed.

The place Selene’s currently in is not the prison-like room she used to live in, but a warm, sunny room. This room is highest quality parlor Aquila Kingdom can offer, for the guests of high status.

How did it turned out like this. This phrase has probably been muttered by Selene for more than a hundred times already, ever since she was moved to this room, which was about one week ago.

That day, Selene woke up in the afternoon, which was earlier than when she normally would, so she pulled up the blanket once more and was about to get into a nice deep sleep. Then immediately after, a servant from the castle came barging in and dragged her out of the room, cleaned her up, and made her wear a pure white dress that made Selene feels like she’s not wearing anything at all. After the preparation was done, the Prince who chased her in the forest, and an old man who looked like a bear came to visit her.

The Prince’s name seems to be Milano, he told Selene something incomprehensible “I’m doing the negotiation to help you out of here. So don’t worry about anything and leave it all to me.” with a irritatingly refreshing smile on his face.

What the hell is he talking about suddenly out of nowhere, are there screws loose in his head? Thought Selene, but the person she’s dealing with is that sex-crazed prince. If she resisted he might really abused her. And while Selene’s on full guard, the old man with lots of beard―― the stern-looking man named Kumahachi comforted her with his gentle voice, a stark contrast to his appearance, so Selene’s favorability of him is still on the positive side. On the other hand, the emotions she had toward Milano is akin to that of murderous intent.

Even though he himself wears a nice outfit, but why is it that he made his aide wear such a miserable outfit though? Probably because he’s just bringing along a dirty man like Kumahachi with him so that he’ll look even more outstanding, no doubt about it. When she reached to that conclusion, Selene had a heartfelt sympathy for Kumahachi, who she thinks is just like her old self.

So, until the negotiation is completed, Selene had to moved and lived here in this neat and pretty room. She’s not allowed to go outside as usual, but the meal here is much more lavish, and they even come with snacks and desserts. However, she’s still dissatisfied at the fact that unlike her previous room, she can’t escape out of this one.

She doesn’t really know how or why the situation turned out this way, the only thing she understood is that if the negotiation went well then it’d be a terrible thing for her. That’s why Selene dedicated herself to praying to the devil everyday, “May everything break down, may the negotiation be unsuccessful, so that I can go back to my prison.”, such is the content of her prayer.

『Princess! I have something to report!』

Slipping himself inside the room through the gap in the door is Butler who quickly runs up to Selene, breathing heavily. Everyday, Selene had Butler sneak in as a spy to gather information and report to her regarding the situation.

“How it?”

『Please rejoice! They officially reached to an agreement to move you into the Helifalte Kingdom! Princess’s prayers are finally answered at last!』

“No wayyy.”

In despair, Selene falls flat on the bed. Stupid devil. You’re useless.

On the other hand, Butler is in high spirits, he’s so excited that he’s about to break into a tap dance out of joy.

『I heard from the mouses in the forest, that prior to this, Princess met that little boy called Milano in the forest, correct? Then he immediately falls for your charm the moment he saw you. Well, even if he’s a prince, he’s still a man at heart. Thus this outcome is only natural.』

Butler crossed his front paws while nodding.

“Seems like even God knows very well that this little kingdom doesn’t deserve a person of Princess calibre, much less that dirty tiny prison. This Butler, as a butler, is very much proud of this……』

When he speaks to that point, suddenly Butler comes back to his senses. It’s because he noticed Selene’s expression that seems as if she’s about to cry.

『Please excuse my rudeness. I failed to notice your feelings and got carried away. If Princess is going to leave this country, then it means Princess Arue, and also…… your mother, you’d not be able to meet them anymore.』

While being able to move to the more prosperous Helifalte Kingdom should be something to merry about, but that also meant that Selene’s mother had completely abandoned her. Butler really wants to beat himself up black and blue for being so thoughtless.

『Princess, it may be true that the Queen has abandoned you. However, that’s only the “current” you, Princess. You must become a splendid lady. You must prove yourself with your own capabilities, and made her acknowledge her own daughter as a magnificent person. Not only that would made Princess’s life the most outstanding there is, it would also serves as the sweetest revenge as well in my opinion, how is it my Princess? You need not to worry, because you will always have this Butler as your right hand. Please rest assured.』

Butler said in a gentle voice, jumps off the bed, before heading back to the hallway once again. Now that Selene’s departure has been decided, Butler who acts as a coordinator for the animals in the forest need to inform them that trespassing into the Paradise is a no-no or something along that line. He really wanted to stay with Selene who’s suffering from the pain, but there’s not much time left. Butler rushed out with painful reluctance.

The moment Butler went out, a knock sounded on the wooden door.

“Selene, may I come in?”

And before Selene could reply, the source of that voice, Arue, has already entered the room. She walks up to Selene with a big smile on her face, seemingly in a very good mood.

“Rejoice Selene! Prince Milano said that he is going to help you! But, I wonder how Prince Milano knew about Selene though? But then again they say that he’s Holy Prince, so I guess he’s truly special after all?”


Arue tilts her head a little, but rather than worry about minor details, right now in her heart on cloud nine at the fact that Selene is going to be free at last, her eyes shine sparkly. On the other hand, Selene’s expression is sinking down deeper and deeper. Ahh, to think that I’d not be able to see my angelic big sister like this again, Selene’s heart is full of despair, her eyes went completely dark.

“Why are you making such a sad face Selene? You won’t be able to see me for a while, but you won’t have to go back to that dark room anymore, you can wear pretty clothes, eat delicious food, and on top of that you get to live together with such a cool prince too you know?”

However, Arue’s encouraging words had the opposite effect on Selene. Selene’s eyes turned red before she starts sobbing. The first part of what she said is still bearable for Selene, but the final part is the one that dealt the final blow to her. Why is it that she has to be separated from her kind and beautiful big sister to live with that disgusting pedophile of a prince?

“Get me back.”


“Me, that room, okay with, get me back.”

Selene’s words mixed with her sobbing confused Arue. If it’s that she doesn’t want to go to an unknown country alone then she can understand that, but she still doesn’t understand why she would want to go back to that room. If she wants to live in this country then doesn’t this room is way better than that prison? 1

“Selene, why is it that you want to go back to that prison-like room? Can you please tell your onee-chan the reason?”

“Nee-sama and others, won’t meet……”

“Me and ‘others’ ?”

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When Arue asked back, Selene nodded in return. There are very few people that normally interact with Selene. Aside from herself, the only others are servants that come in to take care of her bare minimum necessary needs. So, there’s only one person left who corresponds to the word ‘others’ that she said.

――That is the Queen of this kingdom, Arue and Selene’s mother.

Arue suddenly remembered something. Ever since Selene had been locked up in that room, Arue has been searching for information regarding parent-child relationship in literature works during her free time, in order to unravel her mother’s mind.

In one of the book said this, ‘There exist some child that doesn’t want to be separated from their parent, even when they’re abused from that person. They thought that it’s because they’re a bad child that they had to go through this trial, so if they overcome said trial, then perhaps mother would love them again. She’ll praise them again.’ Surely Selene is one of such type as well, that’s why she wants to go back to that dirty prison, thought Arue.

However, Arue who was present during the negotiation knew that her little sister’s wish would never be granted. Because Arue clearly saw her mother’s happy expression when she knew that the trash that she had to locked away, unable to dispose of it, is able to be sold for such a surprisingly high price, and that her mother never had the slightlest of regard for Selene at all.

But to tell her still-young little sister of that truth is too cruel. Arue gently crouches down to her miserable little sister, and wipes Selene’s tears, trying to comfort her.

“Selene, you know, happiness is something that comes with sadness. It may be tough for you right now, but just as much happiness is waiting for you in the future. Selene, you has suffered a lot right? That’s why you’re going to become the happiest princess in the world. Rather than staying in this darkness, if you walk forward then you’ll definitely be able to see more beautiful things in this world.”

Arue’s encouraging Selene to stay away from her mother in an indirect way. She understands her feeling of wanting to be with her mother again, but having her stay away is all for her little sister’s sake.

However, in reality she got it all wrong. What Selene meant by ‘Nee-sama and others’ are her own big sister and the vegetables in the paradise. She had put a lot of effort into them over the span of several years. So the thought of separating from them is truly regrettable for her. Though what Selene does is only planting them properly and it’s actually the forest soil that’s doing the hard work, but the person herself thought that she’s the one doing the hard work.

As for Selene’s thought regarding the main point of this conversation, her own mother, she just thought of her as a hysteric obaa-san, and on top of that she had not seen her in like who knows how long, so she doesn’t really care about her at all. If this could be expressed in pie chart or on exam paper, then her mother, in her mind, is in the “none of above” or “others” category already. Unlike Arue who Selene has seen since birth when she’s still just a blonde loli, and is still seeing her up until now on her road to become a fine beautiful young girl.

To sum it up, the vegetables are way more important than her own mother in Selene’s eyes. Meanwhile, Arue smiles softly at her as if to reassure her, unaware of the truth at all.

“Selene, although we won’t be able to see each other for a while, but since I’m going to go to Helifalte as well so you don’t have to worry. I’ll be a little later than you Selene, but probably won’t take that long.”

“Eh, nee-sama, come too!?”

“Mother made a condition that if I am able to study abroad in Helifalte then she’ll hand over Selene. Although this’ll burden Prince Milano, but he said that it’s better this way, for me to go to Helifalte that is. He’s such a generous person.”

The moment she heard that, an electric current ran through Selene’s brain. Now Selene has finally seen through that wicked prince’s scheme.

Thinking about it calmly, isn’t it strange for him to drag out this social outcast and still-a-child Selene? There’s only one reason that Selene can think of, of why this guy would deliberately do this.

――To take her hostage.

That wicked prince, no matter what he said, his true intention is to enjoy her angelic sister Arue. Considering how charming Arue is, that possibility is very much likely. However, this place here is still within Aquila Kingdom, no matter how influence Milano might be, he’s probably still being cautious in other countries.

The best way to enjoy your pray to your heart’s content is to drag it into your own playing field. If he’s in his home country then he can use his position as the prince to order her to do any perverted act without any backfire, no matter how perverse than is.

In Selene’s previous life, there are many games within the genre that she liked that contains something along the line of, a prince from a big country falls in love with the princess from a smaller country. And many in which, as the story goes on, it turns out that the prince and the king is actually the most hideous villain possible, they’ll plunge the heroine down into the depths of despair. And more often than not, they’ll use the heroine’s little sister or her family as hostages to continue to do the bad stuff with her.

“We have to properly thanks Prince Milano for that aren’t we. So Selene, be a good listener and don’t cause any trouble for the Prince okay?”

Why is it that we have to thank such a prince? Selene thought while lamenting in her mind, but upon seeing her pure-hearted big sister who doesn’t know how to doubt others, unlike her twisted self personality-wise, Selene has prepared her resolve.

Selene jumps into Arue’s chest, hugging her tightly. Although Arue’s slightly surprised, but she hugged her back without saying anything, patting on Selene’s soft hair.

“Me, do my best, protect.”

“Yes, good girl.”

That’s right, I must protect my dear big sister’s pureness at all cost. If you ask me, that prince, he has that Holy Prince title or whatever that is, he also had his father whose nick name is Lion King as well, and Milano himself also has the nick name of ‘Helifalte’s Young Lion’ if I remembered correctly. 2

What the hell is up with that cool nickname that he has. Isn’t it vastly different from my past life’s nickname of ‘Garlic Stalker’ that people called me? And the only thing I did when I was still an old man was looking at cute girls and liked to put garlic in my ramen, that’s all I ever did and people already called me that.

Setting my abominable past aside, if they’re Lion King or Young Lion or whatever I don’t give a damn, then I’m going to be a bug inside Lion’s belly3, eating it away from the inside, and make this great nation collapse on itself. To protect my dear big sister, I’m willing to destroy this arrogant prince’s nation to bits. He’ll regret taking me into his country for eternity.

Such is the degree of Selene’s tenacious determination.

――Many historians of later era said this. The Helifalte Kingdom prides itself in its long prosperity that continues to this day. And the time when the kingdom is at its peak, the time when the kingdom shines the brightest, its golden age, is undoubtedly during King Milano Helifalte the Great’s reign, the one that laid foundation for today’s Helifalte, the one that people called ‘Sun King’ who illuminates his whole nation. However, we mustn’t forget the one who supports him from the shadows, the one who contributes to this nation just as much as him, ‘Moonlight Princess’ Selene Aquila.

According to the records of the royal family that remain in this era, Selene the Moonlight Princess was saved from hell itself by the still-young Milano, and is deeply grateful to him. Right before her departure, she pledges an oath to her big sister Princess Arue that she’ll protect him with her life. At that time, Selene is only an eight years old girl. But do not mistake it as just a young girl’s nonsensical words. Because Princess Selene’s great achievements all lies within the historical evidences. If not for her contribution, surely Helifalte’s royal family would go in decline, and Helifalte nation wouldn’t developed into what it is in the present era.

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So here this paragraph is a bit confusing in English (maybe because of my bad translation) but please let me know which one you like more, I’d like to use this paragraph as an example. 1

Original : Selene’s words mixed with her sobbing confused Arue. If it’s that she doesn’t want to go to an unknown country alone then she can understand that, but she still doesn’t understand why she would want to go back to that room. If she wants to live in this country then isn’t this room way better than that prison?

Alternative 1: Selene’s words mixed with her sobbing confused Arue. If it’s that sheSelene doesn’t want to go to an unknown country alone then sheArue can understand that, but sheArue still doesn’t understand why sheSelene would want to go back to that room. If sheSelene wants to live in this country then isn’t this room way better than that prison?

As you can see, I added furigana to clear up some paragraph that might be confusing.

This whole part is very confusing. 2

In Japanese this chapter’s name is ‘獅子身中の虫’ which when translated literally meant ‘a bug/insect inside lion’s body’, but that’s also Japanese’s idiom for calling something like ‘a person that will backstab/betray you’, but I’ll keep the English’s chapter name as is. 3

I liked it a lot when future people talk about our protagonist from the past, like how Youjo Senki did where the reporters trying to find the evidence of Tanya’s secret elite battalion.

Also sorry for the delay, this chapter is actually supposed to be released yesterday but I had to take my mom to hospital for vaccination today, thus the translation is not done in time.

Also, if you want to read this novel MTL’d, I recommend using DeepL to do so, it’s very much readable, unlike other mess that I saw on other MTL website that’s literally unreadable.

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