You Are My Omega

Chapter 10: 105

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After Jiro left, Ethan went to the living room to rest for a bit before doing his work. Even though they are in another country, Ethan still needs to finish some of the company works that he had asked Leo to take while they are in-country S. Mikel might be the one handling most of it but he cannot just let his brother-in-law do all of it since it is too much and it might take all of Mikel's time. Which is not good since he still needs to take care of his son and pregnant wife.

"CEO, would you like to go out later?" asked Leo who just came back.

"hmm, I don't know maybe when Lucas calls me then I will go out but if not, I'll just sleep later." Answered Ethan.

"I understand, I will let Master Lucas know about it."

"Leo, Dr. Inoue told me that he won't be able to go to country J next month since he will be taking care of his wife and children. Dr. Kimura just gave birth and I know he will need help. That is why instead of Dr. Inoue and Dr. Kimura it would be me and Dr. Anthony who will be attending to their patients in CGH. Once we arrive there next month get me all the scheduled appointments and the days that I need to be present to the hospital."

"Alright sir, how many days should I set for your workdays?"

"Three, Dr. Anthony will arrive there two days before us so I told him to tell the chairman about my situation, especially my pregnancy."

"That would be easy then, Leave your schedule to me and I will let you know when we got there sir." Leo and Ethan then continued with their work until Lucas called his wife.

Meanwhile somewhere in country J, at the Sato Private hospital, Ken and his whole family were waiting outside of the emergency room. Ken had to rush his youngest son to their hospital all of a sudden when the kid suddenly collapse. Dr. Sato and his wife were on duty during that day and they were doing their job when they suddenly receive a phone call from Ken. While chairman Sato was at his office discussing some important surgery with one of his surgeons.

"Ken, what happened?" asked Dr. Sato who just arrived together with his wife Dr. Akifumi. They were doing their rounds when Ken called them to let them know that he had to rush his youngest son to the hospital.

"Dad…Mom.. I don't know, Tsuki was just playing with his older brother Yuuto when he suddenly collapse. He was having a hard time breathing and just after 5 minutes, he lost consciousness. I tried to wake him up and check all of his vitals but he just won't open his eyes. I rushed him here immediately since I need to know what is going on with my son." Ken answered his parents who were also confused with the sudden emergency they receive. Chairman Sato also arrived together with his secretary just in time to hear what Ken said.

"I see, Let's just hope that Tsuki was just tired" Dr. Akifumi can feel the panic in his son's voice. He knew as a parent the feeling of having their child be rushed to a hospital without even knowing what is going on. Even with Ken being a pediatrician doctor for years, he was clueless about what is going on with his own child.

"I hope so" Just after saying that, a doctor who was assigned to look after Ken's son approach them all.

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"Dr. Kirigaya, How is my son?" asked Ken. Dr. Kirigaya is the senior doctor who had guided Ken during his early years as a doctor. He entered the Sato hospital at the same time as Ken's parents thus he had been working there for a long time now.

"right now he is safe but according to what you said Ken, he had trouble breathing and with a few minutes, he lost consciousness right? Thus to completely put everyone at ease, I will need to get an X-ray, CT-scan, and blood test to know more of his condition." Said Dr. Kirigaya

"do whatever is necessary as long as my great-grandson is going to be alright. Ken, after they are done conducting all of the tests, take your son to one of the VIP rooms upstairs. We will all wait there to hear the results, is that clear Dr. Kirigaya" said, chairman Sato

"Yes, Chairman Sato" Dr. Kirigaya then went on his way together with the nurse whom he was with. He had instructed that nurse the things that are needed to be done.

Ken went together with his son as they take him to the laboratories and scans that he has to take. The kid who is now in a stable state is currently sleeping well while they take all of the tests. It became a wonder to Ken that his son wouldn't even wake up even if he was being moved around. With every moment that the alpha looks at his son, he feels like his world is slowly crumbling. He is a doctor but he couldn't even help lessen the pain of his son. He even thought to himself that it would be better if the child would just cry and tell him what hurts but that wasn't the case. His son is unconscious which would make it impossible for that to happen.



There are two more chapters coming up this weekend. Also I feel like I need to edit this chapter some more thus I might or might not Edit this chapter.

Anyway! I hope you will like this and the next few chapters my dear readers.

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