You Are My Omega

Chapter 8: 103

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While Ethan is having a meeting with Jiro, Leo prepares everything they need for the day. While preparing he receives a message coming from the person they hired to spy on Dr. Melissa. Upon reading the message he went towards the dining room where the two omegas are.

"CEO, it appears that man had already given all the necessary details to Ian. He just wanted to know rather than ask your permission to proceed with the plan" said Leo to Ethan.

"Hm… first tell him to send those pieces of evidence to her superior then wait for one day before releasing it to someone who works on press." Ethan just kept on eating while he instructs his assistant on what he should be doing. He needs to have Dr. Melissa feel the loss of everything she had worked hard for. Just like how they made him lose the things that are important to him.

"I understand sir" Leo was about to leave the dining room when Ethan suddenly said something.

"Leo, tell Ian to release that also to someone who works as an international press, that way she won't ever be able to work as a doctor all her life. I want her not only to lose her license but I also want her to lose the trust of all the hospitals all over the world."

"That would be easy CEO but I think she had one client that works underground black market. I'm afraid that she might become someone who will become a doctor for those people."

"*smirk* Do you think that she can do that? Have you forgotten that I too know someone who works in that kind of place? He is the most known doctor for them and no one can be greater than him. Even Dr. Melissa who only knows a few things in the medical field is nothing compared to him. She would only be digging her grave the moment she killed someone whom she had no idea that is superior to her. Within the underground black market, there is no word sorry that exists there. If she killed someone out of her medical expertise, only death awaits her so if she has even a small part of her brain to think about her life then she should not even think about becoming a doctor for those people."

"right, I understand sir." Leo then left the room and let the other two continue with their conversation.

"You know someone from that world? I mean the underground black market somewhat has its world and they don't follow the rules of any nation whenever they do their business. How did you know someone from that place?" asked Jiro who was just listening to both Ethan and Leo as they talk about something about Leo's report.

"Apparently, Lucas's family is connected with a mafia family for generations. They protected each other's family and business without doing anything illegal that might cause harm to any of the family. There I got to know an omega doctor who is smarter than me or any of the doctors in Elite A. That omega doctor is also bonded to the mafia leader that is connected to the Smith Family. He runs a small clinic within the city and most of his patients are from that world. No one in that world wouldn't know about his connections or even his talent which is why no one messes around him."

"hmn…which means that mafia family is very influential? I mean don't they have any enemies?"

"they do but we have nothing to do with them plus that family is the most powerful one and to be exact they have more influence than their enemies so no one would even dare to go against them. Also, we are in a much more advanced time so mafia wars or something like that is very rare. According to Lucas, as long as they don't take what the others own or business transaction then no blood would need to shed."

"I see. By the way, Ethan, are you starting on your revenge?" Jiro was actually aware of what happened to Ethan and he also knew that the other wanted to revenge against his own blood-related family. Or even the thing about Ethan's twins with Hideaki

"I'm only just starting, it took me years to gather all of the needed evidence and faults of my enemies, especially my evil dear sister Elise *smirk*. She will regret doing all of that to me."

"*chuckles* yes, she will. But Ethan, I should remind you to not hurt my love, Hideaki. He might have such a very cruel and ugly wife but he has no idea of what she did to you nor about you giving birth to his twins" Jiro loves Hideaki and when he and Ethan got to know each other they made a promise to help each other get what they want. In Jiro's case, he wanted to get Hideaki from Elise while Ethan wants his twins back to him.

"I know however you should make your move too, Jiro, or else I cannot promise you anything else. He is the father of my twins and I am thankful that he cares about them more than he cares about his wife."

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"*smile* do you think that I haven't started anything yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"Before I explain anything, first I would like to give this to you. It's the new design of clothes that I made" Jiro handed over the box that he was carrying. It wasn't that big nor small but it contains a full set of clothes that he had designed, except for shoes which aren't his specialty.

"Huh? Is this the design that you said you will be showing me?"

"That's right and it is yours to keep. It's my gift for you so make sure to wear it during the grand opening of your hotel and mall in country J"

"Your…gift? Why? what's the occasion? I mean yes, me and Lucas are celebrating our wedding anniversary but it's rare for someone else to give us a gift just because it is our anniversary. Since we gave each other gifts every special occasion or even without us celebrating anything. So why are you giving me a gift?"

"Well, To tell you the truth I am just so happy that Hideaki and I are officially lovers. So to express my gratitude to you and Louis for becoming my friends and business partners, I made only three pieces of this design."

"Wait, you and who are officially lovers? And what do you mean by expressing your gratitude? Jiro could explain everything in order please" Just like a bomb, Ethan felt that something had just exploded after hearing what Jiro said. Thus he wanted to confirm it by asking the other bit by bit of the details that he should spill.

"*giggle* Alright, A month ago I attended a social party that was hosted by one of my clients. There I met Hideaki for the first time after so many years, we catch up and talked a lot. He told me that he would be staying in the country for two or three months due to work. So I took that opportunity to get closer to him again, I asked him to have dinner with me, and then whenever he is done with work he would visit me at my office. Two weeks after, we went to a bar and after drinking a lot we had to stay in a hotel nearby" Jiro started to explain everything that happened to him and Hideaki that resulted in them becoming lovers. The omega knew that his friend is curious at the same time he can see a smile start to form on Ethan's lips as if he is satisfied in hearing his story.



I was supposed to update this last night as per what I said in the comments but Gosh! internet why did you do that do me! T.T

As per what I said there will be an update and it is not just this chapter, another chapter will be update in a short while.

I hope you will all like this chapter and if you do please don't forget to leave a review or comment. If possible do rate and share my novel to some of your friends.



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