You Have Everything I Dislike

Chapter 3: 3

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Once, I went to a small shopping mall to buy things. The third master was just back from his business trip and was dragging his suitcase. Since he had trouble carrying it, he didn’t go in and waited at the door.  

Originally, I was supposed to buy icing sugar and a hot water bag, but the hot water bag was out of stock. So, the clerk helped me find it in the warehouse, but this search was delayed a bit.

When I finally bought it and went out, the third master stepped up to hold my hand and said affectionately, “You know what, I’ve been having a hard time each moment since you went in.”

I was flushed red by this sudden confession, my heart bloomed with joy, but still, my mouth remained reserved, “Oh, my God, I hate you! You’re dead!”

Then, he pulled his luggage with one hand and pulled me with the other, running in the direction of home, basically flying, “Hurry up, I’m going to pee my pants!”


At the time of university, during one summer vacation, my Third Master came to Beijing to accompany me. My older cousin, who knew of his arrival, had invited him to dinner two times. One time for a barbecue, and the other time for a hot pot.

Oh, but that’s not the point. It’s all about the buffet.

According to the third master, a meal like a buffet costs a year’s worth of money.

It was noon that day, and the Third Master and I were so full that we felt like balloons that could pop at any minute. The day was scorching hot, and the sun was very poisonous. So I made a very good suggestion: Let’s go to Gongwang House for a walk.

But the walk didn’t work that well that day. I was surprised to see the Third Master’s as-weak-as-a-flower-appearance when he came out. Just as I was walking past the Guoguo temple snack street, I shook off my arm from the third master and tried to take him to dinner.

According to common logic, his weak expression must be because he is hungry, right?

I was shouting “fried noodles” and headed for the store when the third master grabbed the corner of my shirt and shook it…… 

Not my hand! Not even the arms! It was the corner of my coat! I’ve only seen this kind of coquettish action when my nephew really wanted to play with the rocking car downstairs!

I asked him inexplicably, “What’s wrong? Look at the fried sauce noodles. It looks delicious!”

The third master forced out a smile. “I feel very uncomfortable. I’ll take you to eat when I have a chance in the future, okay? Let’s go back first. I may have a heat stroke.”

After all, I was a virtuous girlfriend. He was uncomfortable and became that weak chicken, so I had to give up my beloved snack and go back to rest with him.

As soon as we got on the subway, he remained silent and didn’t look very good.

At the next station, there was a vacant seat in front of me. Thinking that the third master was sick at that moment, I thoughtfully let him sit, but he waved his hand and rejected my kindness.

I kept calling him again and again, but in exchange, he responded with a, “Don’t talk to me. It’s uncomfortable for me to talk to you.”

I felt that this hurt my self-esteem. So I sat down silently, copying him by looking out the window without saying anything.

Having been left out for ten minutes, I was sure that he must have regretted his attitude towards me just now and was embarrassed to give in and talk to me.

So, generously, I raised my head and looked at him with affection. Perhaps my eyes were too hot. The Third Master looked down at me with a brief glance, then went back to looking out the window.

He was being so arrogant, so I took the initiative and pulled his hand, “Look at me, talk to me.”

The third master looked down at me with a pale face, and his voice was a bit weak amid the noisy vehicle. Even so, I still managed to hear it very clearly.

“But I feel like throwing up whenever I look at you,” he said.

The older man and the little girl standing next to him went “poof”,  bursting into laughter.

Although I understand that you can’t look down because you really want to throw up but Third Master, there is something wrong with your facial expression!.

Then we stopped talking all the way home. When the third master came home, he saw that my face wasn’t looking good and concluded I also had a heatstroke. 

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Finally, we poured each other two bottles of Huoxiang Zhengqi1TL note: Huoxiang Zhengqi – a liquid herbal formula used in Traditional Chinese medicine to “induce diaphoresis and clear away summer-heat. water and shook hands to make peace.


One night, I bought half a durian. It was so sweet and tasted so good that it almost got me killed by my roommates after taking a bite of it in the dorm. So I locked it up in the cupboards, and occasionally, I would take a piece and run out to the balcony to eat in the northwest wind.

The durian was so big that I couldn’t finish it until it was time for me to go to sleep.

I looked at my roommates, who were already asleep in bed under the desk lamp, and wondered if they would get up and fight with me if I opened the window to eat durian in the middle of winter. 

With the last piece of durian and a spoon in my hand, I opened the door and went to the trash can in the hallway.

At first, I just stood there, but eventually, I felt that the target was too big and easily seen, and it would be bad if I got caught by it, so I crouched down next to the trash can……

Fear often leads to reality. The more you are afraid of what will happen, the more likely it is to happen. I thought no one would be out this late at midnight, but suddenly I heard a “Yiee-” and all kinds of messy voices resounding from all over the floor.

My mouth kept chewing, wondering if there was a wolf.

A minute later, I saw one or two girls running out of each dormitory with cell phones in hand, running to the windows of the corridor before howling, “A shooting star! A shooting star!”

It turned out to be a Gemini meteor shower. I wanted to see it anyway, but the girls who came out were all our major students.

Everyone who ran past the trash can stopped and politely said hello…… I was like… a mascot with trash cans for props and responded with an awkward smile, “Look at the shooting stars. What a coincidence, I’m eating durian.”

So I ate the durian as quickly as I could, and instead of squeezing in with the others at the window, I hurried back to the dorm and climbed into bed.

There was a lot of shooting stars that day, and the people in the hallway almost every few minutes shouted out in groups. I also wanted to see it, but I was too embarrassed to show up in front of them again, so I sent a WeChat to Third Master about this.

The third master said, “Since the sky is full of shooting stars, make a wish to me first. Maybe meteors are flying overhead, so you can hear them.”

I did not take it so seriously but still made a wish, “I wish for the health of my family!”

Third Master: “Okay, agreed.”

Considering that there were so many shooting stars, I made a few more wishes, “I hope we will always be well.”

Third Master: “Good, agreed.”

I continued on, “I hope I can lose 20 pounds next year!”

Third Master: “No, I don’t agree with this.”

Me: “Why! It doesn’t matter if you say it! Don’t mislead shooting stars! Quickly say, ‘Okay, I agree’!”

Third Master: “No, you’re too skinny. I don’t feel safe. You look good just the way you are now.”

I was speechless. “Okay, then I don’t have anything else to wish for anymore. It’s your turn.” 

The Third Master seemed to think about it for a while. And then he returned to me, “I wish I could live as long as you do.”

It was dark in the room that night, and it seemed quiet because of the darkness. The sounds of my roommates’ faint snoring and the cries of the girls watching the stars outside were so clear. For a moment, I suddenly wanted to cry.

I don’t know if any of the stars heard Third Master’s wishes when they fell. So I said to him, just like how he responded when I made a wish before,

“Okay, agreed.”

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