You Look Like You're Made of Money

Chapter 20: CH 20

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Chapter-20: Part 1 — “Xiao Yan, I already have the desire to possess you.”

Su Yan’s heart was beating loudly. She suddenly had an ominous premonition: Jiang Jingchuan’s expression didn’t look very good. And that man kept staring at her which meant that that man knew the original body. She didn’t think of Shen Peiran. Facing such a situation, she didn’t want to make unreasonable speculation so she calmed down and shook Jiang Jingchuan’s arm. She whispered: “Hubby, what happened?”

Jiang Jingchuan looked down at Su Yan. He found that he actually couldn’t see through Su Yan. Even if he didn’t speak to her before, he felt that he could still understand what she was thinking. Now, it was all changing. He didn’t understand, how could she pretend to be this way?  Obviously, That Person was at the front, yet she was still so calm as if the person right in front of them was a stranger. The corner of Jiang Jingchuan’s mouth pulled, the tone in his manner of speaking became ambiguous: “Won’t you go over and say hello?” 

As soon as these words were spoken, the premonition in Su Yan’s heart became even stronger, but there was no time left for her to either analyse or guess. She smiled at Jiang Jingchuan, “What?” 

Jiang Jingchuan did not speak anymore and retracted his stare. He calmly stepped ahead in the direction of the lift.

Watching helplessly as Su Yan got closer and closer, Shen Peiran stepped farther and farther back in a hurry. But he stopped after seeing the strange expression in Su Yan’s eyes. She had quickly given him a glance then continued to look at Jiang Jingchuan. No matter how calm Shen Peiran was, after seeing his sweetheart’s strange expression, he panicked and couldn’t stop himself from stepping forward. At the same time, Su Yan brushed past him holding Jiang Jingchuan’s arm. In this short span of time, she didn’t even spare him a fraction of her attention.     

It’s not like Shen Peiran didn’t feel inferior before, but in this A City, which person was capable of maintaining their former confidence and vigour in front of Jiang Jingchuan? Though his family also had several businesses and his qualifications were also quite good, compared to Jiang Jingchuan it was still not considered enough. Men and women were not alike.  Men were more concerned about each other’s ability and financial capacity In these two distinct things. Shen Peiran simply couldn’t be compared to Jiang Jingchuan and also didn’t dare to compare. Therefore at the beginning, he simply didn’t trust the sincerity of Su Yan.

However, Su Yan slowly convinced him. He began to believe that, no matter how much better Jiang Jingchuan was, Su Yan would not spare him a glance. She never mentioned Jiang Jingchuan in front of him, but she couldn’t avoid quarrelling with him because of her marriage. She firmly said that when the opportunity comes, she would certainly divorce Jiang Jingchuan.   

It’s not like Shen Peiran didn’t have women throwing themselves at him; but, from the beginning till the end, he didn’t even give other people a glance because he trusted Su Yan, loved her. So he was willing to be the most shameful, most incompetent third party.

Yes, it’s not like Shen Peiran didn’t know that he was the third party in their marriage; but so what?

Su Yan didn’t like Jiang Jingchuan. Their marriage didn’t conform to their feelings nor their hearts. Shen Peiran never doubted Su Yan’s sincerity; but now, with the scene that was playing before his eyes, it simply felt more intolerable than being slapped in public.  

When Shen Peiran returned to reality, Jiang Jingchuan and Su Yan had already entered the lift. The door was gradually closing. Finally, as if time had frozen, his line of vision coincided precisely with Su Yan holding Jiang Jingchuan’s arm, smiling at him. The frame was filled with happiness.

Shen Peiran’s eyes turned red in provocation– he simply didn’t care anymore about face1or reason. He pressed the button of the elevator using all his strength. However, he couldn’t wait in the end so he turned around and ran towards the direction of the emergency stairs. He continued to run desperately and was panting by the time he arrived at the parking area. The anger and grievance inside his heart hadn’t diminished a bit. 

Su Yan was still bewildered and confused, but also couldn’t ask. She had no choice but to pretend that nothing was wrong. Just when she had reached the side of Jiang Jingchuan’s car, she suddenly felt someone pull her backwards. For a period of time, it felt dizzy and when she managed to react, her hands were already held by someone else. She screamed in alarm. Jiang Jingchuan quickly came over with large strides and without thinking pushed Shen Peiran away and pulled Su Yan behind him to protect her. Jiang Jingchuan was frowning as his tone dropped to a freezing point, “What are you doing?”

Shen Peiran’s both eyes were red, yet looking at Su Yan hiding behind Jiang Jingchuan, his chest fluctuated with emotions. Finally, he managed to control himself and endure. His voice slightly trembled, “Xiao Yan, must you hide from me?”

Su Yan secretly said not good. This man was really that Peiran, wasn’t he? She seemed to see a large pot of dog blood about to pour on her2and she couldn’t avoid it. On one side was her hubby, on the other side was the original body’s lover… How Su Yan wished to faint at this moment.

Jiang Jingchuan turned his head slightly to look at Su Yan. He noticed her head hung down as if pretending to be dead; he couldn’t see what her actual reaction was. Then Shen Peiran directly moved in front of him. Jiang Jingchuan was absolutely furious. With a frosty face he said: “This gentleman, may I ask why you are looking for my wife?”  

Shen Peiran didn’t want to fight Jiang Jingchuan. Instead, he ignored Jiang Jingchuan and continued to shout to Su Yan: “Xiao Yan, regarding the matter of that day, you listen to my explanation, okay?” 

It was not strange for Shen Peiran to run absolutely unrestrained because previously Su Yan’s relationship with Jiang Jingchuan was a bit better than with strangers. They each had their own fun. Jiang Jingchuan never interfered in Su Yan’s life. 

Su Yan didn’t want to know what exactly happened that day, she only knew that if she did not speak to make her stand clear, the consequence would be very severe, especially now that Jiang Jingchuan’s look was even darker than the bottom of a pan. She said as calmly and distantly as she could: “I am sorry, I am busy right now. I don’t have time.”

Don’t know whether it was her illusion, but when she uttered those words, the frosty air around Jiang Jingchuan dispersed a little bit.

Shen Peiran couldn’t believe what he was hearing; he looked at her incredulously. Just as he rushed to her, Jiang Jingchuan came to the end of his patience. He pushed him away with great strength and said with furrowed brows: “This gentleman, I and my wife have something to do. Requesting you to conduct yourself with dignity.”

The words of Jiang Jingchuan made Shen Peiran completely sober. He had no confidence or vigour in front of Jiang Jingchuan. Su Yan’s attitude at that moment, coupled with the words of Jiang Jingchuan, already made Shen Peiran’s self-esteem hit rock bottom. He was silent for a moment, then decided to smash the pot to pieces because it was already cracked3. At any rate, he had already come out in front of Jiang Jingchuan. Looking at Jiang Jingchuan’s attitude a moment ago, since he knew his existence, he didn’t need to pretend anymore.

“Mr. Jiang, I know that you and Xiao Yan were forced. Before you, I and Xiao Yan were together. If your and Xiao Yan’s feelings were good, I would absolutely not appear here. Mr. Jiang, since there are no emotions between you and Xiao Yan, why not free her early?” If Shen Peiran was rational and clear headed, he most probably would not have spoken these words. However, it was not the intimacy between Jiang Jingchuan and Su Yan that made him flustered, rather, her cold and detached behaviour towards him which made Shen Peiran unable to think calmly at all.

If it was possible, Su Yan really wanted to die. She was finally clear about the picture. This person! She really wanted to grab that Peiran’s collar and howl with rage: Why did you make such a mistake! 

Unexpectedly, these kinds of words were said in front of this family’s quality product hubby. Regardless of what kind of relationship there was between the original body and Jiang Jingchuan, such words were what a man couldn’t tolerate!

The mouldy blood toppled on her was unexpectedly this kind of matter! 

Jiang Jingchuan coldly looked at Shen Peiran. On the surface, it appeared as if there was nothing wrong with his emotions; but, actually, both of his hands were already formed into fists. 

Su Yan was taking note of the changes in Jiang Jingchuan’s mood constantly. With one look she knew it was not good. No matter what Jiang Jingchuan would say now, it wouldn’t be appropriate– it would only be harmful. Su Yan was keenly aware that her current actions would have a direct connection to whether or not the results of the thigh hugging of all these days would be eliminated. No matter what, she was annoyed to death. It was very difficult to improve the relationship between them! If that happened, all of her hard work would go to waste!

Chapter 20: Part 2 — “Xiao Yan, I already have the desire to possess you.”

It wasn’t that Su Yan hadn’t thought about Shen Peiran’s advantageous position before. She wasn’t a fool. But after looking at Qin Xuan’s and Qin Zeyu’s manner, she reached a conclusion: Since the Su and Qin families had placed all their hopes on her, if Shen Peiran’s financial resources and influence were able to compete against that of Jiang Jingchuan’s, the original body would have not been married off to Jiang Jingchuan.

The reason why she was married to Jiang Jingchuan must have been because Shen Peiran and Jiang Jingchuan were completely uncomparable.

With regards to this person, Su Yan simply couldn’t be bothered. But now, this person not only knocked on her door but also threatened her future life. Even if he was the original body’s lover and she had no right to interfere, she also wouldn’t be so kind-hearted.

With such thoughts, Su Yan came out from behind Jiang Jingchuan. She looked at Shen Peiran. In all fairness, this Shen Peiran was quite handsome; but compared to Jiang Jingchuan, they simply belonged to two different categories. Jiang Jingchuan looked like a capable and mature social elite while Shen Peiran looked more like a disciple who still possessed the innocence of childhood. Su Yan quickly prepared some words and phrases before saying in a firm, low voice: “Requesting you to not say such words. The relationship between me and my husband is very good. This friend, if you don’t have any more to say, we will be taking our leave.”

Jiang Jingchuan’s gaze deepened as he looked at her, but he didn’t say anything.

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Shen Peiran looked at Su Yan in a daze. His voice was no longer as bold as when he had talked to Jiang Jingchuan. The whole person appeared as if he had lost his soul, “Xiao Yan…”

Su Yan didn’t want to comment on the vision of the original body, because she was an outsider and didn’t know the feelings between the original body and Shen Peiran. It was because she didn’t know that she couldn’t sympathize, let alone feel sorry for Shen Peiran. Her mind was filled with thoughts of how Jiang Jingchuan would think about her and how to mitigate their relationship. She knew these types of thoughts were self-centred. After all, being able to occupy this body was already a huge advantage, yet she was also forcefully pushing away the person whom the original body really loved; but she had no choice. Unless a man looked out for himself, Heaven and Earth would be out to destroy him1. At least at this critical juncture, she had no other choice but to think of herself. 

Jiang Jingchuan also didn’t want to continue this stalemate; he opened the door of the car and guarded Su Yan as she entered. He then quickly got in and drove the car out of the parking lot, leaving behind a stunned Shen Peiran.

When Hu Hang arrived, he found Shen Peiran sitting in a nearby bar. He wasn’t drinking, just staring at the glass of wine. It was the first time Hu Hang had seen this type of Shen Peiran. Having known Shen Peiran for many years, he had never seen him this depressed. Hu Hang guessed it must have something to do with Su Yan. He sat down beside him and asked tentatively: “Did you see Xiao Yan today?”

Shen Peiran was half a beat slow in reacting. After a while he nodded, his voice rather empty, “Hu Hang, did I do something wrong?”

Hu Hang didn’t understand what Shen Peiran was talking about.

“In fact, I wasn’t unaware of Jiayu’s thoughts.”   

Hu Hang was left stupefied by that sentence. He couldn’t believe and asked: “What? What did you say?”

“Xiao Yan had told me many times that she hoped I would maintain a distance with Jiayu, yet each time I didn’t pay attention. I just felt that what qualifications did she have to command me; wasn’t she married to Jiang Jingchuan? I really loved Su Yan, sometimes…” Shen Peiran couldn’t say anymore. He emptied the glass of wine in one gulp and looked ahead sad and dreary.

Hu Hang could understand Shen Peiran. Since childhood, Shen Peiran was very outstanding. He had a well off family, a good academic record, and his self-esteem wasn’t inferior to anyone. At first, everyone was very optimistic about him and Su Yan. In the end, Su Yan did an about face and got married to Jiang Jingchuan. If it wasn’t a smack to the face then what was? Shen Peiran of course tolerated her marriage because he loved her, but he also inwardly resented Su Yan. 

Loved her, yet also wanted to hurt her to let her taste his feelings.

Hu Hang asked: “What exactly happened today?”

Shen Peiran continued to be in a stupor and didn’t answer directly, rather, he asked: “Hu Hang, do you think Xiao Yan would forgive me? I really love her. Jiayu has gone. I will keep a distance from her in the future then will she still speak to me?”

Upon hearing his words, Hu Hang was sure that Su Yan did something today. Why would Shen Peiran be so depressed otherwise?  Since he didn’t know what had happened today, he could only offer comfort: “It will be fine. Xiao Yan likes you so much. Surely, she won’t be willing to ignore you.”

These words were not enough. Su Yan was a Goddess since childhood. It was said that the white moonlight2 wouldn’t pass from the minds of most schoolboys. Even Hu Hang fell in love with her in the second year of middle school. Of course, he didn’t dare confess. After the second year of middle school, Shen Peiran and Su Yan mutually liked each other. Hu Hang naturally let her go and treated her as a girlfriend of his younger brother. In Hu Hang’s heart, Su Yan treated everyone with an attitude which was not cold yet not warm. She wholeheartedly liked Shen Peiran; otherwise, how could you ignore a personality like Jiang Jingchuan?

Hu Hang always thought that Su Yan would divorce Jiang Jingchuan and marry Shen Peiran. He believed it unquestionably– until now.

What Shen Peiran needed the most now, was this kind of solace. He whispered: “What shall I do to make her forgive me?”

Hu Hang really had no experience in this field, so he couldn’t give any useful advice.

Anyways, on the other side, Su Yan had made up her mind to explain to Jiang Jingchuan; but upon seeing him silently driving the car in low spirits, she was forced to give up. She decided to wait till they reached their home then carefully talk to him behind closed doors. If it was no good, then she could appropriately squeeze out a few tears.  

Jiang Jingchuan, upon returning to the Villa, immediately went to his study room. Yes, he was angry. Anyone who encountered a situation like today’s would be angry. He did not want to cast his anger on Su Yan because he knew that what Shen Peiran had spoken wasn’t wrong. This marriage wasn’t what he desired and Su Yan also didn’t want to marry him. Most importantly, Su Yan’s attitude a moment ago had already expressed it clearly. Anyways, Jiang Jingchuan did not want to lose his temper at Su Yan.  

That didn’t mean he didn’t have doubts or wasn’t confused. How could Su Yan have such an attitude?

In the past, Su Yan had never encountered such a situation; it wouldn’t be too much to say she was stupefied. Fortunately, she still was clear on the problem. She followed Jiang Jingchuan into his study. Closing the door behind her, she walked in front of Jiang Jingchuan before speaking with uncertainty: “Jingchuan, you don’t have anything to say?”

Putting herself at a disadvantage, Su Yan took the initiative to relinquish the power to Jiang Jingchuan. 

Jiang Jingchuan turned his back to Su Yan, his voice heavy: “Do you still remember what I said before?”

Su Yan’s mind turned quickly and immediately recalled what Jiang Jingchuan meant. Not long ago, he said that he hoped she was the same as him and wouldn’t cheat in the marriage. At that time, without knowing anything, she had immediately nodded and agreed. Now, wasn’t it asking to be sent for a punitive expedition3? Even if Jiang Jingchuan condemned her, it was understandable. From Su Yan’s point of view, no matter how much the original body didn’t want to marry Jiang Jingchuan, no matter how deep the feelings were between the original body and Shen Peiran, in the end, she was already married to Jiang Jingchuan. As the husband, Jiang Jingchuan had the complete right to reproach her actions.   

Even though this marriage left much to be desired, since they were already bound to each other, one needed to give the other some respect.

Su Yan didn’t know to what stage had the original body and Shen Peiran’s relationship advanced, but there was no doubt that the two people absolutely didn’t have any sexual relationship. She believed that Jiang Jingchuan knew of this point. Thinking of this, Su Yan suddenly felt a trace of confidence. She stepped forward, taking Jiang Jingchuan’s hand, and softly said: “Previously I had said to you that I have straightened out my thinking about a lot of things. Even if you do not believe it, I now truly treasure our marriage very much and desire to become a good wife.”

He must believe her!! 

The words she said were very sincere: Su Yan was very afraid to lose her present life. She was fearful because, compared to her, who would know better that Jiang Jingchuan’s feelings for her were not that deep. Naturally this wasn’t strange of him; after all, it hadn’t been that long since they had started getting along. Men were like this, if there was no love for the woman, their heart would be very hard.  Frankly, when Su Yan was living at the Imperial Harem, she was in a much more dangerous environment as compared to now; but she wasn’t afraid. Why? She had nothing to fear because of her strong backing; she knew that the nine-five supreme reigning person loved her.      

Possessing the romantic love of a husband was tantamount to having firm control of him. Who could be clearer about this than her? 

Jiang Jingchuan was silent for a while. Then in front of Su Yan’s uneasy expression, he whispered: “I gave you a chance.”


Su Yan was confused and did not understand what Jiang Jingchuan meant.

“You thought I didn’t know about Shen Peiran?” Jiang Jingchuan’s one line made Su Yan’s heart jump to her throat.

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