Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

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Inko tackled Izuku as soon as he entered the house. He allowed it, of course. He loved his mother and he humored her as much as he could, so he fell to the floor dramatically and hugged her close to make sure she wasn't hurt. His face was then covered in both kisses and tears as his mother bawled and laughed, welcoming him home and telling him that she missed him terribly.

“I think I'll leave the two of you alone to get reacquainted.” Tanya said.

“You, too!” Inko said and then Tanya was on the floor right next to Izuku. He laughed his ass off as Tanya was treated the exact same way as he just was.

Tanya was too smart to try and fight her off, because she didn't want to hurt Inko's tender feelings.

Inko stopped and stood up, as if nothing happened and looked down at them. “Why are you on the floor? You're going to get all dirty!” She helped the two of them up and gave them tight hugs. “Tanya, you go on home. I'm sure Miss Jusina is as worried sick about you as I was!”

Izuku laughed and covered his mouth to hide it.

Tanya gave Izuku a glare and he moved his hand to grin at her. “When you give Izuku his bath...” She suggested and then leaned in to whisper in Inko's ear. “...he is ticklish behind his knees.”

Inko's face lit up with happiness and Izuku's face lost some of its color.

“See you later!” Tanya said with a cackling laugh and flew out the door and up into the sky.

Miss Jasina wasn't as voracious as Inko was in welcoming her home; but, it was close. If Izuku was there, he might have enjoyed having an older woman that wasn't related to him, give him that kind of attention. That thought brought her to Bakugo's mom and she mentally berated herself.

Why am I bring those thoughts up? Tanya asked herself. Izuku is loyal to me like no one else. If I asked him to do it, then he would. He wouldn't do it on his own, especially if it's someone that can't help us.

She thought about Single Item Girl and her persuasive argument to kiss the guy she liked. Cherry was a good flavor to share and Izuku looked okay with it, especially by the look on his face when Tanya had gone first. It made her laugh a little to see that shocked look on his normally relaxed face. His comments about finally seeing her naked had been pretty empowering as well.

Tanya shivered and became a little wet at the remembered look of love and devotion on Izuku's face the last time they had sex. Because of the new head of the agency the last two weeks, they had respected the other people's privacy and hadn't gone at it like rabbits. They did it discreetly, usually outside of the agency, so no one could hear them moan and enjoy themselves. They had used Mr. Brave's example to go for 'walks' and didn't do much walking.

Now that they were home, it was going to be a bit more difficult to spend some quality time together without making a nuisance of themselves to the people around them, especially Inko and Miss Jasina.

Struck with an idea, Tanya sent a group message and asked everyone to show up at the beach the day after next, which was the last day of the weekend and the last day before they had to go back to school. They all agreed, some enthusiastically, except for the two normal holdouts. The shadow guy and Todoroki, because neither liked the sun or the heat.

'We can have a day out next week, too.' Tanya sent and decided to goad the others into talking about it. 'I know I need at least one new outfit because of my internship. I saw so many nice things that the other interns and the civilians were wearing!'

'Me, too!' Momo responded. 'I need a new summer dress, too.'

'I saw the cutest top!' Mina, the pink skinned girl sent.

'The rugged pants Gunhead wore were pretty nice.' Uraraka typed. 'I wonder if they make them for girls?'

'Only one way to find out!' Several of the girls sent and then laughed as they all sent laugh emojis.

'Ugghh.' Most of the boys responded, which made the girls laugh even more.


The next day was a relaxing one and Tanya and Miss Jusina went to Inko's after lunch to just hang out and prepare for the next day's activities.

“It's so nice that you're getting out and hanging with friends so much!” Inko gushed and hugged Izuku's waist tightly.

“It's nice having so many friends.” Izuku admitted and Inko nodded several times. “Oh! That reminds me.” He took out his cell phone and sent a text to Single Item Girl. It beeped barely two seconds later and he smiled before he showed it to Tanya.

“I think she wants to come.” Tanya said and laughed at the stuttering reply.

“How do you stutter while texting?” Miss Jasina asked.

“Shaking hands.” Izuku and Tanya said at the same time and grinned at each other.

Inko let her son go and they went into the kitchen to start prepping everything. Since they couldn't cook it until tomorrow, to make sure everything was hot and delicious, they were done in a fairly short time.

“Thank you so much for coming over!” Inko said as they all sat down in the living room.

Tanya tucked herself under Izuku's arm and both Inko and Miss Jasina looked pleased at the gesture.

“We weren't going to leave the whole thing on your tiny little shoulders.” Tanya said and Inko blushed.

“M-m-me? Tiny?” Inko looked down at herself and saw how plump she was.

“I'm sorry. I meant Minuscule.” Tanya teased and Inko blushed even harder.

“You carry so much on them already and you keep going.” Miss Jasina said. “I believe your son is very proud of you.”

Izuku nodded and Inko waved a hand in front of her face to stop from fainting.

“I need to say the same to you.” Tanya said to Miss Jasina. “You've been there for me when others tried to steal from me or take advantage of me, and I can't thank you enough for that.”

Miss Jasina blushed and waved a hand at herself as well to stop from fainting.

“You're both so cute!” Izuku blurted and then a dainty hand whacked him in the back of the head. “OW!” He said and rubbed the spot. “How did you even reach there? You're still tucked under my arm!”

“A girl needs to keep some secrets.” Tanya said with a manic grin and that made Inko and Miss Jasina laugh.

They spent the afternoon resting and talking about the internships, letting them know what happened and how they had handled the corruption by turning all the evidence over to the government and the authorities.

“I knew that was a bad area for you two to go to.” Inko said.

“I think that was the point.” Miss Jasina said and gave both Tanya and Izuku appraising looks. “You both wanted to prove that you could 'handle the heat' as some officers say.”

“Wow, we didn't even have to explain our reasoning.” Izuku said.

Tanya smiled and raised a hand up. “Watch the foot in mouth disease, please.”

Inko and Miss Jasina laughed softly.

“I'm sorry. It's just impressive.” Izuku said, slightly cowed.

“If you keep complimenting them like that, they might take it the wrong way.” Tanya said and Izuku's face paled.

Izuku jumped to his feet and was at his mother's side instantly on his knees. He took her hand and bent over it. “Mom, I'm very sorry for my impertinence. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or embarrass you.”

“I-I-Izuku.” Inko blushed deeply.

Izuku let her hand go and gave her a tender hug. “I love you and I want you to know I couldn't have been the man I am now without your help.”

“I l-l-love you, too.” Inko said, tears in her eyes.

Izuku let her go and shuffled over slightly to be in front of Miss Jasina. He took her hand and bent over it. “Miss Jasina, I'm very sorry that my words could be taken as flirting and was unwelcome. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or embarrass you.”

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“Th-that's all right, Izuku.” Miss Jasina said, her face a deep red as well.

Izuku let her hand go and took her into a tender hug that Miss Jusina seemed to melt into. “Without you doing all of the background work for Tanya and taking care of her at home, she wouldn't be as successful or as happy as she is right now.”

“That... that's very kind of you to say.” Miss Jasina said and leaned back in his arms. “How can you hug so nicely with all these strong muscles?”

“I practice on Tanya.” Izuku said and then smiled. “A lot.”

“I think you meant to say 'all the damn time'.” Tanya chuckled. “Now let my surrogate mom go and get back over here.”

Izuku let Miss Jasina go and stood before he walked over to the other side of the table and sat down beside Tanya. Both Inko and Miss Jasina had watched Izuku very closely as he did so and their expressions were still red.

Tanya almost laughed, because her thoughts the day before about Izuku wanting to feel Miss Jasina's more womanly hug were completely ridiculous. The woman folded into him like he was a comforting blanket when he hugged her and Izuku hadn't reacted at all. She put her arm around him and he did the same as he leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“I love you.” Izuku whispered.

“I love you, too.” Tanya whispered back.

Two very girly squeals came from the other side of the table and they looked over to see the two women hugging and tears in their eyes.

“They finally admitted it out loud!” Inko and Miss Jasina said at the same time and cried happily.

“We apparently didn't whisper low enough.” Izuku whispered and Tanya snorted before she laughed.


“I don't think I'll ever get sick of coming here!” Mina exclaimed as she pulled off her t-shirt.

It surprised everyone when she revealed a normal bikini and not a string one like the last time. It was also purple and had the same pattern as her hero costume, too.

“What are you looking at? Did I pop out?” Mina asked and gripped her own breasts and jiggled them around as she moved them from side to side and up and down to look for any slippage.

“She's not even doing that on purpose.” Momo whispered as the guys in the class stared at Mina's antics and her pink skin being flaunted all over the place.

It was both shameless and innocent, which just made the guys stare even more at Mina.

“We know she isn't.” Tanya said with a soft laugh. She wore a normal bathing suit, a black one piece, and Izuku had discreetly grabbed her ass three times before they even made it to the beach. She had stared at it in a mirror and she didn't understand his fascination with it. It was just her ass. She glanced at him and he was looking down at it and not at Mina bouncing herself around.

Izuku must have felt her scrutiny, because he looked up at her face and gave her a quick kiss.

“That's so cute!” Uraraka exclaimed and pulled off her t-shirt and shorts. She wore a nice two piece this time, also in silver, just like the one piece she wore the last time.

“I think someone's jealous.” Jiro teased as she stripped off. She had the same dark one piece that went from her neck to her crotch. It was almost like she didn't want to show herself off.

Tanya nodded at Izuku and he reached over and tapped Jiro's shoulder. She turned to him and he whispered that they wanted to talk to her. The three of them went over to the reclining chairs and sat down while the rest kept getting undressed.

“Are you ashamed of your body?” Izuku asked and Jiro blushed.

“N-no, I... why would you ask that?”

Izuku gave a sad look to Tanya. “Please don't be angry at what I say.”

“As long as you're respectful.” Tanya warned and he nodded.

Izuku looked at Jiro. “Your ass is almost as cute as Tanya's and I like seeing it, as do a few of the other guys.”

Jiro's blush deepened and her ear jacks floated around as if she didn't know what to do with them.

“Denki especially.” Izuku said and Jiro turned her head slightly to see Denki staring over at them. “His electricity quirk goes a little haywire when you're near.”

“R-really?” Jiro asked, a little surprised. She looked down at her very small chest and sighed. “Why?”

Tanya chuckled and stopped Izuku from speaking. “I've got this part.”

“You sure do.” Izuku said and Tanya whacked him on the head. “Ow!”

“Re-spect-ful.” Tanya said and he grinned, unrepentant. “Anyway.” She looked at Jiro. “You're only turning sixteen soon. You are barely in your growth spurt. If your chest develops, you can look to your mom to see the potential growth.”

Jiro blinked her eyes and looked back down at her chest. “They could be a handful?”

“They'll be a handful no matter how big they are.” Izuku said and caught Tanya's hand. “I'm not finished.”

Tanya dropped her hand and stared at him.

Izuku smiled. “Jiro, it's not your breasts that a guy should be focused on. If he likes you, then when you let him grab them, he will use his hands, making even smaller breasts a handful.”

“But, I'm almost flat.” Jiro said and her hands almost went to her chest to show them.

“Yes, only almost.” Tanya said. “Can I show you a little trick without you taking it the wrong way?”

Jiro glanced around and Denki wasn't looking at them, so she nodded.

Tanya reached over to her and put her hands under Jiro's armpits, then pulled her hands forward and pushed them together. Jiro gasped as her tiny breasts that were kind of spread out, bundled up a little and pushed out to look like actual breasts.

“When we go shopping next week, I'll show you some special tape, support and push-up bras, and a few other little things to make your chest pop right out for the guy you like to notice you.” Tanya said and pointedly didn't look at Izuku.

“Th-thank you.” Jiro whispered and she sighed when Tanya let her go.

“I'm not walking around behind you and pushing your boobs out all day.” Tanya said and Jiro smiled.

“No comment.” Izuku said and Jiro grinned as Tanya smacked him. “Ow! What was that for?”

“You were thinking about me grabbing Jiro's boobs all day!” Tanya spat.

“Dammit, it was your idea!” Izuku responded, which made Jiro crack up and she laughed pretty hard.

Tanya and Izuku exchanged looks, happy that they had made an awkward situation seem normal.

“What's so funny?” Uraraka asked and sat down next to Jiro.

“Izuku can still taste shoe leather when he puts his foot in his mouth, even while barefoot.” Tanya said and set Jiro off again and Uraraka couldn't help but laugh, too.

You can find story with these keywords: Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia, Read Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia, Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia novel, Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia book, Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia story, Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia full, Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia Latest Chapter

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