Youjo Senki: Tanya the Evil In My Hero Academia

Chapter 42: Chapter 42

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The bus ride back to UA academy was a quiet one as everyone thought about what had happened and what was going to happen. No one said anything about that, though. They arrived at the academy and filed out of the bus with the hero Thirteen guiding them to the showers and changing rooms.

Izuku took his ruined hero costume and put it into a separate bag as evidence and put it into his backpack, then hooked Tanya's hat onto his belt before he took a shower. He knew he couldn't waste time washing himself off, even though he really wanted to just stand there and let the water cascade over him. He finished quickly and dressed in black dress pants and a white shirt before leaving the change room.

Thirteen was waiting for him and led him to the main building and to the principal's office. When the door opened, Izuku saw that most of the faculty was there. He also saw that none of them looked happy to see him, not even Aizawa.

“Mr. Midoria, please sit.” Nezu said in a stern voice as he pointed to a chair in front of his desk.

Izuku thought about refusing, then remembered Mina's orders to cooperate. He set his mouth into a thin line and walked over to the chair, then he sat down a little more forcefully than he had planned. The chair, even reinforced for some of the larger and heavier heroes and students, shattered under him and Izuku flopped down to the floor. No one laughed, because he had dented the floor as well.

Nezu gave him a calculating gaze for several moments. “You seem to have powered up significantly.”

Izuku didn't respond as he pushed up out of the slight depression he had made in the floor. He slid the debris of the chair aside with his foot and stood in front of the desk.

“Do you know why you're here?” Nezu asked.

“Yes. I'm here to tell you that your policy of having teachers act like villains for a simple school exam is idiotic.” Izuku said and all of the heroes hissed or took in sharp breaths. “This is only the first term and you're pitting inexperienced students against veteran heroes, most of which could easily kill us.”

Nezu sighed. “Izuku, students need to be tested to...”

“...make them overcome their weaknesses. I know. All Might said as much.” Izuku interrupted. “What you all need to understand is that Tanya is not my weakness.”

“Not Tanya herself, no. Hurting her is.” Nezu said.

Suddenly, the entire room was filled with an immense aura that caused pressure on all of them. Three of the staff fell to their knees, Midnight, Snipe, and Thirteen. They struggled to breathe under the pressure and the other heroes were not much better off.

“S-stop.” Nezu wheezed. Even enhanced as he was, he was still only a small being. It felt like gravity itself was crushing him.

“You had All Might do it on purpose.” Izuku whispered as his hands became fists. The pressure doubled and several more teachers dropped to their hands and knees.

“Izuku... stop.” Aizawa said, his scarf the only think holding him up, since he had somehow tied it to the ceiling.

“Make me.” Izuku said.

Aizawa blinked his eyes and concentrated... and nothing happened. He was too stunned by that to say anything for several moments, then decided on another tactic. “Please.”

Izuku held it for another few moments and let the oppressive aura fade. The other heroes dropped to the floor when the pressure disappeared.

Nezu collapsed onto his desk and tried to catch his breath. It took several minutes before he recovered enough to sit up. “Izuku, it wasn't supposed to go that far.”

“No? Then how far was it supposed to go?” Izuku asked, his hands still fists.

“It was to give you the impression that she was hurt.” Nezu said. “Aizawa, check Midnight.”

Aizawa let his scarf go and knelt beside the R-rated hero. He checked her pulse and breathing. “She's knocked out.”

Nezu rubbed his muzzle with his little paws. “Izuku...”

“Did you watch the exam?” Izuku asked and Nezu didn't say anything. “Yeah, I bet you did and then didn't show anything to the others.”

“I showed them the relevant parts.” Nezu admitted.

“Which ones? The ones where All Might shattered my leg? When he broke my sternum? When he crushed Tanya's hand and the gun she held? Or just when he crushed and fractured her skull?” Izuku asked and Nezu sighed. “None of them, huh? Just me retaliating against All Might?”

Nezu sighed again. “Your actions have caused a crisis. The world is not ready for...”

“I'm not taking the blame for something YOU did.” Izuku nearly shouted. “All Might has to retire because of you!”

“You're the one that disabled him!” Nezu spat.

“You're lucky I didn't kill him for what he did!” Izuku spat back.

The still conscious heroes gasped at that.

“Show them the whole video and let them see what you had All Might do.” Izuku said. “Maybe their own teaching styles will change when they see the old Symbol of Peace breaking two of UA's prized students.”

“Is that true?” Power Loader asked.

“It is.” Izuku said. “I also crushed Cementoss' hands for trying to stop me from recording the evidence.”

“You didn't!” Snipe exclaimed.

“He did.” Thirteen said and sat up. “I was there.”

“Now tell them I was justified after warning him.” Izuku said and Thirteen didn't say anything. “I knew you wouldn't support a student over a fellow teacher, even with eighteen other witnesses.”

Thirteen sighed and her hand rubbed the front of her faceplate.

“How easy it is to forget the little things.” Izuku said and looked back at Nezu. “So, are we done here?”

“I should expel you for attacking a teacher.” Nezu said.

Izuku waved around the office and the heroes sitting and laying on the floor. “Go ahead and add all of them in, too. Let's see how long it takes for another academy to offer me admittance before the next term starts.”

Nezu stared at the young man's face and knew that he couldn't do anything against the boy, now that both he and the world desperately needed him to replace All Might. The little creature sighed and rubbed his face with both paws again.

“I'm suspending you until the new term starts after the summer.”

Izuku let some of his manic smile out, making Nezu shiver slightly. “That's fine. I don't really need the summer training camp anyway.”

“Miss DeGraff will be attending.” Nezu added.

Izuku's manic smile didn't change. Nezu didn't know why that was, because he had assumed Izuku missing his girlfriend for the two weeks of the training camp would have been punishment for the boy.

Aizawa saw this and knew he had to make Izuku see reason. “We're changing the location of the camp.”

Izuku's face lost the manic smile and looked at his homeroom teacher.

“No, we won't tell anyone where it'll be until the day we leave.” Aizawa said.

Izuku kept his face blank and turned around to leave.

“Where do you think you're going?” Snipe asked and tried to reach out for Izuku's arm to restrain him.

Izuku swatted it away and everyone heard the bones in Snipe's hand break. “Don't touch me.”

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“Izuku!” Nezu spat.

“What?” Izuku asked as he turned back to look at the little creature on the desk. “You're already suspending me for no reason. What else are you going to do to me?”

“No reason!” Thirteen exclaimed. “You're mangling teachers left and right!”

“If you stop overstepping your authority and stop listening to your over-inflated egos, I wouldn't have to.” Izuku said, calmly.

Thirteen seemed to pause at his words. “It's your ego that's inflated, not ours.”

“Oh, I know.” Izuku said and the heroes looked surprised. “What? You don't think I know I'm overreacting? Of course I do. The person I love the most in this world has been grievously hurt by the man that was supposed to protect us.”

“Izuku...” Nezu said.

Izuku held up his hand with his index finger and thumb an inch apart. “I'm this close to destroying everything and I'm fighting very hard not to!” He spat and his hand became a fist again. “Instead of helping me remain calm, you keep pushing me and pushing me!”

That made them all pale significantly, especially when his aura returned.

“I should crush you all for setting this up and then letting it get so out of hand.” Izuku said as the people around him dropped back to their knees.

“S-s-stop.” Nezu groaned.

Izuku let his aura fade and they all groaned in relief. “Is there anything else you want to say to me?”

No one said anything and Izuku gave them all a hard blast of aura at double the intensity.

“Yeah, I didn't think so. No apologies are necessary, right? You were all justified in your actions because no one died, right?” Izuku spat and glared at them all. “Leave me alone and stop antagonizing me!”

The heroes watched Izuku leave the room without reducing his aura, hoping he would stop using it before their lungs collapsed. A second later, their bodies were flooded with relief as the aura faded away.

“Oh, god.” Thirteen said as she slowly pushed herself up to a sitting position. “What do we do?”

“He can't be allowed to walk around unsupervised.” Nezu said. “Aizawa, I want you to...”

“No.” Aizawa said and sat up himself before he checked Midnight. She was still alive and he sighed as he rested beside her on the floor.


“You heard him. If you keep after him, he's going to react badly.” Aizawa said.

“This wasn't reacting badly?” Snipe asked and held up his pulverized hand.

“No. He could have easily grabbed the hand and thrown you through the wall instead. Or stepped on you.” Aizawa said and pointed to the depression in the middle of the room where Izuku had fallen. “We have to assume he's close to three quarter's of All Might's weight if he can cause that kind of damage to concrete from just sitting on it.”

“Oh, god.” Thirteen said again and both of her hands rubbed the faceplate of her astronaut helmet.

“I think we need to see his entire exam video, so we know what we are dealing with.” Aizawa said.

Nezu thought about refusing, then sighed and moved across his desk to hit several buttons to bring it up. “I'm classifying this as a secret. No one can know what actually happened to All Might.”

Several of the heroes exchanged worried looks before the video started.


“Izuku!” Mina exclaimed when she saw the sad face of her friend enter the classroom.

“Huh?” Izuku looked over at her and saw her, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Momo, and Toru waiting for him. “What are you doing here?”

“We were waiting for you, dummy.” Mina said with a roll of her eyes. “What did the principal say?”

Izuku's face briefly showed anger, then he sighed and sat down at his desk to gather his things to put into his backpack. “I'm suspended and can't go to the summer training camp.”

The girls gasped and he was suddenly surrounded by hugging girls telling him that they were sorry.

“Hey, it's okay. I don't really need it anyway.” Izuku said.

“That's not the point of the camp.” Momo said and Izuku looked at her face. “It's supposed to be a team building exercise during the day and let us relax and enjoy each other's company in the evenings.”

“She's right.” Uraraka said. “It's supposed to encourage friendly interactions.”

“Class 1-B is going, too.” Tsuyu said. “They're pretty excited about it.”

Izuku sighed again and rested his head in his hands.

“Izuku? What is it?” Toru asked and her invisible hand snaked around his back to give him a one arm hug.

“They're changing the location and not telling anyone until the day you leave.” Izuku said.

“What!?!” The girls exclaimed.

“Oh, no.” Mina said as she rested her head on Izuku's other shoulder. “We all have plans afterwards. If we don't go where we were supposed to...”

“'s going to take some rearranging to get us all to the resort my parents own.” Momo finished the thought for her.

“I'm stretching my budget as it is for the camp.” Toru said, sadly. “I don't know if I can afford the extra expense to go from wherever we do go to get to the resort.”

Momo reached out and pat Toru's shoulder. “Don't worry about it. I'll arrange it.”

“Momo, you can't just agree to...”

“I'll just rent a bus and we can all go together from the camp when it's done.” Momo interrupted and smiled. “It's no trouble.”

The other girls smiled. “Tackle hug!”

Momo managed to let out a sound like an 'eep' before she was covered in hugs.

Despite how he felt at the moment, Izuku couldn't stop his smile as Momo blushed from the attention. The two of them locked gazes and Momo smiled as well. She was getting used to having hugs from her friends.

“Come on.” Mina said as she took Izuku's hand and pulled him up to stand. “Grab our bags and walk us to the infirmary.”

Izuku's face fell and he ducked his head slightly.

“It's all right, Izuku. Recovery Girl is the best retired healer in the country.” Mina said, her pink skin flushing slightly as she let his hand go and put an arm around his waist. “You can lean on us, okay?”

Izuku looked at the girls around him and saw compassion and caring, so he nodded and the girls surrounded him with hugs and comforting words. He wouldn't admit that he really needed that right now and secretly wished that the teachers and staff had even a fraction of the understanding that his friends had.

They made their way over to the infirmary and after some quiet words from Recovery Girl about not crowding Tanya too much, the group of friends sat around the young woman's bed as Izuku held her hand. As far as Izuku was concerned, there was nothing else as important as what he was doing right now.

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