Young Justice: The Ice Wolf

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Unfortunately, the prison that I was pulled from, the place that I thought was my own body was, in fact, my mother’s. Apparently, from what my father said, my powers had activated hours before I was supposed to be born. So… I killed my new mom from the inside. Not exactly a nice and glamorous way to come into the world. When I had enough brain power to fully realize this, I already had a good understanding of the man that I called father.

He did not care about the death of my mother, Louise Lincoln, at all. I originally thought that it was because he wasn’t close to her. That she was a one-night stand that turned out with actual consequences. I went as far as to try to excuse what he was saying and doing by tricking myself into thinking that he was hiding it. That he was hiding the pain, the heartbreak from his wife’s death to make sure that he didn’t hate his kid. It took me meeting my brother to realize a simple fact about my dad, he was a psychopath.

I was 5 years old when I first met my older brother, Cameron. Like me, he had ice powers and a cryo-physiology. Where had he been the first 4 years of my life you ask. Prison! Yep, he robbed a bank with our dad, who had killed the bank manager, and was caught by one of the heroes that was out there. Unfortunately, they pinned the murder on Cameron, so he went to prison instead of Juvie.

Oh yeah, the place that I’m in now wasn’t a random powered verse like Ben 10 or My Little Pony, where the heroes always win, and everything was fine and dandy. I was not that lucky. I’m in the Dc verse. You know, a place that has people who could use technology to take your DNA and clone you. People that could time travel and stop you from ever existing. Hell, they even had monsters that could disintegrate you with beams from their eyes. I was now in a Death world! This was my world now. Somewhere that I could die at any time.

Back to my villain family, my brother wasn’t insane like my dad, fortunately.  He was nice to me, which I didn’t expect. Well, he was until my dad walked into the room. Then he became a fucking territorial animal. He would throw shards of ice at me, push me down to the ground. At one point, while we were playing around with our ice powers, the ass froze me to the ground and ruined my newest batch of greens that I was growing.

I knew that he knew how hard it was to grow those vegetables, especially with a cryo-physiology that you don’t have complete control over. Every time that I was pouring water on them, the water would freeze and most of the time, it would also freeze the vegetables. The only reason that I didn’t write him off was the fact that after our father left the room, he would apologize a lot and beg me to forgive him. While I wasn’t happy about what he was doing to me, I understood why. He was afraid of our dad. His powers were weaker than our dad and he was always verbally and physically abusing him. How he was a weakling, how he wasn’t surprised that his mom had left when she did. He smacked him around every time that he would see Cameron playing with me using his ice powers. He knew that the bruises wouldn’t show because, while we were basically albino’s our powers came with a healing factor. No going to the police, not that we would.

When you would go into a police station looking the way that my brother and I looked, they would typically treat you like you were a suspect. In this world, odd looks equal powers or insanity. I didn’t want someone like Batman or even the Flash to come after me for defending myself from the police, even though the Flash was usually a nice and understanding guy, no matter which incarnation we were talking about. I didn’t like the Kid Flash sidekick that he got in ’07, too cocky and arrogant for me.

Since we couldn’t go to the police, I looked at the Justice League online but while some of them like The Flash had permission from the mayor and governor, most did not. Unfortunately, my town hero was Batman, and he was not particularly liked by them. Fortunately, my brother was 6 years older than me, so when he turned 18, we immediately left the house together.

Cameron got a job on a permanent ice rink, keeping the ice at the frozen temperature, allowing the rink to turn up the heat. The people in the rink used that as an incentive to come and it really worked. My brother made a great wage at 30 dollars an hour. We got a nice place in Star City, and it was amazing. We did not have to worry about our dad coming after us because he was in prison for killing an amateur hero in Gotham.

My brother was awesome! He helped me with my A.P homework, easily. Say what you will about the evil that Mr. Freeze was, he did teach my brother a lot about math and cryogenics. Since we had more money, saving what would be spent on the heating, lighting and air-conditioning because of the cryo-physiology we shared and the light that was produced from my Ice. Cameron and I didn’t know why I was different.

We both had cryo-physiology, but I could do things that he and dad couldn’t. My ice could be manipulated by my touch, even after I shot it out, they couldn’t do that at all. My Ice also glowed. It was a curious quirk, but it also allowed us to not have to pay a light bill. The strangest part of my abilities was the wolf transformations.

The first time that I had turned, my father beat me half to death with an ice club until I changed back, the pain only increasing the anger that had caused the shift. I howled one time, and my father was knocked unconscious, his ice beard falling to the ground. That was the last time that my father ever beat me. Instead, he showed his power by beating on Cameron any time that he saw me trying to shift. Living with my brother, I did not have that restriction. I could shift whenever I wanted.

I always had my brother helping me, protecting me. Even though I had a few years on him, I had these bursts of acting like the child I looked like. Our tough upbringing and close bond meant that we were never apart for long, and we didn't want our dad coming after one of us to bring the other. Every time that he escaped jail, he went looking for us, so the name change that my brother got us was necessary. Frost was such a pun of a name for us, but my brother had a bad sense of humor. Fortunately, our dad was too much of an idiot to figure the name change, thinking that we would keep the ‘honorable and tough’ name of Mahkent.

He couldn’t put a word out because a lot of the villains that he knew were either a good friend of ours or had been through a similar situation as us and had our backs. I guess what they say about the abused and victimized is right. That they were the people that would always have your back. Unfortunately, my brother received a call a few days ago and disappeared. He didn’t answer texts, calls and when I put a word out through the AVA, they didn’t hear anything. I had thought that something was wrong with the way that he was shouting into the phone. He even left the next morning telling me that “He loved me, and he would always love me.” While we always told each other we loved each other every morning, the last bit seemed like a goodbye. When I went outside to ask him about what was going on, he had already ice sled away.

I sat on the couch, remote in hand and mouth agape as I watched the news. This was what he was doing when we were supposed to be getting fireworks from Boomer?! I ran outside of the house, throwing the T.V. remote to the couch. I jumped up and released the ice from my legs and arms. I covered my feet in ice, making bulky ice skates. From my hands, I released blasts of ice, making the slide. If he thought that I would sit by while he destroyed his life, that ass had another thing coming. I raced my feet on the ice slide, intent on stopping Cameron on that goddamn bridge!

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