Your Artificial Image

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Adelia’s POV

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In a flash, I regain my consciousness.

My eyes snap open and I quickly sit up. Everything’s blurry and spinning so I shut my eyes tightly and take a deep breath until the dizziness subsides. Calm down, analyze. I think to myself as I always do, opening my eyes again. 

I look around and notice that I’m lying on an incredibly fancy bed. No wonder it felt unfamiliar, it was too comfortable to be the floor or the couch. This definitely isn’t my room, or even in a place in our house. Where am I?

The events of what had just happened replay in my head as I take a couple more deep breaths. That’s right. Cynthia looked like she was getting pulled into a mirror, so I ran towards her and attempted to pull her back. That’s when I blacked out. 

Now that I think about it more, there was a reflection in the mirror, which is unusual. Spirits aren’t supposed to have a reflection anywhere. Plus, the reflection looked nothing like Cynthia and looked closer to me for some reason… but honestly, I couldn’t get a good look at it, since I was trying to save Cynthia from getting sucked into a freaking mirror.

Speaking of which, where is Cynthia?

Wait. Wait, what if the mirror pulled us to different locations?! If that’s true, then how are we going to find each other? She could be in another universe for all I know!

Ugh, I need to find her, quick. I shift to the edge of the bed and see the fancy patterned, carpeted floor and recall multiple times when I would trip over Cynthia’s clothes in her room since she was an absolute slob. I would even trip over badly laid socks. Even clothes are hard as a rock when you're a spirit. Thank goodness spirits couldn’t feel pain at all. I let out a momentary chuckle and push the blanket aside.

… Wait, what?

Again, I grab the blanket. It’s soft and fluffy and warm. Do those seem like good things to you? Yeah, but well, spirits aren’t supposed to be able to move objects, not to mention feel them. What’s going on?

Urgh, whatever, It doesn’t matter right now, I just need to focus on finding Cynthia first. We have too many strange things going on for me to worry about this.

I finally get up for real and take a look around the room, but I stumble at first. The feel of the carpeted floor is nice on my bare feet, and my eyes rise from the floor. 

Oh. Wow. 

This room is absolutely massive! There are gold-painted patterns all over the walls, with a huge white-painted wardrobe, and even a small chandelier hanging from the ceiling. On instinct, I look down at the clothes I’m wearing. It’s a comfortable silky fabric and has a simple design, yet somehow I can still feel how expensive this clothing is. 

Honestly, it’s kind of intimidating.

Well, the huge room that’s fit for a noble, these types of silky clothes, and the information I have based on the books we read in the library… how can I not immediately recognize that I’m probably somewhere in the past and that I’m wearing… a nightgown?

“Wow…” My internal voice slips out. This is amazing! I never thought that I would be able to actually-


“AAAAAAH!!” I scream, even when I recognize the voice as Cynthia’s as I’m screaming. Ugh. Why did I even worry about her?

“Muahahaha! I got you good!” She says with a smug look on her face.

I glare at her with cold eyes and blandly say, “Yes, yes. Fine, you scared me, you want a medal or someth-” 

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“My lady! Are you alright? I heard you yell!”

Cynthia and I simultaneously whip our heads around. The door slams open and we see a maid practically drenched in sweat. Two other maids come rushing by her side, out of breath.

I run through possible excuses in my head but my mouth moves by itself before I can decide on one. “Oh yes! I’m fine. I was just startled by the person next to me is all.” Why am I talking like this? So… formally. It feels so natural and I can’t even bring myself to question the situation at all.

The maid pauses for a second. “But… Lady Adeline, there is no one next to you.”

I look back at Cynthia and notice she has a stunned yet dejected look on her face. I guess Cynthia still had a sliver of hope that she had become human. I’m going to have to comfort her even more later. Of course I have to. She’s just been through a lot. I notice that she’s still wearing her clothes from our place. Hmm… This could lead to new theories. Maybe she-

“My lady?”

I snap back to reality and remember that I still haven’t answered the maid. How am I going to get out of this one? My eyes quickly shift around the room and land where Cynthia is standing. There’s a mirror behind her with the reflection of whoever’s body I’m in. Perfect placement, Cynthia! You get a point for that one!

“Oh, dear! It is just my own reflection! How silly of me for mistaking a reflection for another person.” I do a small giggle while saying this. I have no idea if the person whose body I’m in is actually that ditzy for the maids to believe this but please…!

Thankfully, after an awkward pause, all of the maids sigh in sync. “Oh, my lady, I thought something had happened to you! I am glad you’re safe.” Says one of the younger maids. She still looks tired from running. She must have run across the house. Did I really yell out that loudly? Geez, I guess I was a lot more surprised than I thought.

“I appreciate your concern. Oh, and please knock before entering next time.”

“Oh, you’re right, my lady. I apologize.”

“It’s alright, you were just worried for me after all. You are dismissed until later.”

“Of course, my lady.”

The three maids leave. I plop down on the bed. I just woke up and I already feel exhausted, yet the feeling isn’t unknown to me. It’s like I’ve already been here before or lived something similar to this.

“Adelia. Do you have any idea what’s going on?”

I look up at Cynthia who seems worried about me. I send a small smile while sitting back up again. 

Thank goodness she’s still here. I wasn’t paying too much attention since I was focusing on how to convince the maids that this person hadn’t gone insane, but I’m glad Cynthia is here with me, even if she can be a bit of a pain sometimes. 

I let out a small “Hmm.” and walk over to the mirror as Cynthia follows curiously behind me.

“I’m not sure, but we’re going to find out.”

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