Your Meaning

Chapter 4: 4

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Oh my God!

Even though Marie was afraid of being scolded, she fell to the floor and trembled. She felt her face heat up.

It’s a shameful past, shameful history.

An honored guest who entered the Imperial Palace looks like this in front of a group of men!

An ordinary aristocrat would be forever filled with shame of this memory.

She hasn’t washed her hair in a week and the world has seen it!

If I were her, I would’ve already disappeared from this world out of embarrassment.

“I heard you were sick, but have you lost your mind?”

The Emperor strode to the window, scanning the terrible sight through the room.

The curtains rattled as he opened it. The servant who had sensibly followed him drew the remaining curtains and carefully opened the window.

Fresh air poured in through the crack of the window, along with the light.

Once the air had circulated inside the room, they were able to breathe more comfortably.

“Is it night, day, or early dawn now? Do you even know?”


The Emperor clicked his tongue in astonishment, but Dayeon only curled up in a moment, closing her eyes tightly at the bright light.

Ugh, it’s the light. The light is a hazard…

Oddly, it was the Emperor who felt a surge of anger at the sight.

He wanted to grab the blanket that was wrapped tightly around her body—leaving only her eyes, nose, as well as her mouth—and burn it.

“Why on earth are you not eating? No, can you even have a meal in this dust hole in the first place? You said you were sick? It seems only natural to me that you got sick. There’s no need for a palace physician to diagnose you. If you live like this, no matter how healthy you are, you’ll get sick in three days.”

“You need to clear your mind. Having a healthy body correlates to a healthy mind, so you have to be in the sun. Training your body is the foundation of life.”

……The Emperor then started a diverse range of nagging with vigor.

Alas, it has begun.

The servants bowed their heads in distress.

Each of the Emperor’s aides lived with gastrointestinal medicine. [1]

His specialty was relentless factual violence.

The Emperor was a language bomber with a level 10 000 mental offense. Once he aimed at his opponent, he wouldn’t stop until they’re put into place.

Even if the officials didn’t seem tired and were neatly moving here and there, the Grand Chamberlain often saw them shed tears at the end of the meeting, including the older ministers.

– No, how could a man like the Emperor come from the House of Dnar, the bloodline of Muga?

A few days ago, the Emperor had demanded a draft of the tax reform that had been taken and complained about to the financial minister, who had been worked until he was worn out to the point of disappearing.


It was discourteous of a vassal, but he couldn’t be scolded because his close aides always had at least one gastrointestinal medicine on hand, including the Grand Chamberlain himself.

Moreover, the finance minister completely lost his soul that day.

His reform plan was sent back exactly three times. The Emperor, who had grown impatient, began to personally correct the problems of each line from the first to the last page.

It took more than an hour to correct it until the last page. In the midst of that, there was no need to explain that the financial minister’s spirit was thoroughly defeated.

In the 21st year of his bureaucratic career as a central aristocrat and Chief Financial Minister of the Treasury Department, what had saddened him the most was that none of the Emperor’s words were false.

There would have to be something wrong in order to refute it.

The story of a young, working official who had gone to explain the contents of the draft and how he had shed tears, was already infamous in the Imperial Palace.

However…… Dayeon, who had gotten dizzy from the first feast of nagging, strangely felt a sense of déjà vu as the nagging continued.

What’s with this familiarity?

Excuse me, but are you my mom?

Dayeon, who had been quietly listening as the Emperor spoke while awkwardly touching her earlobes, spoke timidly.

“Uhm……uh……. But I just want to be alone right now.”

The Emperor let out a snort.

Gosh, just stay still!

The servants beneath the Grand Chamberlain bowed their heads, thinking as a group.

If the first verse ended in talking back, the second, third, and fourth verses would lead to the tragic ending of being completely wrecked, as they had seen many times.

But the Emperor, who would’ve started the second verse by then, frowned and squinted as if he had seen something terribly unpleasant.

What else is left?

Innocently, Dayeon gave the Emperor a kind expression and tried to appease him with an awkward smile.

However, Mikhail’s face, which came closer, became indescribably stiff.

When he saw Dayeon’s appearance, he trembled as if he couldn’t stand it anymore.

His cold eyes finally said.

“Somebody wash her.”

When Marie raised her head and asked, ‘Yes……?’ the Emperor kindly pointed his finger at Dayeon.

“Put her in a bath.”

“Just quickly shove her in a bath.”

Like that, the caterpillar was shed off its shell and dragged out.

That alone made the Emperor a little refreshed and everyone sighed with relief.

It was a mess.

“No, but was he originally that much of a nagger?”

I thought my mom came back to life.

As Dayeon soaked herself in the bath, Marie asked, on the verge of crying.

“Huh, I thought something big was going to happen. Also, Miss Dayeon, the Emperor came. Why were you sitting on the bed without greeting him? You’ll be in big trouble.”

“I was a little surprised. No, I mean, in the first place, why would you burst into someone else’s room?”

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“The Grand Chamberlain had made a few indications that he was outside, but Miss Dayeon continued sleeping.”

“Oh, yes. That’s true.”

There was nothing else to say, so she quickly accepted it.

“Ha…… I don’t want to go again.”

Ah, I’m not fond of the Emperor.

When I said that, I really sounded like a manager from a business company.

At the end, the project plan was firmly turned down. It was sent back, and eventually, I couldn’t submit it again, then I came into this world. I wonder who took charge of it? Do I still have my position in the company?

Suddenly it seemed like she was going to be depressed again. I want to be alone.

Dayeon asked Marie with a gloomy face.

“Hey, I’ll wash slowly, so can I go out when they leave?”

However, Marie, who had been between life and death several times in that short period of time, shook her head, saying that it was impossible.

The small body pouring water on Dayeon’s body was still shuddering with chills.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom where the owner had disappeared from, the Emperor was hammering the elated people once more.

He clicked his tongue, searching around the room.

First, the blanket that the caterpillar had treated as if it was her lifeline, which had been thrown on the floor.

“Throw it away. No, make sure you burn it.”

The Emperor’s eyes on the blanket couldn’t be colder.

“Why is there no one managing the palace? Are these all the officials of the country? Find them all. No, you don’t have to. Just get them all out of the palace.”

“Yes, we’ll catch them, hold them responsible, and dispose of them as ordered.”

“Assign new personnel at the palace. The right ones.”

After belatedly hearing the news, the maids, who were heading to the bedroom in a hurry, were kicked out of the palace and detained.

Still not quite pleased with this and that, the Emperor’s eyes were looking around, and a newly dressed Dayeon shortly came into sight.

Seeing the cleanly groomed face, Mikhail’s cold face loosened a little.

She looked a bit haggard because she often skipped meals without exercising, but she looked much better than before.

Feeling the ten-year burden decreasing, the Emperor asked.

“Why don’t you have a meal?”

It was the most important part.

The Emperor couldn’t understand why Dayeon behaved the way she did.

“I haven’t been thinking about it much at the moment…”

The Emperor flatly refuted the evasive answer.

“Food is not something you eat when thought of, but something you eat three times a day regularly for your body to live. That’s what food is.”

How can he say the right words?!

Everyone, including Dayeon, were amazed.

The Emperor spoke, somewhat irritated.

“No matter what you do, I don’t care, but I can’t allow a fool to starve to death in the Imperial City.”

Following her frivolousness, Dayeon, who became a fool this time, was emotional again.

Therefore, she refuted the Emperor’s words.

“I will eat when my body wants to.”

As expected, that woman must’ve gone crazy.

Everyone below the Grand Chamberlain thought.

She had answered with great force, but Dayeon quickly lowered her eyes and acted indifferent as the Emperor glared at her.

The Emperor clicked his tongue. He irritably picked up the untouched plate that had been brought in around lunch and threw it down.

“What the hell is this food? Was I the only one who’d heard that she wasn’t feeling well? Is this something to eat and get better, or to eat and get ill again? Call the palace chef right away. I’ll have to stuff it into that mouth and ask if it’s encouraging.”

The Emperor, who had had the right number of occurrences today, was about to summon the cook, the gardener, the laundry maid, and later their in-laws to their third cousin. The Grand Chamberlain, who had been trying to find the right time to intervene, began to speak.

“I’m sorry to inform you, Your Majesty.”

“What is it?”

“You have to go to the cabinet meeting now. They’ve been waiting for us.”

Even now, the scheduled time had already passed.

“Ha…… let’s go for now.”

The Emperor took a step back. But soon after, he left a terrifying remark.

“I’ll be back when I’m finished.”

……why, just why?

Everyone was frustrated except the Emperor.


Unaware of any frustration, the Emperor beckoned Marie. Marie hurried up and knelt before the Emperor.

“Please say your name,” the Grand Chamberlain whispered quietly.

“My name is Marie, Your Majesty. I’m the maid that is serving Miss Dayeon.”

“Alright, Marie. Return this beggar’s den to a place where a person can live by the time I come back. If the environment is spotless, wouldn’t your foolish owner’s body want food?”

They were words with deep resentment somewhere.

Dayeon shuddered at the Emperor’s thorn-filled words, feeling a grudge against her retort.

The Emperor’s group that had crowded the place got out of the bedroom, and Marie then fell down in tears.

In frustration, she collapsed on the floor, which was still a dust den, and blamed Dayeon.

This is why I asked you to clean up, huhu.

[1] gastrointestinal medicine to prevent nausea.

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