You,Under My Name

Chapter 123: 123

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After eating shriveled in Li luoran, Jin Xintong bites her lips wrongly and turns her pathetic eyes to Lu Shaochen. "Shaochen, you hear that. Sister Ranran doesn't mind. I don't want to destroy the game because of me, so..."

Lu Shaochen remained silent.

Li luoran's indifferent words pierced his heart like a sharp sword.

He knew it!

Since Jin Qian appeared here, the girl's whole mind has been transferred to Jin Qian. What's his real husband?!

Compared with her first love, he is always a latecomer. How can he be more important than her first love?!

"Xiaojin, everyone is waiting for you. Don't waste your time, OK? Besides, my brother didn't say that he was against it. For a man, if he didn't, he would acquiesce. Don't you wait for her to kiss you? "

Lu Wanyue did not miss a moment to stir up the flames.

"This All right

As if finally made up her mind, Jin Xintong put the peach petal like red lips to Lu Shaochen slowly.

Lu Shaochen did not dodge.

Always like a sculpture sitting still, let Jin Xintong weak boneless arms around his neck, lips and his stick together.

If you look carefully, you will find that although Lu Shaochen's eyebrows and eyes are low, his eyes have never left Li luoran.

Lu Shaochen admits that although he has never had a close relationship with Jin Xintong, he also hugged and kissed her when he was with Jin Xintong

Over the years, Lu Shaochen still remembers his heart beating every time he and Jin Xintong kiss.

This time, it is also the first time that Jin Xintong kisses him after "coming back from the dead" -

she is still the girl he once thought about, beautiful and pure

It's still the lips that took away his first kiss, soft and sweet

, however, when his lips were clinging to his lips, Lu Shaochen could not see any more waves in his heart. It seemed that his lips were not human lips at all, but rather inanimate objects like water cups and lipsticks.

Just looking at Li luoran without any trace.

I just hope that she will have a little reaction.

However, she always coldly lowered her head, never even raised her eyelids.

"Wow, it's so sweet ~"

"I envy brother Shaochen. Sister Xintong, I want it too. Can you kiss me like Shaochen?"

"Go! Go! Go! It's not serious at all. Xiaojin and Shaochen used to be lovers. Kissing him is a relive of the old love. What kind of ghost are you? Where are you going to have a rest ~ "

" ha ha! "

Everyone clapped and laughed so happily.

At this moment, no one has ever seen Li luoran, who is always as indifferent as a chrysanthemum. The fingers of his hands under the skirt are clearly shaking.

Don't you know it's a game?

Not as early as the moment when Lu Wanyue proposed to let Jin Xintong kiss Lu Shaochen, he silently said to himself again and again that he should face all this indifferently and never mind?

Why is it that when I see Jin Xintong embracing his neck and kissing him with the corner of my eye, her heart suddenly seems to be cut into two parts by a sharp blade, and the endless sadness, desolation and loss suddenly drown her like a flood, which makes her feel that even her breath is shaking?

I really don't care!

Which wife in the world doesn't care if her husband is kissed by other women?

Try to pretend indifference, just don't want to become a laughing stock, just don't want to make yourself too embarrassed!

Jin Xin Tong's white teeth clench his lower lip, droop a pair of bright star eyes, the extremely beautiful melon seed face is suffused with scarlet, a pair of shy dare not look up.

"Xin Tong, it's just a game. Don't be so shy. Now it's your turn." Can hear, everyone talks to brocade Heart Tong of time tone all extra gentleness.

I'm so sorry for you

All human beings have their own nature in their souls.

"Well, then I'm welcome."

Jin Xin Tong's slender jade hand grasps the wine bottle on the ground. It looks as if it's full of strength and turns hard.

With the wind blowing, the water-green wine bottle turns around like a top. Finally, after three turns, when it stops, the mouth of the bottle is facing liluoran.

"Why? What a coincidence? Xin Tong, if the bottle didn't stop after so long, we can't help suspecting that you did it on purpose! "

"Yes! What's the name of that sentence Yes, it's called "good things don't go out." today, the wine bottle is all around the family. There's nothing wrong with us! Xiaojin, don't you think so? "

Jin Xintong looks at Li luoran weakly,

"maybe it's because I have a good relationship with sister Ranran."

"Well, of course, of course, if it's not so predestined, where can it be so coincidental?""That's right, Xiaojin and Ranran are not only half sisters, but also Shaochen's love." finding that they accidentally talked about the most sensitive topic, the boy quickly covered his mouth tightly.

Lu Wanyue sneered in her heart -

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Three years ago, she heard that Jin Xintong once worked as a turntable lady in a gambling house. She was so skilled in turning the turntable that no matter which gambler she wanted to turn the turntable numbers to, and no matter how many turns the turntable turned, when it stopped, there must be no accident.

Turn the bottle three times, and finally make the bottle mouth face Li luoran. It's very easy for Jin Xintong!

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"Sister Ranran, it's still a big risk to be honest. You can choose for yourself." Jin Xintong's pure voice rings out in the silent space.

Li luoran then raised his head and turned his eyes to Jin Xintong's beautiful face,

"it's not easy for you to pull me into the pit with so much effort. I hope I'll choose the truth or the big risk. It's better for you to say it straight."

As Li luoran expected, Jin Xintong really showed an extremely aggrieved appearance, "sister Ranran, you can see that the mouth of the wine bottle is right for you. It's impossible to be controlled by anyone. How can you say that I'm pulling you into the pit?"

"Is it?"

Li luoran sneered,

"in this case, no one has ever said whether this wine bottle is controlled artificially. Why don't you tell yourself?"

"Dye..." The brocade Heart Tong wrongly pinches a finger, in the Mou son of watery Wang almost falls a tear son to come.

"You want me to take a big risk, don't you?" Li luoran's voice was always as indifferent as water.

Li Wanyue and I hope that you and I have chosen to take risks

Sure enough!

Li luoran rolled his lips, "I'll help you. Tell me what you want me to do."

Jin Xintong is happy in her heart, but on the surface she is always pitiful.

"sister Ranran, she is a simple and kind girl. She asked me to kiss Shaochen with no malice, but I think even so, you will mind, so..." His eyes unconsciously swept over Lu Shaochen,

"I don't want to affect the relationship between you and Shaochen because of this matter. In order to get you back to your psychological balance, I have to ask you to get the due compensation."

What's the compensation?!

Li luoran just thought it was ridiculous.

"Ranran, my request is to let you kiss my brother like I just kissed Shaochen."

Jin Xintong's voice is so tactful and beautiful.

However, for a moment, the whole room seemed to be frozen, and almost everyone's eyes were full.

The strange thing is that although everyone thinks this requirement is too much, no one thinks that Jin Xintong is picking things up. Instead, they all think that she is "sincere" for Li luoran -

after all, the most important thing between husband and wife is balance.

Just like some couples, one side of the derailment, the other side in order to pursue psychological balance will also deliberately derail, so that the couple can continue in the future!

Everyone was staring at Li luoran nervously.

Lu Shaochen, in particular, everyone who knows him knows that he is used to hiding his true emotions. Even those who are familiar with him can hardly see his psychology through his surface. However, at this moment, his eyes are very dark and terrible -

Lu Shaochen is not happy!


It should be said that I am not happy!

Almost everyone can think of the consequences of Li luoran's agreeing to this request!

Therefore, even if Li luoran died again, he would not disobey him publicly

Unexpectedly, Li luoran nodded calmly, "well, I am as you wish."


Someone's goblet fell to the ground, and the scarlet Lafite spilled all over the ground.

Lu Shaochen's eyebrow dye is too deep, don't scare people

Reach out and try to hold her.

However, he was slapped on the back of his hand by Li luoran,

"when Jin Xintong kisses you before, I said that it's just a game, isn't it a kiss with the first love, what's it?"

Lu Shaochen's delicate facial features were slightly stiff.

Li luoran walked past him with an elegant step.

Jin Qian always sits quietly in the same place. When Jin Xintong first proposes to let Li luoran kiss him, he thinks that according to Li luoran's temperament, she will definitely refuse.

Therefore, the moment Li luoran nodded and agreed, he was stunned.

I haven't come back yet.

Li luoran has just hugged Jin Qian's neck like Jin Xintong has just hugged Lu Shaochen, and his lips are firmly sealed with Jin Qian's thin lips

Time seems to be still in this moment.

A pair of eyes like spotlights gathered on the old lovers who were kissing each other, and some people were peeping at Lu Shaochen.No one has ever seen Lu Shaochen's face so sinister and terrible.

His Adam's apple was sliding violently, his fists were clenched so tightly that his bones kept giggling. His beautiful eyes, which were as dark as night, were stained with two hot spots like magma, like a beast that would eat people at any time!

Who doesn't know Lu Shaochen's untouchable bottom line in Jiangcheng?!

The bottom line, even when Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen were together, was never dare to touch.

However, this woman named Li luoran trampled on Mr. Lu's bottom line in public

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