You,Under My Name

Chapter 195: 195

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Shu Xinshuang smiles brightly, "however, this is my housekeeping skill. You must promise me to keep this secret and never pass it on."

Li luoran nodded.

Then, you can see Shu Xinshuang's delicate lips close to Li luoran's ear and whisper something to her.

After hearing this, Li luoran suddenly brightened his eyes, and his depression was swept away. He said thank you to Shu Xinshuang, and then he stood up with full confidence and took the initiative to go to the director,

"I'm ready, song Dao, turn on the power."

"Oh?" Song Dao is also a fool.

The staff were quickly in place.

When the curtain was drawn down, it became dark all around. Liluoran opened the window and the bright artificial moonlight shone on her face.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind. With a loud bang, a dark shadow flew in from the window and fell to the ground.

"Ah -"

Li luoran screamed in fright. The next second, he was covered by a powerful hand,

"Shh, keep quiet. I'm not a bad man."

Li luoran looks at the man's face in the cool moonlight,

"you Who is it

Li luoran was very involved in the performance. He didn't realize that he was filming until the director stopped.

Li luoran did not regard wangzimo as wangzimo, nor did he regard him as "master Mo", but turned him into Lu Shaochen in his mind.

Shu Xinshuang told her that it's easy for her to integrate into the emotional drama by imagining the person who makes the emotional drama with her as her favorite person.

She imagined wangzimo as Lu Shaochen.

At the moment when she first meets Mr. Mo in the play, Li luoran thinks about her first meeting with Lu Shaochen in the hospital. Her real face seems to fade in front of her eyes and turns into Lu Shaochen's face -

she can't feel that she is acting, but she is reliving the beauty of her first meeting with Lu Shaochen.

"Do you want to see your performance?" Wang Zimo pulled her.

"Good ~"

when Li luoran walked in front of the camera, he found that those around her who had looked at him with disdain and suspicion before turned into surprise now!

The photographer turned on the replay.

Just three minutes of play, projected on the big screen.

This time, Li luoran was also very surprised. No matter her expression, tone or action were in place, she was a real flower on the screen.

Li luoran never knew that he was so good at acting!

After all, Wang Zimo graduated from drama school. Although he had never made a play before, his acting skills were of first-class standard.

After watching the replay, Wang Zimo looks around for a week,

"now, does anyone think my female star is skilled?"

The actors were silent.

Even the old dramatists of the powerful group have to admit that they can't perform like Li luoran.

the highest level of "acting" is not "acting", but "not acting", so that the audience can not see a trace of "acting", as if everything in the play is real.

And liluoran did it.

Is this really the rookie who was at a loss when the camera was turned on, didn't know where to put his hands and feet, and even forgot his lines?

Why does it feel like she's totally changed?


What did Shu Xinshuang say to her?

"Mr. Wang, do you want to continue shooting?"

The director's voice rang out.

Wang Zimo nodded, "wait for our hostess to change clothes."

"All right." Song Dao took a complicated look at Li luoran.

Qin Weijie accompanied Li luoran to the dressing room.

Shu Xinshuang wants to follow.

Wang Zimo stepped forward to block her long legs in front of her, "what's the matter with you?"

Shuxinshuang, "go away!"

Wang Zimo's eyebrows are locked.

Shu Xinshuang stares at her coldly, her voice is lowered to the decibel that only wangzimo can hear, "otherwise, your little secret..."

"All right! I know! "

Wangzimo hurried to open the way,

"whatever you want!"

Indifference in wangzimo face away from the line of sight, comfortable brisk walk from his side.

Wangzimo looked at her figure in a trance. There was some mysterious emotion in her green eyes.

"It's said that as the agent of Goddess Shu, you have to take 90% of her income, so she hates you so much?" I don't know when the wind came to wangzimo.

Wang Zimo shook his head.

Feng Qianji looked at him with great interest, "well, I remember that goddess Shu was willing to give you 90% of the Commission, and in order to make you her agent, she not only promised to give you so much commission, but even knelt in front of you for three days and three nights."

Wangzimo expression slightly nervous, "what do you want to say?""Don't be so nervous, Mr. gold medal. I mean no harm." Feng Qianji is very interested in picking eyebrows,

"just curious, a super female star with both acting skills and fame can not rely on her agent to connect with you. Why should she lose so much money and dignity to stick it on you?"

The wind shallow is also helpless extremely, "that is because he does not have the request to me."

"Don't ask for anything?" The wind seemed to understand something,

"does she like you?"

Looking at wangzimo carefully, although wangzimo's appearance is a little worse than his, he has at least the same level as Lu Shaochen. Shu Xinshuang can be forgiven for falling in love with him.

"No Wang Zimo replied firmly,

"she approached me by all means because of a woman."


Feng Qianji, who is so curious, wants to continue questioning. Wang Zimo doesn't give him the chance to reveal his background at all. He raises his hand and points to the staff beside him.

"after talking so much, teacher Feng is thirsty. Make him a cup of tea."

The wind was shallow, and he no longer asked himself to be boring, so he sat down and drank tea.

About ten minutes later, Li luoran, who had changed his clothes, and others returned.

Liu guide to Li luoran handed the script, and guide her how to play next.

Wang Zimo waved his hand, "Liu guide, Li luoran is no longer in charge of your guidance in the future."

"Mr. Wang, what's wrong with me?" Liu guide look at the son Mo eyes Wei Qu extremely.

Wang Zimo's face was expressionless and his voice was cool. "You are very attentive, but some things just attentive are not enough. You need ability and talent."

Liu guidance, "I am Miss Li's special acting guidance, if I am no longer responsible for guiding her, what do I do?"

Wang Zimo, "you're fired."

"Mr. Wang..." Liu's tears came down.

"I'll pay you a lot of severance and severance payments in two days."

Li Ran tells the person in charge of making up to let her look down at you

The person in charge of Wang didn't understand, "Mr. Wang, what's wrong with that makeup artist? Why are you driving her away? "

Wangzimo, "because my crew won't raise any useless people."

Wang person in charge looked at Li Luo dye delicate face, "but she gave Miss Li make-up is very good."

"Is it?" The deep emotion in Wang Zimo's eyes is meaningful,

"this makeup is really good, but it's a pity that there is another makeup artist."

“……” Although the person in charge of Wang didn't know what Wang Zimo was saying, he knew what Wang said was absolutely right. He bowed to Wang Zimo and quickly executed the order.

Li luoran was frightened.

She went to the dressing room twice, and Shu Xinshuang helped her make up. Li luoran didn't expect that Wang Zimo could even see this.

At the moment, Wang Zimo's eyes turned to Shu Xinshuang, "from now on, you will be responsible for Li luoran's make-up and acting guidance. I will offer you three times the salary of the former two make-up artists and acting guidance."

Shu Xinshuang laughed scornfully, "sorry, I'm an actor, not an acting director, not a makeup artist."

In public, Wang Zi Mo, who was wronged, was a little bit embarrassed, but he remained silent.

"I'll pay you three hundred times," he said

Oh, my God?!

Lilo's soft legs almost couldn't support his body and fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zimo nodded without hesitation,


You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Li luoran had the illusion of not waking up.

The staff and veteran actors who are familiar with Shu Xinshuang in the circle are not surprised. Shu Xinshuang's "extortion" of Mr. Wang is not once or twice -

don't visit Mr. Wang, you have to take 90% of Shu Xinshuang's income. If you calculate carefully, the money that Shu Xinshuang "extorts" may be more than the 90% he takes from Shu Xinshuang


next, Hua Moli and Mr. Mo kiss goodbye, which is also the most important part of the opening passage of the whole movie.

It's still night.

The full moon is high and the starry sky is bright and clean.

At this time, Hua Moli and Mr. Mo have already made an engagement. Mr. Mo, who has recovered from his injury, has to leave.

Don't take advantage of the guard's medicine to leave the gate.

Master Mo hesitates, and Li luoran's eyes are full of tears.

In front of the door where the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves, master Mo holds Li luoran in his arms and gives him a deep kiss.

It takes a lot of courage for Li luoran to hug and kiss another man besides Lu Shaochen, even if he is acting.

However, Li luoran always imagined Mr. Mo as Lu Shaochen.

She thought about every time she was forced to leave Lu Shaochen. Endless sadness and unwillingness came to her. At the moment of parting, she nestled in the arms of master Mo, as if Lu Shaochen was holding her tightly.Even when master Mo kisses her, what she sees in her eyes is still Lu Shaochen's face. Her eyes are full of tears, and her tearful lips stick to Lu Shaochen's lips inch by inch -

it's so natural and true, just like a couple's first kiss in love, without any violation and affectation.

Li luoran didn't even know when to stop shooting.

It was the applause that brought her back to reality.


"Perfect! It's impeccable

Director Song Yi, with a long pigtail, trembled with excitement. "Miss Li, you've made me an old director who has been working for 22 years. I don't believe you haven't played before. You're a legendary actor."

Opera master?

Is this word used to praise people?

When Li luoran was in a trance, another person in charge who had been prejudiced against Li luoran came up to him and said, "Ranran, if it doesn't come out as I expected, after the film is finished, you will be very angry, even hotter than we expected."

Li luoran didn't realize how well he played.

Because at the time of acting, she really felt that she was talking with Lu Shaochen about reliving her old love.

But almost everyone came to praise her.

Unexpectedly, when Li luoran was not recognized by everyone before, Wang Zimo, Shu Xinshuang and Feng Qianli were all encouraging and supporting her. Now Li luoran has won recognition, but they all stand on one side sullen, as if their hearts are very heavy.

Especially wangzimo.

He stood outside the crowd in a trance, looking at Li luoran, who was surrounded by the crowd. There was a trace of sadness in his green amber eyes.

Just that kiss seemed to empty his soul.

"I said, you are a super asshole!" Shu Xinshuang didn't know when he came to him.

Wang Zimo shook his head in a trance. "Miss Shu, please pay attention to your words. This is acting. It's the most basic cultivation of any actor to make the play as realistic as possible."

Shuxinshuang's soft and white arms were around her chest. "When I used to scold you asshole, you never explained it once. This time, you want me to pay attention to my words. Why?"

Wang Zi Mo's eyebrows are slightly tight, but his eyes are not far away from Li luoran's face.


Shu Xinshuang laughs sarcastically,

"because you are guilty! Wang Zimo, you can't touch her lips at all. You still can't help kissing her. Don't you think you are very shameful? "

Wang Zi Mo's eyes just pulled away from Li Luo Ran's face.

Looking at the emotional shuxinshuang, delicate lips moved, but suddenly sad can't speak, just a deep sigh, turned to the corner. As like as two peas in the corner, the

took out his wallet and took out the picture. He looked at the picture that was exactly the same as that of llow in the dim light. Then he looked at the distant Luo Luo dye. What made

want me to meet you?

Li luoran!

Why give me hope when I'm frustrated?!


because of Li luoran's extraordinary performance, today's shooting task ended successfully ahead of schedule.

Li luoran comes to the dressing room.

Standing in front of the bright floor mirror, I was about to take off my ancient clothes, but I saw a face as beautiful as a demon in the floor mirror.

"The wind is shallow?"

She exclaimed, her eyes wide open,

"what are you doing in the dressing room? Don't tell me you like to watch girls change their clothes

"What are you talking about?" Feng Qianyi came to her with a dignified face,

"said," why do you play with wangzimo? "

Li luoran, "what?"

"Don't pretend!" The picture of Li luoran and Wang Zimo embracing and kissing each other is still clearly displayed in Feng Qianyi's mind.

"if you don't have feelings for him, you will never perform such a realistic effect. You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. Do you have an improper relationship with Wang Zimo?"

Li luoran was more and more confused, "what's the improper relationship?"

Feng Qianji's serious appearance was also frightening, "give me back the costume, Li luoran. Are you his underground lover? Do you want to get close to him and climb into wangzimo's bed like other actresses who sell their dignity? "


Li luoran almost couldn't help kicking at the wind.

But when I think of myself and Wang Zimo acting, I really put in too much, and the misunderstanding is reasonable, so I smile,

"if you like to think like this, think like this." She has promised Shu Xinshuang to keep a secret, so she won't say it even to Feng qianzhen.

Li luoran didn't notice that when he said this, the face of the wind became deeper.

"Well, well, my sister is going to change. I'm going out!" She rubbed her hair.But unexpectedly, the wind shallow like crazy, a foot fly kick in the mirror.

The floor mirror hit the wall heavily, and the mirror was fragmented.

It was also at this moment that Li luoran found that the face of the wind was cold, and the evil light was blooming in a pair of dark blue eyes, as if he wanted to freeze the whole dressing room.

Li luoran had never seen the wind so angry.

In other words -

in the past, Feng Qianhe always showed a weak and eager to be beaten in front of Li luoran. Li luoran had never seen him as a "man".

What happened to him?

When Li luoran was surprised, Feng Qianji had already stepped out of the dressing room.

His fists were clenched and his breath was heavy. He looked like he was going to kill and set fire.

Li luoran ran ran quickly in front of him and said, "Hey, what are you stimulated by? What are you going to do? "

The wind with injured eyes was shallow, and his voice was low as if roaring, "labor and capital want a fire to burn this crew!"

"What?! Why? "

Li luoran felt that he was going crazy.

"Save you, in order to make this play, continue to rely on the hooligan named Wang." Push Li luoran away and kick the door open.

Li luoran never knew that fengqianhe had such great power.

With this kick, he kicked the heavy door away from the door frame and flew out.

Fortunately, only one actress from Li luoran took part in the performance today. She was the only one in the dressing room, and the hall outside was empty.

The wind is shallow, and strides forward.



"The wind is shallow, what's the matter with you?"

I don't know what medicine Feng qianzhen took wrong. He was obedient and afraid of Li luoran, but he couldn't stop this time.

Li luoran stamped his foot helplessly, "well, Mr. Wang and I are not what you think. I'm your good sister. How can I do what you say?"

The wind still refused to stop, "do you dare to swear?"

"Well, I swear, I swear." I'm afraid that Fengqian will burn the crew. How dare Li luoran not swear?

At last the wind stopped.

The anger in his eyes gradually faded away, his legs softened, and his tall body sat on the cold ground, "special, why didn't you say that earlier?" Strong fists on the ground.

Li luoran sat beside him apologetically, "I'm just joking."

Once upon a time, there was no problem for her to make any joke with Feng qianshe. Unexpectedly, an ordinary joke made Feng qianshe so angry.

"This kind of joke is not funny at all." Feng Qian chuckles bitterly. Although he has found out the truth, the picture of Li luoran kissing Wang Zimo still cuts his heart like a knife.

"I have seen the script, and there are still many kissing and bed plays between you and Wang Zimo. In the future, you will perform as you do today?"

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