You,Under My Name

Chapter 204: 204

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Although Li luoran decides not to start another love after breaking up with Lu Shaochen, she doesn't want to lose her fertility like Jin Xintong.



It's two hours since liluoran finished the injection.

Zhao Haixin, the servant, brought us dinner, which was all Li luoran's favorite food, but Li luoran didn't eat a bite.

I still think of this child.

In the past, when I was pregnant with a child, I was always full of energy and yearning for a better tomorrow. Now my heart is empty, like a boat lost its way, drifting with the current in the vast ocean, I don't know where to go.

"It's strange that with Lu Shaochen's obsession with you, he will try his best to protect your children. How could such an accident happen?"

Behind him came a gentle female voice.

So familiar and so strange.

Standing in front of the window, Li luoran looks at Gu lianyue's beautiful face from the mirror like glass, "can I understand that you care about me?"


As if to hear a big joke, Gu lianyue made no secret of her ridicule,

"you don't deserve my attention. I'm just curious. How did your child fall?"

"I'm here to satisfy your curiosity."

for you

Pity the moon without expression, "you are wrong, Li luoran, I never like to see your pain."

Is that right?

Li luoran was surprised that Gu lianyue would say this, so that she turned and looked at Gu lianyue. The next second, she looked at Gu lianyue coldly and sarcastically.

Gu lianyue laughs teasingly, "because, I have never regarded you as my daughter. In my mind, you are a stranger. Your joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows have nothing to do with me."

Ha ha ~

Li luoran couldn't help laughing.

I'm not laughing at the moon.

I'm just laughing at myself for being so silly and naive.

I heard Gu lianyue speak ill of herself in front of Lu Shaochen. When Gu lianyue said she didn't like to see her pain, there was still a trace of hope in her heart.

Perhaps, it is because she has always had unrealistic hope for Gu lianyue that she has been hurt by Gu lianyue's ruthlessness.

From then on, she would never have such a ridiculous hope again!

"I was going to marry Wangyuan on the 17th of this month, but I postponed the wedding date. Do you want to know why?" Looking at Li luoran with pity and pride.

Knowing that Gu lianyue could never have any good words, Li luoran shook his head decisively, "I don't want to."


Gu lianyue was a little stunned, and the next second she laughed with pride,

"I would like to say that I am for Xintong. Xintong has done so much to separate you from Lu Shaochen, and has paid so much blood and tears. Seeing that she is only one step away from success, I can't wait for her to marry Wangyuan after her wedding with Lu Shaochen."

Li luoran suddenly realized.

Lu Wangyuan is Lu Shaochen's father and an Jiaren's ex husband. It is precisely because Gu lianyue has taken her away that Lu Wangyuan hates Gu lianyue to the marrow. If Gu lianyue marries Lu Wangyuan, it will inevitably cause an Jiaren to hate her even more. An Jiaren will also strongly oppose Lu Shaochen's marriage to Jin Xintong

"Very thoughtful."

Li luoran's face is expressionless,

"three years ago, I almost died in a car accident. Su Yan asked Su Jinnian to save me, but you asked Su Jinnian not to meddle in his own business. What's more, you never went to the hospital to see me. I thought you were the type without maternal love in the legend. It turned out that I was wrong. After jinxintong's accident, you came to the hospital to accompany her, just like other mothers. You know why For her sake, she even spoke ill of me in front of Lu Shaochen. "

He didn't see Li luoran passing by from a distance when he spoke ill of her. Gu lianyue thought it was Lu Shaochen who told Li luoran the truth that she insulted her.

But Gu lianyue doesn't feel guilty at all, instead, she looks as she should be.

"I owe Xiaojin too much maternal love. In the rest of my life, I will try my best to compensate her."

Liluoran's fingertips trembled violently.

Gu lianyue sneered, "I came to you just to tell you that Lu Shaochen belongs to Xiaojin. Don't destroy her happiness, and finish with Lu Shaochen as soon as possible. Otherwise, not only an Jiaren, Lu Wanyue and Xiaojin won't let you go, but I won't let you go either."

Fall this sentence, turn around indifferently, twist the slender waist that Ying Ying holds to walk out of the ward.

Li luoran stood alone in the sickroom filled with the smell of medicine, recalling every word Gu lianyue said, and her eyes were filled with tears.~~

before long, Lu Shaochen, who went to the bathroom, returned to the ward.

He went to Li luoran, "the doctor said that he can leave the hospital and go home?"

Li luoran's thoughts came back to reality. She pointed to the wall on the left, "Jin Xintong lives next door. She is so hurt that you should accompany her."

I don't understand Lu Shaochen any more.

Jin Xintong is as important as Mount Tai in Lu Shaochen's mind. Moreover, Jin Xintong was injured when he hit Lu Shaochen's car. Li luoran thought Lu Shaochen would always be with Jin Xintong beside her bed. But since Li luoran came to the hospital, he didn't disappear in front of her except for a few minutes when he just went to the bathroom.

Lu Shaochen said with a smile, "she has a lot of company, but you only have me."

"But those people are not important to her. She just wants to have you with her."

"Oh?" Lu Shaochen's lips are crooked, and her eyes are like black gems, showing evil spirit.

"you want me to accompany you more than she does, don't you?"


She has been so indifferent to him. Why does he think she wants him to accompany her?

Where on earth did he get his confidence?

doesn't leave Lu Shaochen with the opportunity to make complaints about Tucao. Now that she has held her waist,

"you have two choices to go home, or we can sleep in a hospital tonight. Now give me the answer, huh?"

Li luoran is also drunk.

Unconsciously, I look at the bed beside me. If Lu Shaochen and she sleep on this fragile single bed at the same time, will it collapse? I don't know. If doctors and nurses see her and Lu Shaochen crowded on this bed, what would they think?

Moreover, Lu Shaochen is always a beast. Although she has just had a miscarriage and her lower body is still bleeding, I can't guarantee whether Lu Shaochen will be a beast once she sleeps next to her

Li luoran didn't dare to think about it. His eyes were full of fear,

"go home..."

The extremely handsome man, with his ink like eyebrows slightly raised, hugged her tightly and walked out of the ward.

Almost just out of the ward, met the tall Lu Wanyue.

"Brother! Is it because I'm blind or you're crazy? Xiaojin is so hurt by liluoran that she's still lying in the hospital bed. You don't blame her, but you still hold her in your arms like a baby? " Lu Wanyue couldn't believe the picture in front of her.

Lu Shaochen, "she has apologized to Xiaojin, and Xiaojin has forgiven her."


Lu Wanyue couldn't laugh or cry, and the two oversized half balls on her chest were obviously undulating,

"I heard from the doctor that Xiaojin not only lost her child, but also lost her vital fertility for a woman. To put it mildly, she has lost her lifelong disability. Do you just want Li luoran to apologize to her and repay everything she owes her?"

Lu Shaochen's handsome face showed slight pain.

Jinxintong's position in his mind is as irreplaceable as Li luoran's. He also hopes that jinxintong will be good. Jinxintong's fate makes him feel like a knife in his heart.

"Do you know, Lu Shaochen, three years ago, mistakenly thought that after Xiaojin's death, you were extremely sad. At that time, everyone who knew about it was moved by your true feelings. Every time we got together, we were singing and laughing, and you stood between us. Although so many people were with you, you gave me the feeling that you were still alone, I know Tao, you are thinking about Xiaojin. After her death, your soul seems to have died. No one or anything in the world can stir up a wave in your heart. At that time, you were in love. I thought you must be the most beloved man in the world. I love you and even admire you. Ha ha, but now... "

Lu Wanyue points to Li luoran,

"ever since you met her, you have become a heartless scum man. Lu Shaochen, my mother is right. Li luoran, a little fox, has eaten your heart. You have lost Xiaojin for her, my admiration for you, and your own conscience. Lu Shaochen, the beloved man, is dead!"

He glared at Li luoran angrily and walked by her side in a hurry.

Lu Wanyue certainly did not come to see Jin Xintong.

But after hearing about Jin Xintong's experience, Lu Shaochen is expected to turn against Li luoran and specially come to see the play.

However, Lu Wanyue never imagined that she didn't see the picture she was looking forward to. What she saw was Lu Shaochen holding Li luoran in her arms as usual

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At that moment, Lu Wanyue felt that her whole world had collapsed.

In the past, Lu Wanyue always thought that as long as she made good use of Jin Xintong, she would make Lu Shaochen see Li luoran's "vicious" face clearly, and would make Lu Shaochen completely die for Li luoran.

However, as time goes on, Jin Xintong again and again creates the illusion of being hurt by Li luoran, which is more and more serious. Lu Shaochen also clearly recognizes Li luoran's "snake and scorpion heart", but still holds Li luoran in his hand as a treasureLu shaoran thought that his passion for Luo Chen was only temporary.

Until now, Lu Wanyue realized that Lu Shaochen's obsession with Li luoran was even stronger than that of Jin Xintong, and even Jin Xintong could not shake her place in Lu Shaochen's heart.

Lu Shaochen!

What's the matter with you?

What kind of poison does liluoran have?

Why are you so poisoned by her?


Lu Shaochen looked at the graceful and distant figure and was silent for a moment. He didn't know what he was thinking.

His eyes turned to Li luoran's face,


Although he hid his emotion deeply, Li luoran knew that his heart was heavy, because when Lu Wanyue said that to him, she felt his arm shaking.

Li luoran understands -

Lu Shaochen cares about Jin Xintong very much, and he is also very sad about Jin Xintong's experience. He just shows indifference to Jin Xintong for fear that she will think more.

Li luoran understood -

Lu Shaochen also cared about Lu Wanyue and an Jiaren.

He had to turn against them, all for her

It was her who always made Lu Shaochen make painful choices.

As long as she leaves Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen will no longer have so much pain.

Li luoran and Lu Shaochen walk out of the hospital.

Although the taxi bought by Lu Shaochen was still parked in the hospital parking lot, Lu Shaochen did not drive it again. Instead, he drove the International Limited Edition Weihang, which had been parked there by himself before.

The car starts.

Not far from the parking space, a conspicuous figure outside the car attracted her attention -

it was su Yan!

Su Yan, who is as handsome and elegant as a prince, is a very attractive type of man. He always likes to wear a conspicuous white suit, which can always attract people's attention even in the dark.

Su Yan is not alone.

A girl shorter than him followed him, or, to be exact, was in his arms.


Why is this girl so familiar?


Li luoran screams out this name, also in this instant, the words Bai Qingwan said to herself last night reappear in her ear like playback.

Lu Shaochen stepped on the brake.

Before the car stopped, Li luoran pushed the door down and strode to the girl.

"Sister Ranran?"

Seeing Li luoran's Bai Zhinian, he was so surprised and happy that he took Li luoran's hands enthusiastically,

"I heard someone call me just now, but I thought I heard it wrong. It's really you, sister Ranran!"

Thinking of the deep hatred between Bai Qingwan and Bai Zhinian, who is Bai Qingwan's sister, Li luoran is in a mixed mood.

Bai Zhinian said with a pure smile, "sister Ranran, we haven't seen each other for more than three years. You are still so beautiful. If only I could be half as beautiful as you."

"What nonsense? You are more beautiful than me." Li luoran looks at Bai Zhinian's face with the light of the light.

When Li luoran and Bai Qingwan were very close, they often met Bai Zhinian.

Later, learning that Li luoran, who was cheated by Bai Qingwan, completely broke up with Bai Qingwan, he never had the chance to meet Bai Zhinian again.

Three years ago, Bai Zhinian was a beautiful girl.

After three years, at the age of 17, she is more dignified and beautiful, and has a sense of family name and charm of an adult woman.

The appearance of Bai Zhinian and Bai Qingwan is at least six points similar.

Although Bai Zhinian is not as enchanting and outstanding as Bai Qingwan, he is also a rare beauty. Bai Zhinian is not as kind as Bai Qingwan, but a lively girl with bright sunshine and attractive.

"Niannian, it's cool outside. Go back to the car as soon as possible." Su Yan, who is holding Bai Zhinian, urges him to do so.


It can be seen that Bai Zhinian is very obedient to Su Yan, so he immediately says goodbye to Li luoran,

"sister Ranran, you also heard Su Yan's words. Let's talk about it later. Goodbye."

Sorry smile, will go with Su Yan.

Li luoran grabbed her in a hurry. "You wait. I have something to say to you."

“……” Bai Zhinian, who has stopped, looks at Su Yan with her eyes and asks for Su Yan's permission.

Su Yan's face is thin and cool, and his voice is indifferent. "No, get in the car!"

Step forward and you will go.

"Are you so guilty?" Looking at Su Yan's appearance, he thought of the situation of his and Bai's thoughts. She lost control of her little emotion. She pointed to the Indus tree not far away.

, "I want to talk to you alone, and you get out of my way!"Su Yan's lips moved, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he walked silently in the direction of Li luoran's fingers.

Bai Zhinian stares at Li luoran with big eyes,

"sister Ranran, brother Su Yan has done nothing wrong. How can you be so fierce to him?"

Li luoran shrugs helplessly, "Zhinian, how can you be with him?"

"We're in love." Bai Zhinian had a sweet smile and a nice dimple appeared on his white face.

"I was pregnant with brother Su Yan's child. Brother Su Yan accompanied me to the hospital for pregnancy examination."

Li luoran's mind was buzzing.

Last night after listening to the conversation between Bai Qingwan and Su Yan, Li luoran knew about Bai Zhinian and Su Yan.

For one thing, however, this is ridiculous.

Secondly, because Li luoran didn't want to see such a reality, he had a fluke mind. At the moment when Bai Zhinian said it himself, he could no longer escape.

Bai Zhinian!

She's only 17 years old!

Su Yan actually did such an animal thing to this innocent and lovely girl!

"Sister Ranran, I know what happened to you and brother Suyan before, and I also know what happened to my sister and him, but those are all things in the past. Brother Suyan and I really love each other." Bai Zhinian, who said this, had a happy smile on his face.

Li luoran tried to pull his thoughts back to reality. "Don't be silly. Zhinian, you don't know anything. Su Yan lied to you. He's obedient. While it's still time, he'll leave the child and stay away from him."

Put your hands on Bai Zhinian's shoulder.

Although it's cruel for Bai Zhinian to tell the bloody truth so plainly, it's the only way to save this innocent girl.

Li luoran doesn't know what Su Yan's ultimate goal is, but she is sure that the longer Bai Zhinian is around Su Yan, the deeper he will be hurt.

Li luoran thought Bai Zhinian would be shocked and sad when she heard the truth. However, Bai Zhinian returned with a more brilliant smile,

"sister Ranran, how can you say the same thing as my sister? You all misunderstand brother Su Yan. "

Li luoran has a heavy heart.

Bai Zhinian looked innocent. "Brother Su Yan told me all the grudges between my sister and you. I didn't expect that my sister should be such a bad woman. Sister Ranran, I apologize to you and your brother Yingye on behalf of my sister, and brother Su Yan's father. My sister killed him Alas

"I know that brother Su Yan hates my sister, but brother Su Yan also said that he is a true love to me. I believe him that this child is a gift from God. I must give birth to him, sister Ranran. You don't know, I have already finished the drop out procedure. I am willing to pay everything for our child."

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