You,Under My Name

Chapter 237: 237

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She struggled to get up, but too much panic and despair made her numb hands and feet unable to make any effort. She had to lie helplessly on the ground, staring at the area where the car exploded -


In front of my eyes there was a raging fire.

The original luxury car was blown up to pieces, the door, frame, engine All kinds of parts are scattered within a radius of tens of meters, the lawn is burnt black, and the camphor tree not far from the car is burning

Lu Shaochen just called her and said he was in the car.

What will happen to him?

"Lu Shaochen..."

"Lu Shaochen!"

Reading his name painfully, Li luoran tried to climb up. However, it seemed that there was an invisible mountain pressing on her. The more anxious she was, the less she could exert herself.

"My God! There's an explosion over there! "

"Ah? Isn't that Mr. Lu's car? "

"Mr. Lu?"

"Mr. Lu!"

With people's screams, the security guards, gardeners and servants around anxiously ran to the accident site.

Then, someone screamed,

"Mom, is this Mr. Lu? Don't blow him up God

"My God

Hearing this cry, Li luoran suddenly felt dizzy, dark in front of his eyes, completely unconscious.


"Lu Shaochen, don't die..."

"Lu Shaochen, you will be ok..."

"Lu Shaochen..."

"Lu Shaochen!"

Li luoran woke up with a scream, his pale face covered with a thick cold sweat.

"Ha ha, sister-in-law, you are awake."

Chu Xingchen's clear voice is nearby.

Li luoran went nervously along the line of fame, "star, how about Lu Shaochen? Is there anything wrong with him? Is he hurt? Where is he now? "

"Woo! sister-in-law! How can you call me that How to talk Woo


It turns out that Li luoran, who is too excited, holds Chu Xingchen's shirt tightly in her hands. Under the excessive tension and uneasiness, she is so weak that her strength is amazing that Chu Xingchen, who is tightly strangled by the shirt, almost suffocates.

Li luoran just let go of her hand, and her round eyes were staring at Chu Xingchen for a moment. Her face was so pale and her eyes were so frightened.


Chu Xingchen rubbed his strangled neck,

"sister-in-law, the person who trapped you is the Lord. You have a head and a debt. Even if you want to get revenge, you should go to him. Why do you pinch me?"

Who did her harm?

What do you mean?

Did Lu Shaochen harm her?

Thinking of the terrible explosion, Li luoran was still staring at Chu Xingchen nervously, "Lu Shaochen What's the matter with him? "

Looking at Chu Xingchen as if nothing had happened, Lu Shaochen should be ok

Chu Xingchen shrugged, "did you see the explosion with your own eyes?"

Li luoran nodded.

Chu Xingchen, "do you think that if there is such an explosion, and a person sitting in the car at the time of the explosion, what will he do?"

Li luoran, who is flustered and anxious, wants to jump on Chu Xingchen and strangle him.

Li luoran doesn't understand. In this case, Chu Xingchen doesn't have the leisure and elegance to play tricks on her.

He catches Li luoran's murderous eyes and worries that Li luoran will take Chu Xingchen, who is strangled by himself, two steps away from her to distance her from her.

"there is only one answer. The people in the car will be blown to pieces. It's like this, boom

Chu Xingchen spread out his hands and made a split posture.

Li luoran stares at him in horror.

Chu Xingchen shrugged, "the master was in the car at that time, so boom! Poor Lord I was so famous that he was blown to pieces. The hospital staff are still patching up his body. "


Hearing this, Li luoran suddenly felt dizzy and almost fainted again.

"Sister in law, you must not faint, sister in law!" Chu Xingchen is flustered to call to support her, and use finger to pinch her in the person.

At the same time, the servant Zhao Haixin also rushed to give Li luoran a cold compress.

Li luoran was not in a coma again.

It's sitting on the sofa like a puppet with a pale face and desolate eyes

Sitting beside Li luoran, Chu Xingchen said, "ha ha, sister-in-law, I can understand your current mood, but you have to think for the good in everything. At last, the young master's soul is gone, and he died without pain, right?"

Luo Li's face was covered with tears.

Looking back on the fact that he and Lu Shaochen have been together so far, they have gone through numerous twists and turns. Now, she and Lu Shaochen have finally cleared up the misunderstanding. She thought that she and Lu Shaochen would have a happy ending, but she did not expect that she had just seen the hope, but it was a cruel farewellZhao Haixin did not have the good spirit to stare Chu star star one eye, angrily walked.

Seeing that Li luoran was more and more sad, Chu Xingchen continued to comfort her,

"sister in law, if I were you, I would be very happy."


Li Ran's brain doesn't really understand Luo Chu's mind.

However, heartbroken, her heart is a piece of ashes, completely no psychological will Chu star to say.

Chu Xingchen continued, "you think that you and your father are legal husband and wife. Legally, you are the first legal heir to your father's estate. Do you know how much money your father has? That is to say, once you die, you will have more money than you can spend in your life. You are the richest woman in Jiangcheng. Shouldn't you be happy, sister-in-law? "

Li luoran's lips opened weakly, "roll ~"

Chu Xingchen looked aggrieved, "sister-in-law..."

"Go away!"

Li luoran excitedly interrupts Chu Xingchen's words, and points to the open door with trembling fingers,

"I never want to see you again, go away!"

"Get out of here!"

“……” Although Chu Xingchen is aggrieved, he can't bear to disobey when he sees Li luoran's pain. He can only helplessly grasp his exaggerated wine red explosion,

"well, my sister-in-law wants me to go away, I'll go away, but you have to be sad."

Li luoran, with tears in his eyes and pale complexion, disdains to look at Chu stars.

Chu Xingchen sighed in his heart.

And secretly looked at Li Luo dye a few eyes, make sure she will be OK, then get up to leave.

Not long after leaving the door, he hurried back because he thought of an important thing. "Sister in law, I feel very guilty about letting you wash Bai Qingwan. He hopes you can forgive him. Will you forgive him?"

Li luoran didn't want to say anything.

She promised Lu Shaochen to clean up for Bai Qingwan. He never blamed Lu Shaochen.

What's more, Lu Shaochen's people are gone. What's the point of saying that.

"Er..." Chu Xingchen understands what Li luoran is thinking,

"sister in law, I really want to know if you will forgive him, cough! Cough! I mean, people have souls, don't they? Although his body is dead, his soul must want to be forgiven by you. "

Li Ran Chen said, "I don't want to forgive her."

"Ha ha, I know my sister-in-law is very generous." Chu Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief,

"then I won't disturb my sister-in-law. Ha ha, goodbye, sister-in-law."

With a smile, he walked out of the door.

Li luoran closed his eyes in pain.

Lu Shaochen always treats Chu Xingchen as well as his brother. After Lu Shaochen's death, Chu Xingchen is not sad at all, and even makes some "jokes" about Lu Shaochen. Li luoran thinks Lu Shaochen is not worth it.


the midnight bell rings at the clock tower in the yard.

It's twelve o'clock in the morning.

Li luoran sat on the sofa like this for more than three hours, his eyes were dry and wet again and again, leaving a large water mark on the sofa cloth.

She insisted on standing up.

After turning off the light, but standing in front of the power switch, I don't know where to go.

Since learning that Lu Shaochen died, her soul seems to have dissipated with him, as if she had turned into a puppet, as if she had nothing to do with fame and fortune, happiness and sorrow in the world.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

In the past, she only knew that she loved Lu Shaochen very much.

Love to, even if misunderstood Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong extramarital affair, still love him.

But she never knew that she loved Lu Shaochen so much that when she learned that he was dead, she immediately felt that the world was unforgettable and even wanted to go with him


A magnetic call came from behind.

Is she hallucinating?

She hesitated to turn around. The next second, she saw Lu Shaochen's face.

It must be her illusion!

She didn't dare to move any more. She only looked at him in a trance through the thin light, and she didn't dare to speak. She was afraid that if she had any movement, she would not be able to keep it. It was like the illusion of a dream, and he would disappear in front of her eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't expect you to be so sad."

Lu Shaochen's ink eyebrows pick lightly. The room has been turned off by Li luoran. Only the light of the street lamp in the yard comes in and falls on Lu Shaochen's face like silver filings, which makes his face like a dream.

But it's all her illusion.

The flesh and blood Lu Shaochen had already been fragmented in the explosion

Thinking of this, Li luoran's tears broke the dike again.

She heard Lu Shaochen sigh deeply, and saw Lu Shaochen's eyes become dignified and compassionate at the moment.

Lu Shaochen had long legs and big steps. He came to her in one step. He held her face in his big hands. "Good, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."At this moment, Li luoran clearly felt the temperature of his palm.

In addition, his unique cool breath of peppermint and his steady and solid breathing sound are clearly in front of his eyes!


Isn't he dead?!

Li luoran was surprised and happy. "Lu Shaochen, explain what happened?"

Lu Shaochen hooked his lips and pinched her tears with his fingers.

"the car was driven by remote control, and there was no one in it at all."

“……” Li luoran stayed for two seconds. At last, his trembling lips began to utter messy syllables, "why..."

Lu Shaochen chuckled, "just want to prove one thing."

Li luoran, who was in a complicated mood, trembled and said, "prove something."

Lu Shaochen, "prove whether you will shed tears for me."


Li luoran was in a state of confusion.

Li luoran, who mistakenly thought that Lu Shaochen had died, was in a broken hearted coma for a time. Li luoran was convinced that the luxury Rolls Royce that had been blown up was absolutely genuine. It was worth several hundred million yuan!

In order to prove whether she will shed tears, Lu Shaochen blew up hundreds of millions of dollars?!

Li luoran could not help but wanted to blame him. As soon as his lips opened, they were tightly sealed by Lu Shaochen's.

Hot kisses, stormy to her.

Two people's hot breath and salty tears intertwined together.

Liluoran is controlled by him and falls on the carpet with him.

The luxurious living room is full of charming and loving taste


Li luoran only remembers that he was so tired that he fell into a deep sleep in the process of making love with Lu Shaochen on the carpet for the second time.

When I woke up, it was 11:30 in the morning.

The whole body's sense of comfort reminds her that Lu Shaochen washed her while she was asleep and changed her into comfortable pajamas.

Lu Shaochen is no longer on his pillow. Li luoran thinks that Lu Shaochen should be in the company at this time.

After washing and gargling, Li luoran put on her clothes and habitually took out her mobile phone. She found that there were 12 missed calls from the same number in her mobile phone.

Although since the release of "matchless queen of demons", Lilo has become very popular and wants to do interviews with her, she never divulges her private number to the outside world. Only the people she knows may make her private phone calls again and again.

She called back.

There was almost a second to pick up the phone,

"let's meet."

Su Yan's voice.

Li luoran was not surprised that Su Yan would call herself at this time and her tone was very angry, but she refused without hesitation,

"I'm sorry, this star is very busy and has no time to meet you."

"Don't put on airs! Don't think I don't know. You have a lot of time these days! " Although he tried his best to restrain himself, Su Yan could not hide his anger,

"Li luoran, don't try to prevaricate me with your busy schedule. You have to come, or you don't have to come!"

Li luoran sneered, "Oh, Su Yan, since you don't understand my euphemistic refusal, I'll tell you clearly, right! I am very free, I have plenty of time, but I just do not want to see you. I would rather waste time alone than see you like this slag man. "

If you don't say that, you have to hang up.

But listen to Su Yan sink a way, "if you hang up now, I promise to let you regret!"

Li luoran's finger, ready to touch the hang up button, is stiff at the top of the screen.

Su Yan's voice was deep. "Yes, you are a real star now. A star is a double-edged sword. Although it is bright, you will cut yourself if you are careless."

Li Luo ran frowned, "what do you really want to say?"

"Just to remind you, don't force me to ruin your reputation..." Su Yan over there has a deep smile,

"don't forget, we used to be close lovers. You know why I asked you out. If you don't come, I'll send the sweet photos we took together to the Internet. I'll see what your fans think when they see the photos."

Li luoran almost broke the rules, but he didn't dare because he was threatened by Su Yan.

I'll wait for you. "

Voice down, hang up there decisively.

Li luoran slammed his cell phone on the table.



Li luoran walks down the revolving stairs and turns around the corner to find that Chu Xingchen is sitting on the sofa with his legs overlapped, excitedly playing mobile games.

Seeing Li luoran, Chu Xingchen immediately dropped her cell phone and walked to her with a smile, "Hey, sister-in-law, are you still angry about last night?"


Thinking of last night, Li luoran can't help feeling guilty.

In fact, last night's "explosion" was full of loopholes. The biggest loophole was Chu Xingchen's performance. Li luoran was frightened when he was told that Lu Shaochen died. How can he see the truth calmly?Now think about it, although Chu Xingchen is heartless, he has deep feelings for Lu Shaochen. If Lu Shaochen really has an accident, Chu Xingchen will never be able to smile in front of her like nothing happened.

Last night, she really misunderstood Chu Xingchen.

Li luoran thought and walked down the stairs.

Chu Xingchen politely held her, "ha ha, sister-in-law, I came to apologize to you today."


Li luoran was shocked,

"you didn't do anything wrong, what's to apologize for."

"Er ~ in fact, I am the initiator of all this ~" Chu Xingchen grabs his wine red explosion in embarrassment,

"yesterday, after you and ye separated downstairs from sister Xiaojin's house, he was very worried. At first I asked him if he would not say it, but later he told me that he regretted asking you to help Bai Qingwan clean up. He thought you would blame him."

Li luoran, "and then?"

Chu Xingchen laughs, "then I'll give him some advice. Hehe, I told you that girls are soft hearted. I said that if you can make a feign death event and make you mistake him for dead, you will no longer blame him because you are so soft hearted. He seriously asked me how he can feign death, and I said casually," you can make a car explosion. "Sister-in-law, I'm very angry Swear, I'm really just saying it casually. After all, I don't think you can be stupid enough to blow up a luxury car for such a thing. I didn't think about it. He immediately put it into practice... "

All right!

Li luoran knew that Lu Shaochen alone could never come up with such a bad idea. Sure enough, Chu Xingchen was the initiator.

Li luoran can't help but think of something. "It's also your idea to give Wang Zimo medicine and put three women on the same bed with him before, isn't it?"

"Hey, hey..." Chu Xingchen Junjun's face showed a bit of complacency,

"how about, sister-in-law, I am the most powerful think tank around you

Li luoran, "..."

In fact, Li luoran didn't understand that Lu Shaochen, a wise man, should take Chu Xingchen as his confidant.

What makes Li luoran even more terrifying is that after Chu Xingchen, who has no music score, gives Lu Shaochen some ideas that normal people feel completely impractical after listening to them, Lu Shaochen actually feels that it is very feasible to carry them out

Chu Xingchen holds Li luoran apologetically,

"I'm really sorry, sister-in-law. I didn't expect that you would be so sad and comatose. In fact, I was very sad last night. I tried to make you happy, but you couldn't listen."

Think about what Chu Xingchen said about Lu Shaochen's "legacy". Although Li luoran thought that Lu Shaochen had died, he would feel that Chu Xingchen was merciless, but when he knew that Lu Shaochen was safe, it was funny to think about it.

Li luoran stood on tiptoe and patted Chu Xingchen on the shoulder with relief,

"well, I forgive you, but as your compensation, you have to drive me to a place."

Startled and happy, Chu Xingchen said, "where are you going?"

Li luoran winked and laughed, "yipinya Pavilion."

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