You,Under My Name

Chapter 258: 258

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After so many years of hard work in the business world, Lu Shaochen has learned to hide his emotions. Li luoran has only met one person who can say a word to make Lu Shaochen show obvious uneasiness.

Almost as soon as Lu Shaochen hung up, a gentle knock on the door rang.

Lu Shaochen looked up at the luxurious crystal lamp, sighed, and then said indifferently, "who?"

There was a gentle female voice outside the door,

"Shaochen, it's me."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran, who was so surprised, was no longer in the mood to continue to read the script.

Lu Shaochen rejected her on the phone. Did she still come to her door?


She was just talking to Lu Shaochen, wasn't she?

That is to say, she only called Lu Shaochen after she came to Lu's house!

Lu Shaochen went to open the door.

Sure enough, the next second, Li luoran saw the body enchanting, beautiful as a fairy jinxintong.

"Why, Shaochen, do you reject me like that? Although we are no longer lovers, even if you treat me as an ordinary friend, you should not shut me out so coldly, should you? " The brocade Heart Tong side is saying words, the side is walking the step of money to walk in.

Lu Shaochen's face was not worried, and his voice was cold. "My family never receives ordinary friends. Only those who are extremely close to me are allowed to enter the land house. Maybe I should inform the guard that you will not be allowed to enter the land house freely next time."

"Shaochen!" Jin Xintong's eyes clearly hurt, the next second, change back to a gentle smile,

"today is your birthday, I also want to give you a birthday gift just so shamelessly, regardless of your refusal to come to your home, even if you don't welcome me, I still come, you can't beat me out, can't you?"

Lu Shaochen's light brown thin lips moved, but he didn't know what to say.

At the moment, Jin Xintong stretched out her slender hand and handed Lu Shaochen an exquisite gift box. Lu Shaochen refused to take it, but just looked at her indifferently.

Jin Xintong smiles calmly, "I understand that you don't want sister Ranran to misunderstand your feelings for me, but I know that sister Ranran is a generous person. She will never think more because I gave you this small birthday gift. Sister Ranran won't care if you accept this gift."

This is the first time that my eyes turn to Li luoran,

"sister Ranran, do you think so?"

Li luoran looks like he has nothing to do with himself. "It's between you and Lu Shaochen. I don't take part in any opinions."


Jin Xintong has such a moment of embarrassment.

Followed by the change back to that calm, "Shaochen, you also heard, dye dye sister does not care, I will give you on the table."

Then he walked gracefully to the tea table.

Li luoran couldn't help sighing.

Jinxintong is really a smart girl. Li luoran just said that she would not participate in any opinions. Originally, she wanted to embarrass jinxintong, but jinxintong said that Li luoran didn't care. It not only solved the embarrassment perfectly, but also turned things in a direction beneficial to her

After putting down the gift box, Jin Xintong left.

Lu Shaochen's face remained expressionless.

Jin Xintong, who went out of the door, stopped and turned her back to him. "Shaochen, actually, I expected that I would be treated coldly by you when I came here today, but I still want to come. I didn't come for you, but for myself. When we were together, I promised you that I would not be absent from every birthday in the future. No matter how much you exclude me, I will fulfill your promise. ”

the voice dropped and the door was closed.

Lu Shaochen, who had been hiding his emotions deeply, didn't show any pain on his handsome face until now.

Li Li pointed to the beautiful gift on the table

Lu Shaochen, with a heavy heart, tried to squeeze out a warm smile at the corner of his mouth,



Li luoran sighed softly.

Jin Xintong is not here to give Lu Shaochen a birthday present. She knows that Lu Shaochen will ignore her, but she comes to Lu Shaochen with dignity. It is clear that she is telling Lu Shaochen that she has always been deeply in love with Lu Shaochen!

Jin Xintong came to send it. It's love!


since Jin Xintong left, Lu Shaochen's mood has changed.

Although he had been pretending to be nothing in front of Li luoran, Li luoran could still feel his abnormality.

Li luoran did not tear it down.

In the past, every time Jin Xintong appeared in front of Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen showed this way.

After taking a bath, Li luoran sits on the bed and holds up the script of the sequel to the queen of demons again, and sees the end at one go.

It's already three o'clock in the morning, and Lu Shaochen has fallen into a deep sleep.And she still didn't feel sleepy.

He seems to fall into the wonderful, touching and funny plot of the queen of demons, and can't return to reality.

Since Su Yan's death, her heart is still. She only wants to find Bai Qingwan for revenge, but she can't get any interest in everything else. Now, she has an unprecedented strong desire for filming.

Busy to Shu Xinshuang sent a message, "Mr. Wang said to you," demon sequel "when to start?"

Shu Xinshuang turned out to be a night owl who didn't sleep in the middle of the night. He said, "as long as you're ready, he immediately arranges to turn it on. The key question is - are you ready?"

Li luoran seconds back, "Well!"

Shu Xinshuang, "wait for me, I'll call him now..."

At this time, Mr. Wang should be sleeping, right? It's not good for Shu Xinshuang to call him now, is it?

Thinking about this, Li luoran quickly replied in the chat window, "don't disturb others. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

But there was no reply there for a long time.

After at least ten minutes, Shu Xinshuang sent back a message again, "special, Wang Zimo is a dead pig. I called him three times before I woke him up."

Li luoran, "..."

Shu Xinshuang, "Er ~ he said, now call on the original team of" matchless queen of demons "and try to turn it on within a week."

Li luoran is looking at Shu Xinshuang's words. Li luoran's mobile phone rings. It's Qin Weijie.

Li luoran picked it up.

Qin Weijie's drowsy voice came from the receiver immediately, "Ranran, let me tell you, just received the notice from Mr. Wang," the sequel of the queen of demons "will be on in a week. You have a psychological preparation."

Oh, my God!

Is the news going so fast?

Don't these people sleep?

After talking with Qin Weijie and Shu Xinshuang, Li luoran puts down the filming, but family affairs once again cover her heart. She can't help thinking of her father and Anne.

Li luoran knows how powerful the medicine is.

She clearly remembers that after she was drugged, she fell into a deep sleep as soon as the effect was over, and didn't wake up until more than ten hours later.

So, after "sweet", dad and Anne will both go to sleep, and then wake up, I don't know when.

Li luoran was so heavy that he tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep.

The next morning, when Lu Shaochen woke up, she was still looking at the ceiling with her eyes open.

Seeing her like this, Lu Shaochen was slightly stunned at first, and then said with a playful smile,

"did you just open your eyes all night?"

Li luoran said helplessly, "well."

“……” Lu Shaochen looked at her for a moment, then turned over and pressed her under his body, trying to get her.

Li luoran has a lot on his mind. He doesn't have the heart to do this kind of thing. He pushes him away and refuses firmly.

Lu Shaochen can only get up bitterly.

Li luoran knew that he couldn't sleep any more and got up with Lu Shaochen.

Recalling that she and Lu Shaochen have been sleeping in the same bed for nearly 400 days, and Lu Shaochen, who is used to getting up early, always gets up before she wakes up, no matter how late she goes to bed. There are few days for Li luoran to get up with Lu Shaochen like today.

After washing, Li luoran and Lu Shaochen come to the living room on the first floor along the revolving stairs.

Zhao Haixin, the servant, has prepared breakfast.

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Li luoran didn't have any appetite, so she didn't go to the restaurant. Instead, she sat on the sofa in a trance, and Lu Shaochen sat with her.

Two figures, one big and one small, one male and one female, are like two sculptures, motionless and silent.

About half an hour later, Lu Wanyue came out of a bedroom on the first floor.

Instead of going to dinner, she sat beside Lu Shaochen and joined the ranks of silence.

Zhao Haixin came out of the kitchen. When she saw this scene, her eyes were almost straight. However, as a servant, it was inconvenient for her to break the peace of the owners. She shook her head silently and walked out of the living room.

"When will they wake up?" Li luoran was the first to break the silence.

Lu Shaochen shook his head.

Lu Wanyue looked straight at the door of the bedroom where Li Qingtian and an Jiaren lived,

"I slept in the bedroom next to them last night, and there was a sound of crashing against the wall all the time. Although there was no sound there, I couldn't hear it, sometimes my mother's voice was very high, and I could hear it clearly. This kind of noise kept on until about 11:30 in the evening 。”


Li luoran looks frightened.

She remembers that her father and Mrs. Ann went into the bedroom around 9 p.m., and they lasted until 11:30

How much medicine did Lu Shaochen give them?

Lu Shaochen, whose eyebrows are slightly locked, can't help regretting.Chu Xingchen helped him get this kind of medicine. Chu Xingchen told him that according to his experience, as long as an adult is given one pill, he will lose his sense. But Lu Shaochen thought that Li Qingtian and an Jiaren had strong self-control. Therefore, in order to ensure that there was no mistake, he gave them double doses of medicine.

"They must be very tired, they must sleep very late to wake up, right?" Lu Wanyue said in a trance.

Lu Shaochen nodded in agreement.

Like Lu Wanyue, Li luoran stares at the closed door.

"Ah -"

a cry of panic suddenly came from behind the door, followed by a cry of panic,

"what's the matter? Optimus, you You God, what did we do? "

Of course, this voice belongs to Anjia!

The high-grade fireproof door has excellent sound insulation effect. Because the sound is the scream of an Jia's panic, it can be heard faintly in the living room.

It was also the first time that the sound sounded, Li luoran ran out of the bedroom with a speed of almost 100 meters, and put his ear on the door.

Li luoran was surprised to find that Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue ran to the door with her and put their ears on the door like her.

Li luoran looks at Lu Shaochen in surprise.

Lu Shaochen looks at Lu Wanyue in surprise.

Lu Wanyue looks at Li luoran in surprise.

Everyone's expression is wonderful.

At this moment, Li Qingtian sighed in the room,

"Alas! Lady, what's going on? Yesterday we didn't really Alas! I thought it was my dream. What can I do? What should we do? "



Li Qingtian's voice is not big, but because Li luoran's ear is close to the door, he can still vaguely hear it.

She could imagine how embarrassed dad's face was at the moment.

"No! I didn't expect that Li Qingtian had been innocent for lianyue for more than 20 years. In the end, he did such dirty things. I didn't expect that, lianyue. I'm sorry for lianyue. What face do I have to face her in the future! " Li Qingtian's voice is very painful.

"Pitiful month, you know your pitiful month, now things are like this, you still only think about that fox spirit!"

since Gu Qingyue is not responsible for you, I don't know whether it's you who make me tremble or not

"Responsible? How to be responsible? " Li Qingtian was surprised.

"Ha ha, you are not a little boy who has never experienced this kind of thing. How can you not know how to be responsible for a woman? If you sleep with me, of course you want to marry me." Angie was so excited.

"This This Alas Li Qingtian sighs more heavily,

"lady, you don't know my heart for lianyue. In my life, except for her, I will never marry another woman. How can I marry you as my wife?"


An Jiaren's painful words,

"Qingtian, since that thin lover Lu Wangyuan left me and Shaochen cruelly, I've been alone until now. In the face of so many temptations, I've never been in a mess. The circle knows who doesn't admire and respect me. But this time, my innocence is completely destroyed by you. If you don't marry me, everyone will make fun of me How do you want me to raise my head in front of my relatives and friends in the future? "

"Beauty..." Li Qingtian reluctantly reads the name of an Jiaren,

"in those years, you helped me and lianyue. You were kind to me, and I've always been ashamed of you. Now we, we make Alas

"I'm very sorry for this kind of thing, and I owe you more. But I'm not just talking about lianyue's sincerity. I can't betray her to marry another woman just because I owe you. Beauty, I can only say sorry to you."

Angie was too miserable to speak.

Footstep sound, already dressed Li Qingtian resolutely walked to the door.

It was only at this time that an Jiaren, who was in a sad mood, regained her strength to speak,

"Qingtian, Gu lianyue is going to marry Lu Wangyuan. What can you wait for her so foolishly?"

Li Qingtian keeps walking forward, "no matter whether she is married or not, I will always wait for her. If I can't wait for her in my life, I will wait for her in my next life."

"Optimus!" Anjian almost broke down,

"don't forget, that Fox doesn't love you at all. She's just a cheap woman. What's better than me?"

Li Qingtian stopped, "in other people's eyes, she may be such a bad woman as you said, but in my eyes, she is the most beautiful and best woman in the world."

Anne trembled all over her body and shed tears."I'm sorry, lady. You are a good woman worthy of happiness. God is very unfair to you. Even I can only hurt you cruelly, but this is our life. We can't change it." Li Qingtian looked back at an Jiaren and said, "take care. If you have anything to ask me to do, just open your mouth. You can ask me to do anything for you except marry you."

Drop these words, continue to walk toward the door.

The footsteps are getting closer.

Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue have dodged ahead of time.

Li luoran still kept his right ear on the door, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead.

Dad said, "this is our life, we can't change it." it's like a sharp knife, accurately stabbing liluoran's pain point, making her petrified in the same place.

She thought of her father's twenty years of being tortured by love in the past. She also thought that Angie was tortured by hatred and love in the past.

Is this really a life that no one can change?

Should they be tortured and spend their lives in pain?

"Ranran, what are you doing?" Lu Shaochen was surprised to see that Li luoran still didn't get out of the way.

Li luoran still did not move, as if he could not hear his reminder.

Lu Shaochen had long legs and big steps. He stepped behind her and wanted to pull her away from the door.

However, it was too late. Just as Lu Shaochen grasped Li luoran's arm, the door was opened by Li Qingtian.


Lu Li and Lu WanChen are standing outside the door.

Li luoran looked at him with tears in his eyes, "Dad."

Lu Shaochen also politely said hello, "Dad, we see you and mom are still awake, specially want to come to wake you up."

Lu Wanyue looks at Li Qingtian with timid eyes.

Li Qingtian sighed heavily, "Alas! You have killed me

After that, he didn't say anything and walked in front of Li luoran with a lost step.

"Dad..." Li luoran wants to go after him.

Lu Shaochen gently holds her and gives her a look that makes Li Qingtian alone.

Li luoran understood that what her father needed most at this time was a quiet life, so she didn't chase him any more.

Lu Shaochen walks out of the door with tears in her eyes, and her face is full of wrinkles.

Lu Shaochen, who was already guilty, was flustered when she looked at him like this. On the surface, she said with a smile, "Mom, none of us expected that you and dad would be like this. Last night you helped him into the bedroom. I saw that you hadn't been back for a long time. When you came back to find you, you were already there..."

"Do you think I'm a fool?" An Jiaren interrupts Lu Shaochen's words, her voice trembles because of loss,

"in the last glass of wine you offered to me and Qingtian, you drugged it!"

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