You,Under My Name

Chapter 260: 260

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"If Xiao Qianhua is strangled by you like this, he will die unjustly."

At this moment, a familiar female voice sounded.

Remembering the name of the owner of the voice, Li luoran's eyes couldn't help chasing the source of the voice.

With this look, Li luoran saw not only Bai Qingwan, the owner of the voice, but also su Yixuan -

and the living Su Yixuan!

At the moment, Su Yixuan is firmly tied to a chair. Just like Su Yan and Li luoran were tied, her hands are tied to the back of the chair, her feet are tied to the legs of the chair, and her mouth is firmly stuck by the tape. Speechless, she is staring at Li luoran, who is holding Xiao Qianhua's neck.

It's also the moment when she sees Su Yixuan. Li luoran's hands quickly loosen on Xiao Qianhua's neck.



Finally able to breathe, Xiao Qianhua squats on the ground and greedily absorbs oxygen. His breathing sound is painful and deep.

"Ha ha, that's interesting." The smile on Bai Qingwan's face was very proud.

The title of Xiao Qian's painting "the black king of hell" is not without name. In ordinary times, Xiao Qian's painting always has a cold face. When he is not angry, it also gives people a cold and terrible feeling. If he is angry, the cold air like Satan is even more creepy.

According to Bai Qingwan's knowledge, the artists of Xiao Qianhua were afraid of him. Everyone talked to him like an ancient courtier facing a tyrant. He was as careful as a tiger. Who dares to move his finger?

Li luoran pinches the "black hell" so wantonly, he is looking for his own death!


Li luoran, who found that she had wrongly pinched a good man, was also extremely scared. She stood opposite Xiao Qianhua in a daze, her eyes were at a loss, because she had just exhausted her strength, and her hands were shaking.

After a while, Xiao Qian's breath returned to normal.

He stood up straight and his face was still red.

"I've heard many people say that Miss Li is an emotional woman. Once someone hurts the person she cares about, she will go all out with others regardless of the consequences. Sure enough, I really can't make fun of the life and death of the person you care about."

All right!

Li luoran realized that Xiao Qianhua was joking with her when he said to her at the beginning, "he gave her the chance to save Su Yixuan, because she didn't grasp the chance and came late.".

Is there a joke about this?

Li luoran is also drunk.

Xiao Qian's eyebrows were slightly locked, and his eyes were cold and charming. "Suddenly he thought, if you have a gun on your body, have you already shot before you know the truth? Did Xiao Qian become the first person in history to die of his own jokes when he painted

“……” Although Li luoran regretted his impulse, he was tough.

"you call me first and threaten me. When I come, your first sentence is like that. No one can think that it's a joke. Even if I strangle you by mistake, you will die by yourself."

"Oh?" Xiao Qianhua's eyes are as deep as the sea. He seems very angry. The next second, he has nothing to do with his lips.

"well, it's my own death. I don't blame you."

Li luoran looked up haughtily and said, "Mr. Xiao, just know!"

After that, he turned and walked to Su Yixuan.

Xiao Qian's painting didn't say anything more. He just stood in the same place and looked at Li luoran's figure without any trace.

At this moment, not far away from Bai Qingwan's face, the smug moment disappeared, turned into a strong surprise and disbelief.

Is that the end of the topic?

Just now, the little bitch Li luoran tried her best to strangle Xiao Qianhua. I'm afraid that as long as she stops ten seconds later, Xiao Qianhua will become a cold corpse

And Xiao Qianhua not only doesn't retaliate against Li luoran, but also admits that he was the one who killed himself?

When did the frightening "black hell" become so talkative?

Looking back at himself, although Xiao Qian's painting is used to accompany his clients like a tool, no matter his body or dignity is trampled to death, Xiao Qian's painting is still as cold as water to her, and Bai Qingwan is suspicious of life.

In the twinkling of an eye, Li luoran comes to Su Yixuan.

Li luoran was afraid to hurt Su Yixuan, so he didn't dare to pull it down. It took him a long time to slowly pull it off Su Yixuan's mouth.

Su Yixuan, whose mouth was liberated, immediately said, "sister Ranran, I thought it would be successful, but I didn't expect..."

"It doesn't matter anymore. Let's wait until we get out of here." Li luoran calmly interrupts Su Yixuan.

Thinking that although Li luoran had come to save her, she and Li luoran were still in Xiao Qianhua's house, and they were still in danger. The most urgent thing was to leave here first, so they shut up.Li luoran unties Su Yixuan as quickly as possible, and then pulls her away.

"You just left?"

Li luoran, who had been watching Xiaoqian's painting untied by Su Yixuan, said, "why did I tie her here? Why did I call you here? "

Xiao Qian's painting is talking and walking leisurely in front of Li luoran.

Li luoran looked up at him calmly with her delicate little face,

"if Mr. Xiao brought me here for the purpose of killing me and Yixuan, then neither I nor Yixuan will leave alive. Since I am dying, it doesn't matter what I know more or what I know less. If Mr. Xiao wants to let us go, then Yixuan will leave later He will tell me everything. I don't have to ask Mr. Xiao, do I? "

Xiao Qian painted a deep color in his eyes, and some emotion was hidden in his eyes, "yes."

Li luoran said with a smile, "so now Yixuan and I are all fish on the table, and all the decisions are in Mr. Xiao's hands. If you want to harm us, you will never let us leave this villa alive. If you don't want to harm us, we'll leave now. There's nothing to say. It's up to Mr. Xiao to do it or not It's the intention

As the voice falls, she pulls Su Yixuan to walk in front of Xiao Qian's picture.

Xiao Qianhua squints at her dangerous cold eyes and stares at her figure for a moment. From beginning to end, he doesn't say a word more.

Li luoran tried to walk forward calmly.

She was so scared that her eyes were always fixed on the floor mirror in front of the living room.

The mirror clearly reflects the figure of Xiao Qian's painting.

When Li luoran was about to walk to the door, she saw Xiao Qianhua put his hand into his pocket and grasped something in his pocket.

Li luoran's heart suddenly stopped beating several beats, and his steps also disordered the rhythm.

It was not until he found in the mirror that Xiao Qianhua took out a lighter in his pocket that liluoran's heart stopped beating again.

Just now, she really thought Xiao Qianhua would take out a pistol in his pocket and then shoot behind her and Su Yixuan.

Li luoran kept calm all the time.

It was not until she went out that she took Su Yixuan and quickened her pace.

The motorcycle she was riding was crossing the lawn. She picked it up as fast as she could and drove Su Yixuan forward.

The two doors of the villa are still open, and only one person is allowed to pass through. Li luoran rides Su Yixuan through the gap.

"My God! Really? Just blind me

"It's really special. What the hell is that? Ouch, the cyclist is still the girl just now. I'll go, and this time she'll take this person with her

From the guard room came the constant exclamations of the guard.

After the motorcycle left the yard, Li luoran drove several hundred meters in one breath, and then couldn't drive any more.

Xiao Qianhua is a terrible man.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Otherwise, others would not call him "black hell".

When she was in the villa, she expected that Xiao Qianhua would attack her and Su Yixuan. She kept calm all the time. After escaping from the villa, the fear and hysteria that she had been deeply repressed in her heart rushed to her. She parked her car on the side of the road, squatted on the ground with her hands on her head, breathed quickly and trembled all over

"Sister Ranran, are you ok?" Su Yixuan's voice came to my ear.

Meanwhile, Su Yixuan, squatting on the ground side by side with her, patted her trembling back with her small hand.

Li luoran tried to take a deep breath, and it took a long time for him to gradually recover his calm.

She slowly raised her head. "Come on, what happened?"

Su Yixuan shrugged. "I found out that Bai Qingwan was living in that villa. When no one noticed her at 3 a.m., she went over the wall to kill her. Unexpectedly, she didn't succeed. Instead, she was caught by the man who was very similar to Lu Shaochen."

Li luoran's mind was buzzing, and his hands were sweating again. "Yixuan, what's the matter with you? Don't we say that we should stop using violence to solve problems? "

"I promised you because you told me that Bai Qingwan would be punished by law. After you recorded the conversation with her as evidence, I thought Bai Qingwan was dying, but what happened?" Su Yixuan spread out her hands,

"sister Ranran, you are a member of the star circle. Don't you pay any attention to the affairs in this circle? After su Yan's death, Bai Qingwan didn't get what she deserved. Instead, she used this hot topic to hype herself. Instead, she became more and more popular. Moreover, she also showed that she had decided to take on the sequel of the imperial concubine of the golden age. How could su Yan die in peace? "

Li luoran is also helpless and fierce, "if you kill Bai Qingwan by yourself, and you also pay for her life, Su Yancai will die.""I'll go to hell and apologize to him!" Su Yixuan stood up angrily, her small hands clenched tightly at the waist level to form a fist,

"in a word, I must let Bai Qingwan die. If I can't kill her this time, I will kill her again, again, again As long as I don't succeed in killing her, I won't give up! "

Oh, my God!

Li luoran immediately understood that Su Yixuan was determined to die with Bai Qingwan. No matter how she tried to persuade her, it would not help.

"OK ^"

Li luoran had an idea, slowly stood up and walked to Su Yixuan,

"Yixuan, actually I agree with you to kill Bai Qingwan."

"Ah?" Su Yixuan's eyes brightened,

"sister Ranran, don't you always object to my doing this? Have you changed your mind? "

In order to play very lifelike, Li luoran tried to look serious, "I didn't change my mind, do you forget? I also hope Bai Qingwan will die, but I don't want you to pay for her life. In fact, there are many ways to kill a person, right?"

Su Yixuan's beautiful face was puzzled, "sister Ranran, what do you mean? Why can't I understand what you're saying? "

"I mean, you don't have to kill Bai Qingwan with a knife." Li luoran patted Su Yixuan's thin shoulder solemnly,

"you think that no matter you kill Bai Qingwan in public like that day in the cemetery or sneak into her residence to kill her like today, you will be caught by the police for leaving a lot of killing evidence, and your result is only one Click

Li luoran's little hand was across Su Yixuan's neck, making a "beheading" gesture.

Su Yixuan was scared to death.

Li luoran looked into Su Yixuan's eyes seriously, "so I said that there are many ways to kill people, such as poisoning."

Su Yixuan's eyes were confused, "but the poisoning can still be found by the autopsy."

"No! no Some poisons can't be found, such as ricin... "

"it's not that she would die of a cold if she didn't have a few milligrams of poison in her eyes, but that she would die of a cold if she didn't have a few milligrams of poison in her eyes Until she was poisoned. "

After these words, Li luoran found that Su Yixuan's eyes were shining, which was obviously led by her.

Li luoran continues to add fuel to the fire,

"Yixuan, Bai Qingwan not only killed Su Yan, but also su Jinnian, who was killed by her at that time. What she did was not leaking. Afterwards, she can be brilliant. If you kill her in a rude way and pay for her life, it's not revenge at all. You can let her get retribution, and you can be like her She is the same to save herself. This is the real revenge. Even if Su Yan knows something underground, he will praise you, won't he? "

With these words, he thumbed up and made a gesture of praising Su Yixuan.

Su Yixuan suddenly realized, "yes! Sister Ranran, I won't do stupid things any more. I want to kill Bai Qingwan and save myself as you said. I want to cast a castor on her... "


Li luoran, who finally let go, interrupted her,

"do you want the whole world to know that you are going to poison people? So we've decided. I promise you, we're grasshoppers on the same line. Let's find a way to poison Bai Qingwan, OK

Su Yixuan's head was like a rattle! Sister Ranran, when shall we poison Bai Qingwan? "

“……” Lilo's hands were stained with cold sweat again, but she was still serious on the surface.

"this toxin can't be bought. We need some other means to get it. We will work together and we will succeed."

Su Yixuan gently pursed her lips

Li luoran was finally relieved. "Yixuan, remember, this is something we both have in common. From now on, we must plan and work together. You can't go to find Bai Qingwan alone. Remember?"

Su Yixuan nodded, "don't worry, sister Ranran, let's take revenge for brother Suyan together!"

"Well!" Li luoran smiles happily.

Of course, she didn't really want to poison Bai Qingwan!

She said this only to stabilize Su Yixuan for the time being, so as not to let her do stupid things impulsively.

But that doesn't mean Li luoran didn't want to poison Bai Qingwan.

In the early days after su Yan's death, Li luoran, who was dazzled by hatred, had thought of some strange ideas, and poisoning Bai Qingwan was one of them -

it was because she had studied and planned that she could speak so clearly and methodically to Su Yixuan.

But that day, after Li luoran nearly stabbed Bai Qingwan's heart, she also calmed down.

As Lu Shaochen said, no matter what way she killed Bai Qingwan, even after she killed Bai Qingwan, she could get away with it, but she would be covered with the shadow of killing others for the rest of her life——For a murderer, even if he successfully escapes punishment, his soul will always feel remorse and uneasy.

She won't be stupid again.

She will tear off Bai Qingwan's mask of hypocrisy by fair and aboveboard means, so that the whole world can see the essence of her "whore" and "snake heart".

The more famous Bai Qingwan is now, the more people will scold her and make her infamous when she is ruined.

That's the real revenge!

When Li luoran and Su Yixuan were engaged in the conversation, no one found a black Rolls Royce parked not far away.

The door opened, and a man in a spotless white suit with the same face as Lu Shaochen came to them in silence,

"are you calculating how to murder Bai Qingwan?"

Li luoran's heart "clattered" and looked at Xiao Qian's face in panic.

At this time, Xiao Qian's painting was still a few meters away. Just now, Li luoran and Su Yixuan spoke very quietly. Li luoran was sure that Xiao Qian's painting could never hear what they were saying, but Xiao Qian's painting was right

"Sure enough! Oh, interesting... "

Xiao Qianhua smiles with interest. He guesses that Li luoran is "fooling" Su Yixuan, but he doesn't tear it down.

Both Li luoran and Su Yixuan looked at him like demons.

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything to you in the villa, and I didn't do anything to you in the public, did I?" Xiao Qianhua stopped two steps away from Li luoran,

"originally, he wanted to warn you that next time I catch this little girl with a knife to kill Bai Qingwan, I will never forgive her as lightly as this time. Now it seems unnecessary."

Li luoran looked up at him indifferently and said, "she won't do that again. You can let Bai Qingwan rest assured."

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