You,Under My Name

Chapter 286: 286

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"I hold the time, but it doesn't care. Is there anyone else who wants to be comforted like me..."

Li luoran's mobile phone rings at this time.

Li luoran answers the call from the guard.

The voice of the security guard immediately came to my ear, "madam, it's the girl who came to the land house to find you last time. She's at the door now. Do you want to let her in?"

Li luoran said, "well, let her in."

She didn't know whether the security guard said that "the girl who came last time" was Jiang Xiaojing or Su Yixuan, but no matter which one of them, Li luoran would not refuse.

Within a minute, a red car flew into the yard. Su Yixuan ran into the living room and looked at Li luoran breathlessly,

"how cheap! I'm also convinced. Bai Qingwan can't wait so much to tell the world about her marriage to brother Qian. How can she be so cheeky? How could it be said that brother Qian was already in love with her a year ago? Who does she think she is? Even if brother Qian is blind, he won't fall in love with her

Shu Xinshuang's beautiful face is full of surprise. Is this little girl so irritable?

Li luoran had no choice but to smile and say, "let's calm down first and speak slowly!"


Because Su Yixuan, who was worried and driving all the way, seemed to smoke in her throat. She took Li luoran's water cup and drank it all at once. Then she said,

"I've thought about it all night. Now the only way is to kill Bai Qingwan. She eats every day and lives in the hospital. It's easy to poison her food. Let's take advantage of her brother and marry her As soon as possible. "


Shu Xinshuang was shocked.

What did she hear?

Is this girl planning to kill with Li luoran?

Li luoran is also extremely helpless,

"Yixuan, at this moment, if Bai Qingwan is poisoned to death, people in the know will first suspect that we did it. Aren't we looking for our own way to die?"

Su Yixuan looked up and said, "so what? Brother Qian is about to be defiled by that cheap woman. Who can control so much? Sister Ranran, I'm not here to discuss with you this time, but to solemnly inform you that I'm going to poison Bai Qingwan. If you don't participate, I'll go myself. "

Drop this, turn around and go.

Li luoran grabbed her in a hurry. "Yixuan, it's just because the mirror is impulsive that the result is like this. If you act impulsively again, it will only make the situation worse and worse. Calm down."

"Calm down? You will know to calm down! "

The fact that Feng qianshe and Bai Qingwan are about to enter the marriage palace and the rumors on the Internet like "Feng qianshe and Bai Qingwan have a lover and eventually get married" stab Su Yixuan's heart like the tip of a needle. She looks at Li luoran sadly,

"sister Ranran, I finally want to understand that brother qianshe took this step for Jiang Xiaojing. In your heart, Jiang Xiaojing is far better than brother qianshe It's important. As long as Jiang Xiaojing is safe and sound, what's the point of sacrificing his brother? All you care about is Jiang Xiaojing. What's the point for you if brother Qian is wronged again? "

Li luoran held Su Yixuan's wrist and his right hand trembled. "I don't want to see such a situation."

"Is it?"

Su Yixuan sneered,

"why don't you want to see such a situation? This is clearly what you want to see. If you really care about brother Qian, you should try your best to stop him when he agrees to Bai Qingwan's request in the hospital. But you didn't do anything. You just stand beside him and shed a few tears. Ha ha, don't deceive yourself, sister Ranran. This is what you want. Who is Jiang Xiaojing? You are willing to spend more than 100 million to buy a car for her. She is more intimate than your sister in your mind. How can you afford to send her to prison? Compared with your Jiang Xiaojing, what is brother Qian? As long as you can save her, what's the sacrifice of brother Qian

Li luoran's eyes were desolate.

Although Su Yixuan has gone a little too far, Li luoran thinks that sacrificing Feng qianzhen's innocence is better than sacrificing Jiang Xiaojing's freedom, which is a fact she has to admit.

"Brother Qian is innocent. Even if he says ten thousand steps back, he should never marry a woman like Bai Qingwan. It's Jiang Xiaojing who makes trouble. Why should he bear the consequences?"

Su Yixuan pushed Li luoran away with more and more thought and anger,

"sister Ranran, I'm not as calm as you. This time, I'll work out with Bai Qingwan's old grudge and new grudge!"

Step back and stride out the door.

"Yixuan!" Li luoran chases forward in a panic.

But Su Yixuan, who was so excited, pushed her to the ground and said, "leave me alone, sister Ranran. From now on, you are no longer my partner. I will go our separate ways with you!"

Long gone without looking back.


The car door was opened by Su Yixuan and slammed down again. The car sped away in the roar of the engine.

Li luoran was sitting in front of the sofa. When he just fell down, he hit his head on the cherry armrest of the sofa, and his forehead was red. He felt painful.A small snow-white hand reached in front of her,

"need help?"

Li luoran grabs this hand and is pulled up by Shu Xinshuang.

After helping Li luoran sit on the sofa, Shu Xinshuang takes ice and a towel and says, "do you blame Su Yixuan?"

Li luoran said with a bitter smile, "she is a good girl with a clear sense of love and hate. Feng qianshe paid such a heavy price for me. I was very sorry. Yixuan told me so, but I felt better."

“……” Shu Xinshuang sighed in silence,

"I also think Yixuan has a personality. She's so excited that I'm afraid she'll do something stupid."

Li luoran, whose eyebrows were locked, shook his head.

She tried her best to bring Su Yixuan to the production team to shoot with her. The most important purpose is to watch Su Yixuan all the time, so as to prevent the girl from acting impulsively. When Jiang Xiaojing falls Bai Qingwan, everything is out of control

Li luoran has been thinking about countermeasures with Shu Xinshuang.

At the same time, I make a phone call every once in a while.

Feng Qianji's mobile phone has been turned off, which makes Li luoran more worried.

Around 11 o'clock in the morning, the windy mobile phone finally got through.

"Hello, are you ok? Is it because I'm upset and don't want to be disturbed that I don't turn it on all the time? " Because of guilt, this time, the tone of Li luoran's voice to Feng qianshe was not as indistinct as before, but never as gentle as before.

"No ~" Feng Qianji's voice was lazy and out of tune as usual,

"because I knew you would call, I turned it off."

In the past, Li luoran must have been rude, but in this scene, she can't be fierce to the wind. On the contrary, she has an indescribable melancholy in her heart,

"where are you? Xinshuang is with me. Come here and let's talk. "

The wind is shallow, "no time, I'm with Bai Qingwan."

Li luoran was surprised, "are you in the hospital?"

"Civil Affairs Bureau."


Liluoran's cell phone almost fell to the ground.

And Li luoran sat very close, vaguely heard the wind shallow, this words of Shu Xinshuang is also full of eyes panic.

"To be exact, Bai Qingwan and I have just stepped out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and we have already obtained the marriage certificate."

The sound of the wind is calm, as if to state something unimportant.

Li luoran seems to hear a bolt from the blue, shaking right hand can no longer hold her mobile phone, "Dong" fell to the ground.

Li luoran thought there was still time to think about countermeasures. However, everything came so suddenly and so fast that she didn't have time to breathe

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Why did everything come so fast?!


outside the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Parking lot.

Feng Qianji is standing in front of his sky blue International Limited Edition Weihang. Bai Qingwan, wearing a white pearl skirt, is sitting in a wheelchair, with his bodyguard Alan's hands on the back of the wheelchair.

Bai Qingwan looked up at the beautiful man with a beautiful apple face and a smile,

"I know that you don't like me, or even dislike me. Forcing you to marry me will only make you hate me more, but I don't regret it at all. I'm glad I did it. Do you know, I was deeply moved when I first saw you in the program group of" song, dance and peace " I fell in love with you. At the moment when you got the marriage certificate in the Civil Affairs Bureau, I felt that I was the happiest girl in the world. I felt that I didn't live in vain in my life. Even if I died now, it was worth it. "

The wind is shallow and the eyebrows are picked, and there is obvious irony in the charming blue eyes,

"girl? Do you have any misunderstanding about the meaning of this word? "

"I understand. You want to say that I'm an individual, I don't deserve to use the word girl..." Bai Qingwan doesn't mind. She still has a bright smile. She shows off her two big red marriage certificates.

"I'm not a decent woman. You can be forgiven for looking down on me. Anyway, I'm your wife and you've become my husband. This is what I've been dreaming of since I knew you. I'll cherish this marriage. I swear to you, From now on, I am only loyal to you. For you, I want to be a real goddess. I will let you fall in love with me from the bottom of your heart. "


Feng Qianji couldn't help laughing,

"so, the ancient saying that" it's easy to change the country, but it's hard to change the nature "turned out to be a fallacy?"

Bai Qingwan vowed to raise his right hand, "shallow, I swear to God, every word I say is true, I..."

"Needless to say." "To tell you the truth, Bai Qingwan, no matter what you say or do, I don't care at all. I don't care at all, even if you used to be as good as a Kopf or as poisonous as a snake. I really don't care."

Bai Qingwan's body trembled slightly, and his watery eyes clearly showed hurt.Feng Qianji didn't look at her at all. He opened the door and was about to get on the bus.

"Wait!" Bai Qingwan quickly stopped him,

"I want you to marry me, not just get a marriage certificate, I want a grand wedding, I want to let the world know that we have entered the palace of marriage."

Feng Qianji's right hand holding the handle of the car was obviously tightened, but there was no trace on the surface. "Don't worry, I will do what you want."

Bai Qingwan's joyful breathing was heavy, "and! We are legal couple now. Can you kiss me? "

"Oh?" There was no longer any way to hide the obvious disgust in Feng's icy blue eyes,

"do you want to be widowed on the first day of marriage?"

Bai Qingwan's face was muddled, "shallow, how can you say such dejected words? You live well, why should I be widowed? Can't you kiss me and die? "

Feng Qianji looks back at Bai Qingwan, his eyes are so evil and sarcastic,

"I have a habit of cleanliness all over my body, especially my lips. If I kiss you, I will vomit and die, so please spare my life, OK?"

“……” As if she had been slapped severely, Bai Qingwan's face was embarrassed and painful.

"Cough! Cough

Even Alan, who has always been very serious, almost couldn't help laughing.

"Should I wish you a happy wedding?" A very penetrating magnetic sound came not far away.

With this voice, a black Rolls Royce super run stopped in the parking space adjacent to the windy car, the door opened, and a tall white shadow came down from the car.

saw Zhang Yingjun's as like as two peas, and Lu Shaochen's first reaction was that, but Lu thought that he had never worn a white suit. And he heard Lu Shaochen tell him that there was a man who was almost identical with him in the world, and he knew who he was.

It was also the moment when this man appeared. Bai Qingwan's good mood vanished in an instant, and his originally happy face became gloomy.

Like Lu Shaochen, the man has long legs and big steps. He comes to the front in two steps. He looks at the wind shallowly,

"no wonder you can make Miss Bai so haunted. In reality, you are more beautiful than on the screen. If you are a woman, I will sleep you at all costs."

Feng Qian, who was originally black, locked her eyebrows deeper. "Unfortunately, I'm not interested in slag man. It's said that" black hell "is really the king of big stomach. Every female star he can see will be put to sleep by him once, sometimes two, three or four at a time If you are not so casual, with your face, I might let you sleep


Xiao Qianhua pretended to be surprised,

"so you are infatuated with my face? Have you ever been slept by Lu Shaochen? "


Originally in a bad mood, the wind was almost hairy, and the cold hostility was released from the enchanting blue eyes.

Xiao Qianhua just enough to change the topic, "I'm here to find your wife, not to make enemies with you. Do you mind if I talk to her?"

"The cold voice of his wife," he said casually

Xiao Qianhua looked at Bai Qingwan's face and said, "the customer you accompanied last week was very satisfied with your service. He asked you to accompany him for another night. You are ready."

The wind that had already got on the car was shallow. After hearing this, he immediately stopped starting the car.

As if hearing a bolt from the blue, Bai Qingwan's originally bloodless face became paler,

"I have married Qian He. From now on, I will be loyal to my marriage and him, and I won't go to help you accompany customers any more."

"Oh?" "In this case, it means that you don't have any use value for me, and it also means that it's time for me to send the videos you used to accompany customers to the Internet."

“……” The white pure Wan frightens a burst of violent tremble, the wound of the chest is affected, painful of her facial expression distortion.

She made a difficult voice,

"Mr. Xiao, how can you be so cruel? My happiness today is not easy. I wholeheartedly want to grow old together with Qianhe. You've got enough oil and water on me. I beg you, will you help me and Qianhe? Mr. Xiao, please

There is no sympathy in Xiao Qian's cold eyes. "There has never been any pity in my life dictionary. Besides, Feng Qian doesn't care about you at all. Whether you are loyal or unfaithful to him is no different to him."

"No! It's not like that. No man would mind if his wife had a relationship with other men, and Asahi is no exception. I'm his wife now, and he would never want me to accompany clients for you. Asahi would hate me more. I don't want to go, I don't want to, I don't want to... " Bai Qingwan was in a panic.

Xiao Qian painted the crooked lips of evil four, "since this is the case, let the wind shallow to make a decision."As he spoke, his eyes turned to the wind in the car,

"what did you hear us talking about, your opinion?"

The wind shallow chuckles, "I don't care."

As if to be poured a basin of ice water mixture, Bai Qingwan felt cool all over.

She seems to turn into a sculpture, staring at the frightened eyes, staring at the wind in the car, but the wind is decisive to slip down the window, start the car, and drive away from her.

"This customer is very important. Take good care of your injury and give you seven days. At this time next week, no matter how much your injury recovers, you will accompany him."

With these words, Xiao Qianhua turned around and wanted to go.

"Mr. Xiao!" Bai Qingwan suddenly stood up in the wheelchair and grasped Xiao Qianhua's right arm tightly with both hands. The wound on her body was torn, the enchanting blood soaked the bandage, and dyed her pearl white skirt red. She didn't seem to feel any pain, but just clung to Xiao Qianhua,

"I swore to Qian Hua that I would never be unfaithful to him. Don't you want to get the maximum benefit from me? As long as you no longer want me to accompany customers for you, I will pay 98% of my future income, no, 99, no! Shall I give you all my income in the future? "

Xiao Qianhua was shocked by such a second of silence.

At the end of the day, he said coldly, "compared with the benefits of helping me accompany my clients, your income is negligible."

The voice falls, he feels the white pure Wan's hands obviously tremble of fierce.

At this moment, the whole body's strength seemed to be emptied. Bai Qingwan sobbed painfully and sat on the cold ground powerlessly.

"But I can give you a chance." Back to her Xiaoqian painting, there is a kind of emotion in the deep ink eyes.

Maybe it's because of the same illness? Every time I see someone who loves someone like myself, but can't get a response, Xiao Qian's heart always unconsciously breeds a trace of sympathy.

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