You,Under My Name

Chapter 315: 315

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After the truth was leaked, Li luoran's fans sympathized with Li luoran and launched a human flesh search on Gu lianyue. Countless people said they wanted to send a blade to Gu lianyue.

No one doubts Li luoran because of her blood. Everyone thinks that Gu lianyue hates Li luoran so much, which shows that Li luoran is different from her.

For the sake of Heili luoran, Gu lianyue shames herself in public. In the end, instead of succeeding, she slaps herself in the face.

In the past, Gu lianyue was also notorious in Jiangcheng, which made her known all over the world and made almost everyone sneer at her.

Li luoran thought, maybe God is just.

In the end, good will be rewarded and evil will be rewarded.

Will God arrange a happy ending for her and Lu Shaochen?


the destination is the shooting base of the sequel of the queen of demons.

Song Yi, who met Li luoran at the gate of the base, was full of surprise. "Ranran, I wish you a happy wedding first, but don't you and Mr. Xiao go on their honeymoon? How can you come to the troupe on the second day of marriage? "

Li luoran smiles, "there is no honeymoon."

Besides, I don't want to say anything more.

In the past, in order to avoid the gossip that she was holding Lu Shaochen's thigh and her backstage was Lu Shaochen, Li luoran kept a secret about her marriage with Lu Shaochen. Only a few people who had a good relationship with her knew about her marriage with Lu Shaochen. Most people thought her marriage with Xiao Qianhua was very happy.

"You stars always keep your love affairs as secret as state secrets. At the beginning, you and Bai Qingwan had such a fierce quarrel, and our production team and Mr. Xiao's production team didn't agree. In the end, it turned out that the flood had washed the Dragon King Temple, and we were our own people!" Song Yi's feeling.

Li luoran shook his head. "In fact, Xiao Qianhua and I belong to a flash marriage. When our production team and his production team were incompatible, we were enemies but not friends. Until now, I don't think we are our own."

"Ah?" Director Song Yi looks confused.

Li luoran sighed frankly, "don't worry, director Song, I won't let my personal feelings affect the whole production team. I hope the whole production team will ignore the relationship between Xiao Qianhua and me. The filming of the sequel of the queen of demons will proceed as planned. If the release schedule conflicts with Xiao Qianhua's sequel of the imperial concubine, our production team will fight against him just like last time. ”



Song sighed all the time.

In fact, the whole drama group is waiting for Li luoran's words. Before, Bai Qingwan's "the imperial concubine of flourishing age" was defeated by Li luoran's "the queen of demons" at the box office. Coupled with the gambling storm between Bai Qingwan and Li luoran, the two drama groups are like a pair of life and death enemies. The audience also has the definition of "irreconcilable" in their hearts for the sequels of the two films. Two movies can be seen everywhere on the Internet The fans of the two films scold each other -

the vast majority of the audience still expect to see the sequels of the two films pinching each other like the previous ones.

If the two troupes shake hands and make peace, it will have a bad impact on both sequels, and it will also make the whole crew confused because they can't see the future.

Therefore, Li luoran's saying this is tantamount to reassuring the crew.

But why does Song Yi feel that the marriage between Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua is so awkward?

When Li luoran talks about Xiao Qian's paintings, he is colder than a stranger.


seeing Li luoran coming to the crew, everyone congratulated him one after another.

Everyone is surprised that Shu Xinshuang, Feng Qianji and Qin Weijie, who are usually closest to Li luoran, don't say a word. They look at Li luoran with sympathy in their eyes.

Lu Wanyue, who is domineering and has no friends in the crew, stands alone outside the crowd and looks at Li luoran silently.

Wang Zimo comes to Li luoran, "what can I say? Should I, like others, express my blessings clearly and foolishly, or tell my true feelings? "

Li luoran looked up coldly and arrogantly,

"you'd better not say anything, just call everyone to a meeting."

Wang Zimo looks at Li luoran's face for a while, and then claps his hands to call everyone together in the conference hall.

Li luoran said that he would not be affected by his marriage with Xiao Qianhua, and would still devote himself to the sequel of the queen of demons, which shows that the sequel of the queen of demons is still incompatible with the sequel of the imperial concubine.

Although everyone did not understand why Li luoran wanted to "wipe out his relatives with great righteousness", they were very happy with the result and applauded in succession.

Now, there have been many comments on the Internet about the "marriage" between the "Queen of demons" and the "imperial concubine". The fans who once vowed never to contribute a cent to the box office of the "imperial concubine" resented that the "Queen of demons" played the audience and wasted the audience's feelings.

After Li luoran made his stand clear, the Propaganda Department of the crew immediately held a press conference to declare that the sequel of "Queen of demons" is still opposite to the sequel of "imperial concubine".

Li Ran arranged a play for Luo song today.There are only two people in the dressing room, Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang, Li luoran's makeup artist.

Shu Xinshuang did not rush to make up for Li luoran, but sat on the dressing table and looked at Li luoran, "you have always wanted to know the relationship between Lu Shaochen and me. I used to hide from you. I think it's time to tell you the truth."

Li luoran rolled his lips, "high!"


Shu Xinshuang is not only very close to Lu Shaochen, but also knows many little secrets related to Lu Shaochen that even Li luoran doesn't know. If he doesn't believe Lu Shaochen is a man who finally got married, Li luoran will have to doubt that Shu Xinshuang is Lu Shaochen's youngest wife!

"Shaochen and I met six years ago. Time flies. It seems that six years have passed in the blink of an eye. Now think about it, the scene is just like what happened a few minutes ago. Shaochen's face seems to be in front of me, as if I can touch it as soon as I raise my hand."

Eyes obsessed with Shu Xinshuang raised his little hand to touch the air in front of him, as if touching a face.

Li luoran was stunned.

Shu Xinshuang continued, "six years ago, I was a very simple girl. At that time, like many girls of the same age, I was full of enthusiasm and dream. I didn't learn acting professionally, but I had a star dream since childhood. I stood out in a talent show and was favored by a director of a drama group. I was asked to audition for a leading role in a modern urban drama."

Li luoran was a little confused. "I've always been your fan. I clearly remember that the first play you made was an ancient costume magic play called" genius Princess ", which was also your famous play."

"That was later." Shu Xinshuang said with a smile,

"it was the first audition in my life, so I was deeply impressed. Six other actresses were auditioning with me. After the audition, the director was very satisfied with my performance and gave me a nine. Seven points, while the other six actresses competing with me scored only eight points. 3 points, I am very happy, I think my dream will come true, I will be able to become a real actress with my own efforts, alas! In the end, I was selected as an actress and I was not eliminated. The one with three points, but one with six. 8 points, was the scene other person in charge is not optimistic about the actress

Li luoran was even more confused. "How could this happen?"

Shu Xinshuang, "because only the actress is willing to accept the director's offer."

Li luoran, full of curiosity, "what conditions?"

Shu Xinshuang shook his head, "after the audition, the director in charge of scoring found me in private. He told me that if I would play with him for three months, he would fix me immediately."

All right!

Li luoran has indeed heard that there are many such rules in the performing arts circle.

Shu Xinshuang continued, "I won't agree. Later, I learned that the director and each of our audition actresses said the same thing, only 6. The actress who scored eight agreed

Li luoran, "who is that actress? What happened to her? "

"Lin Ziya." Shu Xinshuang said the name lightly.

"My God Li luoran couldn't help exclaiming.

There is no need for Shu Xinshuang to continue to say that Li luoran also knows what happened to her later!

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Lin Ziya is one of the top five popular female stars. She can't bear to look directly at her acting skills. Normal actors rely on her acting skills. Her acting depends on her eyes -

she stares when she is surprised, angry, happy and sad In a word, Lin Ziya expresses all her emotions by staring.

make complaints about Lin's drama. She always plays the talk rubbish, and later dubbed the voice by the dubbing actors. This also leads to the frequent appearance of her voice and voice, and the movie box will inevitably fail if she has a movie to play. Her TV plays have also become the focus of people's attention.

But Lin Ziya is still hot.

Even if Lin Ziya is a well-known "box office poison", the producers who invited her to take part in the new film will come one after another.

The reason why Lin Ziya is very popular is that she has been known as "the cleanest female star in the entertainment circle".

How ironic!

"Yes, this circle is so ridiculous. Lin Ziya is the only one of our seven actresses who does not hesitate to sell her sex to the director. As a result, she is packaged as the" cleanest female star ". I don't know if she will feel ironic when she hears fans praise her like this." Shu Xinshuang picked up a lipstick on the dressing table and played with it,

"at that moment, I saw the dark side of this circle. I felt that this circle was not suitable for me. I sat on the steps outside the Performing Arts Hall in frustration, determined never to step into this circle again. At this time, Lu Shaochen appeared in front of me."

Li luoran pricked up his ears.

Thinking of the moment when I first met Lu Shaochen, Shu Xinshuang's beautiful face couldn't help showing tenderness,

"I suspected that I had hallucination. I didn't believe there would be such a handsome man in the world. I rubbed my eyes again and again, but he still stood in front of me and looked at me without expression. His eyes were so vast that people couldn't guess what he was thinking Well, then he handed me a business card and said that he had invested in an ancient costume magic play and hoped that I would be the owner of that play. Then she left. "Li luoran thought that Lu Shaochen's ancient costume magic drama should be Shu Xinshuang's famous drama "genius magic princess", right?

Sure enough, Shu Xinshuang said with a smile,

"the drama invested by Shaochen is" magic princess of genius ". After he left, I thought about it for a long time. Finally, I called him. Frankly speaking, I can take over this drama, but I don't accept any Qian rules. Lu Shaochen only said one word -


It's Lu Shaochen's style to be straightforward.

Li luoran can imagine Lu Shaochen's tone when he said this word.

"Later, I heard that before me, several popular female stars at that time took the initiative to find Lu Shaochen, but they were all rejected by Lu Shaochen. Finally, Lu Shaochen decided me. He saw my performance in the talent show, and he felt that many stars were not worthy of the name. I was the one he needed."

When it comes to Lu Shaochen's appearance, Shu Xinshuang is smiling all the time. Until he finishes, the smile in his eyes hasn't completely dissipated.

Li luoran suddenly realized, "Lu Shaochen has the kindness to you, so you are very grateful to him. After you become famous, you haven't forgotten him and have been very close to him."

Shu Xinshuang said with a smile, "you know Shaochen doesn't like to get too close to the opposite sex. He has been very distant from me, and I have been pestering him with a dead face. The reason is not only that I appreciate him, but also that I love him."


The comb that was originally held by Li luoran fell to the ground.

"It's a pity that Shaochen and jinxintong were together at that time. He loved jinxintong deeply. How could he stay one more second for me? But love is so strange. I know that I can't walk with him. I still love him with all my heart... "

"Four years ago, Jin Xintong jumped into the river outside Lu's house. We all thought Jin Xintong was dead, and Shaochen became much more depressed than before. He often spent a whole day in the office by himself. Every time I saw him, I always thought pessimistically that maybe he would spend the rest of his life so melancholy, until he met you After meeting you, his smile reappeared on his face and his eyes returned to their original look. I know that his dead soul has come back to life. "

Li luoran's body trembled.

Although she didn't know what Lu Shaochen looked like before she met her, she could imagine that after Chu Xingchen's accident, Lu Shaochen often hid in the corner alone. Maybe Lu Shaochen spent the three years after Jin Xintong jumped into the river.

Thinking of Lu Shaochen's melancholy appearance, Li luoran suddenly felt sharp pain like a knife cut.

The shadow was shaking in front of my eyes.

It was Shu Xinshuang who stood up.

Shu Xinshuang gently took her little hand and squinted at her. "Ranran, I regard you as my best friend. I shouldn't have concealed you, but at that time you were Shaochen's wife. I didn't want to affect our friendship because of my feelings for Lu Shaochen."

Li luoran smiles, "I know."

Shu Xinshuang began to make up for liluoran.

Li Luo dye remembered that a year ago, Shu Xin Liang told Li Luo Tun Jin Tsin Tong that the more she loved someone, the more he hoped that he would be happy. If she loved someone she did not love, she would never be selfish to make complaints about him and the woman he loved.

At that time, Li luoran was quite admirable and comfortable.

Now Li luoran understands that the person Shu Xinshuang deeply loves is Lu Shaochen -

Shu Xinshuang also adheres to her principles. She deeply loves Lu Shaochen, but never breaks up Lu Shaochen and Li luoran. Instead, she helps Lu Shaochen take care of Li luoran as much as possible

Perhaps, this is the right way to express love!

Love a person, should be like Shu Xinshuang, try every means to help him, not in order to get him at all costs, in the end his happiness is destroyed in pieces.


after makeup, Li luoran wears elegant ancient clothes and has a jade flute in his hand. Li luoran, besieged by assassins, uses the jade flute to kill, kill and kill

In fact, although martial arts opera is a kind of torture for the staff, it is better for the actors to shoot than for the civil opera, because the focus of martial arts opera is on the scene and effect, as long as the actors' posture is in place and handsome enough. This is also the reason why many famous actors only shoot the civil opera in person, and the martial arts opera is performed by doubles.

Wang Zimo also considered that Li luoran's mood had been fluctuating recently, and he might not be able to enter the play wholeheartedly for a while, so he arranged a martial arts play as a transition.

During this period, Li luoran accidentally fell down and grazed her arm. She was not a coquettish girl. She put up a few OK stickers and then went on filming.

The shooting went well.

After the scene, Li luoran and Qin Weijie leave as usual.

Feng qianzhen followed Li luoran all the time. When he got to the place where there were few people, he strode to catch up with Li luoran and opened the door to the mountain road,

"Hello! How was your wedding night? Did you have sex with Xiao Qianhua? "

Qin Weijie's mouth is big enough to fit an egg.

Even Li luoran, who was used to the shallow wind, could not help blushing her cheeks. She swallowed her saliva awkwardly, "what's the relationship with you? Why should I tell you? "Just go around the wind.

"Special!" The wind suddenly understood what, while clinging to Li luoran, said indignantly,

"so you are like him?"

Li luoran stares.

Feng Qianji scratched his cool blonde hair madly, "are you too relaxed? Just separated from my godfather for a few days, I immediately slept with other men. Have you ever thought how sad my godfather will be when he knows? Have you ever thought about what other people will think of you when they know? " In fact, it's not easy to say that he is very sad to learn that Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua are close friends

“……” Li luoran really doesn't want to be entangled by the wind, so he just stops,

"well, I didn't sleep with Xiao Qianhua. We sleep separately. Have I made it clear enough?"

A second ago, she was also a resentful woman. She immediately laughed, "ha ha, clear, clear, I know you are not a casual person, I just said those words to test you."

Li luoran secretly winked, "in this case, can you stop sticking to me? Everyone is looking at you. "

"Well! Well The wind in my heart will come down.

Li luoran suddenly thought of something, "Hello! When you go to make a deal with Xiao Qianhua, what do you offer him? "

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