You,Under My Name

Chapter 333: 333

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Hearing this, Lu Shaochen's face became more gloomy and terrible.

Instead of saying more, he took out his wallet in his pocket.

There was a syringe in the wallet.

When Lu Shaochen took out the syringe and looked at a syringe full of sky blue liquid, Xiao Qianhua's smile suddenly froze, "what's this?"

Lu Shaochen sneered and said nothing.

Just holding the syringe to Xiao Qian's painting, he came closer and closer.

In this situation, the more silent Lu Shaochen is, the more frightened Xiao Qianhua is. "Lu Shaochen, don't mess around. You, Li luoran and your son are all poisoned by me. The lives of the three of you are in my hands. If you dare to provoke me, you will bear the consequences."

Xiao Qianhua doesn't threaten Lu Shaochen like this. Fortunately, when he says this, Lu Shaochen doesn't hesitate to put the tip of the needle into the muscle of his shoulder and inject all the liquid medicine full of the needle.


With the spread of the medicine in the blood, Xiao Qianhua felt a kind of bone chilling, which also spread to his whole body.

"What did you give me?" The voice of Xiao Qian's painting was obviously trembling.

"Ah ~" he lightly throws the used syringe into the garbage can, and Lu Shaochen turns up a sarcastic arc at the corner of his mouth,

"I thought you didn't know how to be afraid, and you didn't fear when you were dying. As a result, you are just a paper tiger. Once I put poison into your body, you will wilt and be afraid."

Xiao Qian painted Jun's face and said, "poison? How dare you inject me with poison? "

"Even you dare to do it. What do I dare not do?" Thinking of the fact that he divorced Li luoran because he was poisoned by Xiao Qian's painting, Lu Shaochen's eyes suddenly turned cold,

"in order to harm me, you took great pains to find that even the most powerful poison making experts in the world could not develop an antidote for this toxin in my body, but I didn't receive it completely. I asked that poison making expert to develop a poison similar to the poison in me The chemical composition of the drug is complex, and no one can understand it except the experts who developed it. "

"I can't believe my ears! Do you think that would threaten me? Since I dared to poison you, I was not afraid of your revenge! What can you do to me? If I die, you, liloran and your son will be buried with me! "

Lu Shaochen, "well, your parents will also be buried with you."

"What?" Xiao Qian's eyes turned into panic.

Lu Shaochen's face was cold and his voice was quiet. "Just three days ago, my hand went to France. He" accidentally "met your parents who were on holiday in France in the restaurant, and" accidentally "put the exclusive poison developed by my toxicologist into your parents' dining room. My poison is more effective than your poison. The poison you give us will last for three years. I'm sorry The poison given to you will last for five years. In the next five years, you will take the antidote I gave you every six months. Otherwise, once the poison breaks out, you will wait to prepare for your parents. "

Xiao Qian's painting was obviously shocked.

Li luoran was also obviously shocked.

"Lu Shaochen, you are so poisonous!" Excessive excitement and indignation distort the delicate features of Xiao Qian's paintings.

Lu Shaochen's face is expressionless and his voice is thin and cool.

"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, when dealing with poisonous snakes, I will be more poisonous than poisonous snakes."

Xiao Qian drew a cool breath.

Lu Shaochen refused to turn around. "Later, stay away from Li luoran. If you dare to invade her, I'll take your father first."

Step out the long legs and walk to the door coldly.

Xiao Qianhua stares at his back, "Lu Shaochen, don't think you can scare me. I don't believe you dare to make fun of your son and Li luoran's life."

Lu Shaochen, "usually I dare not, if my wife is defiled, I dare!"

“……” At first, Xiao Qian was in a daze. The next second, the corners of his mouth twitched,

"Lu Shaochen, are you drinking too much? Now Li luoran is my wife and your wife is Xiaojin. It's you who should stay away from Li luoran, not me! "

Lu Shaochen suddenly stopped.

Next second, turn slowly.

Xiao Qianhua thought Lu Shaochen was coming back to him, but he didn't expect that Lu Shaochen suddenly turned to Li luoran when he was about to walk in front of him.

Li luoran was also confused.

She had no time to dodge, so she was drawn into Lu Shaochen's arms.

"What are you going to do Wu - "

Lu Shaochen sealed his lips with a kiss.

Lu Shaochen's kisses are always like storms and waves, so hot and wild.

Li luoran had no room for resistance -

not only because she was held too tightly by Lu Shaochen, but also because she couldn't resist such a fierce attack. Every time Lu Shaochen kisses her, she can still keep a little sober at the beginning. After a moment, her mind is blank, like a boat in the sea I can't help myself

Lu Shaochen's kiss is hotter and stronger than any before.It's like a fierce beast swearing ownership of another beast coveting his territory.

The kiss lasted at least ten minutes.

And Xiao Qianhua, who was shocked by this scene, just stared at it for ten minutes.

Lu Shaochen's lips are crimson and stained with the blood of him and Li luoran. He glances at Xiao Qian's painting provocatively,

"do you understand now?"

Knowing this moment, Xiao Qian's painting gradually returned to his soul. After shock, endless resentment and unwillingness filled his heart like a tide. "Lu Shaochen, you are too shameless to kiss his wife in front of a man. Are you so proud?"?! You've disgraced the Lu family! "

Li luoran's eyes are dull and fixed in place like a puppet.

Lu Shaochen gently pinched Li luoran's face. "Yes, I'm very proud. I like to kiss your wife in front of you."

Xiao Qian was so angry that he felt numb all over. For a moment, his thin lips trembled and he couldn't say a word.

Lu Shaochen eyebrows, "this time I kiss her in front of you, the next time, I may sleep her in front of you, you are psychologically prepared."

Send a kiss to Li luoran and walk to the door with pride.

"Lu Shaochen!"

Xiao Qian's eyes are red and his voice is roaring,

"where do you want to buy Xiaojin? Have you ever thought about how she feels? "

Lu Shaochen stopped slightly, then walked out of the door without looking back.

"Asshole, you come back to me!"


"Lu Shaochen, you are a complete jerk!"

Xiao Qianhua scolds him angrily.

Li luoran took a deep breath and ran out of the door.


instead of taking the elevator, Lu Shaochen walked down the stairs of the fire escape.

"Lu Shaochen, stop for me!"

When he heard Li luoran's voice, he stopped, turned back and gave him a warm smile,

"don't you want me to go?"

“……” Li luoran was also extremely helpless. She tried her best to look serious,

"I have to have a good talk with you."

Lu Shaochen arms chest leaning on the guardrail, the corners of his mouth curving hook up, "talk about what, I'm all ears."

Li luoran stopped three steps higher than Lu Shaochen and looked down at him. "I don't blame Xiao Qianhua for saying that you are a jerk. I feel that you are crazy and irrational recently."


Lu Shaochen looks innocent,

"how to say?"

Li luoran said bluntly, "in the past, you were very measured and always focused on the overall situation, but now Ha ha, you just knocked Xiao Qianhua unconscious in order to save me. You tied him up and I have nothing to say. But you wanted to cut him. I managed to stop you and you poisoned him. Then I knew that his parents were poisoned by you. What's more, you were in front of him... "

Thinking of Lu Shaochen kissing himself so wantonly in Xiao Qian's painting, Li luoran felt that his head was bigger than the tire,

"Lu Shaochen! Do you know what you're doing? Have you ever thought about the consequences of provoking Xiao Qianhua? You and Mingyue's life are in his hands. If he is in a hurry, what will he do with you? Why do you suddenly become like a child, so playful and irresponsible? "

Although Jin Xintong was the one who poisoned them, the one who developed the poison was Xiao Qianhua's poison master. The antidote was in Xiao Qianhua's hands. After all, Xiao Qianhua was the one who controlled their life and death!

No response.

Lu Shaochen just looked at Li luoran for a moment. His eyes seemed very serious, and he seemed to have some fun. Li luoran was frightened by him.

It took at least three seconds for Lu Shaochen to say,

"we have lived together for more than a year, and you always think that I am a very calm, rational and reliable person?"

Li luoran's eyes are full of confusion.

Isn't it?!

Lu Shaochen pick eyebrows, "girl, maybe sometimes I'm not so rational and calm, maybe sometimes I will be as emotional as a child, maybe, this is my real side."

Liluoran is petrified in situ.

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Looking back on the past scenes, Lu Shaochen has indeed done a lot of incredible things -

such as taking medicine for Li Qingtian and an Jiaren -

but Li luoran always thinks that those unreliable ideas were created by Chu Xingchen for Lu Shaochen. Now, if Lu Shaochen is very reliable, how can he accept Chu Xingchen's unreliable ideas And put it into practice?

There is only one answer!

In fact, Lu Shaochen himself is not reliable!

Like her, he is impulsive, emotional and irrational sometimes.

Oh, my God!

Li luoran was very afraid.At this time, Lu Shaochen had already reached the next step.

Li luoran looked at him in fear, "have you ever thought about the consequences? If things get out of hand, how do we end up? "

"Well." Lu Shaochen looked back with a smile,

"you just used the word" we ". Can I understand that in your heart, you and I are still as different as before? Are you pretending to be indifferent and distant from me? "

Li luoran, "..."

She just made a slip of the tongue and said the wrong word, didn't she?

Do you want to be so serious?

And what about her problem? Just ignored.

Lu Shaochen said, "Xiao Qianhua poisoned us just to force me and Xiaojin to be together. I know that even if I threatened his parents' lives, it's impossible for him to detoxify me. Therefore, as long as he keeps a distance from you, it's enough for me."

Li luoran's eyes are confused.

What's enough?

"As long as he doesn't invade you any more, it doesn't make any difference to me that we can't get a divorce. You are always mine."

With these words, Lu Shaochen has gone far.


Li luoran walks back to the living room in a trance.

Xiao Qianhua, who was tied to the chair, was depressed. Although he calmed down a little, his eyes were no longer as red as before, but they were still full of blood. Such eyes would be ferocious if they were other people. On Xiao Qianhua's face, which had a good foundation, they were a bit of enchantment.

"Didn't you chase him with a knife and stab him to death?" Xiao Qian opened his mouth lightly.

Li luoran was puzzled.

Xiao Qian said with a smile, "that night, I wanted to be strong to you. You knocked me out with a desk lamp. You were quick and ruthless, and you were not soft at all. Then you hid the fruit knife under the mattress. I believe that if I were strong enough, as long as you caught the fruit knife, you would stab me without hesitation."

Li luoran was speechless.

Xiao Qian's painting is all right.

Xiao Qianhua laughs more ironically, "so? You are a chaste woman. Even if your husband touches you, you resist. A man who is not married kisses you in front of your husband. You can't rush out and stab him to death? "

Li luoran, "..."

Of course, she understood that Xiao Qianhua was deliberately sarcastic.

She shrugged, "as you can see, I was forced by Lu Shaochen all the time. What else can I do?"

"Yes, what else can you do?" Xiao Qianhua seems to hear a big joke,

"what I see is that when he kisses you forcibly, you are obedient like a little rabbit, and you stand still after he kisses you. If I kiss you forcibly, you will struggle from beginning to end. If I dare to stick my tongue into your mouth like him, you will bite my tongue off."


Li luoran was very embarrassed.

What else can she say?

But she didn't mean it!

At that time, her mind was really blank, there was no room for resistance!

She knew that no matter what she said, Xiao Qianhua would not believe it, so she would not explain it.

Xiao Qian drew down fan-shaped eyelashes and said, "I've thought it over. I promise Lu Shaochen's terms. I won't be strong with you in the future."

"Well." Li luoran nodded.

Not surprisingly.

Xiao Qian's painting is also tough. If Lu Shaochen only poisons Xiao Qian's painting to threaten Xiao Qian's painting, he will never make Xiao Qian's painting yield. However, it is related to the safety of Xiao Qian's parents. Xiao Qian's painting will certainly be soft hearted.

"But I have a condition that from now on, you should keep a distance from Lu Shaochen."

The sound of Xiao Qian's painting is a bit lost.

Li luoran nodded without hesitation.

Even if Xiao Qian doesn't talk about painting, Li luoran will keep a distance from Lu Shaochen. As a wife, she is too close to Lu Shaochen, who is already a husband.

Xiao Qian's painting is not to be spared, "swear."


Li luoran's eyebrows were deeply locked in Xiao Qian's painting, and he was about to explode.

However, thinking that Xiao Qianhua, who was originally so cold and unbearable, was so depressed and pitiful for Jin Xintong, Li luoran sympathized with him. She helplessly raised her right hand, "OK, I swear."

Xiao Qian's painting was relieved.

Li luoran got up and was about to leave.

Xiao Qian's eyes were cool. "You just left? Don't you untie me? "

Li luoran rolled his lips. "When you moved me strongly, I cried and begged you to let me go. Did you let me go?"

Xiao Qian's painting, "..." It doesn't seem that

Li luoran continued to move forward without turning his head back. "So, I won't let you go. Just tie it like this."

A face of black line of Xiao Qian painting, "when do you want to tie me?"

Li luoran, "wait until I feel better.""Are you not mistaken? I'm your husband? "

"Hello! Come back to me

"Li luoran, are you too dark? Come back and untie me... "



Li luoran, who had already walked to the bedroom door, turned slowly,

"if you don't shut up, I'll find a rag to close your mouth."

Xiao Qian, a good woman, can only express her discontent with her eyes closed.

He believed that liluoran could definitely do such things as plugging his mouth with a rag.

Li luoran said with a satisfied smile, "it's just like talking. I have to go filming tomorrow. It's late. Don't disturb my rest."

Xiao Qian's painting with round eyes, " &%*#"

Li luoran winked at him," remember you tied me and Su Yan to the chair? Although you didn't expect that Bai Qingwan would lose control later, if you hadn't tied us to the chair, Su Yan would not have been killed by Bai Qingwan. Therefore, I want you to taste the taste of being tied to the chair and unable to move at all. "

All of Xiao Qian's paintings suddenly understood.


The heavy door was thrown by liluoran, and only Xiao Qianhua was left in the big living room, tied firmly to the chair by himself.


the bedroom is a mess.

The ground is full of torn clothes and the anti wolf tools she bought in the self-defense tool store. Is the baseball bat Lu Shaochen used still in the corner? All of them play back the soul stirring scene.

Li luoran cleaned the room and lay on the bed. He was very tired and his heart was beating wildly. He could not recover his peace for a long time.

Or do you sometimes think of Lu Shaochen, or Lu Shaochen's reckless kiss? Pictures of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong's intimate love come to mind from time to time

When I think of Lu Shaochen, I can't help thinking of Xiao Qian's paintings.

Xiao Qian's painting is hateful, but he is also a poor man.

Although Li luoran never asked Xiao Qianhua how much she loved Jin Xintong, she could tell from the performance of Xiao Qianhua that Xiao Qianhua loved Jin Xintong as much as sea -

the higher the status, the more people know how to make more friends and less enemies.

Because no matter how small the enemy is, it can destroy everything of a person.

Xiao Qianhua, standing at the top of the pyramid, certainly knows this better.

But Xiao Qianhua is willing to take all the blame for Jin Xintong. At the same time, he offends Lu Shaochen thoroughly. He must think that Lu Shaochen will retaliate against him. Even if Lu Shaochen threatens Xiao Qianhua's parents, Xiao Qianhua still bears all this wrongly and never betrays Jin Xintong

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