You,Under My Name

Chapter 338: 338

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Lu Shaochen walks into the private room with Jin Xintong in his arms and puts Jin Xintong on the sofa.

Jin Xintong looks at him with a smile in her tears, "sister Ranran has to divorce you. She still can't let you go. It's understandable that she resents me for marrying you. Although she pushes me to the sea, I don't want you to blame her."

Lu Shaochen, "I don't blame her."

Jin Xin Tong can't help but stay.

Lu Shaochen turned around and said, "if Xiao Qianhua didn't master our antidote, I'm afraid when Xiao Qianhua and I stand together, we can't help pushing him into the sea. Ranran tells you that she can't let me go."

As if to hear a bolt from the blue, originally shrouded in the heart of Jin Xin Tong joy disappeared.

She is not willing to stare landing Shaochen, "just on the deck, that she pushed me into the sea after you are very angry, you are very fierce to her."

Lu Shaochen, "I'm angry, not because she pushed you into the sea."

Jin Xin Tong is more surprised, "why is that?"

Lu Shaochen didn't have the heart to talk with Jin Xintong and walked out of the rest room quickly.


the deck is windy.

Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua walk on it side by side, separated by a distance.

At this time, the third person's footsteps sounded, because there was no other noise except the sound of sea breeze and waves around him. Li luoran immediately heard the sudden extra footsteps.

As she walked along the road, she saw Lu Shaochen walking towards her about 10 meters away. The picture of Lu Shaochen's indifference suddenly came back to her mind again. She felt a pain in her heart and suddenly stepped up to Xiao Qian's picture.

"What's the matter?" said Xiao Qian

Before the words come down, Li luoran's arms have been around his neck, and Xiao Qianhua, caught off guard, kisses Li luoran.

Ten steps away, Lu Shaochen stopped immediately after seeing this, and his whole life seemed to be petrified.

At this time, Xiao Qianhua also found Lu Shaochen, so instead of pushing Li luoran away, he obediently put his head down

Lu Shaochen didn't rush forward.

Mingming is so angry, so jealous, and the impulse to pull Li luoran from Xiao Qian's painting into his own arms is so strong, but he always stands in the same place and looks at the scene silently. The endless cold and desolation poke his heart one by one like the tip of a needle.

When Xiao Qian's painting is strong against Li luoran, he can knock Xiao Qian's painting unconscious, poison Xiao Qian's painting, and use all means to threaten Xiao Qian's painting to stay away from Li luoran.

But this time, he saw clearly that it was Li luoran who took the initiative to kiss Xiao Qianhua!

Lu Shaochen thought that he had experienced the greatest pain and torture in the world. It was only at this moment that he realized that what he had experienced before was nothing. It was only at this moment that he realized how desperate and painful it was to watch the woman he loved kiss another man

Time seemed to solidify, and every second was as long as a century, while Lu Shaochen stood still and looked at him in a trance.

Finally, Li luoran's hands tightly around Xiao Qianhua's neck gradually relaxed It seems that Lu Shaochen did not exist. Li luoran took Xiao Qianhua's arm and gradually went away from him.

Lu Shaochen, who was standing in the same place, gradually lost his sight.

The heart seems to be hollowed out, empty.

Li luoran has been away for a long time. He is still standing in the same place. His eyes are always looking at the direction where she left. His mind is like a lantern, echoing the picture of her and Xiao Qianhua's sweet kiss.


There was a loud thunder, and a bright light hit the deck. Then the rainstorm poured down and soaked Lu Shaochen's whole body for a moment.

As if unconscious, he always stood in the same place like a sculpture. The clear rain filled his eyes like a black gem, and gurgled down his delicate cheek.



The cry of a woman in the rain.

Jin Xintong trots to him with an umbrella.

Raising his small hand high, he propped up his umbrella on top of Lu Shaochen's head. With the other hand, he took Lu Shaochen's big cold hand and said, "let's go back."

Lu Shaochen across the front of the spread of rain, looking at Li luoran left the location, "you do not care."

Push the right hand to Jin Xintong.

This push is pushed on the wrist of Jin Xintong's right hand. Jin Xintong's small hand shakes, and the beautiful white umbrella falls on the deck. A gust of wind blows, and the umbrella turns into a white shadow and flies into the sea. Jin Xintong's thin body is swallowed by the rain.

Jin Xintong doesn't seem to feel cold. She looks up at her wet little face and ignores the raindrops from above. She stares at Lu Shaochen with her eyes wide open. "Shaochen, I know why you are so sad. I saw sister Ranran and Xiao Qianhua kissing in front of you. Sister Ranran can't treat you right. You didn't do anything wrong. Why should you punish yourself like this?"

The most painful scar in his heart was uncovered. Lu Shaochen's tall body faintly trembled. He opened his lips with difficulty. "It's my own business. You don't have to mind your own business."The drooping eyelashes buried in the eyes, that silk injured, turned around, long legs open.

However, just walked out one step, was the brocade Heart Tong tightly hugged the waist from behind.

"Shaochen, I'm your wife. Your business is mine. How can you say I'm nosy?" Jin Xintong hugs him tightly, and his beautiful face sticks to his back.

Lu Shaochen looked at the light in front of him, which was torn apart by water drops, through the thick water vapor. Thinking about the picture of Li luoran and Xiao Qian kissing, his eyes were even colder, "let go, open..."

"I won't let it go!" Instead, Jin Xintong hugs her more tightly,

"sister Ranran no longer loves you. Now I'm the only one who really loves you. I'm the woman who will always love you and never leave you. I don't want to let you go, I don't want to!"

Lu Shaochen's thin lips opened, but he could no longer say a word.

Jin Xin Tong said every word seems to turn into a knife, accurate in his heart the most sensitive pain.


There was a crisp metallic sound in the air.

It is Jin Xintong who unties his belt buckle.

Jin Xin Tong's arm is close to Lu Shaochen's waist. "Shaochen, sister Ranran will only give you pain. You are a normal man now. What she can give you, I can give you all. I want to be a real husband and wife with you. If we are a real husband and wife, you will never forget her."

Lu Shaochen closed his eyes in pain. This time, he didn't break the hand of Jin Xintong.

Jin Xintong, who is no longer rejected by Lu Shaochen, comes to Lu Shaochen and takes the initiative to enter Lu Shaochen's arms. Her boneless hands are tightly wrapped around Lu Shaochen's neck.

Bright lightning flashed across, illuminating everything on the deck.

At this moment, Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen embrace each other clearly on the metal fence not far away. Lu Shaochen can't help but think of the picture of Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua kissing each other. It also makes him wake up instantly.


Lu Shaochen's right hand pushed hard at Jin Xintong's chest.

How also did not expect Lu Shaochen will suddenly resist at this moment, caught off guard Jin Xintong step back, slip at the foot and fall on the wet deck.

She stared at Lu Shaochen in disbelief. "Shaochen Why? "

Lu Shaochen's face was expressionless, and Qu's beautiful eyes were as black as the night sky. He didn't know whether it was rain or tears. "You can never replace her."

Jin Xin Tong is like being pierced by an arrow. Her face is covered with tears.

Lu Shaochen takes another look in the direction of Li luoran's departure, and starts to walk in the distance again.


Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua walk into the cabin together.

After confirming that he had come to a place that Lu Shaochen could not see, Li luoran immediately pulled his hand back from the bend of Xiao Qian's painting arm.

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Xiao Qian shakes his head discontentedly.

Li luoran apologized, "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't use you like that."

Xiao Qian shrugged pointlessly, "there's nothing to be sorry about. Welcome to use me again next time. However, you should kiss me more realistically next time. Don't be so fake as this time."

Li luoran lost smile, "there will be no next time."

Although she and Xiao Qianhua "kiss" when the lips and Xiao Qianhua always keep just met the propriety, but Li luoran still feel very bad.

It's not just because I used Xiao Qian's paintings.

What's more, Li luoran regretted that he was so impulsive.

Did she really take revenge on Lu Shaochen?

How naive!

Now Lu Shaochen's heart is full of Jin Xintong. How can he care about her kissing Xiao Qianhua? What's more, Lu Shaochen told her that he didn't mind her having a close relationship with Xiao Qianhua, so how could Lu Shaochen care about such a trifle.

"This incident is associated with another similar incident."

The sound of Xiao Qian's painting disturbed Li luoran's thoughts.

Li luoran hastily gathered up the sadness and looked indifferent and arrogant

Xiao Qianhua said, "last year, Xiaojin and I played such a play on the floating island. Of course, we didn't cheat Lu Shaochen, but to cheat you."

When Li luoran heard this familiar name, his mind immediately returned to a year ago.

At that time, she and Lu Shaochen got married not long ago. Lu Shaochen took her to the floating island to attend a grand business meeting, and an Jiaren, Lu Wanyue and Jin Xintong also went away. A series of things happened on the floating island that made Li luoran remember deeply. What impressed Li luoran most was that on the second night on the floating island, Lu Wanyue told Li luoran that Lu Shaochen asked Lu Wanyue to speak for her Li luoran follows Lu Wanyue to the top of the building, but later sees Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong embracing each other sweetly and saying love words that hurt li luoran

Although more than a year has passed, Li luoran still occasionally recalls that scene.

Until now, Li luoran realized that the man who hugged Jin Xintong was not Lu Shaochen."I think if I don't tell you, you may misunderstand Lu Shaochen all his life. For Xiaojin's sake, I should always keep a secret from you. But I think it doesn't matter if I tell you the truth now. I've always been bored in my heart. It's better to say it. On the contrary, you hate me deeply enough. Why don't you hate me a little more?" Xiao Qian said frankly.

Li luoran didn't say anything more, but the corners of his mouth moved powerlessly.


Now, it doesn't matter!

When she and Lu Shaochen were forced to divorce, she firmly believed that she would be reunited with Lu Shaochen. However, less than a month later, Lu Shaochen's heart became closer and closer to Jin Xintong and farther away from her

Once upon a time, Lu Shaochen was sure that Lu Shaochen loved her more than Jin Xintong. But now, Li luoran can't believe it.

Sure enough, time can dilute all feelings!

Only a month later, Lu Shaochen's feelings for her have faded so much. If this continues, she will become more and more irrelevant to Lu Shaochen!

Maybe, Jin Xintong was right at the beginning.

Maybe it's true that Jin Xintong is the most important and irreplaceable one in Lu Shaochen's heart, just as Jin Xintong said. In the year when Li luoran and Lu Shaochen were together, Lu Shaochen didn't get along with Jin Xintong because she was with Lu Shaochen every day, which made Lu Shaochen forget Jin Xintong. Now Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen have come to a new stage Since then, Lu Shaochen's feelings for Jin Xintong have become stronger and stronger, and Li luoran has become irrelevant


Li luoran did not return to the dining table.

Xiao Qianhua accompanied her to stroll in the empty three story cabin.

About half an hour later, an Jiaren, who had finished the reunion dinner, accompanied by Lu Wanyue, Li Qingtian and several other relatives, went to the third floor cabin.

An Jiaren calls Li luoran aside alone, "do you think I'm so mean to Jin Xintong?"

Li luoran said bluntly, "my mother killed your daughter. You hate her to the bone. Jinxintong is also my mother's daughter. You can be excused for treating her like this."

Anne shook her head. "I used to hate Gu lianyue so much that I was fighting with her every night in my dreams. But after I married your father, I suddenly figured out that maybe this is the arrangement of fate? Lu Wangyuan and I had no feelings at all. When I was young, I had to marry Lu Wangyuan for your father's sake. If Gu lianyue hadn't broken up Lu Wangyuan and me, I would never have married your father. She helped your father and me in disguise, which has already offset all my hatred for her. "

On the contrary, Li luoran doesn't understand any more. Mdash; mdash;

Jin Xintong is a good girl that everyone loves. Since an Jiaren no longer hates Gu lianyue, she should accept Jin Xintong, right

"Silly child, I am for you!" An Jiaren holds Li luoran's hand,

"when you and Shaochen were together, I tried every means to make things difficult for you. I just wanted to break you up and hurt both of us. I always felt that I owed you too much and Qingtian. After I married Qingtian, I thought, I must make up for your father and daughter, but Alas! I haven't had time to compensate you for something, but such a big thing happened. You know, Ranran, I almost got angry after I heard that Shaochen divorced you. The first thing I did after I returned home was to hold Shaochen's ear and question him, but it didn't work. "

Li luoran was surprised. "What did Lu Shaochen say to you?"

What else can you say? Admit that his old love for jinxintong is back, so I'll leave you while I'm traveling abroad. "


Li luoran was also suffering.

According to an Jiaren's resolute nature, if Jin Xintong knew that Li luoran and Lu Shaochen were separated by means of poisoning them, on the one hand, she would easily get angry, on the other hand, she might do something drastic.

Therefore, Lu Shaochen can only take all the responsibility to himself.

An Jiaren grabs Li luoran's hand hard, "don't worry, Ranran, you are my daughter in my eyes. I will never let jinxintong, the fox spirit, break up our family. She is so shameless that she depends on Shaochen. I will kill her."

"Er ~" Li luoran broke out in a cold sweat, and she said with a smile,

"if you really treat me as your own daughter, promise me to stay out of our business in the future and stop meddling in our affairs."

"Why?" she asked

Li luoran rolled his lips, "I think you will help more and more disorderly, really."

"Anjian"... "

Li luoran took an Jiaren's arm and said, "please!"

Ann nodded helplessly, "OK!"

Li luoran smiles.

Looking back at the time when an Jiaren tried every means to separate her from Lu Shaochen, she was framed by all kinds of false accusations and used all kinds of family methods against her. Now Li luoran is afraid.

Lilo dyed her hair from the heart. She didn't want an Jiaren to treat Jin Xintong like this.First of all, Lu Shaochen will protect Jin Xintong like Li luoran. The more Mrs. an forces Lu Shaochen, the more estranged she will be from Lu Shaochen.

Secondly, in order to be with Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong even kills her daughter and poisons her. If an Jiaren forces Jin Xintong too hard, it's hard to say what Jin Xintong will do to an Jiaren.

Li luoran has never been loved by her mother since she was a child. She is very eager for her mother's love. Now Anjian treats her like her own mother. Li luoran will treat Anjian as her own mother. Li luoran never wants Anjian to have any problems for her.


after the dinner, people gradually left.

Torrential rain is always urgent to come and fast to go, the sky gradually cleared up, revealing the bright starry sky.

Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua came to the helicopter they came to, and the pilot met them with a sad face,

"Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, after I sent you to the airport, I checked it carefully. The helicopter is in good condition. Who knows, it can't start at this moment. When it rained, the lightning was strong. I think it might be our helicopter I'm afraid it's hard to repair it for a while. "

Xiao Qianhua immediately turned black and wanted to train the pilot, but a clear and graceful voice came before him,

"it's so unfortunate that there are two empty seats on the helicopter of Shaochen and I. if you are not afraid of embarrassment, why don't you take the helicopter of Shaochen and me to go back together."

Li luoran went along the road.

The speaker is Jin Xintong.

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