You,Under My Name

Chapter 355: 355

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Lu Mingyue's kindergarten is far away from Li luoran's residence. Li luoran's immediate task is to find a kindergarten nearby. Now, she asks the crew for leave and makes an appointment with Jiang Xiaojing.

Xiao Mengwa and Li luoran are always obedient when they are together. Li luoran, who had breakfast with Xiao Mengwa, drives Xiao Mengwa out of the yard.

From a distance, I saw a black car parked at the gate of the hospital. Li luoran recognized that it was Lu Shaochen's car. Lu Shaochen had many luxury cars, but this limited edition Rolls Royce was the most popular one.

When Li luoran drove out of the yard, the door of the Rolls Royce slowly opened, and Lu Shaochen, who got out of the car, stood in front of Li luoran's car.

Li luoran could only stop but didn't get off. He just slipped down the window and said, "what's the matter?"

Lu Shaochen long legs, big step, two steps came to the window, "why not answer the phone?"

The tone is cool and light, just calm to say the question.

Li luoran, with his own emotions, feels that Lu Shaochen is questioning himself.

She sneered, "do I have to answer when you call? Who makes it a rule that I have to answer people's calls? "

Seeing that she was emotional, Lu Shaochen stopped talking about it and said, "when did the moon wake up? Did he sleep well last night? Did you make any noise when you found that you didn't sleep at home? Have you had breakfast? Did he see Xiao Qian's painting? Did you mistake Xiao Qian's painting for me


Li luoran was in a trance.

Lu Shaochen threw out so many questions in a row that she didn't know how to answer them.

At this time, xiaomengwa's voice sounded like a silver bell, "Daddy, baby woke up with mommy in the morning. I slept well last night and found that baby was very happy with mommy. There was no noise or noise. After breakfast with Mommy, Xiao Qianhua's uncle looked like Daddy, but daddy had hair, and Xiao's uncle had no hair. Baby would not recognize daddy wrong."

Li luoran, "..."

Lu Shaochen, "um ~"

Lu Mingyue blinked her big eyes, "Mommy said that no one would take me away from her, I can't live with Daddy, is that right?"

Lu Shaochen deeply buried all clear, the corners of his mouth rolled up a gentle arc, "yes."

Xiaomengwa untied herself, took her out of the co pilot's seat and climbed onto Li luoran, "why?"

Lu Shaochen stroked xiaomengwa's head. "There are too many helpless things in the world. We can't change and have no choice about some things. I can only tell you that I love you very much. Although we don't live together, we can still meet again. Call me when you think of me, eh?"

Little thumbs up in front of little cute.

Xiaomengwa hooked Lu Shaochen's thumb with her thumb, "Hmm, HMM! Hang on the hook and don't change for a hundred years... "

Two pinkies hooked together are shaking in front of Li luoran's eyes. Li luoran is inexplicably uncomfortable.

At this time, the guard came over and said to Li luoran in a low voice, "Mrs. Xiao, can you take a step to talk?"

Li luoran got out of the car and walked with the guard to more than ten meters away from Lu Shaochen.

The guard lowered his voice! Mr. Lu came last night. We said that he could only be let in with the owner's permission. He couldn't get through to you, but he still refused to leave. We tried to persuade him, but he didn't listen. He just waited outside all night. Fortunately, you came. Please persuade him and let him go. "

Li luoran remembers that Lu Shaochen called her again and again last night. Later, she turned off her cell phone because she couldn't bear the disturbance. She didn't expect that Lu Shaochen's purpose of calling her was to ask her to open the door. What's more, Lu Shaochen, who couldn't get through her phone, was waiting outside the door until now.

Li luoran can't help feeling guilty.

At this time, Lu Shaochen was still talking with Lu Mingyue.

Li luoran went back, "what's the matter with you?"

Lu Shaochen's eyes fell on Li luoran's face and said, "give something to your son."

Then he pressed the remote control.

The trunk and six doors of the Rolls Royce opened automatically, and the car was full of children's goods and toys.

All right!

It turned out that a loving father sent care to his son.

After a while, Lu Shaochen and Luochen turned away from the driver and put their hands on the car to help

"Yes, Mrs. Shaw." The guard opened the gate to the maximum.

Although Lu Shaochen was standing in front of Li luoran, Li luoran deliberately stopped looking at him and went into the car with his head slightly lowered.

Lu Shaochen's eyes never left her face. Even though there were thousands of words in her heart, she didn't say a word -

those words may be buried in her heart forever!

"Daddy, aren't you here to give me something? Why don't you drive yet? " Four year old little cute girl, clear voice echoed in the silent car.Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows and said, "go now, bye ~"

Lu Mingyue blinked her crystal eyes and said, "Bye ~"

Li luoran closed the window.

The windy car drove slowly in front of Lu Shaochen. Lu Mingyue in the car looked at Lu Shaochen. As the car was farther and farther away from Lu Shaochen, he turned back more and more.

Lu Shaochen is always watching Lu Mingyue. The moment Lu Mingyue disappears from his sight, the smile in his eyes gradually condenses and turns into a strong loss


"do you love Ranran or not?"

With this clear voice, Jiang Xiaojing strides behind Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen didn't look back. He just looked at the area where Li luoran was parking.

Li luoran didn't drive too far. Instead, she stopped about 200 meters away from him. She was waiting for Jiang Xiaojing. She could have parked her car at the gate. She drove away deliberately to avoid him

"Well, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Jiang Xiaojing comes to Lu Shaochen. Lu Shaochen is much taller than her. She raises her face to look him in the eyes.

"then tell me, who do you love more between Ranran and jinxintong?"

Lu Shaochen, "it doesn't matter."

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaojing can't laugh or cry,

"you what do you mean? Is your view of love so casual? What is indifference? "

Lu Shaochen, with a cold complexion, "as long as she and Xiao Qian can be happy together, everything doesn't matter."

Jiang Xiaojing "* #"! @%"

Lu Shaochen left her and went straight to his Rolls Royce without looking at Jiang Xiaojing.

Jiang Xiaojing stares at him.

Lu Shaochen is an iceberg cold man. Although Jiang Xiaojing has seen Lu Shaochen many times, she seldom talks to Lu Shaochen. It's because she is Li luoran's best friend that Lu Shaochen gives her a few perfunctory words. Jiang Xiaojing can imagine that other women don't even have a chance to talk to Lu Shaochen

Often, the more indifferent a man is to other women, the more special he is to the woman he really loves. Such a man will never be restless. Therefore, once Jiang Xiaojing really thought that Lu Shaochen was the ultimate destination of Li luoran.

Jiang Xiaojing knows that no woman can get involved in the marriage of Lu Shaochen and Li luoran.

However, between Lu Shaochen and Li luoran, there is a jinxintong who is earlier than Li luoran!


Maybe this is Ranran's life!

Maybe Ranran is doomed to be let down!


JIANG Xiaojing gets into Li luoran's car.

Lu Mingyue left the co driver's seat and sat in the middle row with Jiang Xiaojing.

Li luoran starts the car silently.

Jiang Xiaojing looked at her in disbelief, "Hello! Are you all right? Why don't you ask what I said to Lu Shaochen? "

Li luoran shook his head. "It's none of my business. From now on, everything about him has nothing to do with me."

“……” Jiang Xiaojing's eyes are round. He thinks that Li luoran is in a confused mood and doesn't care about her anymore. He turns to tease Lu Mingyue and says, "Wow, the longer the baby is, the more lovely it is. Why don't you say a word and think about it?"

Lu Mingyue looks at Jiang Xiaojing with disdain and keeps her face away from the window.

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"Oh, what a big fan. How can you be as cold as your father? Don't ignore me. Come back and have a good chat."

"Hum!" Xiaomengwa simply turned her back and ignored Jiang Xiaojing.

Li luoran drove silently.

She knows that although Lu Mingyue, who is only four years old, can't fully understand the world of adults, she can feel something. Lu Mingyue wants to be with Li luoran, but she can't bear to be with Lu Shaochen. He wants his father and mother together.


Lu Shaochen drives his car into the villa. Lu Shaochen stands beside the car and smokes. The doorman, servants and gardeners move the children's articles he sent to the main building in an orderly way.

as like as two peas in the face, Lu Shaochen looked at this face that was exactly the same as himself. "What's the reason for giving me an antidote?"

Lu Shaochen, "I'm not for you." The cold tone seemed to freeze the whole villa.

"Oh?" I know you look down on me, but I've never regretted it. Everything I do is for Xiaojin. As long as she is happy, I don't care what others think of me

Lu Shaochen sneered, "are you sure everything you do is for Xiaojin? Are you really not selfish? "

"What do you mean by that? I'm not for Xiaojin. Who else can I do for? I can't get any benefits myself. How can I be selfish? " Xiao Qian's voice trembled slightly.

Lu Shaochen is indifferent to pick eyebrow, "so, why do you feel guilty?"

“……” Xiao Qian drew his mouth slightly,

"I I'm not guilty. Where do you see that? "

Lu Shaochen took a deep breath of cigarettes, "we belong to the same kind of people, you can hide from others, can't hide from me, from the beginning I saw you like her, now, when you mention her eyes and tone show that you are more and more fascinated with her."Xiao Qian's painting was speechless for a moment, and his extremely handsome face was extremely hot.

Xiao Qianhua admits that he likes Li luoran, but he denies that it is love. Since his feelings for Li luoran are not love, he will not be "fascinated" with her

He clearly wanted to explain to Lu Shaochen, but he didn't have the confidence to explain. He just felt that the more he explained, the more guilty he felt

"She's the cutest girl in the world. Anyone is crazy about her. You have nothing to hide." When Li luoran was mentioned, her face appeared in front of her eyes. He dropped his cigarette butt on the ground,

"treat her well, don't be like me."

To the sadness in Lu Shaochen's eyes, Xiao Qianhua was not satisfied. He nodded, "I will."

At this time, the children's supplies in Lu Shaochen's car had been unloaded. He didn't say anything more and walked to the car with his long legs.

"Lu Shaochen!" Xiao Qian called his name in a tangled way.

Lu Shaochen stopped, tall figure back to him, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Qianhua, "do you hate me?"

“……” Lu Shaochen's words are ironic and amazing,

"if Xiaojin also loves you, you are lucky to be married and decide to spend your whole life together, but someone forces you to separate, not only forcing you to marry another woman, but also allowing Xiaojin to marry another man, so that you can never get back together again. Do you hate the person who separated you?"

Xiao Qian's painting, "..."

Lu Shaochen sneered, "of course, the answer is yes, Xiao Qianhua. I want to strangle you all the time. I don't care about my own life or death, but I can only bear to think that you are Ranran's husband and that she is also poisoned. Strangling you means killing her."

Xiao Qian's eyes are full of apologies, but he can't say that he owes Lu Shaochen "I'm sorry.".



A humble black car parked quietly in the parking area.

On the passenger seat sat a boy about fifteen or sixteen years old. His hair was dyed into a sea blue color. Although his face was still childish, he was also handsome. At this time, he was carefully observing every move of the villa gate painted by Xiao Qian through the telescope in his hand.

The moment Li luoran's car entered the roadway, the big boy's eyes lit up,


Another big boy with deep purple hair on the front passenger's seat immediately started the car and rushed to Lilo's red car at a very fast speed.


Because of a slap on his head, the purple haired boy let out a exclamation, "what are you doing?"

"Are you so stupid? You drive in such a hurry that a fool can see that you are following her. Haven't you seen how the agents in the movie secretly follow people? Steady! Keep away from her The blue haired boy left his telescope in a bad mood.

The purple haired boy said, "cut! You are such a cow, you drive! What are you doing with my driver! Ah - "

another slap on the head.

Purple hair man dare not complain, only in accordance with the blue hair man's request to continue to follow Li luoran.

After a period of time, I can't help but say, "I said boss, how successful the traffic accident was yesterday. We successfully set off a conflict between Li luoran and Jin Xintong's two little sisters. It's a perfect one. We just watch the play quietly. What are we doing with her?"

"You know shit!" The blue haired boy laughs, "this is not perfect. I originally planned to kill the little villain named Li. Who knows that the woman saved her son so recklessly. It's also the little animal's life. He narrowly escaped one death, but he can escape once, but he can't escape the second time. I will kill him!"

"No!" The purple haired boy sighed,

"that little boy is so cute. It's a pity to kill him. It's better to sell him..."


Another slap on his head,

"cut the crap and concentrate on driving, or I'll sell you rubbish!"


Li luoran went to the kindergarten where Lu Mingyue was before and explained to the head of the kindergarten about Lu Mingyue's transfer.

The director lamented, "Mingyue is the most popular child in our garden. He is cute, lovely and exciting. Boys and girls all like him. He is the treasure of our garden. Miss Li, can you consider letting him stay in our garden? If you let him stay, I will not charge you any more and provide Mingyue with all the learning supplies free of charge "OK?"

Lu Mingyue is the lucky star of this kindergarten.

Since Lu Mingyue entered the kindergarten, many rich tycoons have heard that Lu Shaochen's beloved son has entered the kindergarten and sent his children to the kindergarten. The head of the kindergarten has been soft handed and happy. As soon as Mingyue leaves, I don't know how many tycoons will follow him.

Apart from the interests, Lu Mingyue is a little cute girl that everyone loves, and the head of the kindergarten is reluctant to give up on him.

Although the director begged, Li luoran wanted to take the moon away.Li luoran also saw that Mingyue didn't want to change her garden. No one liked to leave her familiar environment, especially children, but Li luoran could only do so.

As Lu Shaochen told Lu Mingyue, there is no way to do many things.

Of course, Li luoran wants to give xiaomengwa the best of everything. She has been abandoned by her mother since she was young. She knows the pain of growing up in a single family more than anyone else. She also wants Lu Mingyue to have a complete family, but she and Lu Shaochen can't get together. What she can do is to give Lu Mingyue as much as possible.

Li luoran didn't want Mingyue to have too much pressure in her childhood. She just wanted him to play happily and grow up healthily. Therefore, she ignored all the kindergartens that made her children hard, such as "let the children win at the starting line", "bilingual" and "trilingual".

He and Jiang Xiaojing chose a kindergarten near "Jiangnan Yipin" --

it is very close to Li luoran's residence, safe and elegant.

After choosing the kindergarten, the three went shopping together. As a fashion designer, Jiang Xiaojing personally selected a lot of clothes for Lu Mingyue.

It was dark when I went out of the mall.

Two big one small three figures happily into the underground parking lot.

Li luoran pressed the key to open the door from a distance.


The doors in the parking spaces open automatically.

Li luoran, who put his clothes in the trunk, was the first to get into the car.

Jiang Xiaojing and Lu Mingyue then got into the middle row seat. She was starting the car when she heard Jiang Xiaojing scream, "ah! Who are you?! What are you doing... "

At the same time, Lu Mingyue also exclaimed.

Li luoran looks back in panic. The next moment, he sees two people covering Jiang Xiaojing and Lu Mingyue's mouth with two pieces of black cloth. Jiang Xiaojing and Lu Mingyue whine, but they faint after two seconds.

Li luoran's first reaction was to get out of the car and call for help.

However, the two men didn't give her time to open the car door at all. They grasped her tightly and covered Li luoran's mouth with black cloth at the same time. Li luoran smelled a pungent smell of chemical medicine, and his eyes turned dark. He was paralyzed on the seat like Jiang Xiaojing and Lu Mingyue.

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