You,Under My Name

Chapter 364: 364

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Li luoran did not explain that Jin Xintong is not Mingyue's mother, nor that Jin Xintong would never appreciate her "seducing" Lu Shaochen. Instead, she would hate her. She just said anxiously,

"the kidnapper said that the next challenge I faced was more exciting and exciting, and I can't imagine that he would make me do anything more crazy."

"That's what I'm worried about." Police officer Zhang's serious face is full of worries,

"I think the brain circuit of the kidnapper is very abnormal, and it is difficult to measure his behavior with our normal thinking. But in order to ensure the safety of Mingyue, the only thing you can do is to obey him so as to fight for time for us to solve the case. Miss Li, I can only aggrieve you."

Li luoran was also helpless.

But now she can do nothing, can only dry and so on.

I hope the kidnapper is just a fan who likes pranks. He just wants to play a game with his idol. Although the game is a bit vulgar and overdone, this fan has played enough to take the initiative to send back Mingyue!


time goes by.

Around 10:30 in the morning, Li luoran's mobile phone rings.

Everyone's on high alert now.

When officer Li was ready to trace the caller's address, officer Zhang patted Li luoran on the shoulder, "you can take it."

Li luoran picked it up.

"Are those two officers still tracking my address? I'm really convinced. How can such a fool serve the people? Let them save some energy. " There was a boy's sarcastic voice in his ear.

Li luoran tried his best to stabilize his mood, followed the boy's words and said, "yes, I also think they are a bit stupid, or you are smart, even playing two police officers around."

Officer Zhang and officer Li look at each other awkwardly.

"Ha ha, are you praising my idol? I'm so happy, but I'm so flattered that I'm going to fly, but... " As soon as the boy's painting style changes,

"you don't think I'm an immature child. If you praise me deliberately, I'll be overjoyed. I won't make trouble for you or let go of your baby son, will I?"

“……” Li luoran's expression is distorted.


Police officer Zhang also said that it's difficult to measure the kidnapper's behavior with normal thinking, so Li luoran tried to talk to the kidnapper by coaxing children. However, Li luoran didn't expect that the kidnapper's intelligence quotient was surprisingly high, so he immediately broke her down.

"Pay a return visit. Is it cool to tease someone else's husband?"

The sound of pondering was ringing in liluoran's ears.

Li Luo ran Deng was not angry. "It's said that there are many men who like boys. If you want to know whether this feeling is good or not, you can find a married man who likes boys to try it yourself."

Xiao Qian's painting, "..."

Jiang Xiaojing, "..."

Officer Zhang, "..."

Officer Li, "..."

“……” Even the boy on the other side of the phone was stunned by Li luoran's words.

At this time, Li luoran heard Lu Mingyue's clear voice over there,

"who are you calling? Is it my mommy

Hearing the sound of the bright moon, Li luoran's heart immediately raised.

The boy was impatient and said, "play while you go. It's none of your business."

"Give me your cell phone, I want to talk to Mommy!" she said

"Go! Don't bother me


After the door was slammed, Lu Mingyue's voice could no longer be heard.

Li luoran trembled nervously. "I just heard Mingyue's voice. He said he wanted to talk to me. Give him his mobile phone and I'll talk to him, too."

"Who do you think you are?" The boy sneered,

"do you really think that I am a fan of your brain damage, and I will listen to you! I remind you, I am a kidnapper, your son is in my hands, you have no right to order me, only to be fooled by me! "

As if by pouring a basin of cold water, Li luoran suddenly became sober.

Just listen to the boy continue to say, "answer my question, hook attractive feeling, cool?"? Think clearly and then answer, because if I don't like your answer, I will be angry. If I am angry, I may take your baby son as a vent. "


If the kidnapper was in front of Li luoran, Li luoran would have jumped on him and cut him to pieces, but now she can only turn her eyes to officer Zhang for help.

Police officer Zhang tells Li luoran helplessly -


Li luoran threw out a word between his trembling lips, "Shuang..."

"Yes, I'm satisfied with the answer. I'm very happy to hear that. I don't need to take it out on your son anymore. You saved your son again." The boy said playfully,

"then, let's play something to make you feel better."

Li luoran felt that her whole body was not good. Her voice was fierce because of excitement, "you are so special, enough! I don't care who you are and what your intentions are. I'm fed up with it! I won't play this kind of twisted and stupid game with you again, you give me the moon, otherwise I will never let you go! "I don't blame lilora for losing control.

What the kidnappers want her to do is getting dirtier and dirtier every time. She doesn't know what the kidnappers call "more fun", but she can think that it will be worse than asking her to give Lu Shaochen a bath photo and say something to tease Lu Shaochen

"All right! Well, I'll take it as if you voluntarily abstained from the challenge in the third round, and I'll disfigure your son now. "

As the boy's voice fell, there came a clear metallic sound, which sounded like the sound of fingers bouncing on a knife.

Li luoran was suddenly in a cold sweat, and her excessive panic and the fact that she was controlled by others made her voice soften,

"OK! Play with me! What are you going to do, you say... "

"Well, that's what my good idol should do." Boy youyou said,

"now we are entering the third round of the game. First of all, I want you to go to the president's office of Huanyu international headquarters building to find the president of this company."

World International?

Isn't that Lu Shaochen's company?

Isn't Lu Shaochen the president of this company?

A very bad premonition swept to liluoran.

At the same time, Xiao Qian's paintings also have a very bad feeling.

"Remember, you can only drive alone. Police officer Zhang, police officer Li, Jiang Xiaojing and Xiao Qianhua must all stay at your home. If I find anyone following you, or if you play any tricks, I will kill Lu Mingyue immediately. I will do what I say."

The boy's voice was murderous.

Li luoran closed his eyes in pain.

Lu Mingyue is the most sensitive part of Li luoran's heart. Every time she is threatened by the kidnapper, she has a deep sense of suffocation.

"It's ten thirty-six. You have to get to the world international headquarters building before eleven fifteen. Call me as soon as you arrive and listen to me."

"By the way, this round is also the ultimate round of our game. If you win, I will return the moon to you. Come on."

With these words, he hung up the line in a hurry.

Li luoran didn't care to change her clothes or to say goodbye to Jiang Xiaojing. She stepped forward and hurried to the door.


Jiang Xiaojing wants to follow Li luoran, but he is held by officer Li,

"now anyone who tries to help her will only help her more and more disorderly. Let her go alone."

Jiang Xiaojing can only worry about watching Li luoran go further and further.

Not far away Xiao Qianhua anxiously scratched his bright bald head.

Looking back on the game played by the kidnapper and Li luoran, first he asked Li luoran to kiss Lu Shaochen. Then he asked Li luoran to take a bath photo of Lu Shaochen and asked Lu Shaochen if she wanted to sleep. Now he asked Li luoran to go to Lu Shaochen's office alone to find him

I dare not think what will happen next!

Really, I can't help suspecting that this kidnapping is actually a good play directed and performed by Lu Shaochen -

he has always been obsessed with Lilo, but Lilo is becoming more and more distant and indifferent to him. Therefore, Lu Shaochen grabs Lilo's weakness and takes Mingyue to threaten Lilo, and gradually throws himself in his arms


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Huanyu international is located in the center of Jiangcheng City, only ten kilometers away from the homes of Li luoran and Xiao Qianhua.

During this period of time, the road is not as congested as the rush hour. Li luoran, who is very anxious, just wants to arrive as soon as possible and doesn't look at the traffic lights. At every intersection, he will drive straight as long as he can pass safely.

The headquarters building of Huanyu international is a landmark building in Jiangcheng. Two security guards guard in front of the hall on the first floor. Only people with pass are allowed to enter.

As soon as Li luoran came to the door, he was immediately stopped by the security guard,

"please show me your pass."

Where does Li luoran have a pass?

She was thinking about how to get in, but another security guard winked at the security guard who blocked Li luoran.

The security guard who stopped Li luoran looked at Li luoran's face carefully. Then he suddenly nodded and bowed and said, "ha ha, look at my eyes, it turns out that it's the President Well, it's Miss Li. Please, please come in

He took the initiative to get out of the way.

Although Li luoran was puzzled, she didn't pay attention to the reason and walked into the building quickly.

The security guard who had blocked Li luoran breathed a sigh of relief. President Lu seemed to know that Li luoran would come to the headquarters of the company to find him. As early as three days ago, he specially reminded the security department that if Li luoran came to the headquarters, everyone should welcome him warmly. Fortunately, another security guard reminded him in time, and he almost missed the important event of President Lu

The president's office is on the top floor of the building.

When Li luoran took the elevator to the top floor, it was exactly 11:10, five minutes earlier than the time required by the kidnappers.

From time to time, there are employees in clean work clothes passing by in the corridor of the building. Fortunately, everyone is very busy and no one notices Li luoran.Li luoran comes to the secluded pedestrian staircase and calls back the kidnapper.

The phone was almost picked up in seconds,

"it's not the right time. Wait for me to call, and I'll call you later."

What's not the time?

What did the kidnappers want her to do?

Li luoran was full of doubts.

The voice of the kidnapper rang out in her ear again, "someone will come at any time at the stairway where you are now. For safety's sake, you should hide in the bathroom first, walk eastward along the corridor, and walk to the end."

Li luoran was in a cold sweat.

There was no one around her. No one could be watching her. However, the kidnapper knew her every move like an invisible person standing behind her.

This makes Li luoran more afraid to take it lightly.

Li luoran walked eastward along the corridor. Sure enough, she found the bathroom at the end of the corridor. She went in and hid in the compartment, panicking and waiting

About ten minutes later, the kidnapper called.

She picked it up in a hurry.

The kidnapper said, "now knock on the door of the president's office. In addition to Lu Shaochen, there are two other assistants in the office. Drive those two assistants out, close the door tightly and tie Lu Shaochen to the sofa."

The more Li luoran listened, the more confused he felt, "why should I bind him? Even if I want to tie him, he is so strong, how can I tie him? "

"He's been drugged and tied up when he's in a coma."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran almost screamed.

Then he heard the kidnapper say, "you have no choice. Do it now. After binding Lu Shaochen, call me to accept instructions. My patience is limited, so hurry up and don't deliberately delay time!"

Hang up.

Li luoran walked out of the bathroom in a panic.

Just now, she has found out the location of the president's office. Although Li luoran doesn't want to go, she doesn't dare to delay. She can only hesitate, struggle and step by step walk to the door of the president's office.

The heavy wooden door was closed.

Looking at the wooden door for at least five seconds, Li luoran finally knocked down his slender fingers.

"The president is very busy. Don't bother him if there is nothing important."

Inside came a strange male voice. Li luoran thought it was one of Lu Shaochen's assistants.

Li luoran took a deep breath, "it's me. I want to talk to Lu Shaochen."

The strange voice sounded again, "are you crazy? Which department are you from? Can you name President Lu? Where to cool off, where to rest. The president's time is very expensive, and he has no time to spare with anyone... "

"Shut up A low baritone sounded,

"open the door for her."

Lu Shaochen's voice is so magnetic and penetrating that even through the door with excellent sound insulation, Li luoran can hear it clearly.

"OK, President..."

The assistant quickly opened the door and saw Li luoran. He was busy apologizing,

"ha ha, it's Miss Li. It's my fault that I have no eyes. You are the president's VIP. I have to apologize to you..."

"Stop talking nonsense and get out!" Lu Shaochen coldly interrupted assistant Liu.

Assistant Liu did not dare to say one more word. He gave Li luoran a flattering smile and hurried out of the president's office.

"You go out, too." Lu Shaochen's voice sounded again.

Another male assistant in the office busily closed his laptop and quickly ran to the door. When he passed by Li luoran, he bowed to Li luoran.

Li luoran had never seen the two assistants before, but they seemed to know Li luoran very well.

Lu Shaochen was the only one left in the big CEO's office. Li luoran wanted to invite the two assistants out according to the kidnappers' request. Unexpectedly, Lu Shaochen had taken the initiative to drive them away without her talking.

Li luoran went into the office and closed the door tightly.

Huanyu international is rich in financial resources. Li luoran thought Lu Shaochen's office would be very luxurious. However, in fact, the decoration of this office is extremely simple, as introverted and low-key as Lu Shaochen himself

Lu Shaochen is just sitting on the top floor of the office. He seems to be more charming than ever when he is in the sunshine.

Li luoran did not dare to look at him.

When I think of the photos and words I sent last night, even though I am so helpless, I am unavoidably ashamed.

"I came to the company today because there are too many important things that other people can't do. I have to. I care about Mingyue as much as you do. I've been trying my best to find him." Lu Shaochen spoke first.

Li luoran said faintly, "I know, you don't have to explain to me."

She did not doubt Lu Shaochen's feelings for Mingyue.

Lu Shaochen never came to work because he didn't care about the bright moon.She absolutely believes that if the kidnappers call to threaten Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen will do anything for Mingyue.

So, after rescuing Mingyue, Lu Shaochen should understand what she did, right?

Thinking of this, Li luoran's mood was a little relieved.

"In that case, I've explained what should be explained. Now I want to hear your explanation." Lu Shaochen leaves his office chair and walks to Li luoran with long legs.

Think of last night's peach incident, Li luoran heart "clatter" a, face like someone put a fire in general hot.

Lu Shaochen had long legs and big steps, and in a twinkling of an eye, he walked behind Li luoran.

He picked up his mobile phone, opened the chat record with Li luoran,

"do you want me to be more clear and straightforward? Let's say, what's the reason for a girl to say to a man in the middle of the night that she can't sleep and send him a picture of Luo, but she never heard from him after asking him if she wants to sleep? "

Li luoran knows that she can't escape this topic in any case. However, before Mingyue is safe, she has to hide the fact that she is threatened by the kidnappers. Therefore, she has to weigh the future and say, "what's the reason? You're also here. Don't you even have this basic knowledge? I'm just teasing you, OK? " He looks innocent.

“……” Lu Shaochen's eyebrows were all over him, his handsome face was paralyzed, and his face was slightly unhappy,

"so, every word you said in W letter is true? You want to sleep with me. After I promise to sleep with you, you will come to my office today and take action? "


Li luoran was at a loss.

On the one hand, she is the kidnapper who threatens Mingyue's life and refuses to tell Lu Shaochen the truth. On the other hand, she misunderstands Lu Shaochen that she can't explain Lu Shaochen without telling her the truth. Now Li luoran seems to have to follow Lu Shaochen's words

However, Lu Shaochen pestered her to be his secret wife when she had to divorce her. Li luoran was sure that if she really followed Lu Shaochen's words, Lu Shaochen would not hesitate to beat her down

It's hard for her to draw a line with Lu Shaochen!

Why did the kidnappers make trouble of her like this!

What should she do?!

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