You,Under My Name

Chapter 378: 378

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"It's a shame that I've lost it to the whole universe. I've been caught and raped at the scene, and I'm still enjoying it as if there were no one else. Stinky fox spirit, do you think it's not enough to be ashamed of this? Should I record it for you and send it to the Internet, so that people all over the world can see you and be happy?"

Anne's face was livid, and her fierce scolding echoed in the luxurious hall.

Jin Xintong just recovered. She pushed Xiao Qianhua hard, "Qianhua, that's enough! Let go of me

"Let go!"

"Are you deaf! Let go

"Let go!"

Like a greedy beast, Xiao Qianhua only cares about occupying jinxintong fiercely. His handsome face is buried in jinxintong's chest, and he has no awareness of the outside world.

At this time, on the pool not far away from Jin Xintong, there is an exquisite kettle, which is used to water the pots of green pineapples in the bathroom. The kettle is full of cold water. In a hurry, Jin Xintong grabs the kettle and pours a full pot of cold water on Xiao Qianhua.


With this exclamation, Xiao Qian's painting revives with excitement. His handsome face moves away from Jin Xintong's arms and looks up at Jin Xintong with a red face, "Xiao Jin I Remember what happened to me on purpose? When I went into the bathroom just now, I saw that you were abnormal. You were using your hand... "

"Stop it!"

Jin Xintong angrily interrupts Xiao Qianhua's voice, and tears fall from her eyes.

Xiao Qianhua noticed the difference. At this moment, his hands holding Jin Xintong's hands moved away from her jade legs. He turned back to the direction Jin Xintong was looking at. He saw those people standing outside the bathroom, and they were panicked as if they were choked.

"Jin Xintong, what else do you have to say?"

Angie's excited voice sounded again.

Biting his lips in pain, Jin Xintong's tears whirled in his eyes. "I don't know how to become like this. I feel like I have a dream. I'm innocent. I love Shaochen deeply. Shaochen is everything to me. It's my greatest luck to get married. It's too late for me to cherish him. I always keep a distance from other men. I can never betray him. ”

the medicine is very powerful. Although Xiao Qianhua has helped her remove part of the medicine, Jin Xintong is still very hot. Up to now, her eyes are still so charming and her voice seems to be able to squeeze out water, which is full of strong charm

"Oh Shaochen is in the living room. You shamelessly have an affair with other men in the same house. It's not betraying him. So what is betraying him? Is that how you love Shaochen? " Anne sneered.

Jin Xintong wants to cry without tears, "Ma..."

"Don't call me mom? How can I have such a messy and dirty daughter like you? " An Jiaren looks at Jin Xintong sarcastically,

"look at your red face and attractive eyes. Do you want to take care of all the men like lianyue and sleep all the men you know?"

Jin Xin Tong is speechless. She sees herself in the mirror.

This time, I really don't blame lady an for her vicious words.

Now her face is like peach blossom, her eyes are like silk, her coat is not neat, her hair is messy, which is quite different from her pure and elegant, just like a woman of the opposite sex.

Xiao Qianhua sits on the ground, holding his polished bald head in both hands.

He also wants to defend Jin Xintong.

However, as the saying goes, in the face of the facts witnessed by all people, no matter what he said, it is useless. On the contrary, it will be more and more black.

An Jiaren's eyes turned to Lu Shaochen, "you see the scandal of Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua before me. Tell me, how do you want to solve it?"

Lu Shaochen's thin lips opened slightly, but he didn't speak, only his beautiful black eyebrows frowned deeply.

In fact, when Lu Shaochen saw this unbearable scene at first, he was also shocked and left blank in his mind, but then he guessed what had happened.

He knows Jin Xintong better than anyone else, and he knows that Jin Xintong's love for himself is by no means pretended. Moreover, even if Jin Xintong is really a "dangfu" in front of Lu Shaochen but behind him, Jin Xintong can never be stupid enough to steal people at such a time and on such an occasion that it is easy to be caught!

However, Jin Xintong had a real relationship with Xiao Qianhua, and everyone could see clearly. Therefore, Lu Shaochen knew that there was a reason for this, and there was no way

"I know you always feel that you owe Jin Xintong. You can't bear to say too much, so let me help you." "It's very simple, divorce," she said

Lu Shaochen's face was expressionless and his eyes didn't fluctuate.

No one else had any big mood swings.

Only when Jin Xintong hears these two words, her beautiful body obviously shakes.

"No one is perfect. If she makes other mistakes, I can tolerate them. But it's my bottom line to keep women's morality. There's no room for negotiation. Shaochen, I'll give you three days to draw a clear line with her as soon as possible."Drop this sentence, Anne turns around and goes.

Lu Shaochen stretched out his hand to hold an Jiaren's arm. He didn't know what to say, but an Jiaren, who saw his mind, said in advance, "Oh, by the way, this kind of thing is done, just like a pair of shoes of his own. Since they are worn by others, they should be thrown away without hesitation. I don't care why they are worn by others, so I don't know If you want to know the reason for their indulgence, even if you find out the reason in the future, you don't have to tell me. I just want the result. "

Lu Shaochen, "..."

Jin Xin Tong hopelessly closed her eyes, tears across the scarlet face.

Li luoran shook his head silently.

Sure enough, lady ANN is not stupid either. Of course, there must be deep reasons for Jin Xintong's bad behavior today, but lady Ann doesn't care

Even if Jin Xintong has been careful, an Jiaren will pick a bone in the egg and want to break her up with Lu Shaochen. Today's Jin Xintong is seized by an Jiaren. Of course, an Jiaren won't give her a chance to turn over.

At this time, Lu Wantong didn't have to pay for her divorce, but my mother and I had to pay for her divorce

Slim fingers click the play button.

The bright screen of the mobile phone immediately reproduces the hot picture of Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua entangled together. Accompanied by the waves of cat calls from Jin Xintong, the sound is rendered and amplified, which is clearer and more harsh than Jin Xintong's real voice before

Hear this voice, brocade Heart Tong heart more despair, her legs a soft, weak body like a petal like back against the wall slide to the ground.

Xiao Qianhua is still squatting on the ground with his head in his hands. This picture is very similar to the young ladies and customers who are caught by the anti pornography staff on the Internet.

"Very good!" Anne patted Lu Wanyue on the shoulder with pride,

"good girl, you have saved money for our family."

After that, he grasped the landing tactfully with his left hand and walked back to the living room with Li Qingtian in his right hand.

Lu Shaochen looked at an Jiaren's figure in a trance. When he got to this place, he was also full of helplessness.

"Mildly, do you remember how our family used addition to your sister Ranran?" Ann said as she walked.

Hearing the word "addition", Li luoran suddenly heard the tragedy of a year ago. Although there was no danger at that time, he is still afraid to think of the purgatory torture.

Although Lu Wanyue remembered it, she pretended to lose her memory. "Mom, I forgot. Can you say it more clearly?"

"That was a year ago. We misunderstood that sister Ranran had an affair with Jinqian. Our family has no tolerance for this kind of affair, so our family members decided to add money to sister Ranran." Now Anne takes Li luoran as her family member. When she mentions Li luoran, her tone is always euphemistic. She moistens her throat and goes on,

"speaking of the addition, I think it's cruel. For the woman who is unfaithful to her husband, we should put her in a pig cage and pour 99 barrels of ice water mixture on her to make her cold After that, we branded her with a brand iron and covered her with the brand of ninety-nine "bitches" so that she would never dare to commit another crime. "

He deliberately raised his voice, obviously speaking to Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong.

At this moment, Jin Xintong's eyes are obviously frightened.

"My God! I remember what you said! " Lu Wanyue and an Jiaren sing in unison,

"it's really terrible. Sister Ranran was splashed with ninety-nine barrels of cold water, and then we almost branded her face. Think about it, if such a beautiful girl's face was covered with the scar of" bitch ", how ugly would she be? How could she make a film?"

Ann said, "isn't it? Alas! You ran ran sister is lucky to escape, but this time, some people may not be as lucky as her. "

"Ah?" Lu Wanyue pretended to be surprised,

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Mom, who do you mean by some people?"

"Silly child, you just very clever and timely photographed the evidence, how can you become so dull now?" An Jiaren holds Jin Xintong closer,

"of course, it's the shameless little fox spirit. If Shaochen divorces her in three days according to my request, otherwise, three days later, I will invite the whole family to serve her like sister Ranran did a year ago. This time, there are so many people who have witnessed it with their own eyes, and there are videos to prove it. That's very important The law must not be applied to the end. "

"Mom, it's bloody and cruel. I don't want to see it!"

"It's up to you. It all depends on whether your brother is willing to divorce her."

"Alas! My brother always feels that he owes her. When you say this, I suddenly feel that if my brother divorces her, he will protect her. Otherwise, once we add up to her, she will die miserably. "

Their voices faded away.

Lilo's heart was already in a cold sweat when he dyed his hands.Worried that Anjia will do something drastic when she knows the truth, everyone has been hiding the real reason for Li luoran's divorce from Lu Shaochen. Anjia always thinks that Lu Shaochen failed Li luoran because of her deep love for Jin Xintong

An Jiaren doesn't know that Lu Shaochen, Li luoran and Lu Mingyue are all poisoned. What's more, she doesn't know that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong are forced to get married. Since they are forced to get married, Lu Shaochen can't divorce Jin Xintong.

So, I'm afraid Jin Xintong can't escape this addition!

Although Li luoran hates Jin Xintong very much, he has been wronged to think that Jin Xintong is "caught" after being entangled with Xiao Qianhua for some reason. It's really a shame if he is punished by the family law again.

Li luoran was surprised that Lu Shaochen was always calm when he met this kind of thing.

She always thought that Lu Shaochen loved Jin Xintong very much, so when she first saw the entanglement between Jin Xintong and Xiao Qian, Li luoran thought Lu Shaochen would lose control.

However, Lu Shaochen only became a sculpture when he saw the picture he couldn't bear to look directly at at the beginning. Like Li luoran and Jiang Xiaojing, that kind of stupidity is what anyone would show after seeing an unexpected scene.

Later, Lu Shaochen was calm and bizarre.

Calm to, no husband witnessed his anger and injury after being green, but like an outsider.

Li luoran is guessing what happened to Lu Shaochen. Lu Shaochen has already entered the bathroom. He goes straight to Jin Xintong, bends slightly and stretches his right hand to her,

"can he still move?"

“……” Jin Xintong, who has recovered a little, holds Lu Shaochen's hand by reflex,

"Shaochen, I didn't mean to, you must believe me."

Lu Shaochen said, "it doesn't matter."

Li luoran, "..."

Jiang Xiaojing, "..."

Even Jin Xintong stayed. After a while, she trembled and said, "Shaochen, what do you mean? I'm your wife, me and other men Don't you think it matters? "

Lu Shaochen, "it's nothing."

Jin Xintong's eyes are more confused, "you What does that mean? "

Lu Shaochen pulls Jin Xintong up and walks out of the door with her. "Everyone has physiological needs. It's the nature of all people. Men and women are the same. I don't mind you and any man solving their needs."


Jin Xintong looks at Lu Shaochen as if she hears a sunny day's disclosure. She is hurt, miserable and unbelievable Countless emotions stabbed her heart like knives.

By "catch a traitor" that moment, brocade Heart Tong has never been so desperate as at the moment.

Li luoran couldn't believe what he heard.

Is this really Lu Shaochen?

Jin Xintong is the unique goddess in Lu Shaochen's heart. Will Lu Shaochen say such words to Jin Xintong?

Jiang Xiaojing is also muddled.

According to the information she learned from the magazine, most men still care whether their wives are loyal to them. Is Lu Shaochen so open in this respect?


As Lu Shaochen walks out of the bathroom mechanically, Jin Xintong doesn't know how she makes a sound,

"you know what kind of woman I am, I am your wife, and I will abide by the bottom line of marriage. Even if you don't care, do you think about my mood now? Just like what my mother said, when something like this happens, I feel like I'm a woman who doesn't obey women's principles. I feel very dirty. I don't want to hear you say that you don't care. I'd rather you scold me and beat me than hear you say such cold words. "

Lu Shaochen sighed silently.


He knows that Jin Xintong and Li luoran have the same principles. Jin Xintong is very sad when such a thing happens.

However, what should and should not have happened has already happened.

What else can he say?

Now Jin Xintong is no longer a "lover" in his mind, but like a sister. Of course, Lu Shaochen also has heartache for Jin Xintong, but this heartache is purely due to Jin Xintong's unwillingness to entangle with a man because of being framed, which has nothing to do with love.

Lu Shaochen helpless hook lip, "don't say it again, let's go."

Continue to help Jin Xintong walk.

The double lips tremble of brocade Heart Tong suddenly what words also can't say, in her mind a blank, so like a puppet like with Lu Shaochen walk.

Jiang Xiaojing winked at Li luoran.

Li luoran shrugged involuntarily.

In the past, Jin Xintong always showed off how much Lu Shaochen loved her in front of Li luoran, and Li luoran always believed it. This was the first time Li luoran witnessed Jin Xintong chatting with Lu Shaochen. From Lu Shaochen's way of speaking to Jin Xintong, Li luoran also judged that Lu Shaochen was not as passionate to her as Jin Xintong said.

Lu Shaochen helped Jin Xintong back to the living room.

Xiao Qianhua still squats in the bathroom with his head in his hands. Li luoran doesn't even look at him. It's like walking in the living room.Jiang Xiaojing pulls Li luoran, "Hey, he's your husband at least. Don't you help him up?"

Li luoran rolled his lips. "He must be in a mess now. Let him be alone."

"Er..." Jiang Xiaojing's smile,

"I think he is pretending to be confused."

Li luoran is puzzled, "how to say?"

Jiang Xiaojing said, "you think, he loves Jin Xintong so much. He must even dream of sleeping with Jin Xintong once. Today, he has achieved his wish. He must be very happy. But if he shows himself very happy in front of Jin Xintong, Jin Xintong must hate him, so he pretends to be miserable. In fact, he shows it to Jin Xintong."

Li luoran shook his head and did not explain.

As early as a year ago, Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua had many skin kisses in order to have a baby. This is what Jin Xintong said to Li luoran personally. Therefore, there is no Xiao Qianhua who dreams of sleeping with Jin Xintong.

But this does not think that Jin Xintong does not matter.

Because Li luoran clearly remembers that Jin Xintong hated Li luoran when she told her that she had to sleep with Xiao Qianhua.

Jin Xintong only loves Lu Shaochen, and she also wants to defend herself for Lu Shaochen from the bottom of her heart. But a year ago, Jin Xintong was so eager to tie herself to Lu Shaochen with her children that she had to get close to Xiao Qianhua. After her successful pregnancy, Jin Xintong kept a distance from Xiao Qianhua, and never had a relationship with Xiao Qianhua again.

Li luoran believes that Jin Xintong, who married Lu Shaochen, doesn't want to be touched by other men. This time, Jin Xintong's pain after being touched by Xiao Qianhua is not for acting in front of Lu Shaochen.

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