You,Under My Name

Chapter 392: 392

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When Li luoran came home, Xiao Qianhua was standing outside the main building of the villa.

After more than a month, Xiao Qian's hair has grown to about one centimeter.

Some people say that a bad hairstyle can destroy a person, but if a person can be destroyed by his hairstyle, to a certain extent, that person's foundation is not good enough. Xiao Qian's painting of this handsome type seems to be a piece of jade, and no matter how bad his hairstyle is, it can't hide his brilliance.

When Li luoran came to the stage, Xiao Qianhua stood in her way

"Well." Liluoran light back.

Knowing that Xiao Qianhua's energy in the performing arts circle is amazing, Li luoran is not surprised that Xiao Qianhua knows the secrets of the cast of the queen of demons.

Xiao Qian painted, "Lu Wanyue also go?"

Li luoran shakes his head, bypasses Xiao Qianhua in front of him, and continues to walk in front of the door.

Looking at Li luoran's graceful figure, Xiao Qian's thin lips moved. He wanted to say something, but he wanted to say nothing. Finally, he just said, "that's good..."

Because he is leaving for Haicheng mountain area tomorrow, Li luoran starts to prepare his luggage when he goes upstairs. Xiaomengwa also helps Li luoran to tidy up happily, while Alan watches quietly.

The next day, Li luoran got up early.

Just after seven o'clock, Shu Xinshuang calls to urge Li luoran to go out with her suitcase in spite of breakfast.

Xiao Qianhua personally takes Li luoran to the yard. When he leaves, he holds Li luoran's hand and says, "are you sure Lu Wanyue won't go?"

Li luoran was very surprised. "Xiao Qianhua, what's the matter with you? It's our crew's business whether Lu Wanyue will go or not. Does it have anything to do with you? Why do you care so much about her? "

"I don't care about her. I really care about you." "You know, that wild girl Lu Wanyue is full of tricks. There's no bad idea she can't think of. I don't want her to harm you."

Is that right?

Is that too far fetched?

In order to fight against Li luoran, Lu Wanyue had to deal with Li luoran. After Li luoran and Lu Shaochen divorced, Lu Wanyue and Li luoran turned enemies into friends, OK? How could Lu Wanyue harm her?

Even though he felt that Xiao Qian's painting was abnormal, because he was in a hurry, Li luoran didn't have time to entangle with him. He threw away his hand in a hurry. PI xiaorou didn't smile and said, "in that case, I can thank you."

Xiao Qian draw hook lip, "you're welcome."

"Ha ha..." Li luoran rolled his eyes and thought, what a thick skin!

The mountain road is rugged, so the crew specially arranged a large off-road vehicle.

At this time, the SUV had stopped outside the door of Li luoran's home. Seeing Li luoran pulling the trunk out of the door, Shu Xinshuang quickly got out of the car to help Li luoran prepare the trunk together, and then got on with Li luoran.

Li luoran immediately found out by accident that in addition to Feng qianzhen, Shu Xinshuang, the driver and three photographers, there were Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue in the car.

"What are you looking at? What's so strange? " Lu Wanyue happily took Lu Shaochen's arm,

"hum! Wangzimo, the guy with eyes higher than the top, thinks he can't afford it? Don't forget, my brother is the total investor of this production group. My brother is the boss behind the scenes. Does he really think he can stop me? "

Li luoran still doesn't understand.

Lu Shaochen is indeed the chief investor behind the scenes of the "Queen of demons". It's no exaggeration to say that Lu Shaochen is the boss behind the scenes.

But then again, although Lu Shaochen is the boss behind the scenes, wangzimo is the boss on the surface. In fact, wangzimo has more say power than Lu Shaochen. Besides, wangzimo decided not to send Lu Wanyue to wangzimo. Even Lu Shaochen and Li luoran failed to find wangzimo to intercede with each other. Why did wangzimo compromise after one night?

"The son Mo has his principle, he has never agreed to give gentle release, he does not know this matter now." Lu Shaochen opened his mouth.

Oh, my God!

That is to say, Lu Wanyue sneaked into the car without telling Wang Zimo?

According to one look, Lu Shaochen saw through Li luoran's mind. He explained, "in addition to the three stars of you, Qian Zhen and Xin Shuang, and the three photographers, the crew has to arrange two logistics personnel to follow them to ensure everyone's basic necessities of life. I have the right to decide which two logistics personnel to follow."

Therefore, Lu Shaochen used his right to open the back door for Lu Wanyue and himself, and let him act as the logistics personnel to go together?


It's nothing. Anyway, no one explicitly stipulates that Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue are not allowed to serve as logistics personnel. But as for you two rich families who eat delicacies and wear splendid clothes every day, how can you serve everyone's basic necessities of life?!

Shu Xinshuang just listened in silence.

Feng Qianyi flattered, "Godfather is powerful. There is nothing wrong with him. Godfather is a man who loves public welfare. Who doesn't know how precious his time is? Ha ha, godfather put down his position and took so much time to experience the people's feelings in the mountains. This great spirit is worth everyone learning... " Holding Lu Shaochen's other arm attentively,"Ha ha, godfather, am I right? It's a little emotional, but it's all from the bottom of my heart! "

Shu Xinshuang looks disgusted.

Lu Shaochen answered coldly, "I'm not far away from the front!"

"Ha ha, yes! Yes! I'll do whatever Godfather wants me to do! " Feng Qianji's face was like a demon with a bright smile. After being obedient, he opened a distance of nearly ten centimeters with Lu Shaochen, and continued to ask for credit,

"godfather, do you think this distance is far enough?"

Lu Shaochen's lips moved.

"Godfather, don't say it's not enough." Feng Qianji interrupted Lu Shaochen's words in a hurry, and there was light in his enchanting blue eyes,

"godfather, you are my most respected, adored and loved person. I just want to be close to Godfather all the time. Now that I'm ten centimeters away from you, it's as far away from me as you are across the Milky way. I'd rather be beaten and scolded by Godfather than be further away from you !”

“……” Lu Shaochen closed his eyes in despair.

Lu Wanyue looks at the wind like an alien.

The three photographers and drivers also wanted to laugh.

Li luoran silently lamented the power of luxury cars.

Although Feng Qianchen once respected Lu Shaochen, how could he exaggerate like now?

Li luoran heard that half a month ago, Lu Shaochen transferred the pure gold Rolls Royce that he had promised to fengqianchen to fengqianchen. Since then, when he saw Lu Shaochen, it was like seeing the God of wealth. He was so excited that he rushed up and hugged Lu Shaochen's thigh.

Jiangcheng and Haicheng are close to each other. In less than two hours, Li luoran and his party arrived in Haicheng.

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But the destination they want to reach - Haicheng mountain area - is far away from the urban area, and the traffic is smooth when they are in the urban area. However, after leaving the urban area, the road leading to the mountain area is winding and rugged, and the horsepower off-road vehicle seems to be walking.

It was late at night when we got to our destination.

This is a poor and backward village.

There are not hotels and guesthouses in the village like in the city. That night, Li luoran and others can only live in three farmyards arranged by the crew in advance.

Every farmyard has two bedrooms.

In order to protect girls, at least one man should be arranged in each yard.

Li luoran, Lu Wanyue and Feng qianfei were assigned to one courtyard. Lu Shaochen, Shu Xinshuang and a female photographer were assigned to another courtyard. The remaining male drivers and two other photographers lived in the third courtyard.

The village is surrounded by mountains.

In the dead of night, Li luoran was standing in the yard. There were no stars in the unpolluted sky. There were no noises around him. There were only flowers and birds, just like a paradise.

"There are also such unpolluted places in the suburbs of our city. Three years ago, I built a chic courtyard there."

With this clear voice, fengqiandi comes to liluoran's right hand with steady steps. He looks up at the clear sky with his evil face,

"I occasionally go to live in that courtyard for a few days. At night, I sit on the roof alone. The stars in the sky seem to reach out, the insects and birds around me seem to be in my ears, and the fresh air seems to be dry The pure water is flowing around. The artistic conception is beautiful, just like it is now. "

Li luoran said, "well."

"But whenever I enjoy the quiet, a strong loneliness will come to me at the same time. I always think of the girl I love. I think it's good for her to sit on the roof with me. I think maybe she will fall in love with that place, live there with me for a lifetime, and never go again..." The wind said in a trance.

Li luoran couldn't help but feel strange. He turned his head and looked at the wind. He was always unruly. Now he was looking at the sky in a trance. His eyes were so obsessed and serious.

Li luoran knew that she was the "girl" she was talking about.

In the past, Li luoran would be far away from Fengqian as soon as possible. But this time, she didn't go away immediately. She didn't want to cut off Fengqian's infatuation for herself. She just looked at Fengqian's affectionate appearance and couldn't bear it.

"You know that place." The wind is shallow and the road is sudden.

Li luoran was stunned, "ah?"

She's not impressed at all!

If you have been to such a beautiful place, Li luoran will remember it!

"Three years ago, you and Jiang Xiaojing went to Yanyu County for a tour, and I also followed them. When they passed a garden area near mountains and rivers, you said to Jiang Xiaojing, if you can have a yard there, you are willing to marry that yard and keep it for the rest of your life." The icy blue eyes looked at Li luoran, the wind was shallow and he was smiling,

"then, I spent a lot of money to buy a piece of land where you said and built the yard."

Li Luo ran was in a trance, "but you never told me."

"Yes, how can I tell you?"

The wind is shallow, and she is gazing at the girl's face in the bright moonlight,"At that time, you rejected the opposite sex. In order to get close to you, I could only be a 'mother' so that you could treat me as a 'best friend'. I built that yard for you. I want to grow old with you in that yard. That yard represents my love for you. If I mention it to you, my 'best friend' identity will be exposed, and you will reject me. I have no chance to get close to you any more, so I can only get close to you It's a secret with my love for you. "

Li luoran was indifferent no longer. His eyes were hot and humid.

She was rescued by Feng qianshe at the most miserable time of her life. Feng qianshe should have been the "hero" in her heart, just because she was cheated and betrayed by Su Yan at that time and regarded the opposite sex as a plague. In order to create opportunities for her to get close to her, Feng qianshe could only aggrieve herself

This love makes the original uninhibited wind so humble.

Fengqianshe not only saved her, but also did everything for her in the past four years, and she couldn't return anything.

Li luoran thought that the only way he could repay Feng qianzhen was to make a promise by himself.

However, she can't!

In fact, even though Li luoran has always regarded fengqianshe as her "best friend", she has never been in love with fengqianshe. But if fengqianshe confessed to her before Li luoran and Lu Shaochen met a year ago, Li luoran would agree even to repay fengqianshe

Li luoran likes the wind very much.

Even though love is not love, if she marries Feng qianshe, as they get closer and closer, they will gradually develop into love.

But the wind is too shallow.

By the time Feng Qianji confesses to Li luoran, it's too late, and Lu Shaochen has firmly occupied her heart.

Although Li luoran and Lu Shaochen have divorced, Li luoran and Lu Shaochen have gone through so many twists and turns, and they have been deeply in love. Li luoran feels that his body and soul are full of Lu Shaochen's imprints, and it's hard to accept another man and start another love

"Are you in love?" A clear voice suddenly sounded behind Li luoran,

"the conversation is really high. Did I come at a bad time to disturb your good things? Are you going to start kissing and doing things? It doesn't matter. You can treat me as if I don't exist. Kiss and do it now. Don't worry. I just watch it. I won't record it! "

Li luoran recognized Lu Wanyue's voice immediately.

although Li Luo dye make complaints about Lu's speech, it is not surprising that he is so hot.

"None of your business!" Feng Qianji mercilessly turns around to reply,

"you know you are redundant, don't you? You don't know you're there, do you? No one left you? Where are you from and where are you going

“……” Lu Wanyue was speechless for a moment. She turned her lips in discontent,

"cut, shameless! shame on you! What does a married woman do with a single man? You think I love watching? I'm afraid I'll dirty my eyes, disgusting

Although I said that, I still stood in the same place.


Feng Qianyi sneers and wants to make a sarcastic remark on Lu Wanyue. Li luoran interrupts him hastily, "come on, come on, don't say a few words. When you are sleepy, go to sleep."

After that, he quickly walked to the door of the room. When he passed Lu Wanyue, he gently poked her arm with his finger, "aren't you tired? Don't you go to bed? "

"Hum!" Lu Wanyue turns her eyes to the wind and walks back to the room with Li luoran.

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