You,Under My Name

Chapter 396: 396

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Lu Shaochen has been carrying Li luoran to the yard before putting her down.

Lu Shaochen focuses on helping Li luoran tear the tape on her hands and feet, while Li luoran looks at him in a trance, "I think you are too hasty, shallow and stubborn. If he refuses to be a graceful antidote, graceful will be life-threatening."

"So?" Lu Shao is very careful when he is afraid of hurting Li luoran.

"what do you think I should do to avoid being rash?"

Li luoran, "you should supervise..." With these words, Li luoran also imagined that it was very inappropriate, and immediately blushed and explained,

"I mean, you don't have to watch even if you are on the scene, you can turn back to them, just make sure that they That's all right... " Li luoran didn't know how to say that

"If you were the one who was drugged, would you like someone to watch while I'm treating you?" Lu Shaochen's magnetic voice sounded like a breeze in Li luoran's ear.


If what if?

You were drugged!

You need someone else to cure you!

Even if you have to give an example to illustrate the problem, can you change it to someone else?!

Liluoran almost vomited blood.

"Mildness will be fine." Lu Shaochen has also helped Li luoran to solve his problems.

Where is Li luoran willing to believe!

Free she immediately turned to walk indoors.

However, just out of a step, but Lu Shaochen's big hand tightly clenched the wrist, the face of Lu Shaochen puzzled staring at her, "they are fighting hot, what do you go back to do?"

"I'm not sure. I'll go and see for myself!"

Li luoran anxiously tries to shake off Lu Shaochen's hand as she says, but the more she struggles, the more Lu Shaochen grabs her. No matter how anxious she is, it doesn't help.

"What's the matter with you?" Li luoran stares at Shaochen angrily, and sweat oozes from his forehead.

"Lu Shaochen, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You don't want to go against the principle and help your sister with the antidote. In order to get rid of the responsibility, you just throw her away to Qian Yi. Why don't you go back to see her? Because you are afraid to see shallow she refused to save her! You're afraid you'll have to fight yourself then! "

"You..." Lu Shaochen feels angry and funny. He shakes his head helplessly,

"I think you have been with Wanyue for too long, and then your thoughts will become as dirty as her."

Li luoran was so anxious that he didn't care to reason with Lu Shaochen. He continued to reply coldly, "whatever you say, you don't have to see it yourself. You don't have the right to imprison me. Let me go!"

"Let go!"

"Let go!"

Swing your arm hard.

However, Lu Shaochen's strength is so great, how can she shake it off?

The harder she tried, the tighter Lu Shaochen's big hand was. His well-defined fingers sank deep into her skin. Li luoran felt that her carpal bones would be crushed. Her small face twisted with pain, and her clear eyes were full of tears. She couldn't say a word more.

"I don't think you're drunk."

Lu Shaochen calm face, cold voice like wind and snow to Li luoran.

Li luoran was stunned.

Lu Shaochen continued to say coldly, "you know that I care more about grace than you do. You know that I can't play with her life. You also know that if I don't have 100% confidence, I can never leave. You don't go back to see her because you care about her, but to see the wind."


The wind is shallow?

Li luoran is frightened and forgets the pain. "The wind is shallow He What's good for him? "

"You know it." Lu Shaochen's deep eyes are filled with a certain meaning, and the air seems to send out a sour taste,

"Qian Zhen is a rare handsome man. Although you are very familiar with him, you probably haven't seen his most secret part. You must be very curious. You are so anxious to go back and have a look, don't you go to see what this can be?"


Li luoran has a feeling that his whole body has been blown up.

"Lu Shaochen, how dirty you are! How can you say that to me? " Li luoran didn't know how he made his voice.

Lu Shaochen sneered and said nothing.

At the same time, Li luoran is still holding fast to him.

Li luoran looked at her and Lu Wanyue's bedroom from a distance. The light in the bedroom was bright and the curtains were closed. Standing in the yard, Li luoran could only see a piece of white light inside. The rest could only be imagined.

She's really in a hurry.

"I can let you go back and have a look." Lu Shaochen's cool voice sounded again.

Li luoran was very surprised and happy.

However, before the smile reached her eyes, Lu Shaochen continued, "let's make a bet. Since you say that you have to watch it because you are concerned and graceful, if qianshe hasn't helped her now, I'll fight in person according to your request; on the contrary, you'll have to sleep with me once."Li Luo ran suddenly anger from the heart, but she does not attack, but decisive nod, "good!"

How also did not expect Li luoran to agree so simply, Lu Shaochen extremely handsome face revealed doubt, "are you sure?"

"Sure! Sure Li luoran nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice and shook his hands vigorously,

"do you want to bet or not? If you bet, let it go. "

Although Lu Shaochen was puzzled, he thought that Li luoran always said that she couldn't win the bet and didn't admit it, so he slowly let go.

Li luoran, who had lost his confinement, ran back to the room at a speed of 100 meters.

The bedroom where Li luoran and Lu Wanyue live has been kicked away by Lu Shaochen. When Li luoran ran a few meters away from the bedroom, he heard Lu Wanyue's cry like a baby inside.

But with the sound alone, he was not sure what was going on inside.

Because Lu Wanyue made such a sound before Li luoran was carried away by Lu Shaochen. Although the sound at that time was not as loud as it is now, it can't be ruled out that Lu Wanyue's voice became higher and higher as the medicine became more and more intense.

So, Li luoran came to the door all the way, hid himself behind the wall, looked into the door, and couldn't move his eyes any more in the next second!

Sure enough, Lu Shaochen was right!

Feng Qianji is really helping Lu Wanyue with her own efforts!

Just from this picture, we can imagine how powerful the medicine is. Li luoran thinks that even fengqianhe has no choice but to do so. However, such a "perfectionist" as him can never bury his first time on the floor. He will certainly take Lu Wanyue to bed first, but the fact is that they are still on the floor now, which means that he was killed when he tried to hold Lu Wanyue Lu Wanyue was so tightly entangled as to catch a straw that she could never get away.

Until now, Lu Wanyue still clings to him like a water snake.

Lu Wanyue is as hot as a furnace that is about to blow up. Her rapid heartbeat and breathing also show that she is in urgent need of antidote. Therefore, Feng qianshe also works hard.

As Feng Qianji and Lu Wanyue both turned their backs to the door, Li luoran could not see their faces, and they did not take off their clothes. Looking from Li luoran's position, they could only see two overlapping undulating figures, and could not see any "details" as Lu Shaochen said. However, Li luoran was stunned.

"Enough of that?"

A low voice suddenly came from behind.

The guilty Li luoran almost screamed. At this time, a big hand just happened to cover her mouth. At the same time, a long and powerful arm encircled her waist.

Powerful power came, she was taken to turn 180 degrees in the same place, and then bumped into the man's solid chest.

It's Lu Shaochen!

Li luoran, who just watched a good play, was so fascinated that he didn't notice when Lu Shaochen came behind her.

"I don't see anything I I mean, I didn't see the kind of private places you said. They were all dressed, and... "


Li luoran didn't know why he was eager to explain!

Now she is not Lu Shaochen's wife. Even if she sees more details, does she have anything to do with Lu Shaochen?

Li luoran regretted explaining himself!

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Lu Shaochen back to her is a secretive eyes, "girl, there is no need to lie, your heart sold your heart." The right arm is still tightly wrapped around Li luoran's waist, but the left hand, which was used to cover Li luoran's mouth, goes up along Li luoran's waist line and covers her heart,

"I'm willing to accept defeat. Remember, you owe me once, and you are limited to pay off the gambling debt within ten days, otherwise, I will ask you for it myself."


Li luoran's heart is full of mixed feelings.

All right!

At that time, she was so tightly held by Lu Shaochen that she could only escape from his control if she agreed to Lu Shaochen's request for the time being. Li luoran didn't intend to admit it, OK?

"Not yet?"

Lu Shaochen takes Li luoran back to the yard.

It was more than three o'clock in the morning, and the yard was quiet and cold. Li luoran had been thinking about the comfort of landing tactfully, and had no mind to think about other problems. Now, he knew that Feng qianzhen was "antidote" for Lu Wanyue, and he felt at ease, so he calmed down.

Calm, also just feel the wind in the early morning unexpectedly so cold, she shivers.

Behind him the figure swayed.

The next second, Lu Shaochen had taken off his black windbreaker and put it on her.

Lu Shaochen's windbreaker left his body temperature, his unique cool breath of peppermint and light smell of tobacco. The warmth that he had not seen for a long time spread all over Li luoran's body in an instant.

At the same time, Li luoran seemed to feel a warm tide pouring into her heart. Her lips trembled, but she couldn't say the word "thank you".

"You're welcome." Lu Shaochen hooked his lips.

Came to her, one by one to help her fasten the button on the windbreaker.Lu Shaochen is tall and tall. This windbreaker is draped on Li luoran's petite body. For Li luoran, it looks like an alternative dress, with the corners reaching her ankles.

Lu Shaochen, who was only wearing a white shirt, had goose bumps on his skin.

Li luoran should have been very formal.

However, she is very natural.

It was not until this moment that Li luoran found that even though she had divorced Lu Shaochen for so long, she always made a psychological construction of "drawing a clear line with Lu Shaochen". However, when Lu Shaochen was close to her, even though she was repulsed on the surface, she didn't feel repulsed in her heart. When Lu Shaochen sent her care, she would not have the feeling of being cared by strangers It seems that he is still his husband

"Those three masked people are obviously well prepared, and they have no hostility to you, their goal is only tact."

Lu Shaochen opened his mouth lightly.

Li luoran nodded, "yes."

"At ordinary times, Wanyue is either in the crew or in the home with good security measures. They don't have a chance to start. This time, Wanyue's arrival in the mountainous area with inconvenient transportation gives them an opportunity."

Looking at the bedroom where Wanyue and Fengqian are, Lu Shaochen's eyes are as deep as a whirlpool,

"Wanyue is arrogant and domineering, and has offended many people. Many people want to revenge her, but those who hate her are just angry with her because of some trivial things. They want to revenge her, and they are not so evil By means of poison, Xiao Qianhua is the only one who hates her and can revenge her in this way. "

Xiao Qian's painting?!

Sure enough!

Once upon a time, Xiao Qian's painting had been carried by Jin Xintong for so many times. As long as Jin Xintong did something wrong, Lu Shaochen would not doubt Jin Xintong, but was the first to doubt Xiao Qian's painting!

"Jin Xintong hates Wanyue more than Xiao Qianhua. The three masked people retaliate against Lu Wanyue by the same means as Lu Wanyue. Although I'm not sure, I think Jin Xintong is more likely to be the employer of the three masked people." Li Luo dye light way.

In fact, when Li luoran was forced to squat at the bedside, she had already determined from the words of the three masked people that the culprit behind this incident was Jin Xintong.

But she has no real evidence, so she can't be too absolute.

"It can't be Xiaojin!" Speaking of Jin Xintong, Lu Shaochen's eyes are firm,

"Xiao Jin told me that she has forgiven her politeness. I know her better than anyone else. She would never do such a vicious thing."


make complaints about Li Luo's dyeing.

Jin Xintong has always been a "goddess" in Lu Shaochen's mind. Besides, Jin Xintong is so good at acting, and Lu Shaochen can be forgiven for believing in Jin Xintong.

Li luoran can't help thinking, what will Lu Shaochen do after Lu Shaochen sees the truth and finds that Jin Xintong has done so many strange things to him?

Would he hate himself?

Will you slap yourself in the face?

Or will it be like the original Su Yan after seeing the true face of innocent Qingwan, and Jin Xintong turn against each other, revenge Jin Xintong by all means?

After going through so many things, Li luoran knows that without any hard evidence, Jin Xintong will be regarded as "planted" by Lu Shaochen. She no longer argues with Lu Shaochen, but just asks,

"you think it's Xiao Qian's painting, won't you revenge Xiao Qian's painting?"

"I'm not going to take revenge on someone just by my own guess, but if I'm sure that person is behind the scenes, I'll never let him go." Lu Shaochen coldly looked at the brightly lit bedroom,

"today, I was lucky to arrive in time. If I slept very well and didn't see your message for help, or even if I saw it, even if I came a minute later, my politeness had been trampled by the three men. She was still a clean girl. So far, she hasn't been in love."

Li luoran sighed silently.

Not to mention that Lu Wanyue is Lu Shaochen's younger sister. If Lu Wanyue is abused in turn, even Li luoran, who is just an ordinary friend of Lu Wanyue, will be very sad.

And what happened to Lu Wanyue, the victim himself, caused immeasurable harm.

In fact, Lu Wanyue only gave them medicine when she knew that Jin Xintong and Xiao Qianhua had a close relationship. At least she didn't let a man who had nothing to do with Jin Xintong be like her

Jin Xintong's revenge on Lu Wanyue is too cruel!

I don't know if Lu Shaochen finds out that Jin Xintong is the culprit, how Jin Xintong will end up.

"Ranran, Shaochen, what are you doing?"

Accompanied by a gentle voice, a enchanting figure came into the gate.

The gate of the courtyard was dark. Although Li luoran could not see the face of the person coming, he could tell from his voice that it was Shu Xinshuang.

In the twinkling of an eye, Shu Xinshuang has come to Li luoran. She habitually takes Li luoran's arm,"Ranran, I just saw the message you sent me for help. At the beginning, I thought you were playing a prank, but after thinking about it, I decided to come and have a look! Sure enough, something is wrong. What are you and Shaochen doing in the yard in the middle of the night? Where is Lu Wanyue? What about the wind

Li luoran pointed to the bright window.

"What do you mean? Do you mean Lu Wanyue and Feng Qianyi are in the same bedroom Shu Xinshuang feels more wrong.

Li luoran nodded.

“……” Curiosity has burst of shuxinshuang, where still can restrain it, she left Li luoran, quickly walked to the room.

"Don't go!"

Li luoran pulls shuxinshuang in a hurry.

Shu Xinshuang's beautiful face was at a loss, "Ranran, what's the matter?"

Lilo dyed his cheeks crimson. "That's the kind of thing That Children should not... "

Li luoran doesn't say that. It's good that Shu Xinshuang wants to see it.

"Wanyue has been drugged, and she is the antidote for her." At the moment, Lu Shaochen opened his mouth lightly.

Shu Xinshuang is just about to ask "what medicine Lu Wanyue took" and "why let Feng qianzhen give her the antidote". Lu Shaochen, who understands Shu Xinshuang's character of breaking the casserole to the end, said ahead of her,

"it's the medicine that Xiaojin and Xiaoqian's painting were mildly given. They are doing the thing that Xiaojin and Xiaoqian's painting did after they were given the medicine."

Shu Xinshuang could not say a word except nodding and staring at the room where Lu Wanyue and Feng qianzhen were.

After the arrival of Shu Xinshuang, Lu Shaochen and Li luoran no longer said anything.

Three people standing side by side in the yard, like three watchman's stone, looking at the window of the bedroom, this painting style, not to mention how beautiful.

Time goes by second by second.

I don't think it's been more than an hour.

Shu Xinshuang was the first to wait impatiently. "Ranran, although I haven't experienced this kind of thing, I think it's been so long, and they should be over, right? Shall we go in and have a look? "

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