You,Under My Name

Chapter 407: 407

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Lu Shaochen is calm on the surface. However, when he thinks of the fact that he let Lu Wanyue bind Li luoran, he is not guilty, disorderly and afraid that Li luoran will find himself afterwards.

"Lu Shaochen, don't pretend to be deaf to me and answer my question! You talk to me! " Xiao Qianhua stares at Shaochen angrily,

"Lu Shaochen, what skills did you have before? Why do you flinch now? You don't even dare to say anything. Are you afraid of Ranran... "

"You don't know if it's over or not!" Lu Wanyue sharply interrupted Xiao Qianhua,

"you want to hear my brother explain, don't you? I help my elder brother answer, let my elder brother call to tell you that I am the one who Xiaojin fell down the stairs, and I am the one who tied Ranran. "

Li luoran, who was tied to the sofa, suddenly realized.

Xiao Qianhua tells us that Lu Shaochen uses Jin Xintong as bait to deceive Xiao Qianhua into coming to Lu's house. Li luoran thinks that this is not Lu Shaochen's idea. Jin Xintong is Lu Shaochen's goddess. How can he curse Jin Xintong so much?

Who else can come up with such an idea besides Lu Wanyue?

Xiao Qianhua was shocked at first. The next second, his eyes turned to satire. "Lu Shaochen, it is said that you are a pet sister maniac. Your sister becomes lawless just because you have no bottom line protection and doting. Unexpectedly, the rumors are true. I Xiao Qianhua has gained insight today. Lu Shaochen indulges her sister to the point that she even looks at the girl he loves She was abused by her sister

Lu Shaochen is still calm. If he comes close to his face and looks at it carefully, he will find that there is a trace of panic in his black gem like beautiful eyes.

Xiao Qianhua continued, "Lu Shaochen, if I were you..."

"Shut up Lu Wanyue interrupts Xiao Qianhua in a loud voice,

"I'm dying, and I'm so sharp mouthed. What happened between my brother and Ranran has nothing to do with you. Take care of yourself first!"

Knowing that Lu Shaochen is very reluctant to see Li luoran tied, if Xiao Qianhua pokes Lu Shaochen's weakness again, maybe Lu Shaochen will waver and let Li luoran go regardless of the overall situation. Once Li luoran is let go, he will try his best to prevent her from retaliating against Xiao Qianhua. Therefore, Lu Wanyue says, "Xiao Qianhua, you are a good painter Smart man, I think you already know why I tied you here. "

Xiao Qian painted his haughty lips. "A while ago, you had a little episode in the mountain area, which is quite interesting to say. However, although the process was breathtaking, it turned out to be very good for you. It's rare that you haven't experienced the joy of fish and water at such an old age, and you like the little white face of the wind. I helped Xiao Qian painting complete your transformation, and you must be happy It's amazing. You should thank me. "


Lu Wanyue, embarrassed and annoyed, raised her hand and slapped it on Xiao Qianhua's face.

Although Xiao Qian's painting is painful and the corners of his mouth are full of enchanting blood, he still refuses to accept the soft and continues to tease, "how, little princess, have you been stabbed to the pain by me? Do you hit people if you don't agree? "

"Well! You are like a woodpecker. You have a very hard mouth. I'll let you talk fast for a moment. What's the point? After a while, when I give your sister medicine, when she's burning and can't survive, I can't make you cry. "

Hearing Lu Wanyue's words, Xiao Qianhua's playful face was instantly swept away, followed by an obvious panic, "you What did you say? " Even the voice was shaking.

"I heard what you said." Lu Wanyue smiles triumphantly,

"however, since you are too afraid to believe what you heard, I might as well say it again to you. I said, I will give Xiao Qianying the medicine, and give her the medicine you asked the three masked people to give me that night!"

As if to hear a bolt from the blue, Xiao Qianhua's body obviously trembled, unable to speak for a moment.

Li luoran's body also trembled.

Sure enough!

Lu Wanyue wants to revenge Xiao Qianhua in the most extreme way, which is what Li luoran is most worried about.

Therefore, the three masked people must have been waiting for Xiao Qianying to become her "antidote" when the medicine came out

Li luoran is flustered to think, listen to Lu Wanyue continue to say with a smile, "how? Are you afraid now? When you gave me the medicine, why didn't you be afraid? However, I'm actually kind-hearted. I can't give someone medicine and then watch her die. I've prepared an antidote for her. Look at these three masked people, they are the antidote... "

Lu Wanyue pointed back at the three masked men,

"these three men are very ugly, and your sister is so dignified and beautiful that they and your sister are ashamed. It's really nice that a cabbage was ruined by a pig. However, it's important to save your life. You can't let your sister die in a bath fire."

Lu Wanyue smiles brightly.

While laughing, she walks to Xiao Qianying. At this time, Xiao Qianying is still sleeping. Lu Wanyue holds Xiao Qianying's chin with her right finger and pulls it down. Xiao Qianying's mouth naturally opens. At the same time, Lu Wanyue puts the red pill in her left hand into Xiao Qianying's mouth."Stop it Xiao Qianhua roared loudly, and the cold water and sweat on his forehead were mixed together,

"this is the grudge between us. It has nothing to do with my sister. If you dare to touch her, you and I will never end!"

"Oh You really scared me to death with such a ferocious look? But I'm not afraid. I don't think you'll end up with me! " With these words, the pill between the two fingers has reached Xiao Qianying's lower lip. As long as Lu Wanyue releases her finger, the pill will slip into Xiao Qianying's mouth.



Xiao Qianhua struggled hard, with deep lines on his handsome face,

"don't you want to revenge me? You give me the medicine. After I have a seizure, you can find the ugliest woman in the world as my antidote. As long as you don't touch my sister, you can do anything to me! "

"Don't give her medicine!"


Everyone was moved by it.

No one expected that Xiao Qianhua would be so cruel to himself for his sister's sake!

"Alas! What a sister and brother. I'm so moved. "

Lu Wanyue was deeply moved. She shrugged her shoulders,

"in fact, I'd like to revenge you with the scheme you said, but if you think about it carefully, it doesn't matter who you sleep with for a stallion like you who has countless female readers. Even if you sleep with the ugliest woman in the world, it doesn't matter to you? I've heard that your sister is quite innocent. She must care a lot. "

Xiao Qianhua's eyes are desperate and his voice is sad.

"let her go, I'll give you whatever you want."

"Well! Well Lu Wanyue nodded,

"since you care about your sister so much, you can save her now. Don't you just admit that you are helping Jin Xintong carry the pot?"

The moment Lu Wanyue says this, almost everyone on the scene looks at Jin Xintong.

The face of brocade Heart Tong instantly becomes very white, she is forced to bite tight lower lip, looking Wei Qu extremely.

No one knew how scared she was.

She knows more about Xiao Qianhua's affection for Xiao Qianying than anyone else. In Xiao Qianhua's heart, Xiao Qianying and Jin Xintong are equally important. Therefore, Jin Xintong is extremely afraid of Xiao Qianhua's telling the truth in order to protect Xiao Qianying's innocence.

Everyone looked at her.

And she, looking at Xiao Qian's painting in a trance, no one knows what she is thinking.

"My patience is limited. Everyone is waiting to see this good play, so I only give you five seconds to tell the truth or let your beautiful and innocent sister make cannon fodder for jinxintong. You can decide as soon as possible."



The countdown begins for Lu Wanyue.

Everyone held their breath.

In such a big room, in addition to the countdown sound of Lu Wanyue, death is like a cemetery.

Jin Xintong feels that she will faint at any time when she is nervous, and she can't let out a trace of nervousness or uneasiness, because then Lu Shaochen will doubt her. The only thing she can show is her grievance. She is so tangled, afraid, struggling Lu Wanyue's countdown seems to ring the death knell for her. Every time Lu Wanyue's voice rings, she feels closer to the time of death

"Don't count..." Xiao Qian opened his mouth lightly.

His this opening, the vision of all people instantly shifts to him from the brocade Heart tong body.

"I do things by myself. It has nothing to do with Xiaojin." Xiao Qian's voice is cold and cool, and his eyes are determined like a strong man breaking his wrist.

Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

Li luoran also knows that Xiao Qianhua loves Xiao Qianying. However, for the sake of Jin Xintong, Xiao Qianhua even goes out with his sister!

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How deep is Xiao Qianhua's love for Jin Xintong!

Jin Xin Tong breathes a sigh of relief. Fortunately, at the same time, there is a touch in her heart.

Sure enough, Xiao Qianhua's love for her has reached the level of obsession, as if poison into the bone marrow, there is no cure.

"You Are you serious? " I thought that as long as Xiao Qianying threatened Xiao Qianhua, Xiao Qianhua would never cover up Jin Xintong again. Lu Wanyue didn't expect this, and she was a little at a loss.

"Xiao Qianhua, don't be silly. Jin Xintong saved my brother's life. Even if you give Jin Xintong away, my brother won't do anything to her. If you continue to serve Jin Xintong, you and me will only be hurt Your sister

Xiao Qian draws the uninhibited radian from the corner of his bloody mouth. "Xiaojin is also the one I love. I can't get away for myself and blame her for everything."


"Very good!"

"Since you want to take everything for this bitch, I'll help you!"

With these words, the two fingers holding the pills also loosened.

The red pill immediately rolled into Xiao Qianying's mouth. The pill melted at the entrance and was swallowed by Xiao Qianying's conditioned reflex.

Xiao Qianying closed her eyes in despair.Lu Wanyue sneered, "Xiao Qianhua, I've given you a chance. It's all your wishful thinking. If you want to blame yourself, it's you who take your sister's innocence in order to protect someone."

Voice down, turned and took Lu Shaochen's arm, "brother, let's all go."

Lu Shaochen did not return. He just glanced at Xiao Qian's painting.

He didn't want to get into such a situation with Xiao Qianhua.

He used to draw well water with Xiao Qian, but Xiao Qian first separated him from Li luoran by vicious means, and then bullied Lu Wanyue. His bottom line was trampled by the man named Xiao Qian again and again, and he had to pay it back.

Lu Shaochen turned and walked out with Lu Wanyue.

"You have given my sister medicine, why don't you untie me?" The sound of Xiao Qian's painting came from behind.

"Don't worry, someone will untie you later." Lu Wanyue turns her back to Xiao Qianying, but she fails to expose Jin Xintong, and her heart is lost.

"just like those three masked people did to me that night, when Xiao Qianying's medicine takes effect, they will help you to untie. At that time, you have three choices: first, don't let anyone touch your sister and watch her die; second, let these three masked men do her solution Third, you can make her own antidote


Hearing the three options, Xiao Qianhua burst into a rage, "are you crazy?"

Lu Wanyue sneered, "yes, I'm crazy! Hatred drives me crazy

Xiao Qian's painting trembles all over.

Lu Wanyue stares at Jin Xintong, who is standing on one side and "wronged." what are you doing here, little coquettish fox? Do you want to stay and join the scuffle between these three men and Xiao Qianying

“……” Jin Xin Tong wants to strangle Lu Wanyue, but can only bear to follow Lu Shaochen to the door.

"Hello, sir, just a moment..." Chu Xingchen grabs Lu Shaochen's arm,

"your sister-in-law is still tied there, don't you care about her?"

Lu Shaochen was about to speak, but Lu Wanyue said, "Ranran must stay and watch. Before, someone wanted Ranran to witness the whole process of being humiliated by three masked people. This time, I also asked Ranran to come to the scene."


She was a victim last time, OK?

Is there any reason to let her be a victim again in order to revenge others?

Li luoran stares at Lu Wanyue with hatred. If his mouth had not been sealed tightly, he would have been rude to Lu Wanyue.

"Well! It makes sense, it makes sense! Indeed, my sister-in-law should stay and watch. " Chu Xingchen spoke highly of Lu Wanyue's decision.

What's the reason for this?

How can there be such a truth in the world?!

Li luoran suspects that Chu Xingchen's IQ has been knocked down by that shot, and there is something wrong with his brain circuit.

"Ha ha, but I still think it's unfair to that young lady. Ha ha..." Chu Xingchen holds Lu Shaochen's arm flatteringly,

"in fact, I think Xiao Qianhua's proposal is also very good. You can give him medicine, and then find some cleaning aunts to make antidotes for him. He is as handsome as you. Cleaning aunts can't wait for him. That's a great pleasure, don't you think?"

Lu Shaochen said, "if you are really compassionate, you can stay to be her antidote."

Chu Xingchen, "..."

Lu Wanyue looked up and said, "yes! I don't mind! You can stay Recalling that night after his own medicine, Lu Shaochen drove away the three masked people, Lu Shaochen pulled the wind shallow for her antidote, if Chu Xingchen stay, but also restore the scene of that night, this revenge is also fair.

But Chu Xingchen and Xiao Qianying do not know each other, and they will not devote themselves to Xiao Qianying's antidote.

"Ha ha, don't make trouble!" Chu Xingchen scratched his exaggerated wine red hair. When Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue didn't pay attention, he turned back to Xiao Qianying, who was still sleeping on the chair. Such a fairy like little sister was trampled on like this. Thinking about it, it's really exciting!

Lu Shaochen peeked at Li luoran.

Although I don't want Li luoran to see other men

But think about it, according to Li luoran's character, when that happens, she will close her eyes and never peek!

Lu Shaochen, Lu Wanyue, Jin Xintong and Chu Xingchen successively went out of the living room.


With this loud sound, the heavy door was closed and locked by Lu Shaochen. In the huge living room, only Xiao Qianying, Xiao Qianhua, Li luoran and the three masked people were left.

Seeing that Xiao Qianying, who was tied to the chair, began to wriggle and breathe heavily, Li luoran couldn't speak, but was worried.

Li luoran has witnessed the whole process of Lu Wanyue's drug attack. According to her experience, as time goes on, Xiao Qianying's reaction will become more and more intense. At the last minute or so, Xiao Qianying's face will turn red. At that time, if no one helps her with the medicine, every minute that time goes back, she will be more dangerous"Untie me!" Xiao Qian's painting is cold.

There was no response, and the three masked men were still as if they were sculptures.

Xiao Qian's voice was colder, "do you know who I am? I'm the legendary "black hell". Those who offend me will not come to a good end. If you are smart, untie me quickly! "

There is still no response.

The three masked men did not throw away Xiao Qian's painting at all, but carefully observed Xiao Qian Ying's reaction.

Xiao Qianhua knew that nothing he said would help. Although he was anxious, he could only wait.

Sure enough, as Li luoran expected, Xiao Qianying's breathing sound became more and more heavy. Even Li luoran, who was five meters away, could hear it clearly. At the same time, Xiao Qianying twisted like a water snake like Lu Wanyue that night, and her face was red as if she would drip blood at any time.

Looking at this scene, even Li luoran felt despair.

At this time, the three masked people winked at each other.

Xiao nodded for a thousand seconds and drew a shadow for them.

At the moment, Xiao Qianying is completely unconscious. She feels that someone is around her and immediately nestles up to the masked person who unties her, with her slender arms around his neck.

The masked man was not polite. He put one arm around Xiao Qianying's slender waist, and the other hand went to untie her skirt.

"Get rid of your dirty hands!"

Xiao Qianhua's roar suddenly rang out.

The masked man was stunned by the cold voice. Before he recovered, he was punched in the face by Xiao Qianhua. The masked man stepped back and finally squatted on the ground. Xiao Qianying, who was originally held by the masked man, fell on the carpet because he lost his support.

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