You,Under My Name

Chapter 67: 67

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The shrill voice spread far away.

Even the people outside the curtain were attracted, looking at the scene through the gap of the curtain.

All of a sudden, Li luoran felt the shame of being naked and displayed in a glass cabinet.

Lu Shaochen clenched Li luoran's hand,

"Mom, what's the matter with you?"

"You know what's wrong with me!" Song Jia stood up and pointed to Lu Shaochen's face with trembling fingers,

"Lu Shaochen, are you my son or not? If you are my son, don't let her get in my way in front of me

Lu Shaochen brow deep lock, eyes a cold, "I brought her, if you must drive her away, I go with her."

Stand up and go.


A slap hit him in the face.

Lu Shaochen's left face turned red.

"You are really my good son. I asked you to drive her away, but you went with her. You didn't even attend mom's birthday party for her sake. You took care of her face, but where did you leave me?"

In any case, I can't imagine that her son, who has always been obedient to herself, will disobey herself for Li luoran's sake. Song Jiaren's face is pale and her chest fluctuates violently,

"OK, Lu Shaochen, you don't have to go, she doesn't have to go, I'll go..."

"I can't do more than this birthday. This birthday party is just a private dinner for you and your dirty girlfriend! Mildly, let's go! "

I'm about to leave.

"Stop!" With these words, Li luoran got up and stood in front of an Jiaren with her thin body,

"she said so much just to drive me away. I'll go."

Cover up that silk to Anne's disappointment, calmly turn around.

Lu Wanyue looked sarcastically at her back,

"hum, I should have left long ago. No, some people shouldn't have come here. This is the occasion where we high-end people come. Beggars are not welcome."

Li luoran was stabbed by a certain two words in his heart. He couldn't help but stop.

Look at the "nobles" sitting at the table. They look at her with such disdain and aloofness

Perhaps, in the eyes of these "nobles", ordinary people like her are "beggars". As long as they appear in their circle, they beg from them, right?

She raised her face haughtily,

"if Lu Shaochen had told me that he was coming to see you noble people, I would not have come. It's not that I have prejudice against you noble people, or that I don't think your circle is good. It's just that I've met some people who clearly don't have noble self-cultivation, but always think they are" noble "people who have more money than them In front of me, I bow and bow, but when I see ordinary people, I think I am superior and domineering. In my eyes, the real noble people are "nobles", otherwise they are just rich clowns.... "

A few people bowed their heads.

Li luoran pulled her lips and sighed,

"anyway, I thought at least one person would want me to come. Hehe, since even she has changed her face, why should I hang on? However, I have made it clear that I have not betrayed my body and dignity, and I am not a beggar. I will not grovel to anyone and smile on their doorstep. No matter who it is, no matter how rich and powerful this person is, if you want to get my respect, it must be based on the premise of respecting me. No matter who he or she is, if someone offends me, I will pay back. "

Step back.

A sudden pain in the wrist, so Lu Shaochen caught the wrist.

Lu Shaochen looked at her with remorse,

"I'll take you back."

She smiles, "don't worry, I'm not a child, I can go back."

Lu Shaochen grabs her and refuses to let her go.

She put the other hand on the back of his hand, "your mother does not want you to send me, stay with her, if I affect your relationship, I will blame myself."

Lu Shaochen just let go.

Li luoran took a deep breath and walked out of the bead curtain calmly.

In my mind, I can't help echoing the pictures of the kindness and kindness of Lady ANN to her. Now, every beautiful picture has been cruelly torn and turned into bloody fragments

When Mrs. an was nice to her before, she even congratulated herself on meeting a good mother-in-law. She thought that when she married Lu Shaochen in the future, the whole family would be a warm and sweet picture of happiness.

However, an Jiaren's sudden change tore up everything.

Standing in front of the table, an Jiaren looks at Li luoran's figure gradually walking away through the crystal clear white jade curtain.

She does not deny that she still likes Li luoran very much -

not only because of Li luoran's beautiful appearance, but also because of her pride that most "upper class" people don't have.

But why is it so coincidental?

Why is Li luoran, like Xiaojin in those years, bleeding in his bones?!Is that the will of God?

Is she an beautiful woman destined not to get rid of the shadow of that cheap woman in her life?


"Mommy ~"

as soon as Li luoran came out of the curtain, a tender little cute baby rushed into her arms.

"Bright moon!"

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Li luoran, overjoyed, holds Lu Mingyue in her arms. Her heart is especially warm, and all her negative emotions disappear.

"Mommy, grandma is there for her birthday. Why does Mommy leave?" Xiaomengwa blinked her big black eyes and rubbed her white face around liluoran's neck.

Li luoran was just about to explain that the voice of an Jiaren came from the bead curtain,

"children just don't know how to call people mommy so casually? Come inside

Liluoran an was in the hospital that day. She let Mingyue call her "mommy", but now it's the opposite.

Today's Anjia is no longer the Anjia she used to be!

Lu Mingyue's small white hand clung tightly to Li luoran's skirt and refused to let it go. "Mommy, don't go. Mommy will go with me."

Li luoran's heart almost melted, but he could only refuse, "I can't accompany you any more, listen to grandma's words, let's go..."

"Mingyue doesn't leave mummy. Mingyue wants mummy to accompany Mingyue."

The bright moon clutches Li luoran's neck tightly, and tears surge in her bright eyes.

Lu Shaochen said that he would invite Li luoran to the birthday dinner. Lu Shaochen also said that Li luoran would accompany him for a long time tonight.

"Mingyue, even you don't listen to me? One is my good son, and the other is my good grandson. Today, they are against me for the sake of the same woman! "

An Jiaren's voice is sharp,

"Xiaoqing, you will bring Lu Mingyue in now!"

Young Master Lu Mingyue is not allowed to be angry with my grandmother for her birthday! If Mommy doesn't go, I won't go either. I want to be with mommy. I'll go wherever Mommy goes! "


There was a loud noise from the white jade curtain, accompanied by the sound of broken glass products.

Anne's voice almost screamed, "Xiaoqing, don't you even listen to me?"


Xiaoqing can only helplessly hold the moon.

Lu Mingyue clings to Li luoran, but Xiaoqing can't pull her away. In the end, Li luoran forces her hand around her neck, and Xiaoqing is able to take Lu Mingyue away.

"You let me go!"


"I want to be with Mommy!"


"I want mommy!"

Like Lu Shaochen, Xiaomeng, who seldom makes a lot of noise, yells at this time and can't be coaxed.

Listening to the poor voice of xiaomengwa and watching her tears being held farther and farther away, Li luoran felt as if a gap had been cut in his heart. The endless sadness was pouring like the flood that broke the dike, and he couldn't stop it.

I can't bear to see this picture any more.

Determined to turn around, with a hasty step, as if at large.

Around different eyes watching her, colorful figure and she passed by, her eyes were covered by tears, as if in a dream.

A dark shadow appeared before my eyes.

There was no time for her to stop hitting her head.


The last word "Qi" was not as good as saying, but lost its voice after seeing the woman's face clearly

"Lu Shaochen and I had a wonderful picture when we saw it. I knew the result when we saw it together."

A woman with gorgeous and delicate makeup, wearing a black semi transparent dress, looks at her figure and face at least seven points similar to Li luoran. It's easy to mistake her and Li luoran as sisters.

Who would have thought that she was Li luoran's mother?


Li luoran didn't show a trace of loss, only cold lips,

"you just want me to be humiliated, don't you want to see me?"

Looking after the red lips of the moon, after catching the pain of liluoran's eyes, this time, he didn't have the heart to continue to be sarcastic.

Li luoran put her arms around her chest. "You said you expected the result. You knew that Anne would do this to me. You seem to know the reason. Tell me."

Gu lianyue sneered, "of course I know, but I'm not used to other people, especially my daughter, talking to me in a commanding tone."

Li luoran felt a faint pain in his heart. "If I remember correctly, you have always regarded me as a disgrace in your life. This is the first time that you admit that I am your daughter."

Gu lianyue spread out her hands, "Oh? I'm sorry. I made a slip of the tongue. You're a disgrace in my life. It's always been and it's the same now. "Drop this, turn around and go.

Li luoran strode forward, "you haven't told me why!"

"You want to know why, please." The woman in the sense of surname, the figure of charm, back to Li luoran.

Li luoran's eyes hurt slightly, "OK, I beg you."

"You beg me, what do you mean you beg me?"

since Li shuran wanted to see the truth in the last rehearsal, I still want to see the truth? Now so many people are looking at us. As long as you kneel down in front of me in front of these people and clap your hands twice, I will tell you the truth. "

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