You,Under My Name

Chapter 81: 81

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Li luoran's haggard face was full of surprise.

However, the next second, Gu lianyue looks up and laughs, "ha ha, don't daydream, Li luoran, you're not worth wasting a cent of fuel money for you. How can I let you get on the bus? You'll just be in the rain. "

The voice dropped and the car sped away.

Huge Spray Rose, and the mud spilled liluoran all over the body.

She stood in the pungent exhaust and watched the car disappear at the end of the road.

Finally, take a deep breath, cold feet continue to step out.

Li luoran and his father rent a house not far from Xiangwang bridge. About 20 minutes later, Li luoran arrived at home.

Li Qingtian, sitting on the sofa in the living room, reproaches when he hears the opening of the door.

"I knew that I should have taken you home last night. What's the matter with you? I always call you to excuse me for all kinds of reasons, but I didn't go home all night. Are you outside with Lu Shaochen again Dye dye

Seeing Li luoran's appearance like a drowned chicken, his expression turned into pity.

"Oh! What happened? Anyway, you've been with Lu Shaochen all night. Even if you want to come back early, even if you're afraid of my blame, you'll wait until the rain stops. Really, you're weak. What should you do if you catch a cold? "

"I can't help you!"


"It's really..."

While nagging, he took the blanket and wrapped liluoran tightly like zongzi.

Looking at Li Qingtian's tired and haggard face, he thinks that Li Qingtian must have stayed up all night waiting for her last night. Li luoran's tears just stopped falling down, "Dad, I'm sorry, I..."

"Stop, I don't blame you! Take a hot bath first, and I'll prepare your clothes for you. "

I was pushed into the bathroom by Li Qingtian.

Li Qingtian finds her pajamas and puts them at the door for her.

When liluoran took off her skirt, the envelope that she put into her safety pocket fell to the ground. Before, she was very worried. When she saw the envelope, she remembered the agreement with Gu lianyue.

After a bath, put on dry pajamas, go out of the bathroom, the first thing is to give the envelope to Li Qingtian.

Li Qingtian heard that it was something that Gu lianyue gave him, and his hands trembled with excitement. He finally opened the envelope.

However, after seeing the things inside, he sat down on the sofa like wilting.

Li luoran sits beside Li Qingtian and looks at the three things Gu lianyue gives her father -

a gold ring, a bank card and a note.

There was a line of black words on the note,

"the three million on the card, one million is the principal I owe you, two million is the interest over the past 20 years, and the password is Ranran's birthday. I have paid off all the money I owe you -

look down on your pity month."

"This is the wedding ring I gave to your mother. She hasn't returned this ring since she left us. I thought that her keeping this ring at least means that she still has me in her heart and has the possibility of changing her mind. It turns out that she doesn't want to return it to me, but she doesn't want to meet me in order to return it. Once she has a chance, she will let you give it to me..." Li Qingtian holds the ring and sighs.

Li luoran wants to tell her father that there are many men around Gu lianyue. A woman like Gu lianyue is not worthy of her father's love. However, she is afraid that her father will be more sad, so she can only cling to her father's shoulder against her heart,

"dad, don't worry, I believe she will come back."

Unexpectedly, Li luoran said so casually, but Li Qingtian was not excited,

"is that right? Ranran, you tell Dad that you really believe your mother will see the truth. Do you really think she will come back to us? "

Li luoran can only continue to camouflage, "yes, when she is tired of playing outside, she will naturally think that you are the man who really loves her, she will naturally think that you are her real belonging, and she will come back to you."

"Yes! Those men are playing with her, they only like her body, only I am true love to your mother, Ranran, I am her real belonging, she will come back, our family will be reunited! "

Li Qingtian's eyes were filled with tears.

Looking at her father's appearance, Li luoran almost couldn't hold back her tears again.

Father's true love for Gu lianyue, Li luoran knows.

But over the years, Li luoran has always wanted to ask his father what point he fell in love with Gu lianyue.

More than 20 years ago, my father was also a very powerful entrepreneur in Jiangcheng. His "Li family" was widely known. However, at the peak of my father's career, Gu lianyue derailed. The object of her derailment was su Jinnian, her father's most trusted friend at that time. After knowing this, her father was hit hard. When he collapsed, Gu lianyue and Su Jinnian seized the opportunity "Li" and renamed "Su"

Although my father divorced Gu lianyue, he didn't hate her.

Father even knows that Gu lianyue is changing men outside, such as changing clothes, and he is still determined to her.

Whenever I see my father sad because of the pity moon, Li luoran always thinks of brother Yingye——Yingye and her father are the same kind of people. Yingyeming knows that Bai Qingwan is a bad woman, but she still loves her wholeheartedly. She would rather be used as a chess piece by Bai Qingwan than pay her own life for Bai Qingwan

At this time, Li luoran's mobile phone rang.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Qin Weijie's call, she picked up.

"Li luoran, what's the matter with you? What time is it now? Why don't you come to rehearse? Don't forget what day it is today. Don't say it's raining outside. Even if it's raining, you'll come here for me. "

Li luoran suddenly remembered that today is Friday -

that is to say, tonight is the finals of song and dance Shengping.

She sighed weakly, "I see. I'll be there in a minute."

Without waiting for Qin Weijie to continue roaring, Li luoran hung up.


Why did everything rush in when she was in the worst condition?


Li Qingtian drives Li luoran to Shengshi theater.

Because tonight is the most anticipated finals, the other five players have come to the rehearsal hall early for rehearsal, Li luoran went in, everyone's eyes are focused on her.

Qin Weijie glanced at her, "today's big star Li has just become a little famous and started to play big names. If he becomes a big star in the future, what can he do? Can't that shelf be put up in the sky? "

Li luoran didn't give Qin Weijie any face at all.

"you used my popularity to hype yourself. I saw your microblog. You said that you would personally pull me on the stage in the live broadcast tonight, and you also showed me the group photo of me at the rehearsal site. If I really want to put on airs, it's not late, but to publicly clarify that you and I don't have a good relationship How mean you are to me. "

Knowing that Li luoran could do what he said, Qin Weijie did not dare to say anything more.

"Wow, Ranran, am I wrong? Is the diamond on the ring you are wearing the legendary pigeon egg Yan Xueer's scream broke the embarrassment at the moment.

All eyes were drawn to Li luoran's hands.

"My God? Really? Yesterday's jewelry magazine also published this diamond, the price is more than one billion, how can it appear in the dyeing hands? "

"It must be fake. If anyone in the world owns this diamond, they will put it in the safe and hide it. How can they wear it casually?"

"Well, of course it's fake!"

"Ranran, you say for yourself, is this diamond real or fake?"

Li luoran said with a smile, "you guessed it. Of course it's fake. I bought it at the stall to play with it."

But Lu Shaochen has not drawn a clear line with his engagement ring.

In fact, at the moment of breaking up with Lu Shaochen, the ring no longer belongs to her. She will return it as soon as possible.

I'm afraid she can only pay back what she owes Lu Shaochen in her next life

"I'll tell you! Although Ranran is a little famous now, he has not signed a contract with an agent, and has no beat, any advertisement, film and TV series. How can he get the money to buy such valuable accessories? "

"That is, not to mention that she is only a little famous. Even few stars can afford such expensive diamonds. This is the only diamond in the world."

"But although it's fake, it's also dazzling. It's not cheap for Gaofang to be so realistic..."

Women, you say a word, I say a word.

Bai Qingwan, who was silent on one side, could not say how sad she was -

I really don't know how to describe these silly pens. They are so real diamonds. How can they decide that they are fake? As long as you use your brain a little bit, you can imagine that if Li luoran really just bought a fake diamond ring and wore it for fun, why did he wear it on the ring finger of his left hand, which symbolizes the owner of a famous flower?

This is clearly the engagement ring, OK!

Other players including Bai Qingwan were very involved in the rehearsal.

Only Li luoran could not enter the state.

I always think of Lu Shaochen covered with blood. I think of the last time he called her name when she left the hospital. I think of the scenes when she was with him. I go through all the memories. When she was with Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen gave her all the pain and favor

She was confused, as if possessed.

Since she made a decision with Lu Shaochen in the hospital, her soul seems to have been emptied, like a helpless body.

Li ran to the bathroom in a hurry after lunch.

Li luoran didn't know what was wrong with him. From the past few days, he always felt uncomfortable in his stomach for no reason. Now, the feeling of discomfort is more and more frequent, and it's more unbearable every time.

When I came to the bathroom, the discomfort in my stomach disappeared, and I couldn't vomit out.

She has no choice but to go out of the bathroom and find Bai Qingwan at the door.

"Li luoran, I heard you broke up with Lu Shaochen." Bai Qingwan's face is so ironic.Li luoran was so surprised that he couldn't even speak.

It was only early this morning that she broke up with Lu Shaochen, and only Lu Shaochen, an Jiaren and an Xiaoqing were present. How could Bai Qingwan know?

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